I have ran into a scenario where when user refreshes the browser, the variable should be set to false.
My Code :
let showVar = true;
showVar = false;
Right now its working. But i can see that $state.reload returns a promise and not sure how to handle that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What you are trying to do is
let showVar = true;
this.$state.reload(this.$state.current.name).then(() => {
showVar = false;
my code is:
async getDetails(){
for(var i=0;i<this.results.length;i++){
// this.booking.length=0;
// this.hbl.length=0;
var hblList=[];
var bookingList=[];
await this.api.get("track/dtl",
loadPortId: this.results[i].loadPortId,
scheduleId: this.results[i].scheduleId
.subscribe(res1 => {
//let resp1 = res1;
this.details= res1;
for(var j=0;j<this.details.length;j++){
if(this.details[j].bookNo!== undefined){
}else if(this.details[j].hblNo!== undefined){
// this.results[i]["hbl"]=this.hbl;
// this.results[i]["booking"]=this.booking;
console.log("this.hbl inside subscribe::::::::::::"+hblList);
console.log("this.booking inside subscribe::::::::::::"+bookingList);
console.log("this.results[i] after::::::::::::"+this.results[i]);
console.log("this.hbl after::::::::::::"+hblList);
console.log("this.booking after::::::::::::"+bookingList);
console.log("this.results[i] after::::::::::::"+this.results[i]);
I want to make async call for each for loop item. could anyone please help me to use async-await to make sure the first and every async call is completed prior to the next call.
Thanks in advance
As you are subscribing in the Observable you're not using the async/await approach. Async/await works only with Promises, so, you need to transform your observable to promise first.
I don't know how your this.api works, but, maybe, you should have a toPromise() function. Using await you won't need to subscribe or to use ".then()" promise function.
I have no means of trying your code or trying mine, but here, take a look at this one that should work in theory.
The main point is: you have to decide whether to use Observables or to use Promises. Unfortunately the Angular team decided to return Observables in their http module. Observables do not work with async await, but there is a simple conversion: Observable.prototype.toPromise(). Use that, and get rid of .subscribe.
async getDetails(){
for(var i=0;i<this.results.length;i++){
// this.booking.length=0;
// this.hbl.length=0;
var hblList=[];
var bookingList=[];
var res1 = await this.api.get("track/dtl", {
loadPortId: this.results[i].loadPortId,
scheduleId: this.results[i].scheduleId
this.details= res1;
for(var j=0;j<this.details.length;j++){
if(this.details[j].bookNo!== undefined){
} else if(this.details[j].hblNo!== undefined){
this.results[i]["hbl"] = hblList;
this.results[i]["booking"] = bookingList;
console.log("this.hbl after::::::::::::"+hblList);
console.log("this.booking after::::::::::::"+bookingList);
console.log("this.results[i] after::::::::::::"+this.results[i]);
I searched in the form and checked out related topics but nothing really worked for me.
I need to close the InAppBrowser when the url has the token and take the token from the url.
So far i cant detect when the url changes in inAppBrowser. Any ideas what i do wrong ?
*console.log("event fired") never works :/
openDropboxDialog() {
let str = this.DropboxService.getDropboxUrl();
this.$cordovaInAppBrowser.open(str, '_blank', this.DropboxService.getOptions());
this.$rootScope.$on('$cordovaInAppBrowser:loadstart', (e, event) => {
console.log("event fired")
if (event.url.indexOf("token") > -1) {
Service :
getDropboxUrl() {
let dbx = new Dropbox({ clientId: this.CLIENT_ID });
let str = dbx.getAuthenticationUrl("http://localhost:8100")
return str;
Given my code:
oneFunctionInController() {
anotherFunctionInController() {
let url = $location.url()
//do something based on url
the problem is that when anotherFunctionInController() is executed, the url I get is still the old url, not "newState"
what is the reason? any solution? thanks
Try this,
oneFunctionInController() {
I've got this code:
var me = Restangular.one('object', 1).get({params:params});
me.then(function (data) {
$scope.me = data;
$scope.loadsubobject = function () {
.then(function(subobject) {
//the code never gets here
console.log('loaded subobjects', subobjects);
$scope.subobjects = $scope.subobjects.concat(subobject.results);
if (data.next){
$scope.next = data.next;
console.log('Error with response:', response.status)
when I try to debug the code It seems that after calling the $scope.me.getList("subobject")It returns to the first thenand never getting to the second then, the one that actually process the subobjects I need.
Any clue out of call back hell?
I verified that the server does return the correct answer
How can I fix that? be glad for help with this
turned out to be a completely different issue, the json returned wasn't "flat", so I need to use a responseExtractor as explained here
This is driving me crazy. In my AppController, I have the following:
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->Cookie->name = 'MyCookie';
$this->Cookie->time = '1 year';
$this->Cookie->domain = 'http://mydomain.com';
$firstVisit = $this->Cookie->read('foo');
if ( empty($firstVisit) ) {
$this->set('firstVisit', true);
$this->Cookie->write('foo', 'true');
} else {
$this->set('firstVisit', false);
This seems like it should work, but nothing is returned and the cookie is completely blank.
What could possible be preventing Cake from actually saving the Cookie?
The cookies are not set until the View is rendered. Maybe you do not have a view for your controller?
The http:// caused it to break. Removing that fixed the problem.