How to make transmission code about CAN protocol - c

I'm using NUCLEO-F103RB Board and SN65HVD230 CAN transceiver.
workspace is keil uvision(IDE), STM32 ST-LINK(debugger?).
I have a sample code what my teacher gives me.
it's STMICRO'S sample code.
but i really don't know how to use..
first, I know how to set stdId, DLC, DATA[0]~[7]
it is like this.
tx_msg.StdId = 0x701;
tx_msg.DLC = 8;
tx_msg.Data[0] = 0x11;
tx_msg.Data[1] = 0x22;
tx_msg.Data[2] = 0x33;
tx_msg.Data[3] = 0x44;
tx_msg.Data[4] = 0x55;
tx_msg.Data[5] = 0x66;
tx_msg.Data[6] = 0x77;
tx_msg.Data[7] = 0x88;
as I know, next step is making transmission code.
but how to make trasmission code?
using can_tx(argument...) like this?
setting register about CAN protocol (but my teacher said there is no changing register or interrupt.)
also, I think this is transmit function, maybe....
can_tx(uint32_t CanTxMsgTypeDef *tx_msg),uint32_t timeout)
internal argument->()


Microchip PIC24FJ SPI writes correctly but only reads zeros

I have a PIC24FJ256GA702 communicating with a AD5724RBREZ quad DAC with a SPI link.
The DAC works fine, writing is no problem, but I am stuck on reading back the control register from it.
I get the correct waveform on the PIC pin that I am expecting, and the read routine runs, but it always returns zeros. The waveform is clearly not zero- the waveform on the scope is correct for the 4 channels and the internal reference being enabled.
Scope view of waveforms - blue = clock, yellow = data input from DAC at PIC pin
(The excessive ringing on the scope image is probably caused by a long distance ground connection- in practice these chips are about 25mm apart.)
I thought that the input pin was configured as an analogue, but it was correctly a digital input.
I connected it to a counter based on Timer1, and that counter does count if I try to read the DAC. This suggests that the PPS is working, the pin is not bust, and the the input signal is clean enough to use.
I think it may be a problem with the code or the decode timing of the SPI module, but as shown in the image the data is stable during the clock cycle so I cannot see what is wrong.
I have searched the forums, and it seems most with this problem trace it to analogue functions being enabled but that is not the case here.
Would anyone like to suggest something else to try, or post some working SPI read code if my code is not looking correct?
The code follows-
void AOUT_init(void)
//assume PPS is unlocked (it is on reset) - see note below
//setup SPI1 itself
SPI1CON1L = 0x0160; //TX work read 0
//SPI1CON1L = 0x0060; //TX not work
//SPI1CON1L = 0x0120; //TX work, read 0
//SPI1CON1L = 0x0020; //not tried
SPI1CON1H = 0x3000;
SPI1CON2L = 0x0017; //word length (17 hex = 24 bits)
SPI1BRGL = 0x0000; //default = no divisor
//PPS - assume unlocked at this point
ANSBbits.ANSB13 = 0;
RPINR20bits.SDI1R = 13; //set SDI1 data input to PIC to RB13
RPOR7bits.RP15R = 8; //RB15 to SDI1 clock out from PIC
RPOR7bits.RP14R = 7; //RB14 to SDI1 data out from PIC
//AD5724R has additional lines - not all used in practice
//setup and set initial level here
LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
LATBbits.LATB12 = 1;
//turn SPI on
SPI1CON1Lbits.SPIEN = 1;
SPI1CON1Lbits.MSTEN = 1; //included in definition above
//now setup the AD chip
//output range set
AOUT_TX(0x0C00,0x0100); //all channels to 10V
//power control - enable DACs
The comms routine below is included for completeness- it just controls the other DAC lines. The /SYNC line is doing a chip select function.
static void AOUT_Comms(bool bSync, bool bLDAC, bool bClr)
LATBbits.LATB7 = bSync;
LATBbits.LATB12 = bClr;
This is write routine which works fine.
void AOUT_TX(uint16_t dataH, uint16_t dataL)
//AOUT uses 24 bit data
//this routine handles /SYNC line
//relies on AD chip having much faster response than chip cycle time
//AD chip limits at about 38MHz so much quicker than PIC.
SPI1BUFL = dataL;
SPI1BUFH = dataH;
while(SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY) //wait until sent
This is the read routine, which uses the routines above.
void AOUT_read_control(uint16_t ReadH, uint16_t ReadL)
uint16_t temp;
//to read, transmit the register to be read, then transmit a dummy command "NOP" to clock the data out.
//send register
//read out- this is similar to write but reads the received buffer at the end.
//clear buffer
while (SPI1STATLbits.SPIRBF)
temp = SPI1BUFL;
temp = SPI1BUFH;
SPI1BUFH = 0x1800; //nop operation via control register
while(SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY) //wait until sent
while (!SPI1STATLbits.SPIRBF)
; //hold until something received
ReadL = SPI1BUFL; //these read zero
//dummy so can check counter also connected to same pin
temp = TMR1;
temp = TMR1;
I checked the SPI read decode by sending the received words directly to a display as suggested by the comments. I get 0000 for both words.
Also as suggested I connected a logic analyser at the PIC pins, and it decodes both read and write correctly.Logic Analyser view- Ch1/Blue/MOSI writing 0x180000, Ch2/Green/MISP reading 0x00001F, both correct

