What code is user mode code and what code is kernel mode code? - c

I am having a question for myself while taking operating system course.
If I type in any C code to my text editor or though IDE and execute it with the compiler
it translates the code into machine code.
Then I would guess if I run the program, the OS will allocate a memory address to the code which is done by kernel code.
And if there was IO interrupt typed into my code, the kernel code executes.
And so...which bit is the user mode code then?

In the ordinary course of events, any code you write is 'user mode code'. Kernel mode code is executed only when you execute a system call and the control jumps from your user code to the operating system.
Obviously, if you're writing kernel code, or loadable kernel modules, then things are different — that code will be kernel mode code. But most people most of the time are only writing user mode code.

Kernel mode versus user mode actually reflects how the processor is running.
With modern operating systems, code only runs (with the processor) in kernel mode if it is trusted by the operating system, and all other code runs in user mode.
The functional difference, under modern operating systems, is that kernel mode code runs in a single (virtual) address space that represents all system resources, so all functions in kernel mode can affect each other directly. For example, all actions by a kernel mode driver can directly affect functioning of the operating system itself and of any other kernel mode driver. (The specifics implementation details vary somewhat between operating system types, for example between windows, linux, BSD, etc but the basic principles are the same)
Which means that, if you are writing code that will execute within the internal workings of the operating system or within a kernel mode driver, then it might be said to be kernel mode code. Otherwise, it will be user-mode code. Code that attempts some action that can only be executed in kernel mode will be prevented from doing so by the processor itself, unless the processor itself is in kernel mode. The operating system itself mediates when the processor enters kernel mode, which is why code need to be recognised by the operating system (or installed, in the case of kernel mode drivers) in order to do things that can only be done in kernel mode. User mode code can't arbitrarily escalate the processor to kernel mode, without the help of some code that is already recognised by the operating system.
Practically, modern operating systems also supply a set of functions (e.g. in an API) that can be called from user mode. A lot of those functions are, themselves, executed solely in user mode. Some, however, result in the the processor being switched into kernel mode to perform some specific actions, and then the processor is switched back to user mode by the time control returns to the caller. Which code, within the OS itself, executes in user mode or kernel mode depends both on the design of the operating system and administrative settings (e.g. only suitably privileged users (aka administrators) can, for example, install kernel mode drivers).


Force a C program to run in kernel mode for a while

I wanted to test out something when the process is in kernel mode. A period of 10-15 seconds completely in kernel mode should be enough.
Is there any way to force a program written in C to run in kernel mode for a while? Would a single read system call on a huge buffer do?
There is no way to force running program to run in kernel mode.
In kernel mode there are more privileges available. It means that
program could execute special instructions that it cannot execute in
user mode.
Obviously, there are no way, AFAIK, to force program in user mode to
switch to kernel mode, because it compromises security: imagine,
that every process on will could switch to user mode, malicious
code can cause disaster by altering page tables, changing CPU settings, turning off interrupts and so on.
The only valid way of "switching" to kernel mode is executing system call.
That will cause trap to the kernel and after some kernel code is executed
control will return back to user code. However, I think that is not what you
asked about.

RTOS within an RTOS

I'm planning to run an RTOS e.g Nuttx as a Process of another RTOS e.g FreeRTOS such that freertos tasks and the Nuttx running as a Freertos task would co-exist.
Would this be feasible implementation given that the underlying hardware is an ARM cortex A8 single core processor? What changes could be required if the implementation is not based on VM concept?
Your requirement, in a nutshell, is to allow a GUEST RTOS to completely work within the realms of an underlying HOST RTOS. First answer would be to use virtualization extension, but A8 processor does not have that, hence will rule this option out. Without Virtualization extensions you have to resort to one of the following methods and would require a lot of code changes.
Option 1 - Port your GUEST OS API's
Take all your GUEST OS API's and replace their implementation, so that it mimics the required API behavior by making use of HOST OS's API's. Technically now your GUEST OS will not have a scheduler, and will be reduced to a porting layer on top of your HOST OS. This method is used by companies when they need their software solutions to work across multiple RTOS's. They would write their software solution based on an RTOS. When a customer comes to them with a requirement to run the software on their RTOS, they would simply port the RTOS API implementations on to the customer's RTOS.
Option 2 - Para-virtualization
Your guest RTOS user and kernel space should both work inside the userspace of your host RTOS. Let us break the problem into a few parts.
Handling Privileged Instructions
When your Guest OS, while executing in "Kernel mode" tries to execute a privileged instruction, will cause an undef instruction abort. You have to modify the undef instruction abort handler of your host kernel to trap/intercept these instructions and act on them. Every single privileged instructions has to be trapped/intercepted and 'simulated'. There are some instructions that wouldn't trap but would need to be handled by modifying code. Eg. If your kernel code reads CPSR to confirm the execution mode, CPSR would say the mode is User mode. (This instruction wouldn't cause an instruction abort, so you could not follow the trap and simulate model. The only way is to identify, search and replace these instructions in your GUEST OS codebase.)
Memory Management Unit
If a privilege violation happens the Data Abort will be triggered to your host OS. It has to be forwarded to your guest OS.
You would have to replace your GUEST OS's interrupt controller driver with dummy SVC calls that would call into your HOST OS to setup interrupts.
You would have to modify your GUEST timer driver to account for 'lost' ticks when you were running your HOST OS tasks.
Hardware Drivers
All other hardware drivers used by your GUEST OS have to be modified to allow device sharing between GUEST and HOST.
Your GUEST OS scheduler now works inside (and thus is at the mercy of ) another scheduler (HOST OS Scheduler).
It is feasible.
You need to separate resources: memory, timers, IRQs, etc. So that, "Host" OS (FreeRTOS) don't even "know" about resources used by "Guest" OS (Nuttx).
For Cortex-A8 you may want to use IRQ for FreeRTOS and FIQ for GuestOS. It will let you not to rewrite IRQ controller (but again, make sure Host does not control FIQ after GuestOS started).
And some changes might be required for context switch: you need to differ Host-Host context switch, Host-Guest (and Guest-Host) and Guest-Guest context switch.
Though not direct answer to your question, address this problem at design level, do a separation of code that depends hardware (create API) and make the application level code independent of the underlying OS or runtime i.e rather depend on particular implementation let it depend on the API.
where ever needed port the hardware (OS) dependent code to the underlying OS/Runtime

