Pointers and char arrays from strings - c

Hi I have been reading for hours and still can't grasp the conversions between
char i ="adf";
char foo[];
char bar[256];
and adding * and & makes it more confusing
I have some code that is working.
int TX_SEND(char send[])
unsigned char *p_tx_buffer;
p_tx_buffer = &send[0];
strcat(send, "\r");
// Write to the port
int n = write(fd,&send[0],3);
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;
code is working but I need help with 2 parts.
I want to be able to run this function like kind of like printf IE TX_SEND("AT+CGMSD=STUFF"); but I am stuck
but before hand I do this alot.
char txsend[] = "at";
Also inside my TX_WRITE() I am using write(fd,&send[0],3), but it is hardcoded to send 3 bytes from send[]. I want this to be dynamic so I can just send strings at any length (realistically they will be less than 300 ASCII chars always). I tried to do something with a pointer in there but gave up (*p_tx_buffer was my beginning attempt).

i think you want
int TX_SEND(char *send)
int n = write(fd,send,strlen(send));
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;
you cannot tack on \n to send with strcat. I would add it in the calling function, or declare an intermediate buffer and sprintf to it
like this
int TX_SEND(char *send)
char buff[50]; // i dont know a good max size
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s\n", send);
int n = write(fd,buff,strlen(buff));
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;

I'm not going to go through your code line-by-line, but I urge you to focus on these facts:
chars are chars and strings are strings, and never the twain shall meet. (They're totally different.)
'x' is a character constant.
"x" is a string constant.
A string is an array of characters (terminated by '\0').
When you mention an array (including a string) in a context where you need its value, what you get is a pointer to the array's first element.
When you put a & in front of something, what you get is a pointer to that something.
When you put a * in front of a pointer, what you get is the thing that the pointer points to.
Putting this together, we could write
char str[] = "xyz";
char *p = str; /* per rule 5, this is fine, and p gets a pointer to str's first element */
char c = *p; /* per rule 7, c gets the first character of str, which is 'x' */
printf("%c\n", c);
If you're just starting with C, you may not have come across rule 5 yet. It will probably surprise you at first. Learn it well, though: you'll never understand arrays and pointers in C without it.


function returning a string of zeros in c

i trying to create a function that return an array of zeros us a char array
and print this array in a file text but when i return a string an addition char was returned
this the text file string the program wrote
this my fuction :
char *zeros_maker (int kj,int kj1)
char *zeros;
zeros = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(kj-kj1));
int i;
for(i =0;i<kj-kj1;i++)
return zeros;
the instruction i used when i printed in the file
fprintf(pFile,"%c%s%c &",34,zeros_maker(added_zeros,0),34);
Thanks in advance
'0' in C is the value of the encoding used for the digit zero. This is not allowed to have the value 0 by the C standard.
You need to add a NUL-terminator '\0' to the end of the char array, in order for the printf function to work correctly.
Else you run the risk of it running past the end of the char array, with undefined results.
Finally, don't forget to free the allocated memory at some point in your program.
Read about how string in C are meant to be terminated.
Each string terminates with the null char '\0' (the NULL symbol ASCII value 0, not to be confused with the char '0' that has ASCII value 48). It identifies the end of the string.
Plus check always if you are accessing an element out of bound. In this case it happens if kj1> kj
Instead of for loop, you may get hand of memset.
char* zeros_maker(int kj,int kj1)
int len=kj-kj1;
char *zeros=malloc(sizeof(char)*(len));
return zeros;
Or if you are not fan of C-style string, and it's going to be ASCII only, following could be used too. Just be careful what your are doing this way.
char* zeros_maker_pascal_form(int kj,int kj1)
int len=kj-kj1;
char *zeros=malloc(sizeof(char)*(len));
for(int a=0;a<len;a++){
return zeros;
Your code has a few basic issues, the main one is that it fails to terminate the string (and include space for the terminator).
Here's a fixed and cleaned-up version:
char * zeros_maker(size_t length)
char *s = malloc(length + 1);
if(s != NULL)
memset(s, '0', length);
s[length - 1] = '\0';
return s;
This has the following improvements over your code:
It simplifies the interface, just taking the number of zeroes that should be returned (the length of the returned string). Do the subtraction at the call site, where those two values make sense.
No cast of the return value from malloc(), and no scaling by sizeof (char) since I consider that pointless.
Check for NULL being returned by malloc() before using the memory.
Use memset() to set a range of bytes to a single value, that's a standard C function and much easier to know and verify than a custom loop.
Terminate the string, of course.
Call it like so:
char *zs = zeros_maker(kj - kj1);
Remember to free() the string once you're done with it.