compiling error while declaring sfr address

i am working on a 8051 based MCU STC16C65A and i want it to emit PWM thru P2.0, sp i copy and modify this code from their manual:
#include "8051.h"
sfr AUXR = 0x8e;
//Auxiliary register T0 interrupt service routine
void t0int() interrupt 1 //(location at 000BH)
void main()
AUXR = 0x80;
//timer0 work in 1T mode
TMOD = 0x06; //set timer0 as counter mode2 (8-bit auto-reload)
TL0 = TH0 = 0xff; //fill with 0xff to count one time
TR0 = 1; //timer0 start run
ET0 = 1; //enable T0 interrupt
EA = 1; //open global interrupt switch
IF P2.0 = 0 THEN P2.0 = 1 ELSE P2.0 = 0;
while (1);
but when i compile it using MCU 8051 ide comes out a syntax error, declaration ignored in sfr AUXR = 0x8e; i think is that the library used (8051.reg) is a generic one instead of the reg51.h (oudated) that they suggest in the manual which i dont use because cames a error message of library out to date
Who can hep me? maybe i have to choose another adress for that pointer?
thanks in advance
SDCC is a different compiler than Keil C51, you have to expect differences in extensions to the C standard. And the declaration of SFRs is an extension.
Please use the documented syntax:
__sfr __at(0x8e) AUXR;

How to use I2C GPIO expander's pin instead of RTS to control the RS485 direction, in Linux AUART kernel driver?

