I've been struggling on this problem all day now, and looking at similar examples hasn't gotten me too far, so I'm hoping you can help! I'm working on the programming assignment 1 at the end of CH 3 of Operating Systems Concepts if anyone wanted to know the context.
So the problem is to essentially create a command prompt in c that allows users to input a command, fork and execute it, and save the command in history. The user can enter the command 'history' to see the 10 most recent commands printed out. The book instructed me to store the current command as a char pointer array of arguments, and I would execute the current one using execvp(args[0], args). My professor added other requirements to this, so having each argument individually accessible like this will be useful for those parts as well.
I decided to store the history of commands in a similar fashion using an array of char pointers. So for example if the first command was ls -la and the second command entered was cd.. we would have history[0] = "ls -la" and history[1] = "cd..". I'm really struggling getting this to work, and I'm fairly certain I'm screwing up pointers somewhere, but I just can't figure it out.
In main I can print the first word in the first command (so just ls for ls -la) using arg_history[0] but really can't figure out printing the whole thing. But I know the data's there and I verify it when I add it in (via add_history function) and it's correct! Even worse when I pass it to the get_history function made for printing the history, it prints a bunch of gibberish. I would greatly appreciate any help in understanding why it's doing this! Right now I have a hunch it's something to do with passing pointers incorrectly between functions, but based on what I've been looking at I can't spot the problem!
* Simple shell interface program.
* Operating System Concepts - Ninth Edition
* Copyright John Wiley & Sons - 2013
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80 /* 80 chars per line, per command */
#define HIST_LENGTH 10
void get_input(char *args[], int *num_args, char *history[], int *hist_index);
void get_history(char *history[], int hist_index);
void add_history(char *history[], char *added_command, int *hist_index);
int main(void)
char *args[MAX_LINE/2 + 1]; /* command line (of 80) has max of 40 arguments */
char *arg_history[HIST_LENGTH];
int num_args;
int hist_index;
int should_run = 1;
int i;
while (should_run){
get_input(args, &num_args, arg_history, &hist_index);
//printf("%s\n", arg_history[0]); //incorrectly prints up to the first space
//printf("%s\n", args[0]) //prints the correct arg from the last command (eg. for 'ls -la' it prints ls for args[0] and -la for args[1])
if (strcmp(args[0], "history") == 0) {
get_history(arg_history, hist_index);
return 0;
void get_input(char *args[], int *num_args, char *history[], int *hist_index) {
char input[MAX_LINE];
char *arg;
fgets(input, MAX_LINE, stdin);
input[strlen(input) - 1] = NULL; // To remove new line character - the compiler doesn't like how I'm doing this
add_history(history, input, hist_index);
arg = strtok(input, " ");
*num_args = 0;
while(arg != NULL) {
args[*num_args] = arg;
*num_args = *num_args + 1;
arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
void get_history(char *history[], int hist_index) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < HIST_LENGTH; i++) {
printf("%d %s\n", hist_index, *history);
// prints gibberish
hist_index = hist_index - 1;
if (hist_index < 1) {
void add_history(char *history[], char *added_command, int *hist_index) {
int i;
for (i = HIST_LENGTH-1; i > 0; i--) {
history[i] = history[i-1];
history[0] = added_command;
*hist_index = *hist_index + 1;
//printf("%s\n", history[0]); prints correctly
I made the changes suggested by some of the solutions including moving the pointer to input out of the function (I put it in main) and using strcpy for the add_history function. The reason I was having an issue using this earlier was because I'm rotating the items 'up' through the array, but I was accessing uninitialized locations before history was full with all 10 elements. While I was now able to print the arg_history[0] from main, I was still having problems printing anything else (eg. arg_history[1]). But more importantly, I couldn't print from the get_historyfunction which is what I actually needed to solve. After closer inspection I realized hist_index is never given a value before it's used to access the array. Thanks for the help everyone.
input[strlen(input) - 1] = NULL; // To remove new line character - the compiler doesn't like how I'm doing this
Of course it doesn't. There are many things wrong with this. Imagine if strlen(input) is 0, for example, then strlen(input) - 1 is -1, and you're accessing the -1th item of the array... not to mention NULL is a pointer, not a character value. You probably meant input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';, but a safer solution would be:
input[strcspn(input, "\n")] = '\0';
history[0] = added_command;
*hist_index = *hist_index + 1;
//printf("%s\n", history[0]); prints correctly
This prints correctly because the pointer value added_command, which you assign to history[0] and which points into input in get_command is still alive. Once get_command returns, the object that pointer points to no longer exists, and so the history[0] pointer also doesn't exist.
