How do I create write services in the Wagtail api? - wagtail

I want to be able to crud stuff via the api. Does anybody have any idea of how I would go about that?


Displaying data in salesforce app from outside

Hi I am very new to Salesforce, the below is what I am trying to achieve.
I am using a machine learning algorithm in Python, and result of this needs to be displayed in salesforce app.
Currently this data to be displayed resides in a place in a different server.
Is it possible to display data not residing in salesforce in salesforce app (Without creating new fields in salesforce) ?
Please help.
Thanks in advance
If you don't need any interactions of your Python app with Salesforce logic, you can integrate an with the Salesforce UI using Canvas.
But if data from Python app should to be processed by some logic in SF, I think you need to use Salesforce API for integration. But it's way which you want to avoid.

How to distribute your own data on Salesforce?

I will work on a new project related to salesforce. Actually what we want to do is to have a salesforce API that contains our database and this API will accept connections from our clients. Once we establish the connection the user will have the access to our database too. Since I dont know anything about salesforce right now, I just wanted to ask you if you have some ideas on how to do that ? Is there any existing API doing that ? or We need to implement our new API for salesforce ?
Salesforce provides several APIs out of the box that can be used to access the data stored in your Organization.
Have a look at the REST API, Enterprise API and the Partner API. See Which API Should I Use?.
If none of those suit your needs you can use Apex to create your own REST or SOAP based services., anybody use them together?

I've been looking for the best way to build a search web/ios/android application with user login and a REST Webservice. I have landed on CakePHP for the Website creation and REST api handling.
I would also use the RestKit API for iOS, and not sure for what RestAPI I'd use for Android.
I also want to be able to use OAuth-2.0 for communicating with Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest.
My Question:
Is there a way to use CakePHP and together to handle all the user authentication, and would I need to separate data tables (one on and the other on another hosting service with CakePHP)?
I would like to keep everything at if I could. Any help would be awesome!
I'm not familiar with CakePHP, but if you can completely ignore whatever DB/ORM comes with it by default, you can use Parse on your server and in client apps. There's an un-official PHP library you can use for the server, and they offer iOS and Android SDKs.

salesforce rest api

I am new to salesforce. I need to know how to design a WSDL for salesforce REST API inorder to connect salesforce service?
I have a doubt, is it possible to do a GET request(sales force has REST access) on sales force resources and create xsd based on the response xml received for each request?
But I cant able to find particular schema available for salesforce.
Is there any other way to design a WSDL for REST API?
Thank you for your answer in advance
For the REST API, you don't need to use the WSDL. You can explore the API by going to
For an interactive explorer, check out apigee's salesforce console:
You can also use Workbench to make REST calls to Salesforce:

WPF Twitter Integration

I've currently got an app that me and a few mates have be working on and we would like to add some degree of twitter integration - basically we would like a user to be able to logon and tweet from the application..
I've looked an API but they all seem to use MVC and some sort of Callback URLS to process the login..
My question is how exactly can we handle that with WPF? Ive really no idea so any help would be fantastic
The API we are using for the integration is
So - We are looking for how to manage the logon to Twitter through our application and how to store the Data safely.
This is a good API which uses Linq.
You should try it out.