I'm creating an embedded system based on i.MX287 processor from NXP(Freescale). I'm using a core processing board which is connected to my evaluation board via a mini PCIe connector.
UARTs 0,3,4 are used as RS232 and UARTs 1,2 as RS485. The core board does not provide the RTS signals in its pinout, so I have to use pins from an I2C GPIO expander to control the RS485 direction. The GPIO expander module is also used for controlling some other devices on the board.
In user-space, I can control the direction pin using libi2c, but my client asked me to put the direction pin control in the UART driver.
1- how can I interact with an i2c device inside the auart driver? (is it possible)
2- if it is possible, then how to prevent the i2c-0 bus from being blocked by the kernel? (I also need the userspace calls to the libi2c to work properly)
I googled a lot, but most cases are about how to use the I2C driver or how to activate GPIO pins in the sysfs, and I was able to do all of those.
The libi2c is for userspace so I cannot call it here. I also know that opening a file(/dev/i2c-0) in kernel and reading or writing to it is not a good idea. I am trying to understand what is the best way to handle this problem, without causing any concurrent access issues.
I would appreciate any ideas
P.S. - I don't have a deep understanding of how Linux kernel works, so sorry if my question is a little vague.
Edit 1:
based on #0andriy 's suggestion, I edited the DTS file and added the following to /arch/arm/boot/dts/my_dts_file.dts:
#include "imx28.dtsi"
/ {
// some definitions
apbx#80040000 {
i2c0: i2c#80058000 {
pca8575: gpio#20 {
compatible = "nxp,pca8575";
reg = <0x20>; // PCA8575PW Address -0-0-0
#gpio-cells = <2>;
auart1: serial#8006c000 {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&auart1_2pins_a>;
rs485-rts-delay = <0 0>; // in milliseconds
rts-gpios = <&pca8575 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
status = "okay";
auart2: serial#8006e000 {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&auart2_2pins_b>;
rs485-rts-delay = <0 0>; // in milliseconds
rts-gpios = <&pca8575 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
status = "okay";
// some definitions
and then rebuilt the kernel. I also edited the mxs_auart_init_gpios function in the mxs-auart.c driver to print out the pin description of all the auart GPIOs at boot time. but gpiod = mctrl_gpio_to_gpiod(s->gpios, i) is always NULL.
the pca8575 GPIO controller is not added under /sys/class/gpio/
root# ls /sys/class/gpio
export gpiochip128 gpiochip64 unexport
gpiochip0 gpiochip32 gpiochip96
Edit 2:
auart1_2pins_a and auart2_2pins_b from the imx28.dtsi file :
auart2_2pins_b: auart2-2pins#1 {
reg = <1>;
fsl,pinmux-ids = <
fsl,drive-strength = <MXS_DRIVE_4mA>;
fsl,voltage = <MXS_VOLTAGE_HIGH>;
fsl,pull-up = <MXS_PULL_DISABLE>;
auart1_2pins_a: auart1-2pins#0 {
reg = <0>;
fsl,pinmux-ids = <
fsl,drive-strength = <MXS_DRIVE_4mA>;
fsl,voltage = <MXS_VOLTAGE_HIGH>;
fsl,pull-up = <MXS_PULL_DISABLE>;
I'm using kernel 4.14.13
the figure below demonstrates what I'm trying to achieve :
I'm not familiar at all with your board so take this answer with a pinch of salt, but I've noticed some funny things on your files.
First off, you need to define the I2C pin you want to use for toggling the direction inside the UART pinmux:
auart2_2pins_b: auart2-2pins#1 {
reg = <1>;
fsl,pinmux-ids = <
fsl,drive-strength = <MXS_DRIVE_4mA>;
fsl,voltage = <MXS_VOLTAGE_HIGH>;
fsl,pull-up = <MXS_PULL_DISABLE>;
Make sure you double-check the pin name you want to use, I cannot be sure that is the right one.
Then, you seem to be missing the pinctrl for the I2C controller:
i2c0: i2c#80058000 {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins_a>;
status = "okay";
pca8575: gpio#20 {
compatible = "nxp,pca8575";
reg = <0x20>; // PCA8575PW Address -0-0-0
#gpio-cells = <2>;
I could not confirm your reg and your pin numbers but I'm assuming you took it from your board's documentation. If you didn't, make sure you find a reliable source for your hardware.
Finally, I'm not sure why you want to have the RTS line active low, most transceivers have a DE/~RE input, which means you need to have the line active high to drive the bus. Maybe your driver is different...
What you are trying to do is documented to be working for other boards so I guess unless there is a bug you should be able to make it work.

Turning One Raspberry Pi I2C Connected Relay On Turns the Other Relay Off

Currently, I have two, 2-Channel 1 Amp SPDT Signal Relay Controllers connected to my Raspberry Pi 3 via I2C, and when I currently run the function to turn one relay on, the other one will shut off at the same time (one or the other is on). In addition, my button to shut off relay 1 and my button to shut off relay 2 will shut both relays off.
My program is written in a windows form (visual studio), and I am accessing a C Shared Library via Dll Import, but I know for a fact my problem is within my C library. I am very new to C and how shifting works, so the root of my problem lies within the logic and structure of my code. Frankly, I'm confused on how to properly code this.
This is currently the method to turn Relay 1 On. It turns the relay on properly, but this also turns Relay 2 Off at the same time.
// Create I2C bus
int file;
char *bus = "/dev/i2c-1";
if ((file = open(bus, O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("Failed to open the bus. \n");
// Get I2C device, MCP23008 I2C address is 0x20(32)
ioctl(file, I2C_SLAVE, 0x20);
// Configure all pins of port as output (0x00)
char config[2] = {0};
config[0] = 0x00;
config[1] = 0x00;
write(file, config, 2);
//Turn the first relay on
char data = 0x01;
config[0] = 0x09;
config[1] = data;
write(file, config, 2);
Here is the code for Relay 1 Off, I will not post Relay 2 On/Off because it is basically the same, Relay2On just has an added data += 1; after char data = 0x01;. Both 'Off' methods result in both relays shutting off.
void Relay1Off()
// Create I2C bus
int file;
char *bus = "/dev/i2c-1";
if ((file = open(bus, O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("Failed to open the bus. \n");
// Get I2C device, MCP23008 I2C address is 0x20(32)
ioctl(file, I2C_SLAVE, 0x20);
// Configure all pins of port as output (0x00)
char config[2] = {0};
config[0] = 0x00;
config[1] = 0x00;
write(file, config, 2);
//Turn the first relay off *****Turns all off at the moment******
char data = 0xFE;
data = (data << 1);
config[0] = 0x09;
config[1] = data;
write(file, config, 2);
All I want is the methods to do as described, turn Relay 1 On when the method is called. When Relay1Off is called, shut only Relay 1 off. I'm sure it is simple, but as I've stated above C is quite new to me.
Thank you in advance for any contribution.
I don't know how the fancy ioctl stuff works, but I'd try to do all initialization outside of this function, including setting all the GPIO's to output.
You should probably just have one function call to set/clear a relay. I'd do something like this to start:
void RelayOnOff(unsigned char relay, unsigned char enable)
//Init to all off
static unsigned char data = 0x00;
if (enable){
data |= ( 1 << relay );
data &= ~( 1 << relay );
config[0] = 0x09;
config[1] = data;
write(file, config, 2);
You pass in what relay you want to control, and a boolean value for enable/disable. If you make the data variable static, it'll "remember" that value from function call to function call. The enable/disable sets/clears the bit for whatever relay you pass in (0-7).