Why does "read" have to be a system call run in "Kernel Mode"?

As I understood, the UNIX function read() will cause an interrupt(TRAP) and invoke the system call read. I also remembered that it has to switch to "Kernel Mode" before invoking the system call read and the switching is expensive..
I was wondering that why the read operation has to be delegated to system call in "Kernel Mode", instead of being done in "User Mode" completely.
For example, if there could be a service in "User Mode" which manages the access permissions of files, the read operation can just request this service, not disturbing the Kernel..
And for the disk driver, it is said in this link that
Device drivers can run in either user or kernel mode
Does anyone have ideas about this? Why does read have to be in Kernel Mode?
Is not the way Operating Systems are designed. The definition of OS is to handle the computers' hardware and to bring resources to their users. Operating Sysmtes also have the concept of user mode and kernel mode (as you said).
By having these concepts, OS define an specific line to what a user might do and what not. Letting them manage hardware is definitely something OS don't want users to do.
read usually involves a hardware access. Accessing hardware is cumbersome and error prone and can leave the computer in an unusable state. Operating System uses drivers to control the computer's hardware.
Issuing a read (assuming a hard disk IO) generally makes a driver to send a set of commands to the disk controller, read it's output, pass it to main memory, etc. This are dangerous operations that shouldn't be trusted to User Mode.
If there would be a service in user mode to handle this. Context switch still would be needed to be done, because the service would be running as another process.
Sure thing it can be done an Operating System that allows this. But modern operating systems aren't design to fulfill this behavior.
There are other approaches to building operating systems that relies on microkernels. A microkernel just do the minimum to get the pc started and leave everything else to other modules. Meaning that if a module crashes, the system still up. That's the case of specific drivers, filesystems, etc. I don't know if microkernels let these run in user space though.
Hope this helps!
First of all: it's no longer true that calling kernel is very expensive. It used to be when causing an exception/trap/fault/interrupt were the only way to switch from user mode to kernel mode in x86 systems, but that all changed with the addition of the systenter/sysexit machine code instructions, which perform a more lightweight transition.
Even if it is/were expensive, in terms of time consumed, system calls that deal with character and block device drivers should run in kernel mode because dealing with hardware devices involves reading and writting to hardware registers, which could be memory mapped or accessed thru I/O ports.
These registers must be protected from any access from userspace process. Not doing so may lead to any process to not to use the established API for reading a file, and directly use the hardware registers to read and write to the device. In the case of a disk with file, this would allow the userprocess to bypass the filesystem entirely, and hence, all the security and permission system.
So, if we need to protect these hardware registers so no user process can use them, code that does use them cannot run at the same priviledge level as any other user process. Hence, they run in another (more priviledged) mode, which is what is called "kernel mode".
Think on what would happen if you configure a Linux system so /dev/sda (usually the main harddisk in which the root filesystem lives) is read/write to anybody and everybody:
# chmod 666 /dev/sda
Having done this is more or less the equivalent of exposing the hard disk device to any user process. You can effectively write a program that could open, read, and write files stored within this device, but at the same time, you can write a program that open, read and write ANY files within the partition, no matter which permissions files have.
That said, there are cases in which a system runs only trusted applications. This kind of system doesn't need the level of protection that is present in a general purpose system, and hence it can benefit from the increased speed that comes by not depending on layers of APIs to isolate the process from the hardware. The most widely known example would be a videoconsole system. I recall that Windows CE used to run all its programs and device drivers at the same privilege too.

