-Xassembler and -Xpreprocessor examples - c

I recently got my hands dirty with assembly and c code and found the gcc option -Xassembler -Xpreprocessor. i searched online for simple examples and the values these gcc options take, but couldn't find.
help appreciated.
thank you

-Xassembler: It passes an option to the assembler as a compilation option, such as specific options regarding architecture (which most probably GCC couldn't recognize). It is similar to -Wa (however the way to pass arguments change). For the completeness sake, I am used to see -Wa instead of -Xassembler, I guess backward compatibility explains why there are two similar options.
An example for -Xassembler (ARM arch): -Xassembler -mthumb to assemble for Thumb architectures (or -Wa,-mthumb).
-Xpreprocessor: It passes an option to the preprocessor, as before, it is useful to pass options that GCC doesn't recognize. It is similar to -Wp (and the way to pass arguments change).
An example for -Xpreprocessor: -Xpreprocessor -M (or -Wp,-M) in order to
output a rule suitable for make describing the dependencies of the main source file


How gcc confirms the options used?

Some gcc options have multiple representations.
For example, --warn-unused-macros can get the same result as -Wunused-macros.
But I checked the gcc website 3.8 Options to Request or Suppress Warnings.
There is only a description of -Wunused-macros.
How does gcc lead the two options to the same result?
Thank you !!!
For example, --warn-unused-macros can get the same result as -Wunused-macros.
Mmh, indeed it appears to be an undocumented alternative way to specify -W... parameters (it is not even reported by gcc --help=warnings). However I only did a quick search, so it may be documented somewhere (maybe someone else may point to the documentation if they found it).
Also, if I execute gcc --warn-long-long2, GCC will correctly tell me that I may have misspelled the --warn-long-long option (a.k.a. -Wlong-long). So, suggestions correctly work for this alternate naming.
How does gcc lead the two options to the same result?
The two options lead to the same result simply because GCC treats them as the same option with different names. Many softwares have several names for the same option. I'm not sure what your doubt/question is about this.
Do you want to know specifically how GCC parse command line options internally?

Why would gcc change the order of functions in a binary?

Many questions about forcing the order of functions in a binary to match the order of the source file
For example, this post, that post and others
I can't understand why would gcc want to change their order in the first place?
What could be gained from that?
Moreover, why is toplevel-reorder default value is true?
GCC can change the order of functions, because the C standard (e.g. n1570 or newer) allows to do that.
There is no obligation for GCC to compile a C function into a single function in the sense of the ELF format. See elf(5) on Linux
In practice (with optimizations enabled: try compiling foo.c with gcc -Wall -fverbose-asm -O3 foo.c then look into the emitted foo.s assembler file), the GCC compiler is building intermediate representations like GIMPLE. A big lot of optimizations are transforming GIMPLE to better GIMPLE.
Once the GIMPLE representation is "good enough", the compiler is transforming it to RTL
On Linux systems, you could use dladdr(3) to find the nearest ELF function to a given address. You can also use backtrace(3) to inspect your call stack at runtime.
GCC can even remove functions entirely, in particular static functions whose calls would be inline expanded (even without any inline keyword).
I tend to believe that if you compile and link your entire program with gcc -O3 -flto -fwhole-program some non static but unused functions can be removed too....
And you can always write your own GCC plugin to change the order of functions.
If you want to guess how GCC works: download and study its source code (since it is free software) and compile it on your machine, invoke it with GCC developer options, ask questions on GCC mailing lists...
See also the bismon static source code analyzer (some work in progress which could interest you), and the DECODER project. You can contact me by email about both. You could also contribute to RefPerSys and use it to generate GCC plugins (in C++ form).
What could be gained from that?
Optimization. If the compiler thinks some code is like to be used a lot it may put that code in a different region than code which is not expected to execute often (or is an error path, where performance is not as important). And code which is likely to execute after or temporally near some other code should be placed nearby, so it is more likely to be in cache when needed.
__attribute__((hot)) and __attribute__((cold)) exist for some of the same reasons.
why is toplevel-reorder default value is true?
Because 99% of developers are not bothered by this default, and it makes programs faster. The 1% of developers who need to care about ordering use the attributes, profile-guided optimization or other features which are likely to conflict with no-toplevel-reorder anyway.

gcc generating a list of function and variable names

I am looking for a way to get a list of all the function and variable names for a set of c source files. I know that gcc breaks down those elements when compiling and linking so is there a way to piggyback that process? Or any other tool that could do the same thing?
EDIT: It's mostly because I am curious, I have been playing with things like make auto dependency and graphing include trees and would like to be able to get more stats on the source files. And it seems like something that would already exist but i haven't found any options or flags for it.
If you are only interested by names of global functions and variables, you might (assuming you are on Linux) use the nm or objdump utilities on the ELF binary executable or object files.
Otherwise, you might customize the GCC compiler (assuming you have a recent version, e.g. 5.3 or 6 at least) thru plugins. You could code them directly in C++, or you might consider using GCC MELT, a Lisp-like domain specific language to customize GCC. Perhaps even the findgimple mode of GCC MELT might be enough....
If you consider extending GCC, be aware that you'll need to spend a significant time (perhaps months) understanding its internal representations (notably Generic Trees & Gimple) in details. The links and slides on GCC MELT documentation page might be useful.
Your main issue is that you probably need to understand most of the details about GCC internal representations, and that takes time!
Also, the details of GCC internals are slightly changing from one version of GCC to the next one.
You could also consider (instead of working inside GCC) using the Clang/LLVM framework (but learning that is also a lot of time). Maybe you might also look into Frama-C or Coccinnelle.
Another approach might be to compile with debug info and parse DWARF information.
PS. My point is that your problem is probably much more difficult than what you believe. Parsing C is not that simple ... You might spend months or even years working on that... And details could be target-processor & system & compiler specific...

Clang or GCC equivalent of _PGOPTI_Prof_Dump_All() from ICC

Intel C(++) Compiler has very useful functions to help with profile guided optimisation.
/* code */
This is particularly useful for profiling shared libraries which one would use with ctypes in Python.
I've been trying to figure out if either Clang or GCC have similar functionality – apparently not.
Profile guided optimization works differently in gcc and it is enabled with compiler switches. See this question for PGO with gcc.
PGO just recently arrived in clang and is only available starting at version 3.5. The clang user manual gives an overview of how to use it.
It turns out that both have an internal and not properly documented function named __gcov_flush which does this. It is only explained in the source.
/* Called before fork or exec - write out profile information
gathered so far and reset it to zero. This avoids duplication or
loss of the profile information gathered so far. */
It's not quite as convenient as the Intel equivalent though and requires some gymnastics to make it work.

Function specific optimization in GCC 4.4.3

In reference to my earlier question here, I found out a possilbe bug in GCC 4.4.3 when it did not support following pragmas in the source code for optimization (although it says 4.4.x onwards it does!)
#pragma GCC optimize ("O3")
Tried both above options but both gave compile time errors in the compiler itself(See the error message snapshot posted in the link mentioned above)
Now are there any further options for me to enable different optimization levels for different functions in my C code?
From the online docs:
Numbers are assumed to be an optimization level. Strings that begin with O are assumed to be an optimization option, while other options are assumed to be used with a -f prefix.
So, if you want the equivalent of the command line -O3 you should probably use the just the number 3 instead of "O3".
I agree that this is a bug and should not generate an ICE, consider reporting it along with a small test case to the GCC guys.
Now are there any further options for me to enable different optimization levels for different functions
in my C code?
Your remaining option is to place the functions in their own .c file and compile that .c file with the optimization flag you want.