pic32 only receives 1 byte in spi

I'm struggling with, probably, a very simple problem.
I have a Cypress CY8 controller acting as SPI master, which should communicate with a PIC32mx in slave mode to exchange data packets.
However i cannot even fix simple transmission of multiple bytes from the master to the slave. I've set up the cypress to transmit a char of increasing value (0-255) with a pause (and slave select toggle) in between. The pic should read the incoming byte and then print it over uart to my pc (the uart connection works).
But the pic only prints the first character it receives continuously instead of it being updated.
If i check my logic sniffer, the cypress does send incrementing values and the pic relays them back over the MISO line (looks like the shift buffer isn't cleared).
What could this be?
The cypress without the pic attached gives proper output:
With the pic attached it relays the data over MISO:
And this is my (now) extremely basic code to test it:
TRISBbits.TRISB2 = 1; // make Ra2 pin input (SDI)
TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 0; // make Ra2 pin output (SDO)
TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 1; //make RB14 output (SCK)
ANSELA = 0; // all ports digital
ANSELB = 0; // all ports digital
SYSKEY = 0x00000000;
SYSKEY = 0xAA996655;
SYSKEY = 0x556699AA;
CFGCONbits.IOLOCK=0; // unlock configuration
SDI2R = 0b0100; //SDI2 on pin RB2
SS2R = 0b0011; //SS2 on pin rb10
RPB5R = 0b0100; //SDO2 on pin RB5
// SCLK is connected to pin RB14 (SCK) by default
SYSKEY = 0x00000000;
SPI2CON = 0; // Stops and resets the SPI1.
rData=SPI2BUF; // clears the receive buffer
SPI2BRG=207; // use FPB/4 clock frequency <-- not important in slave mode right?
SPI2STATCLR=0x40; // clear the Overflo
unsigned char t;
t = SpiChnReadC(2);
//t = SPI2BUF; <== i've tried this also
sendData(t); <== uart routine
As i do receive a character and the spi data is relayed back to the cypress constantly i think something goed wrong with reading/clearing the spi data structure in the PIC. But i can't figure out why.
As i read in the datasheet, reading from SPI2BUFF gives me the received data, and clears the read flags so new data can be received, but it looks like that doesn't happen...
Can someone shine a light on this for me?
Thanks in advance
You should try making you SPI handler ISR driven to keep you from constantly polling, can also help the debugging since you'll only get notifications when the SPI is actually transacting.
NOTE: I'm bringing this from my FreeRTOS impl, so my ISR definition is not XC32 exactly...
/* Open SPI */
SPI1CON = 0;
spi_flags = SPICON_MODE32 | SPICON_ON;
mSPI1SetIntPriority(priority + 1);
void vSPI1InterruptHandler(void)
unsigned long data;
if (IFS0bits.SPI1EIF == 1)
if (IFS0bits.SPI1RXIF == 1)
data = SPI1BUF;
