invalid write size of 1 in C - c

I trying to write a queue(String Version) program in C by using linked lists.
Here is the structure:
struct strqueue;
typedef struct strqueue *StrQueue;
struct node {
char *item;
struct node *next;
struct strqueue {
struct node *front;//first element
struct node *back;//last element in the list
int length;
I creates a new StrQueue first
StrQueue create_StrQueue(void) {
StrQueue q = malloc(sizeof (struct strqueue));
q->front = NULL;
q->back = NULL;
q->length = 0;
return q;
makes a copy of str and places it at the end of the queue
void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->item = NULL;
strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?
new->next = NULL;
if (sq->length == 0) {
sq->front = new;
sq->back = new;
} else {
sq->back->next = new;
sq->back = new;
frees the node at the front of the sq and returns the string that was first in the queue
char *pop(StrQueue sq) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *i = sq->front;
char *new = sq->front->item;
sq->front = i->next;
sq->length --;
return new;
I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error.
Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it? Thanks in advance.

Okay, first things first, in the answer below I am NOT fixing your doubly linked list concepts, I am just showing you how you should fix the code above within the scope of your question. You may want to look into how doubly linked lists are done.
void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->item = NULL;
The next statement is wrong:
There are two ways you can solve it:
Make sure that *str is a valid pointer outside of the list management context while the list is being used.
Let the list manage the string allocation (and possibly deallocation).
is the quick and dirty method, it's easier to debug later but larger codebase makes it cumbersome.
cleaner looking code, but requires initial setup discipline, you should create object (string) management routines in addition to list management routines. can be cumbersome in its own right.
CASE 1: const char *str is guaranteed to be valid for life of StrQueue (this is what you are looking for really)
It should be:
new->item = str;
Here we assume str was a dynamic string allocated elsewhere
Now, in pop when you pop off the string you are okay. because the pointer you are returning is still valid (you are guaranteeing it elsewhere)
CASE 2: const char *str is not guaranteed to be valid for life of StrQueue
Then use:
new->item = strdup(str);
Now, in pop when you pop off the string you can either
de-allocate the strdup and not return anything, (not quite the same things as you did)
pass a container pointer to pop where contents of item are copied (clean)
return the popped off pointer, but you must deallocate it separately when you are done with it (ugly)
Which would make your pop function one of the following:
Case 2.1:
void pop(StrQueue sq) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
Case 2.2:
char *pop(StrQueue sq, char *here) {
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
strcpy(here, node->item);
Case 2.3:
char *pop(StrQueue sq) {
char *dangling_item = NULL;
if (sq->length == 0) {
return NULL;
struct node *node = sq->front;
sq->front = node->next;
dangling_item = node->item;
return dangling_item;

I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error. Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it?
This code:
new->item = NULL;
strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?
You're not suppose to pass a null pointer to the first argument, it should be a pointer to allocated memory. The reason why you're getting this error message, I can imagine, is because the implementation of strcpy probably looks like this:
for (int i = 0; str2[i]; i++) str1[i] = str2[i];
And in the first iteration of the for loop, it writes to address 0 (a read-only section of memory) - this gives you the invalid write of size 1. I'm not sure, however, why you are only getting a size of 1, though (I would imagine it would be the entire size of the string). This could be because either a) str is only of size 1 or b) because the signal, SIGSEGV stops the program.
How to fix:
Allocate space for new->item before calling strcpy, like this:
new->item = malloc (strlen (str) + 1); // + 1 for null-terminating character
But you could probably include some error checking, like this:
int len = strlen (str) + 1;
if (len){
new->item = malloc (len);
if (!new->item){


