AngularJS library urls - angularjs

Good morning.
I would like to know which site contains urls for angular.js and aungula-ui-router.js ? (The question seems not to exist in
Last year i used "" but it seems to no longer work.
So what is the official host for angularjs now ?
I know that angularjs is now an old framework but i have to use it at work.
i woul appreciate some help.
Thanks in advance.

I personally prefer to use


Datatable Plugin for CakePHP 4

I have been upgrading my application from cakephp 3 to cakephp 4. I was using fheider/cakephp-datatables and I have come across ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables where both support cakephp 3.
I am currently looking for a cakephp-datatable plugin which supports cakephp 4.
If anybody has an idea, I would be happy.
Thanks in Advance.
Isn't the built-in pagination is what you are looking for ? you can do advanced dynamic database links with your HTML tables.
I successfully use ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables on CakePHP 4.2.7. It works very well for me.
You might have to play around a bit to get it working correctly. Read some of the issues (open and closed) on the ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables github repository and you can likely get it working.
Good Luck!

I find that some JS files in the common layout html are not available in the ng-view loaded file

I am new to AngularJS and making a headway.
However I came across this issue later in my work.
I have found that...
Some non-angular JS files are not available in the partial-html loaded with the ng-view command through default AngularJS routing.
As I am new to AJs, so can anyone assist me to fix this problem.
I would really appreciate if the solution is given living in the default AngularJS framework i.e a pure AJs solution. I have seen third party workarounds which are sort of stepping out of the framework without being aware of any possible performance compromises.
Thank you.
After searching for answers for quiet a while I have discovered a pure AngularJS solution to the problem at last.
The solution is rather a complete repository on GitHub by a user so here is the link...

Cookies in Angular 4

I am trying to create an easy website. I came accross Angular 4 a thought this would be a nice fit for my needs. So I started to mess around and tried to create something.
Now I am trying to set a Cookie. I searched quite a lot, but all I found were some older versions of Angular wich didnt really help me along. They were written in JavaScript, used $cookies and the examples were completly different structured. I am using Typescript.
Can you guys show how to set a cookie in Angular 4 and Typescript?
I am just programming for fun, so please dont expect that much knowlege.
But I am willing to learn. :D
Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english.
You CANNOT set a cookie from the front end. The cookie needs to be sent from the server with a set-cookie header.
And NO! Angular 4 is not known as Angular 2. HOWEVER, Angular 4 drives a lot of similarities from Angular 2 and is built under the same architecture, hence, what works in Angular 2 works for Angular 4, most of the times.
Ok, turns out I'm really stupid. The newest angular-version is 4 but its known as angular 2. So I found my answer really fast.
Sorry for my stupidity.

Is there an AngularJS ORM

I came a across the following article while considering adding bacon.js and AngularJS:
But I could not find any other resources that would encourage (or discourage) the use of bacon.js in angularJs.
So I'm looking for some other resources on the subject? Does anyone have use the concept proposed by Dean Sofer? Does it work the magic promise?
Has anyone use the concept used in the video?
Sure this link can help you Also I have my work with angularjs and bacon together

Is there a tutorial for using cakephp and uploadify?

Does anyone have a good tutorial implementing cakephp and uploadify?
Have you seen this one:
I've also created a CakePHP plugin for Uploadify. I guess it's still kinda beta, but it seems to work for my needs. It's also open-source, so it can be a good starting point for you if it doesn't 100% suit your needs.
The url for that tutorial has changed.
The correct url is
