QDK file not found error in LiH Simulation - quantum-computing

I am on MacOS. While "dotnet run" on unmodified version of "LithiumHydrideGUI" I am getting the following unhandled exception as
File Not Found for
I do see that the file is very much present in the directory one level up that is at "Chemistry" folder. Please let me know how to fix this.

You need to switch the direction of the slashes from "\" to "/". You will find the line for this in the "Program" file.


No var directory?

I know this is probably the dumbest question ever, but I just started coding and can't even get past the first lesson. So many things depend on the "var" directory, but I can't find it anywhere and when I type it into my GitBash I keep getting errors that say bash: cd: var: No such file or directory
For example, this is one of my lesson exercises: "Try typing ls -alF /var/. You can do that from any directory. It will always show the contents of the "var" subdirectory of the root directory because you have provided that argument to the list command."
Instead of getting the informational output, I just get bash: cd: var: No such file or directory
I'm sorry if it's a stupid question but I've googled the heck out of it and can't find anything. I do occasionally find something about Linux, but to my knowledge I'm running Windows 11, not Linux. Is there a reason I don't have this file? And if I don't, what can i substitute so I can continue my lessons? Thank you so much!

Apache kafka error on windows 10: kafka-topics.bat file gives syntax error

I am starting to learn Kafka. I managed to run zookeeper and kafka successfully. I am using Windows10 and my kafka version is 2_12-2.5.0.
My question is that when I try to create a topic from cmd using the below command:
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic firstTopic`
I get the error:
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
I know that the command I wrote is correct and the issue is the command inside the .bat file as I changed the command inside the kafka-topics.bat, the error changes. However I could not manage to run it. This is the content of kafka-topics.bat:
"%~dp0kafka-run-class.bat" kafka.admin.TopicCommand %*
I also tried to run kafka-topics.sh file instead of batch, but that gives a different error opening git bash, that is:
Error:Could not find or load main class kafka.admin.topicCommand
I also got rid of the space in "Program Files" while writing the path, so I don't think that is the reason of this error.
I got stuck and its hard to understand these errors as I am new.
Can you please help?
in my case it worked only when I moved Kafka folder to C: partition without any space in path
for example C:\Kafka_sources
and I used the below command to create a topic
kafka-topics.bat --create --topic test --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
in my case:
i removed the quotation marks in .properties for directories
use forward slashes in .properties for directories
i removed the dot-version numbers in directory path (don't know if that was deciding)
but start with point and backlashes .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties)
d:\ is possible !

Unable to .show scores in Music21

I'm working in Jupyter Notebook. I've installed music21, musescore, set the xml path as below:
us = environment.UserSettings()
us['musicxmlPath'] ='Applications/musescore.app'
I've also run config, and see that musescore is being detected by music21. However, when I use the show method, I get the following error:
SubConverterFileIOException: png file of xml not found. Or file >999 pages?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
An .app file is a directory. Inside the MuseScore.app directory is a bin directory and a file called mscore -- that's the actual name in the path. It'd be much easier to run python -m music21.configure and let the automatic configuration program take care of it.
Are you sure that file is exist?
try changing 'Applications/musescore.app' to '/Applications/musescore.app'
Hope that helps
I found a answer from here wrote by GaetanBaert,It works well and now I can use show method.
He said that "you should change os.system(musescoreRun) line 891 of subconverters.py by subprocess.run(musescoreRun). You need also to import subprocess at the start of subconverters.py."

VisualSFM install mac issue

Installing VisualSFM on mac with the Dan Monaghan installer and halfway through the build I get an error that reads:
libsiftgpu.so failed to build. Halting.
What caused this and how do I fix it?
Googling found many with similar issues, was able to combine pieces from different solutions and get it working.
Why the error occurs:
The program tries to build & install a siftgpu function on line 246 of the vsfm_os_x_installer.sh file.
But that link is dead.
Step 1:
Manually insert a sift_gpu.zip file into your /users/USERNAME/ directory.
Step 2:
After the sift_gpu.zip file is in your users/USERNAME directory, Ninorian changed the following lines (in the vsfm_os_x_installer.sh file) and it worked for me too:
Search for : sed -i '' Replace with: sed -i
Step 3:
The sift_gpu.zip file opens a directory called SiftGPU-master, and we need to change the name to SiftGPU, so add this line above line 262 like this:
(line 261) mv SiftGPU-master SiftGPU
(line 262) cd SiftGPU
Step 4:
I got this far, but kept getting errors that said “file or directory not found”, and this was remedied by changing the file extension on line 356 in the vsfm_os_x_installer.sh file* (hat-tip to this Github build issue support ticket)
From this:
cp ../patches/SparseBundleCPU.patch src/pba/
To this:
cp -R /users/USERNAME/downloads/VisualSFM_OS_X_Installer-master/patches/SparseBundleCPU.patch src/pba
After that, everything finished installing smoothly,
But I couldn't run it yet.
Step 5:
This 5-minute VisualSFM Mac install YouTube tutorial helped.
Here are the steps:
You need to add 2 scripts to your ~/.bash_profile, go into terminal and type: nano ~/.bash_profile and then paste those two scripts at the bottom of that file.
Save and close ~/.bash_profile
Then go into the /users/USERNAME/vsfm/bin folder and copy libpa.so AND libsiftgpu.so and paste them into your /users/USERNAME/ directory.
Create a new folder in /users/vsfm directory called /users/vsfm/sift
Move the SiftGPU folder from your users/USERNAME/ directory into your /users/vsfm/sift directory
From there, go to users/USERNAME/vsfm/bin/ and double-click on VisualSFM, and if all went well the program should start running and open up, ready for use.
This was a pain in the ass to troubleshoot but it's over and done and I hope this helps anybody.

using output from first line of code for input to 2nd line of code

I am getting a "File not found" error with trying to run Outlook in batch. Most likely due to an error in the way I am formatting the code. The script takes the contents of clipboard provided by 'getclip' as %1, zips it to clips.zip, uses && to pass to ipmnote which attaches it to a pre-loaded Outlook email
My original layout (which works) uses more lines of code and includes a mid-step of creating a file to be compressed. In trying to simplify the routine, I am getting errors saying Outlook cannot be found.
Outlook.exe is already in my System Path and I normally call it in using only the exe name. But I get the same "can't be located" error even when adding full path the file as shown here.
getclip>7z.exe a Clips.zip %1 -y && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.exe" /c ipm.note /m "email&subject=CLips.zip"
/a Clips.zip
Thanks for the quick reply. But the problem was the attachment. The error shown is somewhat open to interpretation since it implies that the issue is that Outlook cannot be found. In fact, what it could not find was the "clips.zip" file needed to attach it. Once i added the path to find the attachment, it works perfectly.
Sometimes, it helps to write in and ask the question. By following testing the sequence for each step of the outlook command, i found the issue was only there when i added the attachment with the /a at the end. By giving the full path to find 'clips.zip', all errors are gone and the email is perfect.
The broken line in the code was created by posting the code using the "Code" button. I added characters as needed to force it to display properly
I am sure there is a better way and I started to mention this but i figured most people would know that the proper path to Outlook especially being in quotes and all would not have a carriage return in the middle"
