Move data between different servers - sql-server

I'm working on a project where I need to automatically run an insert statement to insert a result set - problem is that I need it to go from a SQL Server over to a DB2 server. I can't create a file or script and then import it or run it on the other side. I need to insert or update the DB2 side from the SQL Server side.
Is this possible? I need this to run all by itself as part of a stored procedure in SQL Server.

You're looking for the linked server feature.
Typically linked servers are configured to enable the Database Engine to execute a Transact-SQL statement that includes tables in another instance of SQL Server, or another database product such as Oracle. Many types OLE DB data sources can be configured as linked servers, including Microsoft Access and Excel. Linked servers offer the following advantages:
The ability to access data from outside of SQL Server.
The ability to issue distributed queries, updates, commands, and transactions on heterogeneous data sources across the enterprise.
The ability to address diverse data sources similarly.
(I believe most of the major RDBMSs have a similar feature)
For the most part, this essentially allows you to treat tables or sources in the other database as if they were part of the SQL Server instance - an INSERT statement should just work "normally".

As mentioned you can use a linked server on the SQL Server side to perform operations between two servers. I haven't done much with running DML on DB2 from SQL Server, but from my experience SSIS performs far better than linked servers for transactions pulling data from DB2 to SQL Server using an OLE DB connection. You can read more about OLE DB connections in SSIS here and you'll want to reference the DB2 documentation for the specific DB2 type (Mainframe, LUW, etc.) that's used for details on setting up the connection there. If you setup the SSIS catalog you can run packages using SQL Server stored procedures, which you can either use directly or execute from an existing user stored procedures.


Automatically update SQL Server database from tables in MS Access

I'm new to SQL Server and trying to automatically update tables in SQL Server from tables in MS Access.
I have an Access database of metadata that must be kept updated for sending records to other groups. I also have a database in SQL Server which also has these same metadata tables. Currently these tables in the SQL Server database get updated manually by exporting the Access tables as Excel files, and then importing them into the SQL Server tables.
It's not the most efficient process and could lead to errors in the SQL Server database if someone forgets to check that they are using the most recent data from Access. So I would like to integrate some of the tables from Access to my database in SQL Server. Ideally I would like for the tables in my SQL Server database to be updated whenever Access is updated or at least update the tables automatically in the SQL Server database when I open it.
Would replicating the Access tables be the best? I am using SQL Server 2014 Developer so I think I have this capability. From my understanding, mirroring is for an entire database not just pieces of it. However, I do not want to be able to alter the metadata from SQL Server and have it reflected in Access. I cannot tell if reflecting the tables would do this...?
I also looked at this post about writing multiple insert statements but was confused (What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?). Someone else suggested importing all the data into SQL Server and then using an ODBC driver to connect the two, but I'm also not sure how this would update the database in SQL Server anytime Access is updated.
If you have any suggestion and a link to easy to follow tutorial I would really appreciate it!
In Access, go to 'External Data', ODBC Database, and connect to the SQL Server database directly - make sure you select 'Link to the data source by creating a linked table' on the first page of the wizard. Now, this linked table is available in Access, but is actually the SQL Server table.
Get rid of the local Access tables, using the new linked tables in their place in whatever queries, forms, reports, etc that you have in Access.
Now, any changes to the tables you see in this Access db ARE changes to the SQL Server database.

Querying a HIVE Table from SQL Server 2016 or later

I'm trying to query my Hortonworks cluster Hive tables from SQL Server. My scenario below:
HDP 2.6, Ambari, HiveServer2
SQL Server 2016 Enterprise
Kerberos configuration for secure logins in HDP
I was reading about the PolyBase service in SQL Server 2016 and I suppose later versions. However, I realize that according to the documentation what this service is going to perform in SQL Server is a bridge to reach out my HDFS and recreate external tables based in this data source.
Otherwise what I'm expecting is query Hive objects like these would be SQL Server objects as well, such as a linked server.
Someone has an example or knows if this is possible within SQL Server and Hive?
Thanks so much
Hive acts more as a job compiler than a database. This means every SQL statement you are writing will be translated into a job for Hadoop, sent over to the cluster and become executed there. From the user perspective it looks like querying a table.
The already mentioned approach by reading the HDFS data source and re-create it in SQL Server is the correct one. Since both, Hive and database server are different technologies, something like a linked server seems to technically not possible for me.
Hive provides nowadays a JDBC interface which could be used to connect to it. But even with Hive JDBC, every query will end up as cluster job for distributed computing, running over the files in HDFS, create a result set and present that to you.
If you want to querying Hive from SQL server, you can download ODBC driver (Microsoft or Hortonsworks) and create a Data Source Name (DSN) for Hive. In Advanced option check Use Native Query. Then just create new linked server in the SQL server with the same name of datasource as Data Source Name in ODBC driver.
Write openquery something like:
select top 100 * from
'column1, column2 from databaseInHadoop.tableInHadoop')

