How to test fluent migrations with an in-process migration runner and a in memory SQLite database - database

I have just started to use FluentMigration for my current project. I wrote my first migration but I have some trouble writing a unit test for it.
Here is some sample code:
private ServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
return new ServiceCollection()
.AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
builder => builder
.WithGlobalConnectionString("Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;")
private void PerformMigrateUp(IServiceScope scope)
var runner = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
public void ShouldHaveTablesAfterMigrateUp()
var provider = this.CreateServiceProvider();
using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
// here I'd like to test if tables have been created in the database by the migration
I don't know how (or if it is possible) to access the current database connection so I can perform a query. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

Ok, I found a solution. I have to use the Process method of the runner's processor to perform my own sql query.
It looks like this:
private ServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
return new ServiceCollection()
.AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
builder => builder
.WithGlobalConnectionString(#"Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;")
public void ShouldHaveNewVersionAfterMigrateUp()
var serviceProvider = this.CreateServiceProvider();
var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
var runner = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
string sqlStatement = "SELECT Description FROM VersionInfo";
DataSet dataSet = runner.Processor.Read(sqlStatement, string.Empty);
Assert.That(dataSet, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0], Is.EqualTo("Migration1"));

This is an old question but an important one. I find it strange that I couldnt find any documentation on this.
In any case here is my solution which I find to be a bit better as you dont need to rely on the runner. Since you dont need that the options open up hugely for constructor arguments.
Firstly make sure you install Microsoft.Data.Sqlite or you will get a strange error.
SQLite in memory databases exist for as long as the connection does - and 1 database per connection on first glance. Actually though there is a way to share the database between connections as long as at least 1 connection is open at all times according to my experiments. You just need to name it.
So to begin with I created a connection that will stay open until the test finishes. It will be named using Guid.NewGuid() so that subsequent connections will work as expected.
var dbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var connectionString = $"Data Source={dbName};Mode=Memory;Cache=Shared";
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
After that the crux of running the migrations is the same as previously answered but the connection string uses the named database:
var sp = services.AddFluentMigratorCore()
.ConfigureRunner(fluentMigratorBuilder => fluentMigratorBuilder
var runner = sp.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
Here is a class I use to inject a connection factory everywhere that needs to connect to the database for normal execution:
internal class PostgresConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
private readonly string connectionString;
public PostgresConnectionFactory(string connectionString)
this.connectionString = connectionString;
public DbConnection Create()
return new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);
I just replaced this (all hail dependency inversion) with:
internal class InMemoryConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
private readonly string connectionstring;
public InMemoryConnectionFactory(string connectionstring)
this.connectionstring = connectionstring;
public DbConnection Create()
return new SqliteConnection(connectionstring);
where the connection string is the same named one I defined above.
Now you can simply use that connection factory anywhere that needs to connect to the same in memory database, and since we can now connect multiple times possibilities for integration testing open up.
Here is the majority of my implementation:
public static IDisposable CreateInMemoryDatabase(Assembly AssemblyWithMigrations, IServiceCollection services = null)
if (services == null)
services = new ServiceCollection();
var connectionString = GetSharedConnectionString();
var connection = GetPersistantConnection(connectionString);
MigrateDb(services, connectionString, AssemblyWithMigrations);
services.AddSingleton<IConnectionFactory>(new InMemoryConnectionFactory(connectionString));
return services.BuildServiceProvider()
private static string GetSharedConnectionString()
var dbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
return $"Data Source={dbName};Mode=Memory;Cache=Shared";
private static void MigrateDb(IServiceCollection services, string connectionString, Assembly assemblyWithMigrations)
var sp = services.AddFluentMigratorCore()
.ConfigureRunner(fluentMigratorBuilder => fluentMigratorBuilder
var runner = sp.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
private static IDbConnection GetPersistantConnection(string connectionString)
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
return connection;
Then here is a sample test:
public Test : IDisposable {
private readonly IDisposable _holdingConnection;
public Test() {
_holdingConnection = CreateInMemoryDatabase(typeof(MyFirstMigration).Assembly);
public void Dispose() {
You may notice that the static factory returns a custom interface. Its just an interface that extends the normal tooling I inject to repositories, but also implements IDisposable.
Untested bonus for integration testing where you will have a service collection created via WebApplicationFactory or TestServer etc:
public void AddInMemoryPostgres(Assembly AssemblyWithMigrations)
var lifetime = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<IHostApplicationLifetime>();
var holdingConnection= InMemoryDatabaseFactory.CreateInMemoryDapperTools(AssemblyWithMigrations, services);
lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => {


Spring boot: Database connection not closing properly

I'm executing queries periodically (by a scheduler) using my Spring Boot application
Datasource and JdbcTemplate Bean
#Bean(name = "src_mssqlserver")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.ds_mssqlserver")
public DataSource srcDataSource() {
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
return dataSource;
#Bean(name = "srcJdbcTemplate")
public JdbcTemplate srcJdbcTemplate(#Qualifier("src_mssqlserver") DataSource dsSrcSqlServer) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dsSrcSqlServer);
Usage: This method is called from a scheduler with list of items to process (normally 1000 records), this process runs in an hour once.
private JdbcTemplate srcJdbcTemplate;
public void batchInsertUsers(final List<User> users) {
String queryInsert = "INSERT INTO [User] ([Name]"
+ " , [Created_Date]"
+ " , [Notes])"
srcJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(queryInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
User user = users.get(i);
ps.setString(1, user.getName());
ps.setString(2, user.getNotes());
public int getBatchSize() {
return sites.size();
I'm getting warnings from database administrator that my code keeping too much connections open. Please share some standard and workable way to handle such situation.
DriverManagerDataSource is NOT meant for production, it opens and closes a connection each time it needs one.
Use a connection pool like c3p0DataSource.

stored procedure 'auto_pk_for_table' not found

I don't know why I received the error :
org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.4.0.M5 Feb 24 2017 07:47:55] Commit Exception
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Procédure stockée 'auto_pk_for_table' introuvable.
I'm using Cayenne :
and JDTS for sql server :
The connexion is ok :
avr. 10, 2017 2:36:30 PM org.apache.cayenne.datasource.DriverDataSource getConnection
INFOS: +++ Connecting: SUCCESS.
I'm trying to create a new user (I'm starting by bascis!) so my code is :
(I cut a little bit, it's too long:!)
public abstract class _UserInfo extends CayenneDataObject {
public static final String ADDRESS_PROPERTY = "address";
public void setAddress(String address) {
writeProperty(ADDRESS_PROPERTY, address);
public String getAddress() {
return (String)readProperty(ADDRESS_PROPERTY);
public class UserInfo extends _UserInfo implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String address;
public String getAdress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
//I have the hashcode and equals too
Then, I used vaadin to create my form :
public class UserAddView extends CustomComponent implements View {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private TextField address;
private Button save;
public static final String USERVIEW = "user";
public boolean checkValidation() {
if (!checkTextFieldValid(address))
return false;
return true;
public boolean checkTextFieldValid(TextField element) {
if (element == null || element.isEmpty()) {
"You should register a " + element.getDescription(),
return false;
return true;
public UserAddView() {
VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout();
final VerticalLayout vlayout = new VerticalLayout();
address = new TextField("Address:");
save = new Button("Save");
mainLayout.addComponent(new HeaderMenu());
private void addListeners() {
save.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (checkValidation() == true) {
ServerRuntime cayenneRuntime = ServerRuntime.builder()
ObjectContext context = cayenneRuntime.newContext();
UserInfo user = context.newObject(UserInfo.class);
"Has been saved, We will send you your password by email. Your user login is: "
+ email.getValue(), Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION);
public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
EDIT, add information : In my user object, I have a userid (primary key), in cayenne I wrote it as primary key too and in smallint. This error seems to be link...
The error happens when you insert a new object. For each new object Cayenne needs to generate a value of the primary key. There are various strategies to do this. The default strategy depends on the DB that you are using. For SQLServer (and for Sybase, as you've discovered :)) that strategy is to use a special stored procedure.
To create this stored procedure (and other supporting DB objects), go to CayenneModeler, open your project, and select "Tools > Generate Database Schema". In "SQL Options" tab, uncheck all checkboxes except for "Create Primary Key Support". The SQL you will see in the window below the checkboxes is what you need to run on SQL server. Either do it from Cayenne modeler or copy/paste to your favorite DB management tool.
There's also an alternative that does not require a stored procedure - using DB auto-increment feature. For this you will need to go to each DbEntity in the Modeler and under the "Entity" tab select "Database-Generated" in the "Pk Generation Strategy" dropdown. This of course implies that your PK column is indeed an auto-increment in the DB (meaning you may need to adjust your DB schema accordingly).

