CS50 - LOAD - Get random character from no where when trying to execute load - c

I am new to C programming. I am trying to do the pset5 in CS50 while trying to understand the concepts of memory, linked list and hashtable. I wrote the code and it compiled but there seems to be something wrong because every time I tried to execute the code it returns some garbage value. Could anyone please help me with that? Many thanks.
#include "dictionary.h"
#define DICTIONARY "dictionaries/small"
typedef struct node
char WORD[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
int hash(char *word);
int main(void)
node **HASHTABLE = malloc(sizeof(node) * 26);
//open the dictionary
FILE *dic = fopen(DICTIONARY, "r");
if (dic == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open the library\n");
return 1;
int index = 0;
char word[LENGTH + 1];
for (int c = fgetc(dic); c != EOF; c = fgetc(dic))
word[index] = c;
if (c == '\n')
int table = hash(word);
printf("%d\n", table);
//create a newnode
node *newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
strcpy(newnode->WORD, word);
newnode->next = NULL;
printf("Node: %s\n", newnode->WORD);
index = 0;
//add new node to hash table
if (HASHTABLE[table] == NULL)
HASHTABLE[table] = newnode;
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
node *p = HASHTABLE[i];
while (p != NULL)
printf("%s", p->WORD);
p = p->next;
//free memory
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
node *p = HASHTABLE[i];
while (p != NULL)
node *temp = p->next;
p = temp;
int hash(char *word)
int i = 0;
if (islower(word[0]))
return i = word[0] - 'a';
if (isupper(word[0]))
return i = word[0] - 'A';
return 0;

Your code has serious problems that result in undefined behavior.
Two of them are the result of this line:
node **HASHTABLE = malloc(sizeof(node) * 26);
That allocates 26 node structures, but the HASHTABLE variable expects the address of a pointer to an array of node * pointers (that's the ** in the node **HASHTABLE declaration).
So, you should replace it with something like:
node **HASHTABLE = malloc( 26 * sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
Note that I used the dereferenced value of the variable being assigned to - HASHTABLE. This means in this case a node (one less * than in the declaration). So if the type of HASHTABLE changes, you don't need to make any other changes to the malloc() statement.
That problem, while technically undefined behavior, likely wouldn't cause any problems.
However, there's still a problem with
node **HASHTABLE = malloc( 26 * sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
that will cause problems - and serious ones.
That array of 26 pointers isn't initialized - you don't know what's in them. They can point anywhere. So this won't work well, if at all:
if (HASHTABLE[table] == NULL)
Meaning this points off to somewhere unknown:
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
And that will cause all kinds of problems.
The simplest fix? Initialize the values all to zero by using calloc() instead of malloc():
node **HASHTABLE = calloc( 26, sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
Until that's fixed, any results from your entire program are questionable, at best.

The reason for the garbage is that you didn't null-terminate the string:
strcpy(newnode->WORD, word);
strcpy expects the src to point to a null-terminated string. Simply adding 0 at the end. Simply terminate it with
word[index] = 0;
before the strcpy.
Other than that, the ones in Andrew Henle's answer should be addressed too, but I am not going to repeat them here.
BTW, next you will notice that
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
wouldn't work properly - that code always inserts the node as the 2nd one. But you want to always insert the new node unconditionally as the head, with
newnode->next = HASHTABLE[table];
HASHTABLE[table] = newnode;
There need not be any special condition for inserting the first node to a bucket.


Why does my hash table program keep crashing?