Creating a snapshot database to another SQL Server

I'm trying to save the values of several columns of one table to another table on a different server. I am using SQL Server. I would like to do this without running external programs that query from this database and insert the results into the new database. Is there any way to do this from within the SQL Server Management Studio?
This is a recurring event that occurs every hour. I have tried scheduling maintenance tasks that execute custom T-SQL scripts but I'm having trouble getting the connection to the remote server.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you can set up the remote server as a linked server you should be able to configure the SQL Server Agent to execute jobs that contain queries that access tables on both the local and linked server. Remember that you might have to configure the access rights for the account used to run SQL Server Agent so that it has permissions to read/write tables on both servers.
This practice might not be without issues though as this article discusses.
You can use a 4 part name like;
INSERT [InstanceName].[DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]
SELECT * FROM [SourceInstanceName].[SourceDatabaseName].[SourceSchemaName].[SourceTableName]
But first you will have to set the remote server as a linked server as so;

Access as the front end and sql server as the backend

I have some Access tables with many number of fields. I have migrated each access table to 6 or 7 sql server tables. I am using sql server 2008. Now I want to use Access as the front end so that I can enter the data in access but it will be stored in sql server. I know that I have to make a ODBC connection. But I am not sure of how to create a access form to use it as a front-end. I am sorry if it's a basic question...
You will probably want to start with an empty Access database (since the table structures and any existing forms and reports will not match what you created in SQL server).
First step is to establish an ODBC connection to your SQL Server database. Then you will "link" the tables in SQL Server to your Access database.
Now, you have an Access database with all the tables that you linked from SQL Server. Those tables still "live" in SQL Server and when you edit them in Access the data will be stored in SQL Server.
You can then build Access forms and reports using these tables just as if the tables were native to Access.
The most versatile way is to use ODBC links to your SQL Server tables and views. That approach allows you the flexibility to link to other ODBC data sources, tables in other Jet/ACE database files, create Jet/ACE tables locally in your database, link to Excel spreadsheets, and so forth. You can incorporate a broad range of data sources.
If you choose ADP, you will be limited to OLE DB connection to a single SQL Server instance. And you will be essentially locked in to SQL Server. You would not be able to switch the application to a different client-server database without a major re-development effort.
Regarding deployment overhead with ODBC, although you may find it convenient to use a DSN during development, you should convert your ODBC links to DSN-less connections before deployment. That way your user's won't each require the DSN. See Doug Steele's page: Using DSN-Less Connections
Well you can create an ODBC connection. You can also create an ADODB connection as well. If your objective is to update or modify a SQL database, both connections will do the trick.
Now, I guess you have to get familiar with the corresponding objects. These should be tables, queries, commands, etc .., that will allow you, for example, to build recordsets out of SQL queries ... Once you are clear with that, you can, for example, assign a recordset to a form through the Set myForm.recordset = ... method.

Call a sproc from another sproc on a different machine

I am using SQL server 2000.
I have a stored procedure sitting on machine A. I want to call this stored procedure from within a stored procedure on machine B. How do I go about this?
You could use the Linked Server feature of SQL Server.
A linked server configuration allows
Microsoft SQL Server to execute
commands against OLE DB data sources
on different servers. Linked servers
offer these advantages:
Remote server access
The ability to issue distributed
queries, updates, commands, and
transactions on heterogeneous data
sources across the enterprise.
The ability to address diverse data sources similarly.
A call could look like this:
exec MyRemoteServer.MyDB.dbo.sp_MyStoredProc
Read this blog post. Essentially, if the server is already set up as a linked server you can use EXEC RemoteServer.DatabaseName.DatabaseOwner.StoredProcedureName