creating items collection in a custom control

I have a Custom control inheriting from Control class in my WinForm. My control contains multiple panels and other UIElements.
This is what my control is supposed to look like
There's a database panel,
database panel contains a single checkbox only.
and there's a Server panel,
server panel contains many database panels and a single label; the header label.
And finally there's the container panel that contains all my Server panels.
I found this Item Collection option for a User Control but I couldn't really understand the accepted answer on it. If someone could help explain it better that would be great.
Also, if someone could just put some links for creating advanced custom controls. I've been reading all day about it and I still can't make any sense of it all. Is there a step-by-step guide for advanced custom controls?
Basically what I need is to create a custom collection within my custom control. Currently my control is built as Winform Control Library which I build and then I use in my main program later.
So in my main program, I can just drag and drop the component on my form and use it.
By default, the custom control will load with one Server that contains one database.
What I want is to be able to add/remove other databases/servers to it if I need to, in my MAIN program
I'm having trouble explaining exactly what I need because I simply do not understand how the whole custom control/items collection thing works really, and i'm sorry for that. I would really appreciate some links that explains this stuff clearly
here's my code for this control:
This code only creates my default control, but I am UNABLE to add to it. The collection property appears in my property windows but when I add items to it and click okay nothing happens.
public class Database : System.Windows.Forms.Panel
public CheckBox _ckbDatabase;
public Database()
_ckbDatabase = new CheckBox();
this.BackColor = _pnlDatabaseBackColor;
this.Size = _pnlDatabaseSize;
this.AutoSize = false;
this.Height = 40;
this.Width = 200;
this.Location = _pnlDatabaseLocation;
_ckbDatabase.Top = 10;
_ckbDatabase.Left = 15;
_ckbDatabase.TextAlign = _ckbdbTextAlignment;
_ckbDatabase.Font = _ckbdbFont;
_ckbDatabase.ForeColor = Color.White;
public class Server : System.Windows.Forms.Panel
private Label _lblserver;
private Database database;
public Server()
_lblserver = new Label();
database = new Database();
this.BackColor = _pnlServerBackColor;
this.Size = _pnlServerSize;
this.AutoSize = false;
_lblserver.Dock = _lblserverDock;
_lblserver.Font = _lblsrvFont;
_lblserver.BackColor = _lblServerBackColor;
_lblserver.AutoSize = false;
_lblserver.Text = SRV;
database.Top = 35;
database._ckbDatabase.Text = DB;
public DatabaseCollection DatabaseCollection { get; set; }
public class ServersCollection : CollectionBase
public Server this[int index]
get { return (Server)List[index]; }
public void Add(Server server)
public void Remove(Server server)
How about something simple like this:
public class Server {
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Database> Databases { get; set; }
public Server() {
Databases = new List<Database>();
public class Database {
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
Then you can just add it like this:
List<Server> servers = new List<Server>();
Server serverA = new Server { Name = "Server A" };
serverA.Databases.Add(new Database { Name = "Database 1", Enabled = true });
serverA.Databases.Add(new Database { Name = "Database 2", Enabled = false });
Server serverB = new Server { Name = "Server B" };
serverB.Databases.Add(new Database { Name = "Database 1", Enabled = false });
serverB.Databases.Add(new Database { Name = "Database 2", Enabled = false });
When you link to the Item Collection part it seemed like you wanted to be able to add servers and databases in design mode but then you mention you want to do it by code? If this is not what you want you need to give us more information.
Looks to me like you are mostly there. First off, here's a more complete collection class:
public class ServersCollection : IEnumerable<Server>
private List<Server> _servers = new List<Server>();
public Server this[int index]
get { return _servers[index]; }
public IEnumerator<Server> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var server in _servers)
yield return server;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); }
public void Add(Server server)
public void Remove(Server server)
//You might consider a deliberate loop to evaluate a proper match
//Don't forget to Dispose() it first!
public void Clear()
for (Int32 i = _servers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Add an instance of the ServersCollection class to the container control, the one at the top level that holds server panels:
private ServersCollection _servers = new ServersCollection();
public ServersCollection Servers { get { return _servers; } }
Use that as a way for it to add Server controls to its own collection of controls.
Do a similar thing with the DatabaseCollection in the Server class, again so that it can add Database panels to its controls collection.
Then, wherever you have an instance of a control, you will also have access to the collection of what it holds:
...allowing you to add/remove, as such:
myControl.Servers.Add(new Server());
myServer.Databases.Add(new Database());
Points of emphasis
Your classes are controls, but they also own other controls. Proper use of the Dispose pattern will be crucial or you'll have memory issues throughout.
I would remove these lines, they don't matter unless you intend to add servers/DBs at form design time (i.e. fixed entries or defaults):
public DatabaseCollection DatabaseCollection { get; set; }
Finally, you could (should!) take that collection class further, with overloads for Add() and Remove() that do a better job of deciding when/how/what to do based on more than an instance, e.g. by name? You could also add another indexer to fetch by name, for instance, instead of just index (which you might not readily know).