I'm trying to create a program that reads a dictionary and then stores the words into the hash table, then read another file checks every word of that file if it is in the hash table if it is not then it will be outputted as a misspelled word. I'm first trying to check if I can load the dictionary file into my hash table and then output the words in the hash table yet my code seems to crash whenever I try to run it. The hash function I use was taken from the Internet. I'm also still very new with data structures, and having a hard time understanding.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// file to read
#define dictionary "dictionary.txt"
// No. of buckets
const unsigned int N = 10;
typedef struct node
char* word;
struct node *next;
node *table[10];
// hash function
unsigned int hash(char *word)
unsigned int hash = 5381;
int c = 0;
while (c == *word++)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
return hash % 10;
int main(void)
// initialize array heads to NULL
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
table[i] = NULL;
// Open file to read
FILE *indata = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (indata == NULL)
printf("cant open\n");
return 1;
// variable to store words read from the file
char *words = malloc(sizeof(char) * 20);
if (words == NULL)
printf("no memory\n");
return 1;
// While loop to read through the file
while (fgets(words, 20, indata))
// get the index of the word using hash function
int index = hash(words);
// create new node
node *newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (newNode == NULL)
return 1;
// make the new node the new head of the list
strcpy(newNode->word, words);
newNode->next = table[index];
table[index] = newNode;
// free memory
// free memory
// loop to print out the values of the hash table
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *tmp = table[i];
while (tmp->next != NULL)
printf("%s\n", tmp->word);
tmp = tmp->next;
// loop to free all memory of the hash table
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (table[i] != NULL)
node *tmp = table[i]->next;
table[i] = tmp;
// close the file
At least three bugs that independently caused a segfault:
First, newNode->word is used unitialized, so it points to random memory, so the strcpy would segfault. Better to use strdup
Also, after you put newNode in the table, you do free(newNode) making what it points to invalid. This causes the second loop to segfault
Third, in the second loop, if table[i] is null, the while (tmp->next != NULL) will segfault
I've annotated and corrected your code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// file to read
#define dictionary "dictionary.txt"
// No. of buckets
const unsigned int N = 10;
typedef struct node {
char *word;
struct node *next;
} node;
node *table[10];
// hash function
unsigned int
hash(char *word)
unsigned int hash = 5381;
int c = 0;
while (c == *word++)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
// NOTE: not a bug but probably better
#if 0
return hash % 10;
return hash % N;
// initialize array heads to NULL
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
table[i] = NULL;
// Open file to read
FILE *indata = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (indata == NULL) {
printf("cant open\n");
return 1;
// variable to store words read from the file
char *words = malloc(sizeof(char) * 20);
if (words == NULL) {
printf("no memory\n");
return 1;
// While loop to read through the file
while (fgets(words, 20, indata)) {
// get the index of the word using hash function
int index = hash(words);
// create new node
node *newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (newNode == NULL) {
return 1;
// make the new node the new head of the list
// NOTE/BUG: word is never set to anything valid -- possible segfault here
#if 0
strcpy(newNode->word, words);
newNode->word = strdup(words);
newNode->next = table[index];
table[index] = newNode;
// free memory
// NOTE/BUG: this will cause the _next_ loop to segfault -- don't deallocate
// the node you just added to the table
#if 0
// free memory
// loop to print out the values of the hash table
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
node *tmp = table[i];
// NOTE/BUG: this test fails if the tmp is originally NULL (i.e. no entries
// in the given hash index)
#if 0
while (tmp->next != NULL) {
while (tmp != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", tmp->word);
tmp = tmp->next;
// loop to free all memory of the hash table
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (table[i] != NULL) {
node *tmp = table[i]->next;
table[i] = tmp;
// close the file
I made a linked list program before that stores an integer in the list, int number; struct node *next; and I used newNode->number = 5; and it worked, why is it in this case it doesn't?? Is it because I am working with strings here??
The difference is that word is a pointer. It must be assigned a value before it can be used. strcpy does not assign a value to word. It tries to use the contents of word as the destination address of the copy.
But, the other two bugs happen regardless of word being a char * vs number being int.
If you had defined word not as a pointer, but as a fixed array [not as good in this usage], the strcpy would have worked. That is, instead of char *word;, if you had done (e.g.) char word[5];
But, what you did is better [with the strdup change] unless you can guarantee that the length of word can hold the input. strdup will guarantee that.
But, notice that I [deliberately] made word have only five chars to illustrate the problem. It means that the word to be added can only be 4 characters in length [we need one extra byte for the nul terminator character]. You'd need to use strncpy instead of strcpy but strncpy has issues [it does not guarantee to add the nul char at the end if the source length is too large].
Conincidentally, there is another question today that has an answer that may help shed some more light on the differences of your word struct member: Difference between memory allocations of struct member (pointer vs. array) in C
From a cursory glance I can see two problems:
You don't allocate space for your word in the node; you simply strcopy the word into an undefined pointer. You might want to use strdup instead.
You free the memory of the node after you added it to the list. The table is an array of pointers, so you store the point in the table and then throw away the memory that it points to.
Oh, three: and in the final loop you free the unallocated memory again...

