What should the Issuer be set to in SAML request for Azure AD - azure-active-directory

I have read https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/single-sign-on-saml-protocol, but I am not clear what to set the Issuer value to below. Is this something I can grab from Azure portal. I am using a "Non Gallery Application".
Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013-03-18T03:28:54.1839884Z"
<Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">https://www.contoso.com</Issuer>

The issuer is your SAML2 entityID
this is set to the App ID URI that is specified during application
so if your app id uri is something like:
then that's what you set your Issuer to. The entityID is not a URL although they usually look like one and opening it in a browser usually downloads the SAML2 metadata for the entity but it's not essential. The app id uri is just a unique identifier for your app. Your app issues SAML Request instances using its app id uri as the Issuer

It's what you have configured on the Azure portal for custom SAML e.g.
Identifier (Entity ID)
https://some address


SAML With ping identity getting error invalid issuer

I have tried using the sso url as mentioned "Single Signon Service"https://auth.pingone.asia/{env}/saml20/idp/sso , and issuer as https://auth.pingone.asia/{env}. but getting ErrorCode: INVALID_ISSUER - Unable to find application for spEntityId: 'https://auth.pingone.asia/{env}' in environment {env}.
Please help me to understand where exactly I have wrong configuration.
Check if you have created a SAML Application, if not, try creating it with https://apidocs.pingidentity.com/pingone/platform/v1/api/#post-create-application-saml-protocol
Note: acs url is the place where you want PingIdentity to redirect after login authentication is completed. You will get a SAMLRespose also posted there.
(OR) You can create SAML application directly from the PingIdentity console itself by selecting Add Application, Select SAML as type, and Set Manual Saml configuration by specifying entity id (something unique) and ACS url.
Go to ping console dashboard, and check the Entity ID of the application, it should match with your AuthnRequest saml:Issuer
Example if your dashboard is like this with Entity ID "test",
then your AuthnRequest should look like this:
Note the line: <saml:Issuer>test</saml:Issuer>

Getting 'HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain' when setting AppId uri on Azure AD application object

I get an error 'Failed to update Application ID URI application property. Error detail: Values of IdentifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organization or its subdomain:' when trying to set my appid uri property while trying to expose an api from my app registration.
Guidance on the Azure AD docs states the identifier uri (aka AppId Uri) must use a default value provided which is api://appIdGuid or must use on of the allowed patterns which requires the host value to be a verified domain of the tenant. More information on AppId uri is available in the application registration security best practices doc.
More information on the identifierUri attribute is available in the Azure AD application manifest section.

I have a problem with Azure AD - SAML 2.0 configuration

I need help with configuring the Identifier(Entity ID) and Reply Url of my configuration in Azure for Active Directory SAML 2.0, I don't know how to configure them
I have tried to set them some value but I got this message:
AADSTS750054: SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse must be present as query
string parameters in HTTP requests for SAML Redirect binding.
Any ideas on how to make it works?
How to enable Azure AD SAML authentication depends on the SAML library you're using. Generally, the entityID and Reply URL are APP ID URI and Reply URL of your registered application in AAD. After you configured the library correctly, it will automatically help generate SAMLRequest for you.
Here is an configuration example of using Sustainsys.Saml2 library:
<!--entityId is APP ID URI of your registered application in AAD; Return URL is Reply URL-->
<sustainsys.saml2 entityId="https://www.contoso.org/checkresourceapp"
<nameIdPolicy allowCreate="true" format="Persistent"/>
<add entityId="https://sts.windows.net/<your tenant id>/"
metadataLocation="https://login.microsoftonline.com/<your tenant id>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml"
loadMetadata = "true"
signOnUrl="https://login.microsoftonline.com/<your tenant id>"
<add metadataLocation="https://login.microsoftonline.com/<your tenant id>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml" allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = "false" />
Regarding complete interpretation, please refer to https://saml2.sustainsys.com/en/2.0/configuration.html
You are using the wrong URL here. For IDP initiated URL please find the "User Access URL" from the Azure AD Application Properties tab. Then you can use that URL in the browser and it will do the SSO. Also alternatively the user can log in to Access Panel https://myapps.microsoft.com and then click on the application tile to perform the SSO. In the Azure Portal got to Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Apps -> Search your app -> Click on the app -> Properties page -> User Access URL

Swaggerbuckle with AAD --Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided

I'm trying to use AzureAD to get a token in swagger and test my .netCore2.1 API with it.(using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1)
To do this I completed the following steps
1. Created a Web API project(asp.net Core2.1)
2. Register an Azure AD (AAD) app for the Web API
3. Updated the Web API project to use Azure AD authentication
4. Register an AAD app for the Swagger web site https://localhost:5001/swagger
5. Granted permissions for the Swagger AAD app to access the Web API AAD app
6. Generated a Client Secret for the Swagger AAD app
7. Enabled OAuth2 implicit flow on the Swagger AAD app
8. Added Swagger to the Web API project
When I authenticate, I am getting the following error.
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided .
When I click authorize
I am getting error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided.
My WebAPI project's startup.cs file goes here
Please help me understand which resource Identifier I am missing here or how to resolve this error.
Or any pointers on how to use Swaggerbuckle with ASP.NET Core webAPI, especially with AAD authenticated WebAPI ?
I copied my webAPI's APPID URI from azure portal. ie Dashboard>>Microsoft - App registrations>>MY_API_APP>>Settings>>Properties>>App ID URI
But I am still getting the same error when I try to authenticate
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided
Usually resource identifier which uniquely identifies your application. You can easily found your resource Identifier Like below:
When logged into the Azure portal, Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > [App Name] > Settings> Properties, then it's the App ID URI
See the screen shot:
In the orignal OAuth 2.0 specification, there is no resource parameter in the authorization request. It use scope parameter. The authorization and token endpoints allow the client to specify the scope of the access request using the "scope" request parameter.
As document explains, when Azure AD implement the OAuth 2.0(1.0 endpoint), the resource is used to specify the access_token you request for which resource. And the Azure AD will issue the token which the scp based on the permission you config on the portal for the resource.
And in the v2.0 endpoint, the Azure AD also use the scope to support the dynamic permission request. More detail you can have a look here.
Usual Reason for Error
Make sure you have configured below steps accordingly.
Like below:
Application Manifest
Reply URI
Request Endpoint
For V1.0 refer this URI https://login.microsoft.com//oauth2/authorize
For V2.0 refer this URI https://login.microsoft.com//oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Application Consent
Need to confirm your application required resource access permission you could refer here
I believe this step can lead you to sort out your problem.
With Azure AD V1.0 app you need set resource to identify which api you want to access during the authentication&access token requests :
Code flow :
Implicit flow :
In Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1 , you need to config the resource as parameter if you want to get access token for accessing your web api :
app.UseSwaggerUI(options =>
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MySite API V1");
options.OAuthAppName("Swagger Api Calls");
// add resource
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "f479db30-9b62-431b-98c2-bcaae52203cf" } });
For us Nan Yu's response got us one step closer.
We added the resource in the AdditionalQuerystringParams like so:
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "{ResourceIDHere}" } });
We are now able to get passed the Auth step in Swagger, but trying routes out doesn't seem to pass the token to the api called and so we get a 401 Error.
change { "scope", API_AppID_URI} to { "resource", API_AppID_URI}

How do you authenticate AAD B2C using MSAL?

I have a working version of a Client/Server authentication using ADAL. However, it appears that the B2C AAD doesn't work well with ADAL when you want to use Local Accounts (that is, just a username or just an email address with no backing authenticator other than AAD). It appears the API we should be using for Local Accounts is the alpha release of MSAL. So far, so good. I'm able to create a local user using the Graph API and using the following code, I appear to be authenticating the local user 'joeconsumer#mycompany.com':
this.pca = new PublicClientApplication("a4828eaa-42f6-418a-8062-f857130b69ce");
AuthenticationResult result = await this.pca.AcquireTokenAsync(
new string[] { "a4828eaa-42f6-418a-8062-f857130b69ce" },
"https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + "darkbondpublic.onmicrosoft.com",
The problem is that I pass the security token from 'result.Token' back to the server using a custom security token mechanism in WCF. The code on the server, which used to work with ADAL, no longer seems to accept the security token from the above call:
JwtSecurityTokenHandler tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken securityToken = null;
ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(userName, this.GetTokenValidationParameters(MetadataAddress), out securityToken);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = claimsPrincipal;
The error message is:
Can anyone tell me what is going on here? Do I need a different method of authenticating on the server?
The metadata endpoint you config for Azure AD B2C tenant is incorrect. Here is the correct one for your reference:
We can find the metadata for the specific policy from the new Azure portal like figure below.
And in the metadata should able to see the keys endpoint like below:
We can find the key with kid gfIKIH-yZ3phRHRyjnsHIqZMaePLGAELzPat0CNY4sA like below figure:
I think the problem is: you are sending request to V1 endpoint but AAD B2C uses V2 endpoint with the authority: https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/{tenantId}/{policyName}/v2.0/
Metadata for v2 endpoint is available at https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/{tenantId}/{policyName}/.well-known/openid-configuration
Can you update your Urls and make one more attempt?
To see an authority in Azure Portal select your policy, then:
Locate your Policy
Click "Edit"
Click "Token, session & SSO config"
Expand "Issuer (iss) claim"
Azure (uses V1 endpoint) and Azure AD B2C (uses V2 endpoint) use different set of keys to sign tokens, therefore it is important to download public keys from the right location - originally you downloaded it from V1 but instead need to use V2.
For me this endpoint worked:
https://{Azure domain}/{Azure tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration?p={Azure policy}