How can I make Dapper.NET throw when result set has unmapped columns?

Using the example code below as context... When I run this query I get the 'Id' field coming back as default value (which is 0 for an int). I would like to tell dapper to run in a manner where it would throw an exception if there is a column in the result set that does not get mapped to a property on my result object. (I understand that the issue is just that I need to remove the extra 'd' in the SQL query but I'm interested in having this expose itself more explicitly)
I've been unable to find anything on this topic. Please let me know if this is even possible with Dapper.
Thanks in advance (besides this issue, and for anyone who hasn't taken the plunge, Dapper really is the greatest thing since sliced bread!).
class CustomerRecord
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
CustomerRecord[] GetCustomerRecords()
CustomerRecord[] ret;
var sql = #"SELECT
CustomerRecordId AS Idd,
CustomerName as Name
FROM CustomerRecord";
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString))
ret = connection.Query<CustomerRecord>(sql).ToArray();
return ret;
You could create your own type map where you use Dapper's DefaultTypeMap and throw an exception when it cannot find the member:
public class ThrowWhenNullTypeMap<T> : SqlMapper.ITypeMap
private readonly SqlMapper.ITypeMap _defaultTypeMap = new DefaultTypeMap(typeof(T));
public ConstructorInfo FindConstructor(string[] names, Type[] types)
return _defaultTypeMap.FindConstructor(names, types);
public ConstructorInfo FindExplicitConstructor()
return _defaultTypeMap.FindExplicitConstructor();
public SqlMapper.IMemberMap GetConstructorParameter(ConstructorInfo constructor, string columnName)
return _defaultTypeMap.GetConstructorParameter(constructor, columnName);
public SqlMapper.IMemberMap GetMember(string columnName)
var member = _defaultTypeMap.GetMember(columnName);
if (member == null)
throw new Exception();
return member;
Downside of this, is that you have to configure all the type maps for every entity:
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(typeof(CustomerRecord), typeof(ThrowWhenNullTypeMap<CustomerRecord>));
This could be configured using reflection, however.
I came here after I solved this same problem for the IEnumerable<dynamic> methods in Dapper. Then I found the proposal to solve the issue for Query<T>; but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
My answer builds on the answer proposed by #HenkMollema, and uses his class in the solution, so credit to him for that...
To solve the IEnumerable<dynamic> scenario, I had created a "SafeDynamic" class (follow the link above to see that). I refactored the static "Create" method into an extension method:
public static class EnumerableDynamicExtensions
public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Safe(this IEnumerable<dynamic> rows)
return rows.Select(x => new SafeDynamic(x));
and then I created a DapperExtensions class to provide 'Safe' versions of Query and Read (Read is used after QueryMultiple), to give me...
internal static class DapperExtensions
public static IEnumerable<dynamic> SafeQuery(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = default(int?), CommandType? commandType = default(CommandType?))
return cnn.Query(sql, param, transaction, buffered, commandTimeout, commandType).Safe();
public static IEnumerable<dynamic> SafeRead(this SqlMapper.GridReader gridReader, bool buffered = true)
return gridReader.Read(buffered).Safe();
So to solve this issue I added a "SafeQuery<T>" method to DapperExtensions, which takes care of setting up that type mapping for you:
private static readonly IDictionary<Type, object> TypesThatHaveMapper = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public static IEnumerable<T> SafeQuery<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = default(int?), CommandType? commandType = default(CommandType?))
