Landing pages as a percent of total pages - google-data-studio

(Data Studio Report - Single source of data: GAnalytics)
A website has, say:
200 pages receiving views.
66 pages receiving all entrances, all sources (Landing Pages).
In data studio, I've created scorecards for both of the above stats.
I now want to create a pie which visually expresses the KPI: "30% of pages are landing pages".
I'm relatively new to Data Studio and think I'm struggling with dimensions v metrics.

As a Scorecard...
I've been able to achieve this as a scorecard (and it was correct), so here's the solution I found:
Create a calculated field with the formula:
Add this new calculated metric to a scorecard metric slot, it'll automatically chose percentage to express the result.
Note: The above is using a single data source: Google Analytics (GA).
*** I'll update re the pie chart....
(I've not achieved this with Blended Data - my next quest)


Low resolution Email Preview in Salesforce for marketing cloud connect emails

Question about Marketing Cloud Connect - In case of Individual Email Result in Salesforce, an email preview is sent from MC to SF object along with a thumbnail preview of the email template (as base64 encoded image). This thumbnail has two problems.
a. isn’t clear enough for the sales agent to see what was sent to customer
b. can’t find what offer percentage was given to customer as the preview has ampscript value instead of actual value.
There is no way to change the default configs of MCC to increase the thumbnail size. To solve this and improve the image resolution, I’ve thought of below solutions. Is there any other possible way that you’ve done?
From customer send log, take ‘view_email_url’ and get the html using a visual force page and remove all the ‘https://click…’ links to ensure click/ open counts aren’t impacted. Downside - # of api calls to make are higher
For every email, create a jpg preview of the email template and store it in MC and store this in SF in a custom object as ‘EmailName vs EmailPreviewUrl’. And, whenever a marketer creates a new email, they have to ensure that they create a jpg copy in MC and update associated record in Saleforce custom object. Downside - sales agent will not know what % of offer is given to customer (ps - % of offer is decided in MC automation based on raw order information we’ve about this customer). To manage this downside, we can send the offer details of each customer to SF using updateSingleSalesforceObject method everytime an email is sent. To do this, all the campaigns should be standardized to some extend.
Any other thoughts? is there any configs that I can flip to increase the image size?
To answer this question, we ended up creating a cloudpage code resource (similar to API) that returns the complete HTML of 'view_email_url' (aka view as web page) for a given email + Subscriber + datesent + BU. We used SSJS to query sendLog DE using these inputs to figure out the view_email_url value. To avoid counting view_email_url opens to tracking opens, we wrapped the open counter pixel inside a context variable - something like below.
IF _messagecontext != 'VAWP' THEN
<custom name="opencounter" type="tracking" />
%%[ ENDIF ]%%

Data Studio Cannot Sum Numbers to Chart

I need help to create a chart of sum multiple sources in Google Data Studio. My sources are:
Google Search Console: Clicks
Google My Business: Phone Calls, Website Visits, and Direction Requests
The chart is not SUM-ing those numbers. See image below, the green line Combined Actions should be the SUM of all the 4 metrics I mentioned above. FYI I renamed the parameters to help me differentiate:
Site Search Clicks = GSC Clicks
Tebet Phone Calls = GMB Phone Calls
Tebet Website Visits = GMB Website Visits
Tebet Direction Requests = GMB Direction Requests
This is the formula I use
SUM(Clicks+Phone calls+Directions requests+Website visits)
This is the data source
I thought it was the number format that was corrupted, but if that's the case then why the individual chart is shown correctly? I can also draw each individual chart using SUM(Clicks), SUM(Phone calls), etc.
For Your Information, I have another chart in this page that works by summing:
Google Search Console: Impressions
Google My Business: Direct search impressions
So those 2 data metrics are working well.
Any help would be appreciated. Also let me know if you need any more context on this question. Thank you.
The issue is due to having NULL values (if there is no data for a single Metric at a single date in the SUM function, then that entire date row will be displayed as 0 in the Time Series chart); one approach is to incorporate the IFNULL function below which treats NULL values as the numeric literal 0:
SUM(IFNULL(Clicks, 0) + IFNULL(Phone Calls, 0) + IFNULL(Directions Requests, 0) + IFNULL(Website Visits, 0))
Editable Google Data Studio Report (Embedded Google Sheets Data Source) and a GIF to elaborate:

Datastudio Geomap Drilldown vs GoogleMap visualize issues

I was playing with DataStudio GeoMap and GoogleMap features, I used Covid US datased. I made some research what is best for showing charts via GeoMap & GoogleMap, I made report with 6 slides, each slide has Title with used method and I found below issues:
1) Drill down for GeoMap not working often, state/regions not showed,
2) in slide #2 GeoMap: used 3 Geo Dimension: Lat/Long, City, Region : how to show City names ? (and disable Latitude?)
Seems that best way is showing via GoogleMap (slide #6) with Bubble dimension :Lat/Long with Tooltip: City > then values are showing to Cities,
only issue is how to setup default zoom region US, to avoid showing whole world ?
Here is report:
One note: in My old report from today somehow I was able to create report with drill down 2-layer GeoMap, used Dimension: City+Region > not accurate, many cities are missing:
Trying to import GoogleMap via embded frame, but I got this error>>
Google Maps cannot yet be displayed in embedded reports.
Question 1: Google Maps & Filters
Opened the Report above, exported the Google Maps data to Goggle Sheets, recreated a Data Source and Report, and then had a look through; it seems that the data in the City field is sorted, classifying values outside the United States as NA, in addition, removed 0,0 values in the Latitude_Longitude field, thus this Filter does the trick:
Exclude City RegExp Match (NA)
Exclude Latitude_Longitude RegExp Match (0,0)
Editable Google Data Studio Report and GIF to demonstrate (Feel free to have a look through and edit the Report as required):
Question 2: Geo Maps & Drill-down
The updated Filter in Question 1 should do the trick when using the Geo Maps Chart Type, with all three Geo Types - Latitude_Longitude City and Region working as expected using the Drill-down and the Zoom area set to United States; adding an image of the Filter above for clarification:
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:
Question 3: Embedding Map Charts
Geo Maps can be displayed on embedded reports.
Currently, Google Maps won't appear in embedded reports.

Pop up window with data from another spreadsheet

I'm trying to build a master spreadsheet in Google Sheets to call up data (not import data, just make a quick view in a popup window) for individuals from other spreadsheets. E.g. my master sheet has a column for therapists, a column for certifications, a column for periodic reviews, etc. All of these columns correspond to other sheets within the project that list out the certifications for each individual therapist, the periodic reviews for each individual therapist, etc.
I want to be able to click in the cell where "Mary" intersects with "Certifications" and see a small popup window that shows me Mary's record in the Certifications page.
I tried a couple of functions pasted from other pages (it's been a long time since I've coded), but none worked. This seems like a simple database-like call, so I hope the solution is also simple. I appreciate any help offered. (My clinic doesn't have an in-house IT person, so I'm trying to help where I can.)

RPM Newrelic metric names for browser page load time

In the Dashboard of NewRelic RPM I can see a chart named "Browser page load time".
It contains 4 values, what are the metric names for this chart ?
I got a response from their support team:
the EndUser/ endpoint didn't specify the average_app_without_queue_time metric.
the EndUser/ endpoint didn't specify the average_page_rendering_time metric.
So I miss two metrics of the above four...
I want simply fetch the data represented in the above chart in JSON format via their API.
Those two metrics, “EndUser/average_app_without_queue_time” and “EndUser/average_page_rendering_time”, and not standalone metrics like the other two, they are calculated metrics. This means that they are not going to be available directly from the API and that instead you will need to pull down their constituent parts and perform the calculation. Here are the two formulas:
average_app_without_queue_time = ("EndUser".total_app_time - "EndUser/RB".total_queue_time) / "EndUser".call_count
average_page_rendering_time = "EndUser".average_fe_response_time - "EndUser/RB".average_dom_content_load_time