Difficulty printing char pointer array

I've been struggling on this problem all day now, and looking at similar examples hasn't gotten me too far, so I'm hoping you can help! I'm working on the programming assignment 1 at the end of CH 3 of Operating Systems Concepts if anyone wanted to know the context.
So the problem is to essentially create a command prompt in c that allows users to input a command, fork and execute it, and save the command in history. The user can enter the command 'history' to see the 10 most recent commands printed out. The book instructed me to store the current command as a char pointer array of arguments, and I would execute the current one using execvp(args[0], args). My professor added other requirements to this, so having each argument individually accessible like this will be useful for those parts as well.
I decided to store the history of commands in a similar fashion using an array of char pointers. So for example if the first command was ls -la and the second command entered was cd.. we would have history[0] = "ls -la" and history[1] = "cd..". I'm really struggling getting this to work, and I'm fairly certain I'm screwing up pointers somewhere, but I just can't figure it out.
In main I can print the first word in the first command (so just ls for ls -la) using arg_history[0] but really can't figure out printing the whole thing. But I know the data's there and I verify it when I add it in (via add_history function) and it's correct! Even worse when I pass it to the get_history function made for printing the history, it prints a bunch of gibberish. I would greatly appreciate any help in understanding why it's doing this! Right now I have a hunch it's something to do with passing pointers incorrectly between functions, but based on what I've been looking at I can't spot the problem!
* Simple shell interface program.
* Operating System Concepts - Ninth Edition
* Copyright John Wiley & Sons - 2013
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80 /* 80 chars per line, per command */
#define HIST_LENGTH 10
void get_input(char *args[], int *num_args, char *history[], int *hist_index);
void get_history(char *history[], int hist_index);
void add_history(char *history[], char *added_command, int *hist_index);
int main(void)
char *args[MAX_LINE/2 + 1]; /* command line (of 80) has max of 40 arguments */
char *arg_history[HIST_LENGTH];
int num_args;
int hist_index;
int should_run = 1;
int i;
while (should_run){
get_input(args, &num_args, arg_history, &hist_index);
//printf("%s\n", arg_history[0]); //incorrectly prints up to the first space
//printf("%s\n", args[0]) //prints the correct arg from the last command (eg. for 'ls -la' it prints ls for args[0] and -la for args[1])
if (strcmp(args[0], "history") == 0) {
get_history(arg_history, hist_index);
return 0;
void get_input(char *args[], int *num_args, char *history[], int *hist_index) {
char input[MAX_LINE];
char *arg;
fgets(input, MAX_LINE, stdin);
input[strlen(input) - 1] = NULL; // To remove new line character - the compiler doesn't like how I'm doing this
add_history(history, input, hist_index);
arg = strtok(input, " ");
*num_args = 0;
while(arg != NULL) {
args[*num_args] = arg;
*num_args = *num_args + 1;
arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
void get_history(char *history[], int hist_index) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < HIST_LENGTH; i++) {
printf("%d %s\n", hist_index, *history);
// prints gibberish
hist_index = hist_index - 1;
if (hist_index < 1) {
void add_history(char *history[], char *added_command, int *hist_index) {
int i;
for (i = HIST_LENGTH-1; i > 0; i--) {
history[i] = history[i-1];
history[0] = added_command;
*hist_index = *hist_index + 1;
//printf("%s\n", history[0]); prints correctly
I made the changes suggested by some of the solutions including moving the pointer to input out of the function (I put it in main) and using strcpy for the add_history function. The reason I was having an issue using this earlier was because I'm rotating the items 'up' through the array, but I was accessing uninitialized locations before history was full with all 10 elements. While I was now able to print the arg_history[0] from main, I was still having problems printing anything else (eg. arg_history[1]). But more importantly, I couldn't print from the get_historyfunction which is what I actually needed to solve. After closer inspection I realized hist_index is never given a value before it's used to access the array. Thanks for the help everyone.
input[strlen(input) - 1] = NULL; // To remove new line character - the compiler doesn't like how I'm doing this
Of course it doesn't. There are many things wrong with this. Imagine if strlen(input) is 0, for example, then strlen(input) - 1 is -1, and you're accessing the -1th item of the array... not to mention NULL is a pointer, not a character value. You probably meant input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';, but a safer solution would be:
input[strcspn(input, "\n")] = '\0';
history[0] = added_command;
*hist_index = *hist_index + 1;
//printf("%s\n", history[0]); prints correctly
This prints correctly because the pointer value added_command, which you assign to history[0] and which points into input in get_command is still alive. Once get_command returns, the object that pointer points to no longer exists, and so the history[0] pointer also doesn't exist.
You should know you need to use strcpy to assign strings by now, if you're reading a book (such as K&R2E). Before you do that, you need to create a new object of suitable size (e.g. using malloc)...
This is a common problem for people who aren't reading a book... Which book are you reading?
printf("%d %s\n", hist_index, *history);
// prints gibberish
Well, yes, it prints gibberish because the object that *history once pointed to, before get_command returned, was destroyed when get_command returned. A book would teach you this.
See also Returning an array using C for a similar explanation...
Here are some description of strtok(). Because you just put the pointer of input to your history list instead of putting a copy, you'd only print out the first word.
char *strtok(char *str, const char *delim)
str -- The contents of this string are modified and broken into smaller strings (tokens).
delim -- This is the C string containing the delimiters. These may vary from one call to another.

