Nedb non-unique _id indexing - database

I have a Nedb database for my electron.js app that generates _id replicas even with ensureIndex({… unique: true}). Onclick, an indexed value is to increment by 5 - instead a new index is generated with said value. Example:
// Before click
// After click
{"_id":0,"testVal":0} // Intended: {"_id":0, "testVal":5}
Relevant code:
var Datastore = require('nedb');
db = new Datastore ({filename: 'db/rtest.db', autoload: true});
// Database functions
exports.createTestVal = function(i, passVal) {
var test = {_id: i, testVal: passVal};
db.insert(test, function(err, newDoc){})};
exports.updateTestVal = function(i, passVal) {
db.update({_id: i}, {$set: {"testVal": passVal}}, {}, function(err, numReplaced){});}
exports.getTestVal = function(fnc){
db.find({}, function(err, docs) {fnc(docs)})}
exports.deleteTestVal = function(id) {
db.remove({_id: id}, {}, function(err, numRemoved){})}
// Event functions
const database = require('../assets/js/testdatabase'); // 'testdatabase' = code above
var btnTst = document.getElementById('add5'); var i = 0;
db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "_id", unique: true }, function (err) {});
btnTst.addEventListener('click', function(event){
var value = Number(this.value);
database.updateTestVal(i, value);
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
database.getTestVal(function(testVals) {
for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) {if (testVals.length == k){fillValues(k)}}})})
function fillValues(k){for (p = k; p < 10; p++){database.createTestVal(p, 0)}}
<button id="add5" value=5>+5</button>
Tried modifying variable types, reordering functions, among others - to no avail. The GitHub documentation claims that _id is uniquely-indexed by default, but isn't so in my use.
Any workarounds?

Assuming that you are seeing these "duplicates" while viewing the physical file that your database is being written to, everything is working as expected.
From the NeDB documentation:
Under the hood, NeDB's persistence uses an append-only format, meaning that all updates and deletes actually result in lines added at the end of the datafile, for performance reasons. The database is automatically compacted (i.e. put back in the one-line-per-document format) every time you load each database within your application.


How to delete Backbone model from localStorage collection

I have created some models all saved in local storage collection. My challenge is how to delete a model fom the collection in local storage using one of the model attributes value. Below is extract of my code:
var Food = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
title: '',
calories: 0,
date: '',
history: false
var Foods = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Food,
localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage('Health-Tracker')
my_foods = new Foods({});
var ls = new Backbone.LocalStorage('Health-Tracker');
var res = ls.findAll();
var n = res.length;
var i, id;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
food = res[i];
id = food['id'];
title = food['title'];
calories = food['calories'];
date = food['date'];
history = food['history'];
//I am stuck here
if (history) {
ls.remove(food); // Not working
// I have also tried this
ls.remove(id); // not working
Note that history is set to true successfully for some models in other section of the bigger codes. Above is only where I need to take action if history value is true. And it is bad code for now.
Any assistance is appreciated
Note that this app does not use server to store/retrieve data. All models are stored in the local storage. It is a very long process to use findAll() and remove() as I used above to delete from the localstorage. The following was added to delete models from the local storage:
day = food.get('day');
new_day = get_new_day();// this function isn't included above
if (new_day > day) {

