Given my code:
oneFunctionInController() {
anotherFunctionInController() {
let url = $location.url()
//do something based on url
the problem is that when anotherFunctionInController() is executed, the url I get is still the old url, not "newState"
what is the reason? any solution? thanks
Try this,
oneFunctionInController() {
I'm using a https url and for whatever reason fetch is adding localhost:300 to the start of the url. When I check the url that it's calling I get this: http://localhost:3000/%E2%80%8Bhttps://www... anybody know why?
// load API
componentDidMount() {
fetch('').then(res => {
return res.json()
}).then(data => {
orders : data
I encountered the same problem, and it was because I had a whitespace character in the beginning of the url before "https...". Perhaps you had a similar problem so fetch read the url as a relative path instead.
I had a similar problem in react application I was building. Mistyped URL was my mistake.
I have ran into a scenario where when user refreshes the browser, the variable should be set to false.
My Code :
let showVar = true;
showVar = false;
Right now its working. But i can see that $state.reload returns a promise and not sure how to handle that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What you are trying to do is
let showVar = true;
this.$state.reload(this.$ => {
showVar = false;
I have a test that clicks a button and redirects to a user dashboard. When this happens Webdriver returns:
javascript error: document unloaded while waiting for result.
To fix this I insert browser.sleep(2000) at the point where redirection occurs and assuming my CPU usage is low, this solves the issue. However, 2000 ms is arbitrary and slow. Is there something like browser.waitForAngular() that will wait for the angular to load on the redirected page before the expect(..)?
it('should create a new user', () => {
$email.sendKeys((new Date().getTime()) + '');
browser.sleep(2000); // Need alternative to sleep...
// This doesn't do it...
// browser.sleep(1);
// browser.waitForAngular();
.then((user) => {
do you think something like this could work for you? This will wait up to 10 seconds for the url to include the text 'pageTwo', or whatever you put in.
var nextPageButton = $('#nextPage');{
return browser.driver.wait(function() {
return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return /pageTwo/.test(url);
}, 10000);
Just stick in the regex of the url you are expecting.
Alternatively, you could wait for an element from the next page to appear as well:
var nextPageButton = $('#nextPage');;
var elementFromSecondPage = $('#coolElement');
browser.wait(protractor.until.elementIsVisible(elementFromSecondPage), 5000, 'Error: Element did not display within 5 seconds');
When using .click, protractor will naturally wait for angular to finish the action attached to the click, such as changing the page. But, while the page change, you may still be needing something specific to be loaded, so the test fails before that part is available. Using this, it should wait for the click part to finish, then wait for the element to appear.
To expand on user2020347's answer:
Thanks that solved my issue. I wonder why this isn't a built in function. I'll be using this in many places to wait for browser navigation.
To make it more concise, I made a little helper:
Object.assign(global, {
waitUntilURLContains: string => {
let fn = () => {
return browser.driver.wait(() => {
return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then((url) => {
return url.includes(string);
}, waitDelay);
return fn.bind(null, string);
In my test:
keeping it very simple. I was also running into the same problem but was able to solve it using the following code :
**browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(page.greetingMessageElement()), 5000);**
.then(function (value){
I am looking for a way to get the PATH for a view and use it in a href.
For the rest of the links in my .tpl files i use something simillar to:
print url('node/36');
How can i mimic this behaviour for the views module? I want to be able to edit the path for the view from the admin interface without requiring to modify the theme.
Thank you.
Edit view path by php code:
$view = views_get_view($view_name, TRUE);
$view->display['page']->display_options['path'] = $new_path;
Try this
function get_path() {
if (!empty($this->override_path)) {
return $this->override_path;
if (empty($this->display_handler)) {
if (!$this->set_display('default')) {
return FALSE;
return $this->display_handler->get_path();
I've got this code:
var me ='object', 1).get({params:params});
me.then(function (data) {
$ = data;
$scope.loadsubobject = function () {
.then(function(subobject) {
//the code never gets here
console.log('loaded subobjects', subobjects);
$scope.subobjects = $scope.subobjects.concat(subobject.results);
if ({
$ =;
console.log('Error with response:', response.status)
when I try to debug the code It seems that after calling the $"subobject")It returns to the first thenand never getting to the second then, the one that actually process the subobjects I need.
Any clue out of call back hell?
I verified that the server does return the correct answer
How can I fix that? be glad for help with this
turned out to be a completely different issue, the json returned wasn't "flat", so I need to use a responseExtractor as explained here