Array pointer always points to NULL

Im trying create a linked list in an array of nodes. When I try to update the pointer for arrTab->h_table[index] to the address of newNode, The address points to newNodes address. But when I try to add to a list that exists in the array, the pointer always points to NULL instead of the previous value in memory. Basically the arrTab->h_table[index] head of the linked list does not update to the address of newNode.
typedef struct node {
struct node* next;
int hash;
s_type symbol;
} node_t;
struct array {
int cap;
int size;
n_type** h_table;
int add_to_array (array* arrTab, const char* name, int address) {
if(s_search(arrTab, name, NULL, NULL) == NULL){
s_type *symbol = (s_type*) calloc(1, sizeof(s_type));
symbol->name = strdup(name);
symbol->addr = addr;
n_type *newNode = (n_type*) calloc(1, sizeof(n_type));
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->hash = nameHash(name);
newNode->symbol = *symbol;
int index = newNode->hash % arrTab->cap;
if(arrTab->h_table[index] == NULL){
arrTab->h_table[index] = newNode;
} else {
newNode->next = arrTab->h_table[index];
arrTab->h_table[index] = newNode;
return 1;
return 0;
struct node* s_search (array* arrTab, const char* name, int* hash, int* index) {
int hashVal = nameHash(name);
hash = &hashVal;
int indexVal = *hash % arrTab->cap;
index = &indexVal;
s_type *symCopy = arrTab;
while (symCopy->h_table[*index] != NULL){
if(*hash == symCopy->h_table[*index]->hash){
return symCopy->h_table[*index];
symCopy->h_table[*index] = symCopy->h_table[*index]->next;
return NULL;
I cannot say for sure why the pointer always points to NULL; there is not enough code. Consider posting an MCVE.
The posted code however presents few problems to address.
First, it leaks memory like there is no tomorrow:
symbol_t *symbol = (symbol_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(symbol_t));
allocates some memory, and
newNode->symbol = *symbol;
copies the contents of that memory to the new location. The memory allocated still exists, and continues to exist after the function returns - but there's no way to get to it. I strongly recommend to not allocate symbol, and work directly with newNode->symbol:
newNode-> = strdup(name);
newNode->symbol.addr = addr;
The hash and index parameters to symbol_search seem to be planned as an out parameters. In that case, notice that the results of hash = &hashVal; and index = &indexVal; are invisible to the caller. You likely meant *hash = hashVal and *index = indexVal.
The biggest problem comes with sym_table_t *symCopy = symTab;.
symTab is a pointer. It points to an actual symbol table, a big piece of memory. After the assignment, symCopy points to the same piece of memory. Which means that
symCopy->hash_table[*index] = symCopy->hash_table[*index]->next;
modifies that piece of memory. Once the search is completed, the hash_table[index] is not the same as it was before the search. This could be a root of your problem. In any case, consider
node_t * cursor = symTab->hash_table[*index];
and work with this cursor instead.
As a side note, a search condition *hash == symCopy->hash_table[*index]->hash is strange. Every node in a given linked list has the same hash (check how you add them). The very first node would produce a match, even if the names are different.

CS50 - LOAD - Get random character from no where when trying to execute load

I am new to C programming. I am trying to do the pset5 in CS50 while trying to understand the concepts of memory, linked list and hashtable. I wrote the code and it compiled but there seems to be something wrong because every time I tried to execute the code it returns some garbage value. Could anyone please help me with that? Many thanks.
#include "dictionary.h"
#define DICTIONARY "dictionaries/small"
typedef struct node
char WORD[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
int hash(char *word);
int main(void)
node **HASHTABLE = malloc(sizeof(node) * 26);
//open the dictionary
FILE *dic = fopen(DICTIONARY, "r");
if (dic == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open the library\n");
return 1;
int index = 0;
char word[LENGTH + 1];
for (int c = fgetc(dic); c != EOF; c = fgetc(dic))
word[index] = c;
if (c == '\n')
int table = hash(word);
printf("%d\n", table);
//create a newnode
node *newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
strcpy(newnode->WORD, word);
newnode->next = NULL;
printf("Node: %s\n", newnode->WORD);
index = 0;
//add new node to hash table
if (HASHTABLE[table] == NULL)
HASHTABLE[table] = newnode;
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
node *p = HASHTABLE[i];
while (p != NULL)
printf("%s", p->WORD);
p = p->next;
//free memory
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
node *p = HASHTABLE[i];
while (p != NULL)
node *temp = p->next;
p = temp;
int hash(char *word)
int i = 0;
if (islower(word[0]))
return i = word[0] - 'a';
if (isupper(word[0]))
return i = word[0] - 'A';
return 0;
Your code has serious problems that result in undefined behavior.
Two of them are the result of this line:
node **HASHTABLE = malloc(sizeof(node) * 26);
That allocates 26 node structures, but the HASHTABLE variable expects the address of a pointer to an array of node * pointers (that's the ** in the node **HASHTABLE declaration).
So, you should replace it with something like:
node **HASHTABLE = malloc( 26 * sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
Note that I used the dereferenced value of the variable being assigned to - HASHTABLE. This means in this case a node (one less * than in the declaration). So if the type of HASHTABLE changes, you don't need to make any other changes to the malloc() statement.
That problem, while technically undefined behavior, likely wouldn't cause any problems.
However, there's still a problem with
node **HASHTABLE = malloc( 26 * sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
that will cause problems - and serious ones.
That array of 26 pointers isn't initialized - you don't know what's in them. They can point anywhere. So this won't work well, if at all:
if (HASHTABLE[table] == NULL)
Meaning this points off to somewhere unknown:
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
And that will cause all kinds of problems.
The simplest fix? Initialize the values all to zero by using calloc() instead of malloc():
node **HASHTABLE = calloc( 26, sizeof( *HASHTABLE ) );
Until that's fixed, any results from your entire program are questionable, at best.
The reason for the garbage is that you didn't null-terminate the string:
strcpy(newnode->WORD, word);
strcpy expects the src to point to a null-terminated string. Simply adding 0 at the end. Simply terminate it with
word[index] = 0;
before the strcpy.
Other than that, the ones in Andrew Henle's answer should be addressed too, but I am not going to repeat them here.
BTW, next you will notice that
HASHTABLE[table]->next = newnode;
wouldn't work properly - that code always inserts the node as the 2nd one. But you want to always insert the new node unconditionally as the head, with
newnode->next = HASHTABLE[table];
HASHTABLE[table] = newnode;
There need not be any special condition for inserting the first node to a bucket.