You should know you need to use strcpy to assign strings by now, if you're reading a book (such as K&R2E). Before you do that, you need to create a new object of suitable size (e.g. using malloc)...
This is a common problem for people who aren't reading a book... Which book are you reading?
printf("%d %s\n", hist_index, *history);
// prints gibberish
Well, yes, it prints gibberish because the object that *history once pointed to, before get_command returned, was destroyed when get_command returned. A book would teach you this.
See also Returning an array using C for a similar explanation...
Here are some description of strtok(). Because you just put the pointer of input to your history list instead of putting a copy, you'd only print out the first word.
char *strtok(char *str, const char *delim)
str -- The contents of this string are modified and broken into smaller strings (tokens).
delim -- This is the C string containing the delimiters. These may vary from one call to another.
This question already has answers here:
Why does C's printf format string have both %c and %s?
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
In a nutshell, I have to be able to return the character in the middle of an input (char array) for part of our first C assignment. What I have so far, however, is code that returns "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I read into this a little bit, and learned that essentially I may be trying to access/modify data that is "not available to me", so-to-speak. Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char input[30];
int inputLen;
char midChar;
int main()
printf("Type in some text, and the press the Return/Enter key: ");
printf("\nYour input: %s",input);
inputLen = strlen(input)-1;
printf("Length of your input is %d characters.",inputLen);
if((inputLen % 2) == 0) {
midChar = input[(inputLen/2)+1]; // >>> PROBLEM HERE <<<
else {
midChar = input[((inputLen+1)/2)+1]; // >>> PROBLEM HERE <<<
return 0;
The two lines with >>> PROBLEM HERE <<< are the lines which I believe I've narrowed down to be the source of the problem.
Please Note: I have taken an introductory class in Java, and last semester took a class half-devoted to MATLAB, so I do have a little bit of programming intuition -- However, I am a 100% beginner in C, so I would appreciate some clear elaboration behind any help you guys may offer. I am not familiar with most functions/syntax unique to C, so I'm sure there will be cringe-worthy lines of code above for those well-versed in this language. If this is the case, feel free to include any other tips in your answers. Thanks!
You're printing a char with %s, so the program is treating your input as a pointer (to a char array). It's not a valid such thing.
You meant %c for a single character.
Your compiler should tell you about this. Turn warnings on!
A late addition:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
// This will be the default value if a string of length 0 is entered
char midChar = 0;
int inputLen;
int bufferLen = 31;
char* input = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * bufferLen);
printf("Type in some text, and the press the Return/Enter key: ");
fgets(input, bufferLen, stdin);
printf("\nYour input: %s", input);
inputLen = strlen(input);
if (input[inputLen - 1] == '\n') {
inputLen--; // ignore new line character
printf("Length of your input is %d characters.\n", inputLen);
if (inputLen > 0) {
midChar = input[inputLen / 2]; // take right of middle for even number
printf("%c\n", midChar);
return 0;
In your previous post you used sizeof(input) which is not recommended for reasons described in this post. It is better practice to hold the length of the array in a separate variable, here bufferLen.
Also the use of global variables here input inputLen midChar is generally discouraged as they lead to unexpected behaviour during linking and make program flow harder to understand.
I initialised the memory for the buffer dynamically so the bufferLen could be changed in the program.
When computing the length of the input one must consider the newline character \n which is retained if a small enough string is entered but not if the entered string exceeds the bufferLen.
For strings with even lengths I arbitrarily took the character to the right. The inputLen zero case is also handled.
This whole answer is only an addition to the first one which already found the bug correctly, because I was late to the party.
Other than print char problem, I think there is also a problem at where you indicated.
ex. if input string is abc, inputLen will be 3, midchar index should be at 1 since array index in C start from 0. However ((inputLen+1)/2)+1 gives 3. This probably won't directly cause the segfault but will give wrong answer.