How to Copy Characters in a Linked List to an Array in C?

I am having an issue with copying the contents of the character array in a linked list to a regular array of characters. I have an issue with a segmentation fault that I am not sure why.
The program that I have created works when the character array in the linked list is only one character, but it does not work when it is greater than 1. The main issue occurs on line 62 ("array[index] = p -> word[count]"). I have tried using strcpy to copy each index of it into the character array but that as well produced an error that reads: "passing argument 2 of ‘strcpy’ makes pointer from integer without a cast".
However, when I use an assignment statement, I just get a segmentation fault. I am not sure why because I feel I've created enough memory that should be able to hold the contents of the linked list for the array.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node
char word[100];
struct node *next;
} ListNode;
int main ()
ListNode * head = NULL;
ListNode * tail = NULL;
for (int count = 0; count < 5; count++)
ListNode * temp = malloc (sizeof (*temp));
strcpy(temp -> word, "Hi");
temp -> next = NULL;
if (tail == NULL)
head = temp;
tail = temp;
tail->next = temp;
tail = temp;
char array[999]; // array that will hold the characters in the linked list
ListNode * p = head; //position of the current node
int count;
int index = 0;
// while p is still a node in the list
while(p != NULL)
if((int) strlen(p -> word) > 1) // checks if the string is longer than one character
count = 0; // initializes count as 0
while(count < (int) strlen(p -> word)) // counts how many characters are in the string
array[index] = p -> word[count]; // assings the words into charater array
count++; // increments the count
index++; // changes the index
array[index] = p -> word[0]; // copies p-word to array
index++; // changes the index in the array
p = p -> next;
return 0;
As mentioned before, the program works whenever the character array in the linked list is only 1, but a segmentation fault is produced when the number is greater than 1. Please let me know what I need to correct in this program. Thank you.
simplify your loops; for-loops allow you to keep the loop-machinery on one line
avoid special cases; there is nothing special about a one-char string
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node
char word[100];
struct node *next;
} ListNode;
int main ()
ListNode * head = NULL;
ListNode * tail = NULL;
ListNode * p ;
int count;
int index ;
char array[999]; // array that will hold the characters in the linked list
for (count = 0; count < 5; count++)
ListNode * temp = malloc (sizeof *temp);
strcpy(temp->word, "Hi");
temp->next = NULL;
if (!tail) { head = temp; tail = temp; }
else { tail->next = temp; tail = temp; }
for(p=head;p; p=p->next) { // walk the linked list
for(index=0; p->word[index]; index++) { // walk the string
array[count++] = p->word[index];
array[count++] = 0; // terminate
printf("%s\n", array);
return 0;