C - Read file to Doubly Linked List got segmentation fault

I am reading from txt file into a doubly linked list. The codes can do storing data into Nodes, but when I let it go through the linked list, it got a segmentation fault.
Could you guys please tell what has been wrong with the code, thank you!
This is the data structure:
typedef struct telephoneBookNode {
int id;
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
char telephone[TELEPHONE_LENGTH];
struct telephoneBookNode * previousNode;
struct telephoneBookNode * nextNode;
} TelephoneBookNode;
typedef struct telephoneBookList {
TelephoneBookNode * head;
TelephoneBookNode * tail;
TelephoneBookNode * current;
unsigned size;
} TelephoneBookList;
This is the code to create linked list:
TelephoneBookList * createTelephoneBookList(char entry[]) {
TelephoneBookList* aList = NULL;
TelephoneBookNode* aNode = NULL;
char *tokens;
TelephoneBookNode *(*create)() = createTelephoneBookNode;
aNode = (*create)();
tokens = strtok(entry, ", ");
aNode->id = atoi(tokens);
tokens = strtok(NULL, ", ");
strcpy(aNode->name, tokens);
tokens = strtok(NULL, ", ");
strcpy(aNode->telephone, tokens); //Fine until here
//Do I need this line?
//aList = (TelephoneBookList*) malloc(aList->size + 1) * sizeof aList);
if (aList->head == NULL) {
aNode->nextNode = NULL;
aNode->previousNode = NULL;
aList->current = aNode;
aList->head = aNode;
aList->tail = aNode;
} else {
aList->tail->nextNode = aNode;
aNode->previousNode = aList->tail;
return aList;
TelephoneBookNode * createTelephoneBookNode() {
TelephoneBookNode* aNode;
aNode = (TelephoneBookNode*) malloc(sizeof *aNode);
return aNode;
//Do I need this line?
//aList = (TelephoneBookList*) malloc(aList->size + 1) * sizeof aList);
Yes. Yes you do need that line. Otherwise the next line
if (aList->head == NULL) {
will dereference a null pointer.
Though you already do that in the commented out malloc call, dereference a null pointer, with aList->size + 1.
The correct line should be
aList = malloc(sizeof *aList);
And since you create the list from scratch in the function, there is no need to check if it is empty or not, it will always be empty. More importantly, the malloc call will not initialize the memory it allocates, so using that memory (for example in an expression like aList->head == NULL) will lead to undefined behavior.
Allocate the list structure. And then initialize it as if it was empty. And don't forget to initialize the size member as well.
Your createTelephoneBookNode function does not initialize the node that it created. malloc() assigns it a memory block that's probably not been initialized with zeros, and as a result, the nextNode and previousNode pointers contain garbage. Either set them both to NULL, or allocate your memory with calloc().