You can replace
if((inputLen % 2) == 0) {
midChar = input[(inputLen/2)+1]; // >>> PROBLEM HERE <<<
else {
midChar = input[((inputLen+1)/2)+1]; // >>> PROBLEM HERE <<<
midChar = input[inputLen/2];
since C will truncate when doing integer division.
a b c -> 3/2 = 1
[0] [1] [2]
a b c d -> 4/2 = 2
[0] [1] [2] [3]
Other than that, you also need to make sure the inputLen is not 0
Although "pretty lady" (#LightnessRasesInOrbit) up here is correct, let me explain what is happening when you do this:
printf("%s\n", charVar);
or this:
printf("%s\n", intVar);
or this:
printf("%s\n", floatVar);
Or when you print things using pritnf() with %s. You have to understand how does printf ("%s", string) work!! So when printf gets %s it looks for C string or in other words, character array terminated with '\0'. If it does not '\0' it will segfault. In depth, printf() works like this:
char name[4];
printf("Hello ", name);
now printf does following:
gets the size of 1st variable ("Hello")
gets the size of 2nd variable (name) How? Simple by this loop:
int varSize;
for (varSize = 0; varSize != '\0'; ++varSize);
moves "Hello" into buffer
Determine the size of second parameter. How, by doing this:
does following
if ("%d")
// read intVar and attach it to the buffer
if ("%f")
// read floatVar and attach it to the buffer
if ("%s")
for (int i = 0; stringVar[i] != '\0'; ++i)
// push each char into the buffer
So I hope you see what is happening if one of for() loops does not find '\0' character. If you do good if you don't well it continues reading through until it segfaults.
This is oversimplified pseudo code on how printf() works and is not actual implementation, this is only for OP to understand what is going on.
Hi I have been reading for hours and still can't grasp the conversions between
char i ="adf";
char foo[];
char bar[256];
and adding * and & makes it more confusing
I have some code that is working.
int TX_SEND(char send[])
unsigned char *p_tx_buffer;
p_tx_buffer = &send[0];
strcat(send, "\r");
// Write to the port
int n = write(fd,&send[0],3);
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;
code is working but I need help with 2 parts.
I want to be able to run this function like kind of like printf IE TX_SEND("AT+CGMSD=STUFF"); but I am stuck
but before hand I do this alot.
char txsend[] = "at";
Also inside my TX_WRITE() I am using write(fd,&send[0],3), but it is hardcoded to send 3 bytes from send[]. I want this to be dynamic so I can just send strings at any length (realistically they will be less than 300 ASCII chars always). I tried to do something with a pointer in there but gave up (*p_tx_buffer was my beginning attempt).
i think you want
int TX_SEND(char *send)
int n = write(fd,send,strlen(send));
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;
you cannot tack on \n to send with strcat. I would add it in the calling function, or declare an intermediate buffer and sprintf to it
like this
int TX_SEND(char *send)
char buff[50]; // i dont know a good max size
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s\n", send);
int n = write(fd,buff,strlen(buff));
if (n < 0) {
perror("Write failed - ");
return -1;
I'm not going to go through your code line-by-line, but I urge you to focus on these facts:
chars are chars and strings are strings, and never the twain shall meet. (They're totally different.)
'x' is a character constant.
"x" is a string constant.
A string is an array of characters (terminated by '\0').
When you mention an array (including a string) in a context where you need its value, what you get is a pointer to the array's first element.
When you put a & in front of something, what you get is a pointer to that something.
When you put a * in front of a pointer, what you get is the thing that the pointer points to.
Putting this together, we could write
char str[] = "xyz";
char *p = str; /* per rule 5, this is fine, and p gets a pointer to str's first element */
char c = *p; /* per rule 7, c gets the first character of str, which is 'x' */
printf("%c\n", c);
If you're just starting with C, you may not have come across rule 5 yet. It will probably surprise you at first. Learn it well, though: you'll never understand arrays and pointers in C without it.
So I need to create a word search program that will read a data file containing letters and then the words that need to be found at the end
for example:
f a q e g g e e e f
o e q e r t e w j o
t e e w q e r t y u
and the list of letters and words are longer but anyway I need to save the letters into an array and i'm having a difficult time because it never stores the correct data. here's what I have so far
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int value;
char letters[500];
value = fgets(stdin);
for(int i =0; i < value; i++)
scanf("%1s", &letters[i]);
for(int i=0; i<1; i++)
printf("%1c", letters[i]);
I also don't know how I am gonna store the words into a separate array after I get the chars into an array.
