How to simulate Grover's Algorithm in quantum computing? - quantum-computing

If I want to write a program to simulate Grover's algorithm, how could I write the oracle for it? If I already know the result, why should I use the search?

A lot of examples of Grover search implementation use an oracle with a hardcoded answer, which is indeed not very enlightening. In general case the point of Grover search is, of course, to perform search if you don't know the answer. To write an oracle for this, you need not an oracle which checks whether the input equals some hardcoded value, but an oracle which checks a certain property of the input. Implementing the oracle is the hardest part of solving the problem.
The easiest example of such a problem is SAT problem. You can map the variables in the formula to the qubits of the input and write an oracle which computes f(x) with relative ease, and you can apply Grover search to find the interpretation which satisfies the given formula, but you don't know the answer from just glancing at the oracle. You can see an example of implementing the oracle for solving SAT problem in the SolveSATWithGrover tutorial.
P.S. There are a lot of great answers regarding Grover search algorithm at the Quantum Computing StackExchange.


Why is Goal-directed reasoning and heuristic search hard to combine?

In Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach 3rd Edition, I came across an interesting quote stating:
"As yet there is no good understanding of how to combine the two kinds of algorithms [Goal directed reasoning / planning and heuristic search] into a robust and efficient system" (Russel pg 189)
Why is this so? Why is it hard to combine goal oriented planning with a heuristic search? Wouldn't reinforcement learning solve this?
The term “Goal directed reasoning” was used in the 1980s for a backtracking search technique. Sometimes it was called backward reasoning or top-down search, which means all the same. It describes the working of the algorithm in traversing the state space. Or to be more specific: it describes the order in which the states in the graph are visited. In newer literature this aspect of a planner is no longer explained in detail, because a graph search algorithm is no big thing. It means simply to put the nodes on a stack and traverse them.
In contrast, the term “heuristic search” means to replace a brute-force solver with a knowledge based approach. Heuristic search is equal to not traverse a graph, but find a domain-specific strategy which leaves out most part of the graph. And indeed, it is hard to combine backtracking with heuristics, this approach would be called grounding. If a grounded problem is available, it is possible to use a backtracking solver on a knowledge-based problem. This is the strategy utilized in modern PDDL planners which are first describe the domain in a symbolic PDDL notation (which is knowledge based) and using then a fast solver to search in the state space.

Artificial Intelligence - Intelligence Agent that cleans and paints

I remember when I was in college we went over some problem where there was a smart agent that was on a grid of squares and it had to clean the squares. It was awarded points for cleaning. It also was deducted points for moving. It had to refuel every now and then and at the end it got a final score based on how many squares on the grid were dirty or clean.
I'm trying to study that problem since it was very interesting when I saw it in college, however I cannot find anything on wikipedia or anywhere online. Is there a specific name for that problem that you know about? Or maybe it was just something my teacher came up with for the class.
I'm searching for AI cleaning agent and similar things, but I don't find anything. I don't know, I'm thinking maybe it has some other name.
If you know where I can find more information about this problem I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Perhaps a "stigmergy" approach is closely related to your problem. There is a starting point here, and you can find something by searching for "dead ants" and "robots" on google scholar.
Basically: instead of modelling a precise strategy you work toward a probabilistic approach. Ants (probably) collect their deads by piling up according to a simple rule such as "if there is a pile of dead ants there, I bring this corpse hither; otherwise, I'll make a new pile". You can start by simplifying your 'cleaning' situation with that, and see where you go.
Also, I think (another?) suitable approach could be modelled with a Genetic Algorithm using a carefully chosen combination of fitness functions such as:
the end number of 'clean' tiles
the number of steps made by the robot
of course if the robots 'dies' out of starvation it automatically removes itself from the gene pool, a-la darwin awards :)
You could start by modelling a very, very simple genotype that will be 'computed' into a behaviour. Consider using a simple GA such as this one by Inman Harvey, then to each gene assign either a part of the strategy, or a complete behaviour. E.g.: if gene A is turned to 1 then the robot will try to wander randomly; if gene B is also turned to 1, then it will give priority to self-charging unless there are dirty tiles at distance X. Or use floats and model probability. Your mileage may vary but I can assure it will be fun :)
The problem is reminiscent of Shakey, although there's cleaning involved (which is like the Roomba -- a device that can also be programmed to perform these very tasks).
If the "problem space" (or room) is small enough, you can solve for an optimal solution using a simple A*-based search, but likely it won't be, since that won't leave for very interesting problems.
The machine learning approach suggested here using genetic algorithms is an interesting approach. Given the problem domain you would only have one "rule" (a move-to action, since clean could be eliminated by implicitly cleaning any square you move to that is dirty) so your learner would essentially be learning how to move around an environment. The problem there would be to build a learner that would be adaptable to any given floor plan, instead of just becoming proficient at cleaning a very specific space.
Whatever approach you have, I'd also consider doing a further meta-reasoning step if the problem sets are big enough, and use a partition approach to divide the floor up into separate areas and then conquering them one at a time.
Can you use techniques to create data to use "offline"? In that case, I'd even consider creating a "database" of optimal routes to take to clean certain floor spaces (1x1 up to, say, 5x5) that include all possible start and end squares. This is similar to "endgame databases" that game AIs use to effectively "solve" games once they reach a certain depth (c.f. Chinook).
This problem reminds me of this. A similar problem is briefly mentioned in the book Complexity as an example of a genetic algorithm. These versions are simplified though, they don't take into account fuel consumption.

How does a non deterministic turing machine work?