C Segmentation fault even when using EOF [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm loading a file into memory and I am doing so with the following statement:
if ((ch = fread(&temp[i],1,1,loadDict)) == EOF)
But I receive a segmentation fault. Upon inspection using gdb I verified that the fault is happening at this line (the if statement, before the break). Why does it not see that it will fault (the whole point of using EOF)?
I thought it might be that I'm using the EOF in an if statement rather than within a while() statement. Is it possible to use EOF in an if statement?
Update: More Code
bool load(const char* dictionary)
FILE* loadDict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
char* new = malloc(sizeof(char)); // for storing the "new-line" character
*new = 0x0A;
// defines a node, which containes one word and points to the next word
typedef struct node
char* word;
struct node* next;
node* head = malloc(sizeof(node));
node* temp = malloc(sizeof(node));
// copies a word from the dictionary file into a node
int* numStore = malloc(sizeof(int)); //count for number of words in dictionary
int num = 0;
int ch = 0; // to hold for EOF
int flag = 0; // for breaking out of while loop
node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
int i = -1;
if (!feof(loadDict) || !ferror(loadDict))
flag = 1;
if (memcmp (new, &temp[i], 1) == 0)
num += 1;
while(memcmp (new, &temp[i], 1) != 0);
if (flag == 1)
numStore = &num;
return true;
typedef struct node
char* word;
struct node* next;
The structure that you defined can crash, at least the implementations I have seen has. The char* inside the node has no fixed value. So when you do :
node* head = malloc(sizeof(node));
The malloc() will allocate a memory of (taking 1 byte for char pointer, and an int size pointer for node, defaulting to 4 bytes on a 32-bit machine) 5 bytes. What happens when you read more than 5 bytes?
Also, you are needlessly complicating this:
int* numStore = malloc(sizeof(int));
If you want to store the number of words in the dictonary, straight away use an int numstore, less headache :)
node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
Now, this here is an interesting concept. If you want to read till the end of file, you have got two options:
1) use feof()
2) at the end of the loop, try this:
if(fgetc(loadDict)==EOF) break; else fseek(loadDict,-1,SEEK_CUR);
Also, this line: temp->word=malloc(46);
Why are you manually allocating 46 bytes?
Armin is correct, &temp[i], while i does get allocated to 0, the do{...}while(); is completely unnecessary.
Also from man fread :
You are reading what looks to me like 1 character.
In my opinion, try something like this:
set a max value for a word length (like 50, way more for practical purposes)
read into it with fscanf
get its length with fscanf
allocate the memory
Also, you do not need to allocate memory to *head; It can be kept as an iterator symbol
I almost forgot, how are you going to use the returned list, if you are returning bool, and the *head is lost, thus creating a memory leak, since you can't deallocate the rest? And unless you are using c99, c doesn't support bool
/*Global declaration*/
typedef struct node
char* word;
struct node* next;
node *head, *tmp;
/* for the bool if you really want it*/
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
node* load(const char* dictionary)
FILE* loadDict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
char word[50];
int num = 0;
int len;
node *old;
/*node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
fscanf(loadDict,"%s ",word);
len = strlen(word);
tmp = malloc(len + sizeof(node));
tmp->next = NULL;
head = tmp;
old = head;
old->next = tmp;
old = tmp;
if(fgetc(loadDict)==EOF) break; else fseek(loadDict,-1,SEEK_CUR);
printf("number of counted words::\t%d\n",num);
return head;
Also, please remember that i have only accounted for the act that words are separated by one space per, so please load the file t=like that, or change the algo :) Also, be sure to free the memory after using the program !
void freeDict()
node *i;
i = head;
head = head->next;
Hope this helps :)
This compiles...I've now run it too. The error handling on failure to allocate is reprehensible; it should at minimum give an error message and should probably free all the allocated nodes and return 0 (NULL) from the function (and close the file).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Node
char *word;
struct Node *next;
} Node;
Node *dict_load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *loadDict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (loadDict == 0)
return 0;
Node *head = 0;
char line[4096];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), loadDict) != 0)
size_t len = strlen(line); // Includes the newline
Node *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == 0)
exit(1); // Reprehensible
node->word = malloc(len);
if (node->word == 0)
exit(1); // Reprehensible
memmove(node->word, line, len - 1); // Don't copy the newline
node->word[len-1] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string - tweaked!
node->next = head;
head = node;
return head;
If you've got to return a bool from the function, then you probably need:
static bool dict_load(const char *dictionary, Node **head)
If the argument list is fixed at just the file name, then you're forced to use a global variable, which is nasty on the part of the people setting the exercise. It's 'doable' but 'ugly as sin'.
The code above does work (note the tweaked line); adding functions dict_free() and dict_print() to release a dictionary and print a dictionary plus proper error handling in dict_load() and a simple main() allows me to test it on its own source code, and it works (printing the source backwards). It gets a clean bill of health from valgrind too.
You're use of temp[i] raises suspicion that you might be accessing outside memory.
To quote from K&R:
If pa points to a particular element of an array, then by definition pa+1 points
to the next element, pa+i points i elements after pa, and pa-i points i elements
These remarks are true regardless of the type or size of the variables in
the array a. The meaning of ``adding 1 to a pointer,'' and by extension,
all pointer arithmetic, is that pa+1 points to the next object, and pa+i
points to the i-th object beyond pa.