Array point 0 doesn't reset content

I've made use of an array, and want to delete the content by placing null in array[0] but it doesn't work. Example... If I type Jesper, then the serial.print(nameBuffer[1]) returns e.
A temporary solution I use is a for-loop to place null in all it's spaces.
char name1[9] = "Jesper";
char nameBuffer[9];
void setup()
void loop()
int i = 0;
nameBuffer[0] = 0;
Serial.println(" All reset\n");
while(Serial.available() == 0)
// wait for data to be send
while(Serial.available() > 0)
int inByte = Serial.read();
nameBuffer[i] = char(inByte);
Serial.print("Recieved bytes: ");
Serial.print("Searching for: ");
nameBuffer is an array of 9 char elements. Each of those elements has a value of type char.
Setting a char object to 0 doesn't remove it from the array (0 or '\0', the null character, is as valid a char value as any other), nor does it affect the elements that follow it.
Now if you're treating the contents of nameBuffer as a string (defined by the C standard as "a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null
character"), then storing '\0' in nameBuffer[0] will cause it to contain an empty string. It has a length of 0, but there are still 9 char values stored in the array. So this:
printf("%s", nameBuffer);
won't print anything, but namebuffer[1] is still a valid char object holding whatever value was last stored in it.
Don't assume that printing a null character, or sending it over a serial port, will do nothing. If you don't want to print each character in your array, you'll need some logic to avoid printing the characters you don't want.
Incidentally, your code appears to be C++, not C. You have overloaded versions of Serial.print, one taking a char argument and one taking a char*; C doesn't support overloading. And char(inByte) is C++; it's a syntax error in C. (BTW, a cast isn't necessary there; the value will be converted implicitly.)