You said you want to read from a data file. If so, you should open the file.
FILE *fin=fopen("filename.txt", "r");
perror("filename.txt not opened.");
In your input file, the first few lines have single alphabets each separated by a space.
If you want to store each of these letters into the letters character array, you could load each line with the following loop.
char c;
int i=0;
while(fscanf(fin, "%c", &c)==1 && c!='\n')
if(c!=' ')
This will only store the letters and is not a string as there is no \0 character.
Reading the words which are at the bottom may be done with fgets().
Your usage of the fgets() function is wrong.
Its prototype is
char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream);
See here.
Note that fgets() will store the trailing newline(\n) into string as well. You might want to remove it like
Use fgets() to read the words at the bottom into a character array and replace the \n with a \0.
and do
fgets(letters, sizeof(letters, fin);
You use stdin instead of the fin here when you want to accept input from the keyboard and store into letters.
Note that fgets() will store the trailing newline(\n) into letters as well. You might want to remove it like
Just saying, letters[i] will be a character and not a string.
scanf("%1s", &letters[i]);
should be
scanf("%c", &letters[i]);
One way to store the lines with characters or words is to store them in an array of pointers to arrays - lines,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXLET 500
#define MAXLINES 1000
int main()
char *lptr;
// Array with letters from a given line
char letters[MAXLET];
// Array with pointers to lines with letters
char *lineptr[MAXLINES];
// Length of current array
unsigned len = 0;
// Total number of lines
int nlines = 0;
// Read lines from stdin and store them in
// an array of pointers
len = strlen(letters);
letters[len-1] = '\0';
lptr = (char*) malloc(len);
strcpy(lptr, letters);
// Print lines
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
printf("%s\n", lineptr[i]);
// Free allocated memory
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
In the following, pointer to every line from stdin is stored in lineptr. Once stored, you can access and manipulate each of the lines - in this simple case I only print them one by one but the examples of simple manipulation are shown later on. At the end, program frees the previously allocated memory. It is a good practice to free the allocated memory once it is no longer in use.
The process of storing a line consists of getting each line from the stdin, collecting it's length with strlen, stripping it's newline character by replacing it with \0 (optional), allocating memory for it with malloc, and finally storing the pointer to that memory location in lineptr. During this process the program also counts the number of input lines.
You can implement this sequence for both of your inputs - chars and words. It will result in a clean, ready to use input. You can also consider moving the line collection into a function, that may require making lineptr type arrays global. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thing to remember is that MAXLET and especially MAXLINES may have to be increased for a given dataset (MAXLINES 1000 literally assumes you won't have more than a 1000 lines).
Also, while on Unix and Mac this program allows you to read from a file as it is by using $ prog_name < in_file it can be readily modified to read directly from files.
Here are some usage examples - lineptr stores pointers to each line (array) hence the program first retrieves the pointer to a line and then it proceeds as with any array:
// Print 3rd character of each line
// then substitute 2nd with 'a'
char *p;
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++){
p = lineptr[i];
printf("%c\n", p[2]);
p[1] = 'a';
// Print lines
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
printf("%s\n", lineptr[i]);
// Swap first and second element
// of each line
char tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++){
p = lineptr[i];
tmp = p[0];
p[0] = p[1];
p[1] = tmp;
// Print lines
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
printf("%s\n", lineptr[i]);
Note that these examples are just a demonstration and assume that each line has at least 3 characters. Also, in your original input the characters are separated by a space - that is not necessary, in fact it's easier without it.
The code in your post does not appear to match your stated goals, and indicates you have not yet grasp the proper application of the functions you are using.
You have expressed an idea describing what you want to do, but the steps you have taken (at least those shown) will not get you there. Not even close.
It is always good to have a map in hand to plan to plan your steps. An algorithm is a kind of software map. Before you can plan your steps though, you need to know where you are going.
Your stated goals:
1) Open and read a file into lines.
2) Store the lines, somehow. (using fgets(,,)?)
3) Use some lines as content to search though.