Trying to return a string from a queue in C/free problems

I've been working on a lab for a CSC class for a while, and unfortunately I'm a bit rusty with C (as you'll probably notice from the code). I'm encountering two particular problems, both related to memory management.
1) In the dequeue operation, I'm attempting to return a string value from the node at the end of the queue. Since I'm also trying to use free() and kill off that node once I retrieve the data, I need to use a method like strcpy() to grab the data. The program segfaults whenever I try to use strcpy, and Valgrind claims invalid r/w.
2) dequeue also is not properly updating the stringQueue struct for reasons I cannot understand. I have similar code for stacks where the alterations persist, but I can keep running dequeue all day and it won't actually remove the end node.
The relevant code:
typedef struct node {
char data [strMax];
struct node * next;
} queueNode;
typedef struct {
queueNode * head;
queueNode * tail;
} stringQueue;
char * dequeue(stringQueue *queue) {
char * data = malloc(strMax * sizeof(char));
if(empty(*queue)) {
return "Null list!";
else if(!(queue->head)->next) { // One item in the queue.
data = (queue->head)->data;
queue->head = NULL;
queue->tail = NULL;
else { // Multiple items in the queue.
data = (queue->tail)->data;
queueNode * trace = queue->head;
while(trace->next) // Seek the last node in the queue.
trace = trace->next;
queue->tail = trace;
return data;
Your main problem is in lines like data = (queue->head)->data;. You can't assign array like this. you should memcpy. (strcpy is for null-terminated strings, and I guess that it's not so)
edit: you can also use strncpy, to avoid buffer-overflow.
You probably want to declare data as a char * = NULL at first. Then when you want to return it use data = asprintf("%s", (queue->tail)->data);. That will only do the string allocation and copying when needed, and only the required size. Then your calling code must take responsibility for freeing that data itself.
You currently have a char[] in your node struct in memory on the heap. Later on, you are setting a pointer to the data member of the struct, then freeing the struct in memory. You are left with a 'dangling pointer' that points to where the struct used to be. Trying to use that pointer will end in almost certain doom (or worse, unpredictable behaviour).
I see a few problems with your code...
First you do not test that your queue argument is not NULL. Then you haven't included your definition of empty() but probably testing that queue->head is NULL should tell you that the list is empty. Here you are dereferencing it prior testing it's a valid pointer, very dangerous.
Secondly, you are mallocing some data which is not used properly. When you do the affection data = (queue->head)->next; you are loosing the pointer to your allocated memory, you probably want to do a strncpy() here like strncpy(data, queue->head->data, strMax). After this you can uncomment your free(). The function calling your dequeue one will have to free() that string later when it's not used anymore.
Why not allocate your data only when you are sure that the list is not empty? If you do not want to do this, you then have to free() that unsuded malloc'ed memory.
See the code below.
queueNode* find_before_tail(stringQueue* queue)
queueNode* node = NULL;
if (!queue || !queue->head)
return NULL;
node = queue->head;
while (node->next != queue->tail && node->next)
node = node->next;
return node;
char * dequeue(stringQueue *queue) {
char *data = NULL;
queueNode* to_queue = NULL;
if(!queue || !queue->head) {
/* Nothing to dequeue here... */
return NULL;
data = malloc(strMax * sizeof(char));
if (!data) {
printf("Error with malloc()...\n");
return NULL;
/* Only one element */
if(!(queue->head)->next == queue->head) {
strncpy(data, queue->head->data, strMax);
queue->head = NULL;
queue->tail = NULL;
else {
strncpy(data, queue->tail->data, strMax);
to_dequeue = queue->tail;
queue->head = queue->head->next;
queue->tail = find_before_tail(queue);
if (!queue->tail)
return NULL;
queue->tail->next = NULL;
data[strMax - 1] = 0;
return data;
There are probably some other issues with the rest of your code, judging by this one but hopefully it gives you some basis.
Here again you are not testing the return value of malloc(). Here is a version with a non-cyclic linked list (I've also updated the dequeue() function above to work with this).
int enqueue(stringQueue *queue, char *item)
queueNode * newNode = NULL;
if (!queue || !item)
return EINVAL;
newNode = malloc(sizeof(queueNode));
if (!newNode) {
return errno;
strncpy(newNode->data, item, strMax);
newNode->data[strMax - 1] = 0;
if (!queue->head) {
/* Element is queue and tail */
queue->tail = newNode;
newNode->next = queue->head;
queue->head = newNode;
return 0; /* Everything was fine */
I have not tested the code but it should be very similar to this. In this scenario, when you have only one element, this_element->next is NULL and not pointing to itself.
