Mongoid query using 1:M relationship - mongoid

I have a collection A and collection B
In Model A I have declared - has_many: B
In Model B I have declared - belongs_to: A
So I can query like 'A.B' which returns all Bs associated with A.
How to query to select only those A's where A.B.size is 0
Ex: A.where(some_condition).and(:A.B.size => 0)

A=collection name for A
B = collection name for B
First we will fetch all the unique foreign_keys of A which are inserted in B.
data_in_b = B.where(condition).pluck(:a_id)
a_ids = A.all.pluck(:_id) // ["id1", "id2", "id3", "id4", "id5"]
if data_in_b.count > 0
a_fks_in_b = data_in_b.uniq // ["id1", "id5"]
ids_in_a_without_b = a_ids - a_fks_in_b // ["id2", "id3", "id5"]


Combine arrays with conditions in Ruby

I have a class People with three properties
class People
attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :age
And I have two arrays:
a = [p1, p2]
b = [p3, p4]
Is there any easy way to combine these two arrays in a new array and remove the item with a condition like:
p1.first_name + p1.last_name == p3.first_name + p3.last_name
And after that all the item should be belong to array a
For example
p1.first_name = "Ada"
p1.last_name = "Wang"
p1.age = 28
p2.first_name = "Leon"
p2.last_name = "S"
p2.age = 28
p3.first_name = "Ada"
p3.last_name = "Wang"
p3.age = 18
p4.first_name = "Mario"
p4.last_name = "M"
p4.age = 80
the result should be [p1] the 28 years old Ada.Wang
I'm not sure I get your point, but maybe this is a possible option.
c = a + b
c.uniq! { |e| e.first_name && e.last_name }
Call Array#uniq! with a block on c which is the concatenation of a and b.
If arrays a and b themselves do not contain people with matching first and last names then this would work:
b.each_with_index do |p, i|
if !(b[i].first_name == a[i].first_name and b[i].last_name == a[i].last_name)
a.push(p) # as people p does not contain the same first/last names as a it can now be added to a
To check for other fields simply replace first_name / last_name with other variables.

How I can get difference of queries?

class PostTemplate(BaseModel):
content = TextField(unique=True)
class VkGroup(BaseModel):
group_id = IntegerField(unique=True)
class PostTemplateVkGroup(BaseModel):
group = ForeignKeyField(VkGroup)
post_template = ForeignKeyField(PostTemplate)
def get_posted_templates_for_group(group_id: int) -> Iterable:
"""Get posted templates.
group_id (int): id группы
queries = (PostTemplate
.where(VkGroup.group_id == group_id))
return queries
all_post_templates =
Many-to-many relationship.
For every record in PostTemplateVkGroup post template from this record is used in group from this record.
all_post_templates = not_posted_templates | posted_templates
How I can get not_posted_templates?
If your database supports the "EXCEPT" operation, you can:
all_post_templates = PostTemplate.alias().select()
post_templates = get_posted_templates_for_group(...)
difference = all_post_templates - post_templates
Sqlite example:
class Post(Base):
title = TextField()
class Tag(Base):
tag = TextField()
class PostTag(Base):
post = ForeignKeyField(Post)
tag = ForeignKeyField(Tag)
db.create_tables([Post, Tag, PostTag])
data = (
('pa', ('ta1', 'ta2')),
('pb', ('tb1', 'tb2')),
('pc', ()))
for title, tags in data:
post = Post.create(title=title)
for tag in tags:
tag = Tag.create(tag=tag)
PostTag.create(post=post, tag=tag)
# Create some tags that aren't associated with any post.
pa1_tags = (Tag
.where(Post.title == 'pa'))
all_tags = Tag.alias().select()
diff = all_tags - pa1_tags
for t in diff:
# Prints
# tb1
# tb2
# tx1
# tx2

How to write "in" query for Erlang mnesia?

I have a mnesia table, lets say employee. I need to find all employee records whose name is in EmployeeNameList = ["Erlich", "Richard", "Gilfoyle", "Dinesh"]. Is there a way to do this using mnesia:select or other function?
Following the documentation of Mnesia
It can be done as follows:
get_employees_by_name(NameList) ->
MatchHead = #employee{name = '$1', _ = '_'},
Result = '$_'
MatchSpec = [ { MatchHead, [{'=:=', '$1', Name}], [Result]} || Name <- NameList ],
F = fun() ->
mnesia:select(employee, MatchSpec)
{atomic, Result} = mnesia:transaction(F),

