Drupal Services Plugin ignoring multi-value fields - drupal-7

I'm using drupal 7 with services plugin 3.17
I'm trying to create a node with a field that accepts multiple values via json api with the following data:
"title":"My title",
"body": {
"und": [ { "value": "Article body" } ]
"field_article_auhtors": {
"und": [{"value": "author 1"}, {"value": "author 2"}, {"value": "author 3"}]
The node is succesfully created but only the first value of field_article_auhtors is populated.
Is my json structure incorrect to create multiple values on "field_article_auhtors"?

Version 3.17 of Services has a bug with multi value fields. It looks like the bug is a regression introduced around version v3.6.
A patch was released in November, and multiple users are reporting it as working, though officially it's marked as 'Needs Work'. (The author has asked for a review of the code, and it has already been included in the dev version of Services. That said, a gentle nudge / reminder to test it in a dev environment. ;)
See the conversation, the patch, and a dev release of Services that includes it over on Drupal's official Services Project section at https://www.drupal.org/project/services/issues/2224803


Alfresco 7: Search both in the version store and the content store

I have Alfresco 7.0 community edition, with search services version 2.0.2.
My need is to search for all documents having some metadata values, both in the version store and the content store.
I've tryied to search against the versionStore from public api with the following body
"query": {
"language": "afts",
"query": "TYPE:\"myc:projects\" AND myc:prop:\"pippo\""
"paging": {
"maxItems": 100,
"skipCount": 0
"include": [
"scope": {
"locations": "versions"
but I get http status 500.
If I try to search from Node Browser I receive this error message No solr query support for store workspace://version2Store.
I also tried the ligthweigth store (which is the difference?)
Is it possible to search with lucene, AFTS against the versions? Do I need to enable some property in alfresco-global.properties?
I've also seen this question and it's seems to me they can do searches.
Thanks a lot.
I've been able to handle both types of searches doing a CMIS query, but I had to write a module that handle that type of reseach (the form, results to be joined and displayed...).
Versioned nodes have a property which point to the noreRef of the current node.

Date field not recognized with Azure Form Recognizer

I have built a custom neural model using the Form Recognizer Studio. I have marked the date fields when I labeled the data to build the model.
I have problems extracting the exact date value using the following Java SDK:
The returned JSON (as previewed in the Form Recognizer Studio) is:
"Start Date": {
"type": "date",
"content": "01.05.2022",
"boundingRegions": [
"pageNumber": 1,
"polygon": [
"confidence": 0.981,
"spans": [
"offset": 910,
"length": 10
If I am using the Java SDK, then the getValueDate() returns null, while the getContent() returns the correct string value.
Most likely the issue occurs because the document I use is not in English and the date format might not be recognized. As per documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/language-support only English is supported for custom neural models.

Azure AD show group name in id token instead of group id

My id token has group (as role) ids only
"roles": [
Even set to sAMAccountName
Any idea to return the group names instead?
If you are expecting group names in the claims of ID/Access/SAML token, unfortunately currently that is not supported due to some limitations. You would only have the object ids (guid) of the groups in the claim for AAD managed groups.
If you absolutely need group names for your purpose, consider a separate Graph API call to list group memberships of a user.
Also feel free to upvote on the feature request of group names in claims here.
Please refer to this similar question
I know this question is rather old already, but I experienced the same issue in summer 2021 still when trying to create a new .NET API project. Probably people stumbling across it in 2021 could make use of my solution:
I decided to create a NuGet package that resolves the group names using Microsoft Graph for applications using .NETs Microsoft.Identity.Web package (mostly ASP.NET Core applications).
Feel free to take a look into https://github.com/peterwurzinger/AuthOida if that's applicable to your use case.
This is relatively old, but there's answer to that.
You can translate your groups to names by adjusting your application manifest.
Go to your application manifest via Applications and SSO options, you should see there "Manifest option" it should return a JSON which you can modify.
The important bit is in the optionalClaims, you need to add to your groups.additionalProperties section cloud_displayname option like this:
"optionalClaims": {
"idToken": [
"name": "preferred_username",
"source": null,
"essential": false,
"additionalProperties": []
"name": "groups",
"source": null,
"essential": false,
"additionalProperties": [

How do I get all unique documents by a max field

I am working on a search feature for a Liferay 6.2 app, but I am struggling with how to get the latest articles.
For reasons, the client wants to track all versions of the Liferay Journal Articles in Solr. This means that every "version" gets stored as a separate document with an incrementing version field. For the purpose of the search, I need to grab the latest one.
For example, if I have a Journal Article like this in Solr:
title:"Sample Doc 1",
content:"abc 123 xyz",
title:"Sample Doc 2",
title:"Sample Doc 2",
title:"Sample Doc 1",
content:"xxx xxx 1234556",
title:"Sample Doc 2",
And I queried all documents I would expect the results:
title:"Sample Doc 1",
content:"xxx xxx 1234556",
title:"Sample Doc 2",
Noticing that I only retrieved each unique articleId that had the max version.
Exact versions I am working on are:
Liferay 6.2.ee sp11 (with some patches)
Solr 4.10.4 under Tomcat 7.0.64
I tried googling for answers, but I am not sure what I am googling for here. I don't think facets are the answer, and grouping doesn't seem to return the results I need.
You can use grouping or a collapse filter for that. From my experience collapse filter is much faster than grouping. Here is how it should be used for your case:
fq={!collapse field=articleId max=version}

Solr document Submission

I am new in the solr technology.Can you please tell me how a document can submit to solr using user interface.Is it necessary to create xml of the document first?I expect a simplest way of document indexing..
Please Help.
The default Solr RequestHandler (from 4.0) supports four formats: XML, JSON, CSV and javabin. There's a page under the Admin interface to submit documents to the index (select the core and Documents).
There are examples of each of the formats available in the Solr reference guide. If you're using a client library, the library will usually handle this for you anyways, and use an appropriate format depending on which language it's written in and what built-in libraries are available.
The simplest format for manually adding documents is probably JSON:
"id": "1",
"title": "Doc 1"
"id": "2",
"title": "Doc 2"
You can also use the DataImportHandler to import data locally at the server, such as from an SQL-database. In that case you don't submit the actual rows to the server, but you tell the handler to fetch the rows and create documents for you.