if (TypesThatHaveMapper.ContainsKey(typeof(T)) == false)
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(typeof(T), new ThrowWhenNullTypeMap<T>());
TypesThatHaveMapper.Add(typeof(T), null);
return cnn.Query<T>(sql, param, transaction, buffered, commandTimeout, commandType);
So if the original poster changes the call to Query to become SafeQuery, it should do what he requested
Edit 25/1/17
Improvements to avoid threading issues on the static dictionary:
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object> TypesThatHaveMapper = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object>();
public static IEnumerable<T> SafeQuery<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = default(int?), CommandType? commandType = default(CommandType?))
TypesThatHaveMapper.AddOrUpdate(typeof(T), AddValue, UpdateValue);
return cnn.Query<T>(sql, param, transaction, buffered, commandTimeout, commandType);
private static object AddValue(Type type)
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(type, XXX); // Apologies... XXX is left to the reader, as my implementation has moved on significantly.
return null;
private static object UpdateValue(Type type, object existingValue)
return null;
I'd like to expand on #Richardissimo 's answer by providing a visual studio project that includes his "SafeQuery" extention to Dapper, wrapped up nice and neat and tested.
I use this in all my projects now to help keep the DAL clean of mismapped data, and felt the need to share. I would have posted up a Nuget, but the dependency on Dapper itself makes it much easier to post the project where consumers can update the reference to the Dapper version they want. Consume in good health, all.
Based on this thread and some other resources on SO, I've created an extension method without any custom mapper. What I needed was to throw when some property of my DTO was not set because for example SQL query has some column missing in SELECT statement.
This way my DTO would be set with default property silently and that's kinda dangerous.
The code can be simplified a little by not checking firstly for all properties being present in result, but throwing exception in the last Select call where we could iterate through properties of our type and check if query result has this property as well.
public static class Extensions
public static async Task<IEnumerable<T>> SafeQueryAsync<T>(
this IDbConnection cnn,
string sql,
object param = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null,
int? commandTimeout = default(int?),
CommandType? commandType = default(CommandType?))
where T : new()
Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> propertySetters = typeof(T)
.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead && p.CanWrite)
.ToDictionary(p => p.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), p => p);
HashSet<string> typeProperties = propertySetters
.Select(p => p.Key)
var rows = (await cnn.QueryAsync(sql, param, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType)).ToArray();
if (!rows.Any())
return Enumerable.Empty<T>();
var firstRow = rows.First();
HashSet<string> rowColumns = ((IDictionary<string, object>) firstRow)
var notMappedColumns = typeProperties.Except(rowColumns).ToArray();
if (notMappedColumns.Any())
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Not all type properties had corresponding columns in SQL query. Query result lacks [{string.Join(", ", notMappedColumns)}]");
return rows.Select(row =>
IDictionary<string, object> rowDict = (IDictionary<string, object>) row;
T instance = new T();
rowDict.Where(o => propertySetters.ContainsKey(o.Key.ToLowerInvariant()))
.ToList().ForEach(o => propertySetters[o.Key.ToLowerInvariant()].SetValue(instance, o.Value));
return instance;