Printing binary search tree, segmentation fault error 11

could you help me?
Program reads words from a file and puts them into binary search tree, but I get "Segmentation fault: 11" when running my print function.
struct node {
char * item;
struct node * left;
struct node * right;
struct node * new(char * a) {
struct node * new;
new = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node *));
new->item = a;
new->left = new->right = NULL;
return new;
struct node * insert(struct node * a, char * b) {
if(a == NULL) {
a = new(b);
else if (b <= a->item) {
a->left = insert(a->left, b);
else {
a->right = insert(a->right, b);
return a;
void print(struct node * a) {
if (a->left == NULL && a->right == NULL)
printf("%s", a->item);
else if (a->left != NULL)
from main.c :
struct node * root = NULL;
struct node * start;
start = root;
while (fscanf(fp, "%s", temp) != EOF) {
root = insert(root, temp); // insert function works ok
I've made a change in main.c:
int i = 0;
while (fscanf(fp, "%s", temp) != EOF) {
root = insert(root, temp);
if (!i) {
start = root;
i = 1;
Now it doesn't show error, but it prints only the last word from the tree instead of printing it recursively. Any suggestions?
Thank you for your help. Following your suggestions I've made changes to this function:
struct node * new(char * a) {
struct node * new;
char * stringcopy;
stringcopy = malloc(strlen(a) + 1);
strcpy(stringcopy, a);
new = malloc(sizeof(* new));
new->item = stringcopy;
new->left = new->right = NULL;
return new;
Now everything works fine.
The original problem was almost certainly that start was NULL since you did not update it when you updated root. (Meanwhile it seems that the whole start is unnecessary; just use root directly.)
The new problem (printing only the last word) is that you are not traversing the tree correctly: your print function only prints if both left and right are NULL, so only a leaf node is ever printed, and furthermore it does not descend into the right branch if there is a left branch.
You could try something like this instead (untested code):
void print(struct node * a) {
if (a == NULL) { return; }
(void) puts(a->item);
In particular, note that if you are at a non-NULL node, you need to print its item unconditionally, or the complete output will be missing that node.
Another problem seems to be that you are not copying item when you create the node. So if your temp in insert(root, temp) is indeed a temporary object that will be overwritten or freed, all of your items (except possibly the last) will be invalid by the time you try to print them. Instead of assigning new->item = a, do the equivalent of new->item = strdup(a) and then remember to free it when you free the node.
(strdup is not in the C standard library, but it is easy to implement: allocate enough space for the string, including NUL terminator, and copy.)
Also, the comparison b <= a->item is almost certainly not doing what you expect it to; see strcmp.

I have a segmentation fault and am unsure about what is wrong with my code

Any guidance would be appreciated. I personally believe the problem lies in the load method. Also, the basic functionality of each method is written in the comments. What could be the cause of my segmentation fault? and Is everything working as intended? Thank you for your time.
Any resources that may point in me in the proper direction would be appreciated too.
* Implements a dictionary's functionality.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
//Defining node:
typedef struct node
{ //Inner workings of each "element" in the linked lists
char word[LENGTH + 1]; //the word within the node is +1'd due to the memory after the word containing /0
struct node *next; //linked list
node *alphabetList[27]; //26 buckets that can contain variables of type node(of dynamic size)
//one bucket for each letter of the alphabet
node *cursor = NULL;
node *head = NULL;
* Returns true if word is in dictionary else false.
bool check(const char *word)
int bucketIndex ;
//no need to malloc information b/c we are simply pointing to previously established nodes.
if(word[0] >= 65 && word[0] < 97){
bucketIndex = word[0] - 65;
bucketIndex = word[0] - 97;
node *head = alphabetList[bucketIndex];
node *cursor = head;
while(cursor != NULL)
cursor = cursor -> next;
if(strcmp(cursor -> word, word) != 0)
return true;
return false;
* Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false.
bool load(const char *dictionary)
char *word = NULL;
int i = 0; //index
FILE *dictionaryTextFile;
dictionaryTextFile = fopen(dictionary, "r");
//scan for word
while(fscanf(dictionaryTextFile, "%s", word) != EOF)
//for every word we scan we want to malloc a node to ascertain we have sufficent memory
node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(new_node == NULL) //error check(if you run out of memory malloc will return null)
return false;
//error check complete.
strcpy(new_node -> word, word);
//not sure from here on
char first_letter = new_node[i].word[0]; //first letter of node word (confused on how to execute this properly)
first_letter = tolower(first_letter);
int index = first_letter - 97;
for(node *ptr = alphabetList[index]; ptr!= NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
if(!ptr-> next){
ptr->next = new_node;
alphabetList[index] = new_node;
return true;
* Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded.
unsigned int size(void)
return 0;
* Unloads dictionary from memory. Returns true if successful else false.
bool unload(void)
for(int i = 0; i <= 26; i++)
node *head = alphabetList[i];
node *cursor = head;
while(cursor != NULL)
node *temp = cursor;
cursor = cursor -> next;
return true;
The problem is obvious now you've said on which line the code crashes. Consider these lines...
char *word = NULL;
int i = 0; //index
FILE *dictionaryTextFile;
dictionaryTextFile = fopen(dictionary, "r");
//scan for word
while(fscanf(dictionaryTextFile, "%s", word) != EOF)
You've got 2 problems there. Firstly, you don't check that the call to fopen worked. You should always check that the value returned is not NULL.
Secondly, and the cause of the crash, is that word is still NULL - you don't allocate any space to hold a string in it. You might as well declare it the same as you declare it inside node so replace
char *word = NULL;
char word[LENGTH+1];
Speaking of node and to save you coming back with another crash later, you should always make sure you initialise all attributes of a struct. In this case new_node->next should be set to NULL as otherwise you'll come to check it later in your for loop (which looks fine BTW) and it might appear to point to a node, but it's pointing at some random place in memory and the code will crash.