4) Use other lines as objects to search for
Some questions to answer:
a) How is the search content distinguished from the strings to search
b) How is the search content to be stored?
c) How are the search words to be stored?
d) How will the comparison between content and search word be done?
e) How many lines in the file? (example)
f) Length of longest line? (discussion and example) (e & f used to create storage)
g) How is fgets() used. (maybe a google search: How to use fgets)
h) Are there things to be aware of when using feof()? (discussion and examaple feof)
i) Why is my input not right after the second call to scanf? (answer)
Finish identifying and crystallizing the list of items in your goals, then answer these (and maybe other) questions. At that point you will be ready to start identifying the steps to get there.
value = fgets(stdin); is a terrible expression! You don't respect at all the syntax of the fgets function. My man page says
char *
fgets(char * restrict str, int size, FILE * restrict stream);
So here, as you do not pass the stream at the right place, you probably get an underlying io error and fgets returns NULL, which is converted to the int 0 value. And then the next loop is just a no-op.
The correct way to read a line with fgets is:
if (NULL == fgets(letters, sizeof(letters), stdin) {
// indication of end of file or error
// Ok letters contains the line...
I wanted to write a program which counts the occurrences of each letter in a string, then prints one of each letter followed by the count for that letter.
For example:
aabbcccd -
Has 2 a, 2 b, 3 c, and 1 d
So I'd like to convert and print this as:
I wrote code (see below) to perform this count/conversion but for some reason I'm not seeing any output.
char array[]="aabbcccd";
char type,*count,*cp=array;
int c;
Can anyone help me understand why I'm not seeing any output from printf()?
char array[]="aabbcccd";
char type,*count,*cp=array;
*cp is a pointer it's pointing to the address of the start of the array, it will never be == to a char '\0' so it can't leave the loop.
You need to deference the pointer to get what it's pointing at:
while(*cp != '\0') {
Also, you have a ; after your for loop, skipping the contents of it:
for(c=1;*cp==type;c++,cp++); <-- this ; makes it not execute the code beneath it
After fixing both of those problems the code produces an output:
mike#linux-4puc:~> ./a.out
Not the one you wanted yet, but that fixes your problems with "printf not functional"
Incidentally, this code has a few other major problems:
You try to write past the end of the string if the last character appears once (you write a '1' where the trailing '\0' was, and a '\0' one character beyond that.
Your code doesn't work if a character appears more than 9 times ('0' + 10 is ':').
Your code doesn't work if a character appears more than 2 times ("dddd" doesn't become "d4"; it becomes "d4dd").
Probably line-buffering. Add a \n to your printf() formatting string. Also your code is very scary, what happens if there are more than 9 of the same character in a row?
1) error correction
and not
2) advice
do not use array[] to put in your result user another array to put in your rusel it's more proper and eay
I tried to solve your question quickly and this is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 255
int main()
char input[SIZE] = "aabbcccd";/*input string*/
char output[SIZE]={'\0'};/*where output string is stored*/
char seen[SIZE]={'\0'};/*store all chars already counted*/
char *ip = input;/*input pointer=ip*/
char *op = output;/*output pointer = op*/
char *sp = seen;/*seen pointer=sp*/
char c,count;
int i,j,done;
while(i<SIZE && input[i]!='\0')
//don't count if already searched:
{//if i never searched char 'c':
//count how many "c" there are into input array:
count = '0';
printf("input: %s\n",input);
printf("output: %s\n",output);
return 0;
It's not a good code for several reasons(I don't check arrays size writing new elements, I could stop searches at first empty item, and so on...) but you could think about it as a "start point" and improve it. You could take a look at standard library to copy substring elements and so on(i.e. strncpy).
I am new to the C programming language and trying to improve by solving problems from the Project Euler website using only C and its standard libraires. I have covered basic C fundamentals(I think), functions, pointers, and some basic file IO but now am running into some issues.
The question is about reading a text file of first names and calculating a "name score" blah blah, I know the algorithm I am going to use and have most of the program setup but just cannot figure out how to read the file correctly.
The file is in the format
I have searched and searched and tried countless things but cannot seem to read these as individual names into an array of strings(I think thats the right way to store them individually?) I have tried using sscanf/fscanf with %[^\",]. I have tried different combos of those functions and fgets, but my understanding of fgets is everytime I call it it will get a new line, and this is a text file with over 45,000 characters all on the same line.