I understand they aren't real and they seem to branch computation whenever there are 2 options, instead of picking one. But, for example, if I say this:
"Non deterministically guess a bijection p of vertices from Graph G to Graph H" (context here is Graph Isomorphism)
What is that supposed to mean? I understand the bijection, but it says "non deterministically guess". If it's guessing, how is that an algorithmic approach? How can it guarantee it's going to work?
They don't, they just sort of illustrate a point. Basically what they do is guess an answer, and check if it's right(deterministically). It's not the guessing the answer part that's important though, it's checking that the answer is right. It's just like saying given an arbitrary solution, is it correct? So for example there are problems that take exponential time to compute, and some of their answers can be checked in polynomial time, but some can't. So what the non-deterministic TM does is it divides those two, the ones that can be checked quickly from the ones that can't. And then this brings up the bigger question, if one group of questions solutions can be verified much quicker than another, can their solutions also be generated quicker? This question hasn't been answered, yet.
There's different ways to picture one. One I find useful is the oracle model. Did you ever see the Far Side cartoon where a derivation on the blackboard has "Here a miracle occurs" as one of the intermediate steps? In this version of a NDTM, when you need to choose something, the oracle writes the correct version on the right part of the tape. (This is taken from Garey and Johnson, Computers and Intractability, their classic book on NP-complete problems.) You aren't allowed to assume you've got the right one, though, and there may not be a correct one.
Therefore, when you non-deterministically guess a bijection, you're getting the correct bijection for your purposes, provided one exists.
It isn't a good basis for an algorithm, since the complexity of implementing a non-deterministic Turing machine is basically exponential in the nondeterministic states, and the algorithmic equivalent of the nondeterministic guess is to try every possible bijection.
From a theoretical point of view, I'd translate it as "If there is a bijection such that....". From an algorithmic point of view, find another book, or another chapter of the same book, since that approach is useless for even moderately large graphs.
I believe what is meant is "non deterministically choose a solution" and then test that the solution is true. Since all possible choices (guesses) are tested, the solution is guaranteed.
A physical implementation of the non-deterministic Turing machine is the DNA computer. For example, here's an outline of how to solve the traveling salesman problem in DNA:
Get/make a bunch of DNA sequences, each with length proportional to the cost of an edge in your graph and sticky ends with sequences uniquely identifying one of the vertices that the edge connects.
Mix them together, with DNA ligase in a big beaker. They'll anneal to each other in sequences that represent every possible path through the graph (ok, not the really long ones).
Remove all the sequences that are missing at least one vertex. To do this, sequentially select for each vertex using hybridization. For example, if "ACGTACA" encodes vertex 1, select for sequences that bind to "TGTACGA". Then repeat this selection for every other vertex.
Sort the remaining sequences by size using gel electrophoresis. Then sequence the shortest one. The sequence encodes the shortest path through your graph.

How to best match two strings?

do you know any good algorithms that match two strings and then return a percentage in how many percent those two strings match?
And are there some, that work with databases too?
The Levenstein distance is such a measure. It basically tells you how many characters need to be edited, deleted or added, to get from the first to the second string. I'm not sure whether some database systems support that.
But I know for sure that a much more simplified algorithm named Soundex is supported in some database systems.
It depends upon your criteria for similarity. Other people have already referred you to Levenstein distance (edit distance is the same thing). That's usually pretty good, and definitely more language-independent than something like soundex. However, be aware that Levenstein difference does not handle transposition very well. Thus:
Levenstein("copy", "cpoy") == 2
If you're trying to deal with human input, transpositions are fairly common. Whether that's a problem or not depends on your metrics for similarity.
It's been a while, but I believe Postgresql has levenstein() either built-in or available as a contrib C module.
I think the problem you're looking for is called Edit Distance. It is expensive to compute in general, but if you are looking for strings within small edit distance of other strings, it is not so bad. There is more information in the Wikipedia article.
How to best match two strings? Have them go out for coffee, and if they hit it off, dinner and a movie. Or maybe they could do some peer programming? It depends on the strings, really. Even coffee can often be tricky.
Would this be of help? I just ran into it. Comparing Two Strings producing a numeric delta

Well explained algorithms for indexing and searching in metric spaces

I need to implement some kind of metric space search in Postgres(*) (PL or PL/Python). So, I'm looking for good sources (or papers) with a very clear and crisp explanation of the machinery behind these ideas, in such way that I can implement it myself.
I would prefer clarity over efficiency.
(*) The need for that is described better here.
Especially for geographical data, look at PostGIS first to see if you need to implement anything. If you do, start with the papers listed in the Wikipedia entry on GiST.
Looking at your link, it seems your metric space is strings with some sort of edit distance as the metric. A nice but oldish overview of some solutions is given by Navarro, Baeza-Yates, Sutinen, and Tarhio, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 2001; the related papers on Citeseer could also be useful. Locality Sensitive Hashing is a newer technique that might be useful, but a lot of the papers are heavy on math.
BK-Trees are useful for indexing and searching anything that obeys the triangle inequality, metric spaces included. The canonical example is searching for strings within a given edit distance of a target. I wrote an article about that here.
Unfortunately, there's no built in support for this in Postgres. You could implement it yourself using GIST, but obviously that'll be a lot of work. I can't think of any way to implement it without writing your own indexes short of storing the tree in a table, which obviously isn't going to be very efficient.
You can try where many modern metric indexes are listed, including BK-trees. You can find code in C to try different alternatives.
Some techniques that involve space search that might help you are Hill-Climbing, Neural Network Training, Genetic Algorithm, and Particle Swarm.
You will also need to define a distance metric over your metric space. Have you done so?(& out of curiosity, what is it, if you have done so)