invalid write size of 1 in C

I trying to write a queue(String Version) program in C by using linked lists.
Here is the structure:
struct strqueue;
typedef struct strqueue *StrQueue;
struct node {
char *item;
struct node *next;
struct strqueue {
struct node *front;//first element
struct node *back;//last element in the list
int length;
I creates a new StrQueue first
StrQueue create_StrQueue(void) {
StrQueue q = malloc(sizeof (struct strqueue));
q->front = NULL;
q->back = NULL;
q->length = 0;
return q;
makes a copy of str and places it at the end of the queue
void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->item = NULL;
strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?
new->next = NULL;
if (sq->length == 0) {
sq->front = new;
sq->back = new;
} else {
sq->back->next = new;
sq->back = new;
frees the node at the front of the sq and returns the string that was first in the queue
char *pop(StrQueue sq) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *i = sq->front;
char *new = sq->front->item;
sq->front = i->next;
sq->length --;
return new;
I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error.
Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it? Thanks in advance.
Okay, first things first, in the answer below I am NOT fixing your doubly linked list concepts, I am just showing you how you should fix the code above within the scope of your question. You may want to look into how doubly linked lists are done.
void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->item = NULL;
The next statement is wrong:
There are two ways you can solve it:
Make sure that *str is a valid pointer outside of the list management context while the list is being used.
Let the list manage the string allocation (and possibly deallocation).
is the quick and dirty method, it's easier to debug later but larger codebase makes it cumbersome.
cleaner looking code, but requires initial setup discipline, you should create object (string) management routines in addition to list management routines. can be cumbersome in its own right.
CASE 1: const char *str is guaranteed to be valid for life of StrQueue (this is what you are looking for really)
It should be:
new->item = str;
Here we assume str was a dynamic string allocated elsewhere
Now, in pop when you pop off the string you are okay. because the pointer you are returning is still valid (you are guaranteeing it elsewhere)
CASE 2: const char *str is not guaranteed to be valid for life of StrQueue
Then use:
new->item = strdup(str);
Now, in pop when you pop off the string you can either
de-allocate the strdup and not return anything, (not quite the same things as you did)
pass a container pointer to pop where contents of item are copied (clean)
return the popped off pointer, but you must deallocate it separately when you are done with it (ugly)
Which would make your pop function one of the following:
Case 2.1:
void pop(StrQueue sq) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
Case 2.2:
char *pop(StrQueue sq, char *here) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
strcpy(here, node->item);
Case 2.3:
char *pop(StrQueue sq) {
char *dangling_item = NULL;
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
dangling_item = node->item;
return dangling_item;
I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error. Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it?
This code:
new->item = NULL;
strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?
You're not suppose to pass a null pointer to the first argument, it should be a pointer to allocated memory. The reason why you're getting this error message, I can imagine, is because the implementation of strcpy probably looks like this:
for (int i = 0; str2[i]; i++) str1[i] = str2[i];
And in the first iteration of the for loop, it writes to address 0 (a read-only section of memory) - this gives you the invalid write of size 1. I'm not sure, however, why you are only getting a size of 1, though (I would imagine it would be the entire size of the string). This could be because either a) str is only of size 1 or b) because the signal, SIGSEGV stops the program.
How to fix:
Allocate space for new->item before calling strcpy, like this:
new->item = malloc (strlen (str) + 1); // + 1 for null-terminating character
But you could probably include some error checking, like this:
int len = strlen (str) + 1;
if (len){
new->item = malloc (len);
if (!new->item){