I am unsure if I am running into problems with my misunderstanding of the scanf functions, or my misunderstanding with storing an array of strings. As far as the array of strings goes, I (think) I have realized that when I declare an array of strings it does not allocate memory for the strings themselves, something that I need to do. But I still cannot get anything to work.
Here is the code I have now to try to just read in some names I enter from the command line to test my methods.
This code works to input any string up to buffer size(100):
int main(void)
int i;
char input[100];
char* names[10];
printf("\nEnter up to 10 names\nEnter an empty string to terminate input: \n");
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int length = 0;
printf("%d: ", i);
fgets(input, 100, stdin);
length = (int)strlen(input);
input[length-1] = 0; // Delete newline character
if(length < 1)
names[i] = malloc(length+1);
assert(names[i] != NULL);
strcpy(names[i], input);
However, I simply cannot make this work for reading in the formatted strings.
PLEASE advise me as to how to read it in with format. I have previously used sscanf on the input buffer and that has worked fine, but I dont feel like I can do that on a 45000+ char line? Am I correct in assuming this? Is this even an acceptable way to read strings into an array?
I apologize if this is long and/or not clear, it is very late and I am very frustrated.
Thank anyone and everyone for helping, and I am looking forward to finally becoming an active member on this site!
There are really two basic issues here:
Whether scanning string input is the proper strategy here. I would argue not because while it might work on this task you are going to run into more complicated scenarios where it too easily breaks.
How to handle a 45k string.
In reality you won't run into too many string of this size but it is nothing that a modern computer of any capacity can't easily handle. Insofar as this is for learning purposes then learn iteratively.
The easiest first approach is to fread() the entire line/file into an appropriately sized buffer and parse it yourself. You can use strtok() to break up the comma-delimited tokens and then pass the tokens to a function that strips the quotes and returns the word. Add the word to your array.
For a second pass you can do away with strtok() and just parse the string yourself by iterating over the buffer and breaking up the comma tokens yourself.
Last but not least you can write a version that reads smaller chunks of the file into a smaller buffer and parses them. This has the added complexity of handling multiple reads and managing the buffers to account for half-read tokens at the end of a buffer and so on.
In any case, break the problem into chunks and learn with each refinement.
#define MAX_STRINGS 5000
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 30
char* stripQuotes(char *str, char *newstr)
char *temp = newstr;
while (*str)
if (*str != '"')
*temp = *str;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char fakeline[] = "\"Nameone\",\"Nametwo\",\"billy\",\"bobby\",\"frank\"";
char *token;
char namebuffer[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = {'\0'};
char *name;
int index = 0;
token = strtok(fakeline, ",");
if (token)
name = stripQuotes(token, namebuffer);
strcpy(nameArray[index++], name);
while (token != NULL)
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
if (token)
memset(namebuffer, '\0', sizeof(namebuffer));
name = stripQuotes(token, namebuffer);
strcpy(nameArray[index++], name);
fscanf("%s", input) reads one token (a string surrounded by spaces) at a time. You can either scan the input until you encounter a specific "end-of-input" string, such as "!", or you can wait for the end-of-file signal, which is achieved by pressing "Ctrl+D" on a Unix console or by pressing "Ctrl+Z" on a Windows console.
The first option:
fscanf("%s", input);
if (input[0] == '!') {
// Put input on the array...
The second option:
result = fscanf("%s", input);
if (result == EOF) {
// Put input on the array...
Either way, as you read one token at a time, there are no limits on the size of the input.
Why not search the giant string for quote characters instead? Something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char mydata[] = "\"John\",\"Smith\",\"Foo\",\"Bar\"";
char namebuffer[20];
unsigned int i, j;
int begin = 1;
unsigned int beginName, endName;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mydata); i++)
if (mydata[i] == '"')
if (begin)
beginName = i;
endName = i;
for (j = beginName + 1; j < endName; j++)
namebuffer[j-beginName-1] = mydata[j];
namebuffer[endName-beginName-1] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", namebuffer);
begin = !begin;
You find the first double quote, then the second, and then read out the characters in between to your name string. Then you process those characters as needed for the problem in question.