Granting Full SQL Server Permissions for a Database - sql-server

How can I give a user (who was created WITHOUT LOGIN) full control over a contained database without having to specify that database's name, like GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::DatabaseName TO UserName, but without using a database name? I figure it'll include GRANT ALTER ANY SCHEMA TO UserName, but I'm not sure what else I'd need to grant, or if there's a better way. Thanks.

If you literally want them to be able to do anything in that database, you can just add them to the db_owner role:
USE ContainedDatabase;
ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [username];
If you want to be more granular, you can add them to lesser roles, like db_ddladmin, db_securityadmin, etc. You can see the list of built-in roles here:
Database-Level Roles
The permissions inherent in each of those roles:
Permissions of Fixed Database Roles
And if those don't suit, you can create your own roles, add your user to that role, and grant specific permissions to that role you created (and/or add them to other roles). The difference between applying the permissions to the role instead of directly to the user is simply reuse - if you add five more users that you want to apply the same permissions, you just add them to the custom role, rather than apply those granular permissions or roles to all 5 of the users.

Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your server.
In the Object Explorer, expand the "Security" folder under the server.
Right click on the "Logins" folder and choose "New Login..."
Add the users name in the format "Domain\UserName". You can also add domain groups by just changing it to "Domain\GroupName".
5.If you would like this user to have full access to the SQL Server instance, you can choose the "Server Roles" tab. Adding the role "sysadmin" will give them full access to the server to do actions like update the database, backup the database, delete the database.
Click ok and your user will be created and have access to your database.
Choose the "User Mapping" tab. In the top half of this screen, check the box next to the database name. Once you highlight the database and check the box to map the user to it, you can add role memberships to the user. For access to the database.
Click ok and your user will be created and have access to your database.


Azure SQL Database roles and access

What harm can a user with GRANT SELECT ON database.dbo.view TO User access can do? The user can see Security folder in SSMS, roles and can also see master database, roles, etc.? Is there a way we can restrict the user to not see or modify any security roles/groups but can see only a view?
Many Thanks!
In SSMS, a new user will not see the database tables/views without proper roles/permission provided to them but they can see the database objects like Security Users, schema or Roles etc., however they still cannot perform any actions on them if they don't have proper permissions granted to them. As an example if you created a new user and granted a select for a single view, that user will just be able to Select from the view and not able to do anything else on it like altering/deleting the view. Also same user can see the security objects but cannot make any changes on them as well.
We can hide the databases from user in SSMS by using below statement but this is going to hide all the database(even the database in which user has access to see the view).

After creating a new user in a SQL Server database, the user is able to create and drop tables. Why?

I have a huge problem with rights of new users of my SQL Server database. The new user cannot see any tables but is still able to drop them or create new tables.
Code to create the user:
--Code Start
--This is how I instantiate the new user:
CREATE USER userName FOR LOGIN userName;
--Furthermore, the user get some roles. So that the user can do at least something:
CREATE ROLE roleExample;
GRANT DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON dbo.exampleTable TO roleExample;
SP_ADDROLEMEMBER roleExample, userName;
--Code End
In my opinion, the new User should only be able to operate on the exampleTable now. But as I said, the user is also able to create and drop tables.
That's why, I added some constraints to the role, the new user gets:
DENY CREATE TABLE TO roleExample AS dbo;
This did not help either. The User is still able to create tables in dbo.
This problem is btw. not related to a specific schema. The new user can create and drop tables in any schema.
I guess that new users are allowed to create or drop tables by default. Sadly, I do not know how to change it.
I hope you guys can help me.
Attached is an example, where you can see that the user does not know the schema, where a new table should be created. Nevertheless, the schema exists and after executing this statement, the table is created. The error-message just says that this table is already created, because I executed this statement twice. Still, the user is not able to see its own created table in SQL Server Management Studio.
User does not know schema, but still can create tables in it
OK, so there's several things that it might be, but by far the most likely is that someone has granted some database permission(s) to the public role or to some AD group that your users are all in. (Also possible, but less likely is that something similar has been done to the server permissions).
To check for database permissions open SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), right-click on your database in the Object Explorer pane and select "Properties". Then in the Database Properties window click the "Permissions" page from the list on the upper-left.
If there are any database permissions granted to any Users or Roles, they should appear in the upper listbox. If Public is in there click it to see if has been granted any database-wide permissions. All users have the Public role, so anything granted here is automatically granted to all users.
If that isn't it, then check any other roles listed in the upper listbox. Also check any users that look like they might be AD Groups because these work like DB roles except that SQL Server cannot administer them, nor tell who's in a specific group from these interfaces.
If you don't find anything here, then repeat this for the Server Permissions also.

T-SQL grant login for attach or detach databases

I have a question about security in SQL Server.
Is it possible to create a login with only authorization to attach or detach databases?
I don't want it as sysadmin.
If you check the documentation, you will see that for attaching a database we need:
and for detaching:
Requires membership in the db_owner fixed database role.
If you check the security hierarchy and download the Chart of SQL Server Permissions, you can check what other permission a user will have if he has any of the above permissions.
For example, if he has ALTER ANY DATABASE:
Basically, these rights are on the top of the security hierarchy and if you allow a user the ability to attach database, ze will be able to do other operations overt it, too.
If you don't want to make the user member of sysadmin role, that's OK. You can make the user member of dbcreator role:

Restrict database for only one user

i dont know how to ask my question but still i try. I am using SQLServer2008R2. I have created one database say DB1 and also created one SQLServer user say User1. Now I want that only User1 can have access of DB1 database and other user can not access to DB1.
You should look at the security node in management studio for your database.
Check that your user is the only login that associated with your database.
If you want to prevent that user creating another user, revoke his permissions to create users.
For more information on users and roles, see the documentation

How do I prevent SQL Server sysadmin users write access?

I have created a test user that has sysadmin right in SQL Server 2005 (sysadmin, because i want to profile with this user name also).But i want to restrict that test users access rights to production database.
It is under "logins" and also db name selected under the "User Mapping" tab of its properties with "db_denydatareader" default schema. But it is still can run select statements.
Sorry but once you give SysAdmin access, you've given away the farm. You'll have to create a different role for the test user and then grant access only to the databases you want.
