Quill toolbar multiple Images select - quill

I am able to select only one image using the toolbar image select button .
Using Image drop module I can able to drop many images at a time , but wondering Is there any way I can select multiple images in single select using toolbar image select button ( Using image handler ..? ) Thanks


Thumbnail with checkbox in ng2-pdfjs-viewer

I am using ng2-pdfjs-viewer in sidebar content thumbnail area i want to add checkbox to select particular thumbnail and feature to drag image of thumbnail from top to bottom and bottom to top please let me know if anyone have any idea regarding this implementation

React native : how to create a view after an image without the view being on top of the image ( in the case where you have no space left)

in my project I'm using ScrollView and ImageBackground. But here is the issue: At the end of my ImageBackground, I create a View and this view is partly above the image! How do I make it so that the view is separated from the image?
Thanks a lot for your solutions/ideas.

Antd select not working inside a full screen dialog

I am using both materialui and antd as the ui component library in my react app. I have been using material ui's full screen dialog and tried to insert antd's select inside the dialog.
But looks like select list doesn't render correctly when placed inside material-ui's dialog component. I have tried to give antd select a very large zindex with absolute position but no luck.
Here's a the codesanbox link. You can the select work out the dialog but same select component doesn't render it's option list when placed inside the full screen dialog
If I add dropdownStyle={{ zIndex: 2000 }} to the select it seems to work.
Add zIndex=20 to Dialog Component and zIndex=2000 to Select
<Select style={{zIndex:2000}}>{...options...}</Select>

Images for command buttons in footer facet

I currently have two command buttons in the footer / header facets - I am trying to have images in those buttons.
Using property inspector I am able to add images for these buttons - but they show up very tiny - no matter whatever the size of image.
Is there a way I can adjust the size of this image display in the property inspector or any where else please?
Did you consider styling the Command Buttons or Use Image Link instead

how to hide K2 intro image in content page?

I am using Joomla 3.x and K2 extension. I'd like to hide the attached image of the item in intro text, and show another image instead in the content page (full page). (The image that shown in the main page replaced by another image in the article/content page). How can I do that?
In K2, you can associate an image with an item by uploading it to the Image tag for that item. You can also add images within the content of the item as well. To accomplish what you are trying to do it would probably be easiest to do this -
Configure the category view to display the image from the image tab
Configure the detail view to NOT display the image from the image tab
Use a template override for the category item view that strips out any images in the intro text
This way you will have the image tab image display in the category and the content image shown on the detail page.
Under the category, go to "Item view options" (on the right), and select "hide" for "image".
Make sure if your category inherits from another one, you make this change in the top category