Write a recursive function in C that converts a number into a string

I'm studying software engineering, and came across this exercise: it asks to write a recursive function in C language that receives a positive integer and an empty string, and "translates" the number into a string. Meaning that after calling the function, the string we sent would contain the number but as a string of its digits.
I wrote this function, but when I tried printing the string, it did print the number I sent, but in reverse.
This is the function:
void strnum(int n, char *str)
strnum(n/10, str+1);
*str = n%10 + '0';
For example, I sent the number 123 on function call, and the output was 321 instead of 123.
I also tried exchanging the two lines within the if statement, and it still does the same. I can't figure out what I did wrong. Can someone help please?
NOTE: Use of while and for loop statements is not allowed for the exercise.
Note: your current implementation design is somewhat dangerous since you have no way of knowing if you are really writing in valid memory; consider implementing the function with a passed in len to know when you shouldn't try to write anymore; ie. to prevent buffer overruns.
The problem is that you are shaving off the least significant digit, but assigning it to the most significant position in the buffer pointed to by str.
You will need to have the "off shaving" and the "assigning" synchronized, so that the least significant digit is stored at the end - and not the beginning.
Easiest solution would be to do what you currently are doing, and then later reverse the buffer, but this will require far more assignments than what is actually required.
The recommended way is to calculate the number of digits in your string, by doing this you'll know at what offset the end will be, and start assigning the least significant digit at that position.
How do I determine the number of digits of an integer in C?
The hack
Another alternative is having the recursive call modify the current value of our pointer, effectively making it assign the right value - at the right offset.
This example is mostly included because it's "fun", there are (as mentioned) other paths to walk.
#include <stdio.h>
void strnum_impl (int n, char ** str) {
if (n) {
strnum_impl (n/10, str);
**str = n%10 + '0';
void strnum (int n, char * str) {
if (n == 0) { *str++ = '0'; }
else { strnum_impl (n, &str); }
*str = '\0'; /* null-terminate */
int main () {
char buf[256];
strnum (10240123, buf);
printf (">%s<\n", buf);
return 0;
As #Robert Harvey commented, as well as others, code is determining the least rather than the most significant digit and placing it in str[0].
It did look like fun to implement, so the below well copes with the entire range of int including INT_MIN and arbitrary sized int.
static char *strnum_helper(int n, char *str) {
str[0] = '0' - n%10;
if (n < -9) {
return strnum_helper(n/10, str - 1);
return str;
void strnum(int n, char *str) {
char buf[(sizeof n * CHAR_BIT)/3 + 3]; // Sized to any size int
if (n < 0) {
*str++ = '-';
else {
n = -n; // By using negative numbers, do not attempt -INT_MIN
buf[sizeof buf - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(str, strnum_helper(n, &buf[sizeof buf - 2]));
#Filip Roséen - refp pointed out the value of passing in a size. The above strnum() could be adjusted per a size limitation.