How to merge REST call results in Angular app more efficiently

I have an Angular SPA running on a SharePoint 2013 page. In the code, I'm using $q to pull data from 10 different SharePoint lists using REST and then merging them into one JSON object for use in a grid. The code runs and outputs the intended merged data but it's leaky and crashes the browser after a while.
Here's the code in the service:
factory.getGridInfo = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var list_1a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListA", "column1,column2,column3");
var list_1b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListB", "column1,column2,column3");
var list_2a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListC", "column4");
var list_2b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListD", "column4");
var list_3a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListE", "column5");
var list_3b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListF", "column5");
var list_4a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListG", "column6");
var list_4b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListH", "column6");
var list_5a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListI", "column7");
var list_5b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListJ", "column7");
$q.all([list_1a, list_1b, list_2a, list_2b, list_3a, list_3b, list_4a, list_4b, list_5a, list_5b])
var results_1a = results[0].data.d.results;
var results_1b = results[1].data.d.results;
var results_2a = results[2].data.d.results;
var results_2b = results[3].data.d.results;
var results_3a = results[4].data.d.results;
var results_3b = results[5].data.d.results;
var results_4a = results[6].data.d.results;
var results_4b = results[7].data.d.results;
var results_5a = results[8].data.d.results;
var results_5b = results[9].data.d.results;
var combined_1 = results_1a.concat(results_1b);
var combined_2 = results_2a.concat(results_2b);
var combined_3 = results_3a.concat(results_3b);
var combined_4 = results_4a.concat(results_4b);
var combined_5 = results_5a.concat(results_5b);
for(var i = 0; i < combined_1.length; i++){
var currObj = combined_1[i];
currObj["column4"] = combined_2[i].column4;
currObj["column5"] = combined_3[i].column5;
currObj["column6"] = combined_4[i].column6;
currObj["column7"] = combined_5[i].column7;
factory.newObjectArray[i] = currObj;
function (error) {
return deferred.promise;
Here's the REST call in CRUDFactory:
factory.getListItems = function (listName, columns){
var webUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('"+listName+"')/items?$select="+columns+"&$top=5000";
var options = {
headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
method: 'GET',
url: webUrl
return $http(options);
And then here's the controller bit:
$scope.refreshGridData = function(){
$scope.hideLoadingGif = false;
$scope.GridData = "";
$scope.GridData = GlobalFactory.newObjectArray;
$scope.hideLoadingGif = true;
UPDATE 1: Per request, Here's the HTML (just a simple div that we're using angular-ui-grid on)
<div ui-grid="GridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-selection ui-grid-exporter ui-grid-save-state></div>
This code starts by declaring some get calls and then uses $q.all to iterate over the calls and get the data. It then stores the results and merges them down to 5 total arrays. Then, because my list structure is proper and static, I'm able to iterate over one of the merged arrays and pull data from the other arrays into one master array that I'm assigning to factory.newObjectArray, which I'm declaring as a global in my service and using as my grid data source.
The code runs and doesn't kick any errors up but the issue is with (I believe) the "getGridInfo" function. If I don't comment out any of the REST calls, the browser uses 45 MB of data that doesn't get picked up by GC which is then compounded for each click until the session is ended or crashes. If I comment out all the calls but one, my page only uses 18.4 MB of memory, which is high but I can live with it.
So what's the deal? Do I need to destroy something somewhere? If so, what and how? Or does this relate back to the REST function I'm using?
UPDATE 2: The return result that the grid is using (the factory.newObjectArray) contains a total of 5,450 items and each item has about 80 properties after the merge. The code above is simplified and shows the pulling of a couple columns per list, but in actuality, I'm pulling 5-10 columns per list.
At the end of the day you are dealing with a lot of data, so memory problems are potentially always going to be an issue and you should probably consider whether you need to have all the data in memory.
The main goal you should probably be trying to achieve is limiting duplication of arrays, and trying to keep the memory footprint as low as possible, and freeing memory as fast as possible when you're done processing.
Please consider the following. You mention the actual number of columns being returned are more than your example so I have taken that into account.
factory.getGridInfo = function () {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
// list definitions
lists = [
{ name: 'ListA', columns: ['column1', 'column2', 'column3'] },
{ name: 'ListB', columns: ['column1', 'column2', 'column3'], combineWith: 'ListA' },
{ name: 'ListC', columns: ['column4'] },
{ name: 'ListD', columns: ['column4'], combineWith: 'ListC' },
{ name: 'ListE', columns: ['column5'] },
{ name: 'ListF', columns: ['column5'], combineWith: 'ListE' },
{ name: 'ListG', columns: ['column6'] },
{ name: 'ListH', columns: ['column6'], combineWith: 'ListG' },
{ name: 'ListI', columns: ['column7'] },
{ name: 'ListJ', columns: ['column7'], combineWith: 'ListI' },
// Combines two arrays without creating a new array, mindful of lenth limitations
combineArrays = function (a, b) {
var len = b.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i = i + 5000) {
a.unshift.apply(a, b.slice(i, i + 5000));
$q.all( (list) { return CRUDFactory.getListItems(, list.columns.join()); }))
.then(function (results) {
var listResultMap = {}, var baseList = 'ListA';
// map our results to our list names
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
listResultMap[lists[i].name] = results[i].data.d.results;
// loop around our lists
for(var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
var listName = lists[i].name, combineWith = lists[i].combineWith;
if(combineWith) {
combineArrays(listResultMap[combineWith], listResultMap[listName]);
delete listResultMap[listName];
// build result
factory.newObjectArray = listResultMap[baseList].map(function(item) {
for(var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
if( !== baseList) {
for(var c = 0; c < lists[i].columns.length; c++) {
var columnName = lists[i].columns[c];
item[columnName] = listResultMap[][columnName];
return item;
// clean up our remaining results
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
delete results[i].data.d.results;
delete results[i];
function (error) {
return deferred.promise;
I would suggest to add some sort of paging option... It's perhaps not a great idea to add all results to one big list.
Next i would suggest against ng-repeat or add a "track by" to the repeat function.
Check out:
Fiddler your queries, the issue is probably rendering all the elements in the dom... Which could be kinda slow ( investigate)