Accessing instance variables inside an array

I am trying to access a specific value inside an array. The array contains specific class instance variables and is as follows:
[[#<Supermarket:0x007f8e989daef8 #id=1, #name="Easybuy">,
#<Delivery:0x007f8e989f98a8 #type=:standard, #price=5.0>],
[#<Supermarket:0x007f8e99039f88 #id=2, #name="Walmart">,
#<Delivery:0x007f8e989f98a8 #type=:standard, #price=5.0>],
[#<Supermarket:0x007f8e9901a390 #id=3, #name="Forragers">,
#<Delivery:0x007f8e989eae20 #type=:express, #price=10.0>]]
I want to iterate over each array inside the array and find out how many Delivery's within the array have #type:standard. Is this possible? Thank you in advance
array_of_array.inject(0) do |sum, array|
sum + array.count { |el| el.class == Delivery && el.instance_variable_get(:#type) == :standard }
You can use select() to filter the elements of an array.
Reconstructing your data:
require 'ostruct'
require 'pp'
supermarket_data = [
['Easybuy', 1],
['Walmart', 2],
['Forragers', 3],
supermarkets = do |(name, id)|
supermarket = = name = id
delivery_data = [
['standard', 5.0],
['standard', 5.0],
['express', 10.0],
deliveries = do |(type, price)|
delivery =
delivery.type = type
delivery.price = price
combined = deliveries
pp combined
[[#<OpenStruct name="Easybuy", id=1>,
#<OpenStruct type="standard", price=5.0>],
[#<OpenStruct name="Walmart", id=2>,
#<OpenStruct type="standard", price=5.0>],
[#<OpenStruct name="Forragers", id=3>,
#<OpenStruct type="express", price=10.0>]]
Filtering the array with select():
standard_deliveries = do |(supermarket, delivery)|
delivery.type == 'standard'
pp standard_deliveries # pretty print
p standard_deliveries.count
[[#<OpenStruct name="Easybuy", id=1>,
#<OpenStruct type="standard", price=5.0>],
[#<OpenStruct name="Walmart", id=2>,
#<OpenStruct type="standard", price=5.0>]]

How to convert a 2D array to a value object in ruby

I have a 2D array:
a = [["john doe", "01/03/2017", "01/04/2017", "event"], ["jane doe", "01/05/2017", "01/06/2017", "event"]...]
I would like to convert it to a value object in ruby. I found how to do it with a hash Ruby / Replace value in array of hash in the second answer of this question but not a 2D array. I would like to assign the value at a[0][0] to an attribute named "name", a[0][1] to "date1", a[0][2] to "date2" and a[0][3] to "event".
This is something like what I'd like to accomplish although it is not complete and I dont know how to assign multiple indexes to the different attributes in one loop:
class Schedule_info
arrt_accessor :name, :date1, :date2, :event
def initialize arr
#I would like this loop to contain all 4 attr assignments
arr.each {|i| instance_variable_set(:name, i[0])}
This should be short and clean enough, without unneeded metaprogramming :
data = [["john doe", "01/03/2017", "01/04/2017", "event"],
["jane doe", "01/05/2017", "01/06/2017", "event"]]
class ScheduleInfo
attr_reader :name, :date1, :date2, :type
def initialize(*params)
#name, #date1, #date2, #type = params
def to_s
format('%s for %s between %s and %s', type, name, date1, date2)
p info ='jane', '31/03/2017', '01/04/2017', 'party')
# #<ScheduleInfo:0x00000000d854a0 #name="jane", #date1="31/03/2017", #date2="01/04/2017", #type="party">
# "jane"
schedule_infos ={ |params|*params) }
puts schedule_infos
# event for john doe between 01/03/2017 and 01/04/2017
# event for jane doe between 01/05/2017 and 01/06/2017
You can't store the key value pairs in array index. Either you need to just remember that first index of array is gonna have "name" and assign a[0][0] = "foo" or just use array of hashes for the key value functionality you want to have
2.3.0 :006 > a = []
=> []
2.3.0 :007 > hash1 = {name: "hash1name", date: "hash1date", event: "hash1event"}
=> {:name=>"hash1name", :date=>"hash1date", :event=>"hash1event"}
2.3.0 :008 > a << hash1
=> [{:name=>"hash1name", :date=>"hash1date", :event=>"hash1event"}]
2.3.0 :009 > hash2 = {name: "hash2name", date: "hash2date", event: "hash2event"}
=> {:name=>"hash2name", :date=>"hash2date", :event=>"hash2event"}
2.3.0 :010 > a << hash2
=> [{:name=>"hash1name", :date=>"hash1date", :event=>"hash1event"}, {:name=>"hash2name", :date=>"hash2date", :event=>"hash2event"}]
It sounds like you want to call the attribute accessor method that corresponds to each array value. You use send to call methods programmatically. So you need an array of the method names that corresponds to the values you have in your given array. Now, assuming the class with your attributes is called Data.
attrs = [:name, :date1, :date2, :event]
result = do |e|
d =
e.each.with_index do |v, i|
d.send(attrs[i], v)
The value result is an array of Data objects populated from your given array.
Of course, if you control the definition of your Data object, the best things would be to give it an initialize method that takes an array of values.
Try this:
class Schedule_info
arrt_accessor :name, :date1, :date2, :event
def initialize arr
#name = []
#date1 = []
#date2 = []
#event = []
arr.each |i| do
name << i[0]
date1 << i[1]
date2 << i[2]
event << i[3]