Comparing 2 Strings, one in a struct other not C programming

I have this database and I Need to check whether a Product Name is already in the database otherwise I ask the user to input another one.
The problem is this:
I'm trying to compare a string (the Product Name) found inside the struct with the string the user inputs.
The coding of the struct, the user input part and the search method are here below:
product Structure
typedef struct
char pName[100];
char pDescription [100];
float pPrice;
int pStock;
int pOrder;
the checkProduct method:
int checkProduct (char nameCheck[100])
product temp;
p.pName = nameCheck;
rewind (pfp);
while (fread(&temp,STRUCTSIZE,1,pfp)==1)
if (strcmp (temp.pName,p.pName))
return 1;
return 0;
and the user input part [part of the code]:
char nameCheck[100];
gets (nameCheck);
checkProduct (nameCheck);
while (checkProduct == 1)
printf ("Product Already Exists!\n Enter another!\n");
while (getchar() !='\n')
p.pName = nameCheck;
Now I am having the following errors (I Use ECLIPSE):
on the line
while (checkProduct == 1) [found in the user input] is giving me:
"comparison between pointer and integer - enabled by default" marked by a yellow warning triangle
p.pName = nameCheck; is marked as a red cross and stopping my compiling saying:
"incompatible types when assigning to type 'char [100] from type 'char*'
^---- Is giving me trouble BOTH in the userinput AND when I'm comparing strings.
Any suggestions how I can fix it or maybe how I can deference it? I can't understand why in the struct the char pName is being marked as '*' whereas in the char[100] it's not.
Any brief explanation please?
Thank you in advance
EDIT: After emending the code with some of below:
char *nameCheck;
nameCheck = "";
fgets(nameCheck,sizeof nameCheck, stdin);
checkProduct (nameCheck);
int value = checkProduct (nameCheck);
while (value == 1)
printf ("Product Already Exists!\n Enter another!\n");
while (getchar() !='\n')
strcpy (p.pName, nameCheck);
this is the new checkName method
int checkProduct (char *nameCheck)
product temp;
strcpy (p.pName, nameCheck);
rewind (pfp);
while (fread(&temp,STRUCTSIZE,1,pfp)==1)
if (strcmp (temp.pName,p.pName) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
p.pName = nameCheck;
is wrong as you try to assign address of one array to another. What you probably want is to copy it.
Use strcpy() instead.
strcpy(p.pName, nameCheck);
while (checkProduct == 1)
Since checkProduct is a function, the above condition will always be false as the address of function won't be equal to 1. You can store the return value in another integer like this:
int value = checkProduct(nameCheck);
while (value == 1)
/* rest of the code */
Or rather simply:
while ( checkProduct(nameCheck) == 1 ) {
Note - I've not checked entire code, there might be other bugs apart from this one. Btw, if you are new to programming, you can start with small examples from textbooks and then work towards slightly complex stuff.
int checkProduct (char nameCheck[100])
Note that the type signature is a lie. The signature should be
int checkProduct(char *nameCheck)
since the argument the function expects and receives is a pointer to a char, or, to document it for the user that the argument should be a pointer to the first element of a 0-terminated char array
int checkProduct(char nameCheck[])
Arrays are never passed as arguments to functions, as function arguments, and in most circumstances [the exceptions are when the array is the operand of sizeof, _Alignof or the address operator &] are converted to pointers to the first element.
product temp;
p.pName = nameCheck;
Arrays are not assignable. The only time you can have an array name on the left of a = is initialisation at the point where the array is declared.
You probably want
strcpy(p.pName, nameCheck);
rewind (pfp);
while (fread(&temp,STRUCTSIZE,1,pfp)==1)
if (strcmp (temp.pName,p.pName))
strcmp returns a negative value if the first argument is lexicographically smaller than the second, 0 if both arguments are equal, and a positive value if the first is lexicographically larger than the second.
You probably want
if (strcmp(temp.pName, p.pName) == 0)
gets (nameCheck);
Never use gets. It is extremely unsafe (and has been remoed from the language in the last standard, yay). Use
fgets(nameCheck, sizeof nameCheck, stdin);
but that stores the newline in the buffer if there is enough space, so you have to overwrite that with 0 if present.
If you are on a POSIX system and don't need to care about portability, you can use getline() to read in a line without storing the trailing newline.
checkProduct (nameCheck);
You check whether the product is known, but throw away the result. Store it in a variable.
while (checkProduct == 1)
checkProduct is a function. In almost all circumstances, a function designator is converted into a pointer, hence the warning about the comparison between a pointer and an integer. You meant to compare to the value of the call you should have stored above.
printf ("Product Already Exists!\n Enter another!\n");
while (getchar() !='\n')
You read in characters without storing them. So you will never change the contents of nameCheck, and then be trapped in an infinite loop.
If the only statement in a loop body is continue;, you should leave the body empty.
p.pName = nameCheck;
Once again, you can't assign to an array.
Concerning the edit,
char *nameCheck;
nameCheck = "";
fgets(nameCheck,sizeof nameCheck, stdin);
you have changed nameCheck from an array to a pointer. That means that sizeof nameCheck now doesn't give the number of chars you can store in the array, but the size of a pointer to char, which is independent of what it points to (usually 4 on 32-bit systems and 8 on 64-bit systems).
And you let that pointer point to a string literal "", which is the reason for the crash. Attempting to modify string literals is undefined behaviour, and more often than not leads to a crash, since string literals are usually stored in a read-only segment of the memory nowadays.
You should have left it at
char nameCheck[100];
fgets(nameCheck, sizeof nameCheck, stdin);
and then you can use sizeof nameCheck to tell fgets how many characters it may read, or, alternatively, you could have a pointer and malloc some memory,
#define NAME_LENGTH 100
char *nameCheck = malloc(NAME_LENGTH);
if (nameCheck == NULL) {
// malloc failed, handle it if possible, or
fgets(nameCheck, NAME_LENGTH, stdin);
Either way, after getting input, remove the newline if there is one:
size_t len = strlen(nameCheck);
if (len > 0 && nameCheck[len-1] == '\n') {
nameCheck[len-1] = 0;
// Does windows also add a '\r' when reading from stdin?
if (len > 1 && nameCheck[len-2] == '\r') {
nameCheck[len-2] = 0;
