Sign up and Sign in to azure active directory - azure-active-directory

I'm developing a native mobile app and an application node js that I set up to authenticate by google and facebook account. I need to create new accounts to access my application and get the token to use the endpoints for people who do not have google or facebook account. Can I make a new registration and log in to azure active directory?

you may want to look at ADAL JS (i let experts responding with examples and more accurate stuff)


Where can I view in a GUI Azure AD apps created through Microsoft Graph beta API and posted using user-less authentication?

The Microsoft Graph beta API (here) allows us to POST new applications to Azure AD (v2.0).
If I post these applications to a specific tenant, using a url like this:{tenantId}/applications
and also authenticated without a user, where can I view these applications? They certainly aren't on my page (I checked), and they also aren't in the list of registered applications in the tenant on
PS: I know my applications are being created because I can call GET against that url and it will return the applications in that tenant, including the ones I created through the API. Also don't question why I was doing this, I was poking around figuring some stuff out about the API.
More Details: The app that is posting these applications to the beta API is registered as an Azure AD v1.0 app in the same tenant these applications are being posted to. The POSTs use the app's authentication token.
I know that apps created in are v1 apps, and apps created on are v2 apps. I am making my apps through the Microsoft Graph beta API, which makes v2 apps.
Also, for those that don't click the link to see what authentication without a user means, I am getting the bearer token for the POST request using the app's credentials, not a user's credentials.
If I post these applications to a specific tenant (which is an Azure
AD v1.0 tenant), using a url like this
Here there is no version definition for the tenant. V1.0 and V2.0 are the endpoints, not means tenant. You could know about their difference from Azure AD v2.0 endpointand v1 and v2 comparison.
If you register the app in the Azure portal, the app is v1 app; if you register the app by using App Registration Portal, the app is v2 app.
and also authenticated without a user, where can I view these
applications? They certainly aren't on my page,
and they also aren't in the list of registered applications in the
tenant on
If you create the app in the App Registration Portal, the app could be seen in the page(App Registration Portal), but cannot be seen in the Azure portal.
If you create the app is v1 app, the app can be seen both in Azure portal and App Registration Portal.

Is there a way to check if use is admin when using OAuth2 instead of OpenId?

We are migrating out applications from OpenID using UserService to OAuth2 / OpenID Connect to move our apps to the new Google Apps Marketplace.
We are using UserService.isAdmin() to check if a user is registered as admin for the GAE application.
How can we keep this functionality when moving to OAuth2 for login?
I don't think you can explicitly check who the admin is any other way.
It is rare that you would need to know the App Engine admin in a publicly-listed app. If the app is a general solution app, than aren't you the admin? Most developers care about the Domain Admin, which can be determined with the Admin SDK. If these is just for your own use, set the visibility options to your domain in the Chrome Webstore Developer Dashboard.

Google App Engine authentication with password

I am really fed up. All I see the Google App Engine tutorial was just making the example on how to authenticate without password. What if I want to authenticate directly from my gmail account, how can I do it???
User the google provided users service which can use your google account for auth.
Google App Engine provides several useful services based on Google infrastructure, accessible by applications using libraries included with the SDK. One such service is the Users service, which lets your application integrate with Google user accounts. With the Users service, your users can use the Google accounts they already have to sign in to your application.

Google App Engine authorization with Google Apps Domain

I have successfully followed the examples to gain an AuthSub token to authorize my GAE application to have access to the user's Google Calendar.
I have added the domain parameter to the method gdata.auth.generate_auth_sub_url so that the application is authenticated against a Google Apps Domain user. The app is then installed in one of our test domains.
This is working fine, however, each user in the domain has to go through the process of authorizing the app to use the calendar. In other Marketplace Apps that I have tried, this authorization is done once for the whole domain when the app is installed.
How is this achieved?
This page describes how Marketplace apps can access the gdata APIs on a user's behalf.

Google Apps Account to be used instead of Google Account for GAE application with a UserProperty

I would like to ask how to use the Google Apps Account instead of a Google Account if I use the
function to generate the login page.
Google automatically ask me to login with a Google Account.
If I am running my application with a Google Apps for a specific domain, I have created users within that domain, is there any way that I can let my users to login using the created domain?
for example:
and is the domain managed by Google Apps.
I am an administrator for, and I have created multiple users within this domain.
Please advice!
Thank you!
You have to specify at the time you create the app whether you want to use Google Accounts for authentication, or Google Apps. If you selected Google Accounts for your app, you'll need to create a new app with the authentication setting set correctly in order to use it.
