How do I prevent SQL Server sysadmin users write access? - sql-server

I have created a test user that has sysadmin right in SQL Server 2005 (sysadmin, because i want to profile with this user name also).But i want to restrict that test users access rights to production database.
It is under "logins" and also db name selected under the "User Mapping" tab of its properties with "db_denydatareader" default schema. But it is still can run select statements.

Sorry but once you give SysAdmin access, you've given away the farm. You'll have to create a different role for the test user and then grant access only to the databases you want.


Hide all but one database in SQL Management Studio for a specific user without owner privilege

In SQL Server Manager, we want a user to only see a specific database without giving him db_owner privileges. We already tried around with DENY VIEW ANY DATABASE TO test CASCADE, but that hides all databases. To let the database appear in the database list again, I read that we should give him db_owner rights. But that's not what we want.
Is there a way to specify on a per-user basis, which databases he or she could see in the list without admin privileges?

T-SQL grant login for attach or detach databases

I have a question about security in SQL Server.
Is it possible to create a login with only authorization to attach or detach databases?
I don't want it as sysadmin.
If you check the documentation, you will see that for attaching a database we need:
and for detaching:
Requires membership in the db_owner fixed database role.
If you check the security hierarchy and download the Chart of SQL Server Permissions, you can check what other permission a user will have if he has any of the above permissions.
For example, if he has ALTER ANY DATABASE:
Basically, these rights are on the top of the security hierarchy and if you allow a user the ability to attach database, ze will be able to do other operations overt it, too.
If you don't want to make the user member of sysadmin role, that's OK. You can make the user member of dbcreator role:

Granting Full SQL Server Permissions for a Database

How can I give a user (who was created WITHOUT LOGIN) full control over a contained database without having to specify that database's name, like GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::DatabaseName TO UserName, but without using a database name? I figure it'll include GRANT ALTER ANY SCHEMA TO UserName, but I'm not sure what else I'd need to grant, or if there's a better way. Thanks.
If you literally want them to be able to do anything in that database, you can just add them to the db_owner role:
USE ContainedDatabase;
ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [username];
If you want to be more granular, you can add them to lesser roles, like db_ddladmin, db_securityadmin, etc. You can see the list of built-in roles here:
Database-Level Roles
The permissions inherent in each of those roles:
Permissions of Fixed Database Roles
And if those don't suit, you can create your own roles, add your user to that role, and grant specific permissions to that role you created (and/or add them to other roles). The difference between applying the permissions to the role instead of directly to the user is simply reuse - if you add five more users that you want to apply the same permissions, you just add them to the custom role, rather than apply those granular permissions or roles to all 5 of the users.
Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your server.
In the Object Explorer, expand the "Security" folder under the server.
Right click on the "Logins" folder and choose "New Login..."
Add the users name in the format "Domain\UserName". You can also add domain groups by just changing it to "Domain\GroupName".
5.If you would like this user to have full access to the SQL Server instance, you can choose the "Server Roles" tab. Adding the role "sysadmin" will give them full access to the server to do actions like update the database, backup the database, delete the database.
Click ok and your user will be created and have access to your database.
Choose the "User Mapping" tab. In the top half of this screen, check the box next to the database name. Once you highlight the database and check the box to map the user to it, you can add role memberships to the user. For access to the database.
Click ok and your user will be created and have access to your database.

How to create a read-only server role on SQL Server 2012?

I am granting the "View any database" permission when creating a new server role, but realized this permission only allows the user to view the system databases.
I am trying to create a server role that is read-only and can read any database.
Is there a way to create a user-defined server role to read user databases? Or do I have to do this through user mapping per user?
So, no is the answer, you can't assign database level permissions to server level roles, you can't even add a server role to a database role, which I find really frustrating as I've tried to do the same thing as you.
The way I ended up doing this was not by using a server role at all, I did the following:
Created an AD group for each server that I wanted read only access for
Created a login on the server for the group
Assigned the login to the db_datareader role on the model database
Assigned the login to the db_datareader role on all the pre-existing databases
Added my windows users into the AD group
This way, you can simply assign (or train your servicedesk folks to assign) users who need read only access to all databases on a server to the AD group, plus, as the role is set in the model database, they will have access to all newly created databases on the server too.

Finding out the windows group by virtue of which a user is able to access a database in sql server?

There is a SQL Server 2005 database with mixed-mode authentication.
Among others, we have the following logins on the server: our-domain\developers-group-1, and our-domain\developers-group-2 which are AD groups.
The our-domain\developer-group-2 is added to the sysadmin role on the server, by virture of which all domain users of that group can access any database as SQL Server implictly maps the sysadmin role to the dbo user in each database.
There are two users our-domain\good-user and our-domain\bad-user
The issue is the following: Both the good-user and the bad-user have the exact same AD group memberships. They are both members of our-domain\developers-group-1 and our-domain\developers-group-2. The good-user is able to access all the databases, and the bad-user is not. The bad-user is able to login, but he is unable access any databases. By the way, I am the good-user.
How do I go about finding out why?
Here's what I tried so far:
When I do print current_user, I get dbo
When I do print system_user, I get my-domain\good-user
When I do select * from fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'SERVER'), I see permissions.
But if do execute as user='my-domain\good-user'; select * from fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'SERVER'), I dont see any permisisons.
And When I do, execute as user='my-domain\bad-user'; select * from fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'SERVER'), I dont see any permisisons.
Also, I was wondering if there is a sql command that will tell me, "hey! the current database user is able to access this database because he is a member such-and-such ad-group, which is a login that is mapped to such-and-such user in this database".
If you have the relevant permissions within Management Studio, this shouldn't take too long to work out. It sounds like the bad-user AD group has limited permissions within SQL Server.
You need to check the settings in Security in the GUI, and check the mappings for each of these AD groups - clicking on the databases to see what permissions they have on each database.
Is it possible that you simply have implicit permissions as the creator/owner of the objects, yet no explicit permissions have been granted on the AD groups/roles or to your user individually?