Dynamicly Change Database MVC3 and EntityFramework 4.1

I am working on an MVC3 application database first approach . I would like to use one connection string to connect to database, based on some string (company name). Example: I have in my MSSQL Express 2012 this db: my_database_microsoft, my_database_oracle and so on..(those databases have same structure). On login page I have 3 input fields: username,password,company. I know how to build connection string dynamic with SqlConnectionStringBuilder and then use it on EntityConnectionStringBuilder
string providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient";
string serverName = "MY-PC\\SQL2012";
string databaseName = "my_database_"+form[company].toString();
entityBuilder.Provider = providerName;
// Set the provider-specific connection string.
entityBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = providerString;
// Set the Metadata location.
entityBuilder.Metadata =#"res://*/Models.Model1.csdl|res://*/Models.Model1.ssdl|res://*/Models.Model1.msl";
using (EntityConnection conn =
new EntityConnection(entityBuilder.ToString()))
// Console.WriteLine("Just testing the connection.");
obracun_placEntities1.nameOrConnectionString = entityBuilder.ToString();
obracun_placEntities1 o = new obracun_placEntities1(entityBuilder.ToString());
I have made a partial class of my entety and give a constructor that take a nameOrConnectionString string as a parameter.
public partial class obracun_placEntities1
public string nameOrConnectionString { get; set; }
public obracun_placEntities1(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString ?? "obracun_placEntities1") { }
This works only in loginController but how can I use this in UsersController and all other controllers where I using obracun_placEntities1 db = new obracun_placEntities1(); > this take the default database from web.config. I would not like to save connection string to session or cookie and than pass it in every controler as a parameter.
private obracun_placEntities1 db = new obracun_placEntities1();
How can i achieve that i pass connection string in login controller and using this database in entire project.
One more problem occured when i want to use public static string nameOrConnectionString
and pass it to constructor. The problem is when I open application in Chrome and login as user1 I get all infromation from user1 database, but then I login in MS Explorere as user2 and get all data from user2 database. When i refresh chrome I get information from the user2 database not user1.
public partial class obracun_placEntities1 : DbContext
public static string nameOrConnectionString { get; set; }
// public static string connection;
public obracun_placEntities1()
: base(nameOrConnectionString ?? "obracun_placEntities1")
Connecting to different Databases is best done using the DBconnection constructor on DBCOntext. If you look at the DBContext class you will see multiple constructor overloads. One allows the DBConnection to be supplied. So no entry in WEB.Config/App.Config is required.
See this post with sample code Same Context accessing different databases.
EDIT sample added:
public partial class obracun_placEntities1 : DbContext
protected obracun_placEntities1(DbConnection dbConnection, bool contextOwnsConnection)
: base(dbConnection, contextOwnsConnection)
// obracun_placEntities1.nameOrConnectionString = entityBuilder.ToString();
// obracun_placEntities1 o = new obracun_placEntities1(entityBuilder.ToString());`
// build the connection - note: it is NOT a connection string. it is a DBConnection!
conn = getDBConnection4SQLServer(DatabaseServer,Databasename)
obracun_placEntities1 o = new obracun_placEntities1(conn,true);
public const string DefaultDataSource = "localhost";
public DbConnection getDBConnection4SQLServer(string dataSource, string dbName) {
var sqlConnStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
sqlConnStringBuilder.DataSource = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource) ? DefaultDataSource : dataSource;
sqlConnStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
sqlConnStringBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets = true;
var sqlConnFact = new SqlConnectionFactory(sqlConnStringBuilder.ConnectionString);
var sqlConn = sqlConnFact.CreateConnection(dbName);
return sqlConn;
I finnaly getting it to work with this code.
My LoginController
public ActionResult Index(UPORABNIK model, FormCollection form)
public obracun_placEntities1(EntityConnection entityConnection)
: base(entityConnection, false)
I call EntityConnection conn = GetEntityConnDbName("ServerName", "FirmName").
_entities = new obracun_placEntities1(conn, false);
var uporabniki = from r in _entities.UPORABNIK.Where(r => r.ime == uporabnik && r.geslo == geslo && danes <= r.veljavnost).ToList()
select r;
I get the firmName from the post form so this work only in LoginController.But how can I use this constructor in all other Controllers? I get firm name only once in LoginControler, I tried to save it as cookie but then i can not read it in the constructor.
In my other Controller I use the default controller again. How can I tranfer conn to other Controllers?
private obracun_placEntities1 db = new obracun_placEntities1();
I would like to call like this
private obracun_placEntities1 db = new obracun_placEntities1(conn);
Or is there some better way?
