SilkTest Identify/Locator Spy Window not seeing any objects in web browser window - silktest

SilkTest Locator spy is unable to recognize any of my web applications. It will see the main html page but no of the dom elements that lie Under it. It is weird because it used to work but im not sure if a setting change can cause this. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling silktest and I get the same problems.

I concur with Ralph, remember that Firefox and Chrome are on a 6 week release schedule which means that you could have an incompatible version of one of these browsers. Check the Micro Focus Support site to see what version of Silk Test supports the versions of the browser that you are using. Good Luck.

Try after adding 'application configuration' for all apps to spy objects in silkTest with locator spy.
Locator spy identifies only those applications which are added in application configurations.


How to use Selenium WebDriver to find Firefox add-ons warning dialog

I am testing downloading and installing an add-on that our company makes. I can add the domain to the Firefox profile whitelist to eliminate the first dialog, but then FF displays a second one that says "Install add-ons only from authors whom you trust". I can't find a way for Selenium to find it. It's the one that looks like this:
I have tried driver.switchTo().alert().accept() - this is not an alert.
I have tried driver.switchTo().findElement(linkText("Install") - nothing found.
I have tried using SikuliWebDriver to find an element by location (picking some random ints to work off of) and then just send keys like Keys.TAB and Keys.ENTER, but as I step through in debug mode, driver.findELementByLocation(20,40) never returns.
I have tried driver.getKeyboard().sendKeys(Keys.TAB) (sending two tabs and an enter). Also never returns.
I think this dialog is generated by Javascript but I am unable to find out what JS generates it. Ideally I could find a name or an id for the button in the dialog and then use JavascriptExecutor to run the command. But without any kind of handle I'm stuck.
Any ideas?
Selenium can only see the DOM (document object model). It can't test desktop applications. The dialog shown is part of the Firefox application and not part of the DOM, so Selenium can't see or access or interact with it. Sad but true. Try Ranorex?

EXtJS 4.2 and Android browser

I have a bunch of components that I am calling setValue on, everything is working fine in all browsers except the Android web browser and google chrome for android. Has anyone seen this behavior or knows how to solve it? I don't know where to really begin.
Ok you have to enable Javascipt for the Web View as android disables JS by default due to security reasons
That should so the trick
if your app has secure data you probably don't want 3rd party software running JS in your app
Hope this helps

Silverlight 5 app from iframe not closing in IE9

I am developing a web application using Dojo v1.8 and my target machine runs IE9 and Silverlight 5.1.20125. In this web app, the user can select a tool from a toolbar at the top of the page that will open up in a content pane (or an IFrame if it is an external tool) below the toolbar (only one tool can run at a time).
The bug I am encountering is that one of the external tools that opens in an IFrame runs a Silverlight app, and if the user tries to select another tool, the new tool won't open and the Silverlight application stays there. After checking the DOM Tree, all references to the Silverlight application have been wiped, and the new tool is there instead (which is the desired behavior).
So my question is, why is the Silverlight Application still being viewed even when it is gone from the DOM Tree, and is there a way to programmatically close it from Javascript? Also, I do NOT have access to the source code of the Silverlight Application.
Well I did not manage to solve this issue directly. However, there was another bug that I ran into which involved the java swing library not working on the production machine. The solution was to add the following tag as the first element of head:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8>
This forces IE to use IE8 instead of IE9. This trick solved this other issue, but inadvertently solved this issue as well. Here are several links that helped lead me to the solution (amongst others):

How to debug application in extjs in internet explorer and Google chrome browser

Can anybody tell How to debug application in extjs in internet explorer and google chrome Browser? is it possible using Breakpoints to debug to check the values?
There is a good article provided by sencha. check the section for internet explorer,
I have been forced to use IE8 in an application which works in Chrome and Firefox but fails often in IE8.
Debugging ExtJS in IE8 is nearly impossible if the problem is in the framework. IE8's developer tools hangs loading ext-all-dev.js
Also you can't get stack trace as in Chrome.
I had to put alert() calls in suspect lines and the whole process is a nightmare.
If you can avoid IE, do it.
Else be VERY VERY patient...
You can use the Developer Tools for your browsers. I don't use IE but I use Chrome's Developer Tools all the time! And yes you can do breakpoints, check values, etc..

IBM worklight and Dojo mobile

I am new to IBM worklight.I have created a application using Dojo mobile,Dragged and dropped the widgets into Rich Page Editor but when I run the app or check the result in preview,the widgets are not getting displayed
Technically it shouldn't create any issue unless until something goes wrong, try to open the browser console, there must be something fishy which creating the issue.
If possible share the code to debug the issue otherwise it's tough to provide any pointers without having use case.
Open your mobile app in a JavaScript Debug Environment (Firebug) and look for errors!!!
It could also be possible that the dojo.parser is not running. You can trigger that manually by doing the following:
Configure your application that dojo-parser wont get invoked automatically.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dojo/dojo.js"
data-dojo-config="parseOnLoad: false">
Trigger parser after dom-ready event got fired.
require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/ready"], function(parser, ready){
In dojo, it won't render in the preview (not correctly if it does). Try to download the Android SDK and run it on the emulator. I have had the same issue with the browser simulator and Dojo mobile in a few apps. I don't use it often, but I haven seen the issue.