Dependency of Run time library on operating system

I was going through this tutorial about how to write a minimalist kernel. I read this in between :
The Run-Time Library
A major part of writing code for your OS is rewriting the run-time library, also known as libc. This is because
the RTL is the most OS-dependent part of the compiler package: the C
RTL provides enough functionality to allow you to write portable
programs, but the inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in
use. In fact, compiler vendors often use different RTLs for the same
OS: Microsoft Visual C++ provides different libraries for the various
combinations of debug/multi-threaded/DLL, and the older MS-DOS
compilers offered run-time libraries for up to 6 different memory
I am kind of confused with this part. Suppose I write my kernel in C code and against the advice use the inbuilt printf() function to print something. Finally my code will be translated to the machine code. When it will be executed, processer will directly run it. Why does the author says :
inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in use ?
There are two separate issues:
What will printf() do when run inside of your kernel? Most likely it will crash or do nothing, since the RTL of the C compiler you use to develop your kernel is probably assuming some runtime environment with console, operating system, etc. Even if you're using a freestanding implementation of C/C++, the runtime will likely take over serial ports or whatnot to perform the output. You don't want that, probably, since your kernel's drivers will control the I/O. So you need to reimplement the underlying file I/O from the RTL.
What will printf() do when run in a user process that runs on top of your kernel? If the kernel protects access to hardware resources, it can't do anything. The underlying file I/O code from the RTL has to be aware of how to communicate with the kernel to open whatever passes for standard input/output "files" and to perform data exchange.
You need to be aware of whether you're using a free-standing or hosted implementation of the C/C++ compiler + RTL, and all of the implications. For kernel development, you'll be using a free-standing implementation. For userspace development, you'll want a hosted implementation, perhaps a cross-compiler, but the runtime library must be written as for a hosted implementation. Note that in both cases you can use the same compiler, you just need to point it to appropriate header files and libraries. On Linux, for example, kernel and userspace development can be done using the very same gcc compiler, with different headers and libraries.
The processor has no clue what a console is, or what a kernel is. Some code has to actually access the hardware. When you take printf() from a hosted C/C++ implementation, that implementation, somewhere deep in its guts, will invoke a system call for the particular platform it was meant to run on. That system call is meant to write to some abstraction that wraps the "console". On the other side of this system call is kernel code that will push this data to some hardware. It may not even be hardware directly, it may well be userspace of another process.
For example, whenever you run things in a GUI-based terminal on a Unix machine (KDE's Konsole, X11 xterm, OS X Terminal, etc.), the userland process invoking printf() has very, very far to go before anything hits hardware. Namely (even this is simplified!):
printf() writes data to a buffer
The buffer is flushed to (written to) a file handle. The write() library function is called.
The write() library function invokes a system call that transfers the control over to the kernel.
The kernel code copies the data from the userspace pages, since those can vanish at any time, to a kernel-side non-paged buffer.
The kernel code invokes the write handler for a given file handle - a file handle, in many kernels, is implemented as class with virtual methods.
The file handle happens to be a pseudo-terminal (pty) slave. The write method passes the data to the pty master.
The pty master fills up the read buffer of given pseudo-terminal, and wakes up the process waiting on the related file handle.
The process implementing the GUI terminal wakes up and read()s the file handle. This goes through the library to a syscall.
The kernel invokes the read handler for the pty master file handle.
The read handler copies its buffered data to the userspace.
The syscall returns.
The terminal process takes the data, parses it for control codes, and updates its internal data structure representing the emulated screen. It also queues an update event in the event queue. Control returns to the event loop of the GUI library/framework. This is done through an event since those events are usually coalesced. If there's a lot of data available, it will be all processed to update the screen data structure before anything gets repainted.
The event dispatcher dispatches the update/repaint event to the "screen" widget/window.
The event handler code in the widget/window uses the internal data structure to "paint" somewhere. Usually it'd be on a bitmap backing store.
The GUI library/framework code signals the operating system's graphics driver that new data is available on the backing store.
Again, through a syscall, the control is passed over to the kernel. The graphics driver running in the kernel will do the necessary magic on the graphics hardware to pass the backing bitmap to the screen. It may be an explicit memory copy, or a simple queuing of a texture copy with the graphics hardware.
Printf() is a high-level function that can be independent of the OS. It is however just part of the puzzle, it has dependencies itself. It needs to be able to write to stdout. Which will result in low-level OS dependent system calls, like create() to open the stdout stream and write() to send printf output there. Different OSes have different system calls so there's always an adaption layer, there will be in yours.
So sure, you can make printf() work in your kernel. Actually seeing the output of calls to printf() is going to be the real problem to solve. Nothing like a terminal window in kernel mode.

Linux Real Mode Interface in a linux kernel module

I have a BIOS function I need to call from time to time on an embedded system, and using LRMI I was able to call it successfully from a user space program. Now I want to do the same from a loadable kernel module.
Is there any way to do this? Some other library maybe?
It has to do with the mode the Processor is in (which is protected mode, which turns on after bios initializes all of the resources). In order to use BIOS interrupts again, you will have to use v8086 mode, which is when the processor emulates a 16bit real mode machine. You can then set your registers and call your interrupt with a virtual mode program.
Here's how to get into virtual mode: http://www.brokenthorn.com/Resources/OSDev23.html
You could also try and switching into Real mode, but this involves resetting the processor. I don't know how you would do this programmatically, since you probably can't.
