Getting Laravel named route by router helper method in React JS - reactjs

This is a quick question. I have been finding a way to do it for a while. I am developing Laravel application. I am using React JS for front end. What I like to do it I like to get the Laravel named route by calling Laravel route() helper method. There is a library/ package to do it in Vue JS. Is there a library to do it as well in React JS? Otherwise, what would be the best way?

There is no "package to do it in VueJS". There is a package exporting the route names and parameters for consumption in a test/PoC application. Those are two totally different scopes. Most people do not require this level of customizability as API routes are considered stable references.
If you took the time to establish a swagger file, their codegen tool can generate a full API client.
If you didn't, all hope is not lost, but you lose some details in the process. Laravel has a route collection, which you can work on relatively easy:
$routeCollection = Route::getRoutes();
foreach ($routeCollection as $value) {
// $value is now a Route object
From this, you can easily write a controller method to export, in your preferred format, the information you need. Do note, however, that it is impossible (AFAIK) to get named route names from the router - you can only match a route by a name.


Do I need Inertia to use Laravel + React

I want to move app and I am looking to new technologies. I have no experience with Laravel, but I wonder if I want to create a Laravel + React web app do I also need to look at Inertia, or I can do Laravel + React without Inertia?
NO. You can build an app with Laravel and React as your front-end without Inertia.
HOWEVER, if you're looking into building an SPA, I'd recommend looking into Inertia, since it makes the process of integrating the back-end and front-end a lot easier and you won't need to write an API to get them talking to each other.
Backing up a bit #Matheus 's answer.
The purpose of Inertia is to be able to create an SPA application using the laravel routing system.
You can create your routes in your web.php, that would point to a Controller's function and that function would return a React component with your data as props.
This takes away a lot of work on both sides. Without inertia you would need a frontend application made in this case with React, then useEffect would be responsible for calling an api in your laravel application to then retrieve just the data so you can use it on your frontend application.
Either way is possible, although if you are a fullstack taking care of both, the frontend and backend I recommend Inertia to save yourself some time and CSRF token pain :)

Angularjs + Angular (5) router

I am trying to run angular next to our old angularjs application. Before we try to go the ngUpgrade (a lot of refactoring needed before possible) route I'd like to try and run them independent from each other. I thought I would be able to achieve this by just rendering the tag and the associated script files that get generated (by angular-cli) on the specified routes that I want to upgrade to our new application.
I do this by adding a state to my angular-ui-router. With *param as last url value so all subsequent routes go to the same route.
But now I have an issue that when I redirect from an angularjs(e.g. /user) route to a new route( e.g. /subscription/2) the application breaks because angular can't resolve the previous route.
I thought this could work if I could intercept the routeChange in angular but can't find a way to do this.
Is this even possible?
In order for angular to intercept and handle routes you need to use an UrlHandlingStrategy. Please check the example here.

How do I reverse an AngularJS route from a Django template?

I have a Django application with an AngularJS frontend. The application sends notification emails, which it renders using Django templates.
ITEM: {{article.title}}
DATE: {{}}
SOURCE: {{}}
The issue is The previous version of the application didn't use Angular, so it was simple to find the link. In we had
url(r'article/(?P<article>\d+)/$', views.ArticleView.as_view(), name='show-article')
which meant that we could reverse a URL to a particular article with
django.core.urlresolvers.reverse('show-article', kwargs={'article':article_id})
Now, on the Angular-based revamp of the site, the display URL for an article looks like /mysite/#/article/1234 and is determined by routes.js:
$routeProvider.when('/article/:articleId', { ... } )
Bottom line, I don't have a way to grab an AngularJS route from Python. I could hard-code the all the routes from routes.js into something the backend sees, but it wouldn't be very DRY. I could generate routes.js dynamically with Django, but right now none of our other JS source is touched by Django -- that doesn't seem very clean either. Maybe I should continue to support the old-style URLs (/article/1234) as a redirect to the Angular-style URLs (/#/article/1234)? That still requires logical duplication, I think.
Is there a better pattern I should be using here?
Decoupling clients and servers is often a goal so duplication should not be considered a bad thing in this case. Depending on your needs however there are solutions which provide a reverse method which behaves like in Django. There is django-js-reverse and django-angular for angular specificaly.

Using the Backbone.js router on a play framework app

I've built a simple REST API using the Play Framework 2.1 (just controllers that expects different kind of calls on different routes)
The API is already working fine but now I am trying to add a front end app using mostly JavaScript and for this purpose I want to use Backbone.js. I've started with a simple router trying to render some views but when I try to open for example the following URL:
It seems that it is the Play Framework router the one that is trying to resolve the URL and not the Backbone.js Router.
Is it actually possible to mix this behavior...I mean have the REST API routes to be handled by the Play Framework and have other set of routes that will be handled by the Backbone.js Router?

How to do good custom routing with CakePHP?

I am planning to rewrite my site into CakePHP and after having spent a full week on learning it, I am still not sure how to do good custom routing in CakePHP.
This is what I want:
Keep the current url structure in www.domain.tld/en/dragons.html, or use a www.domain.tld/en/dragons, but not www.domain.tld/en/nodes/dragons.html. And also be able to use controllers on a similar path structure.
There are about 100 static pages on the entire site. I have read into multi-language routing and I think I can do it. I can also make /en/* or /en/:slug route via a PagesControler or a self-written NodesController.
My problem is that I would like to be able to mix and match url's with and without controllers, so actually what I want is that it checks if a :slug is part of the slug-list, there should still be the option to use that url with a controller.
I have created routes for both /en/contact and /en/:slugid, but it seems all queries were routed to my NodesController, even while I explicitly said that /en/contact should be routed to the ContactsController.
How can I instruct Cakephp to keep my current dictorary structure? I read the routes part of the Cakephp book, but it was extremely short and made me a little unsure about the possibility of such routing. If necessary, I'll just write a php-code that prints all routes for all slugs, so I can still write controller-routes with a similar path structure.
If a file exists in webroot (ie. app/webroot/static.html), the .htaccess file will tell Apache to serve that file before loading the CakePHP framework for requests to
Cake loads routes in a top-down order and will use the first matching route to handle a request. In your case, /en/contact should be above /en/:slugid, else the slugid rule will always win.
If CakePHP's routing does not accomplish what you are after, you can always implement a custom route class (book / example).