IndexedDB key generator resets after put-transaction

This problem has me stumped.
For some reason, the autoincrementing key generator in indexedDB resets after performing and update on an existing object with a put-transaction, leading to overwrites of data in the database.
For my app, I'm using a self written IndexedDB service for angularJS with all the basic CRUD functions implemented.
I may also add that I'm developing with Ionic Framework, even though I doubt that is to blame.
Considering the service is a work-in-progress, I've let the key path for an object store default to "id" with an autoincrementing strategy.
The indices for the given store, nevertheless, are up to the user to decide in a specific object.
As an example:
dbHelper.objectStores = [{'employees',
indices: [{indexName: 'name', isUnique: false},
{indexName: 'phone', isUnique: true}]}];
This would, unless already created in the db, create the object store 'employees' with indices 'name' and 'phone', where 'phone' would have to be a unique value while 'name' would not.
Here is the implementation of the openDB function.
Please note that dbHelper.objectStores is supposed to be empty as it's up to the user to assign these properties before opening the db(or else it is defaulted).
angular.module('dbProvider', [])
.factory('$db', ['$window', function($window) {
// DB Object
var dbHelper = {};
// Properties - Are given defaults unless assigned manually by user before openDB is invoked.
dbHelper.dbName = 'defaultDB';
dbHelper.dbVersion = 1;
dbHelper.objectStores = [];
dbHelper.openDB = function(onCompleteCallback, onErrorCallback) {
console.log('Atempting to open db with name ' + dbHelper.dbName + '.');
var request = $, dbHelper.dbVersion);
// Invoked by indexedDB if version changes
request.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
console.log('Version change. Current version: ' + dbHelper.dbVersion);
var db =; = onErrorCallback;
if(dbHelper.objectStores.length === 0) {
dbHelper.objectStores.push({name:'defaultStore', indices: []});
for(var store in dbHelper.objectStores) {
if(db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbHelper.objectStores[store].name)) {
console.log(dbHelper.objectStores[store].name + ' deleted.');
var newStore = db.createObjectStore(dbHelper.objectStores[store].name, {keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true});
for(var index in dbHelper.objectStores[store].indices) {
{unique : dbHelper.objectStores[store].indices[index].isUnique});
console.log(dbHelper.objectStores[store].name + ' created.');
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log('DB ' + dbHelper.dbName + ' open.');
dbHelper.indexedDB.db =;
request.onerror = onErrorCallback;
Here are some of the CRUD functions(the ones in question):
dbHelper.findItemWithIndex = function(keyValue, storename,
onCompleteCallback,onErrorCallback) {
var db = dbHelper.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction([storename], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore(storename);
var index = store.index(keyValue.key);
index.get(keyValue.value).onsuccess = function(event) {
dbHelper.addItemToStore = function(item, storename,
onCompleteCallback, onErrorCallback) {
var db = dbHelper.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction([storename], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore(storename);
var request = store.add(item);
trans.oncomplete = onCompleteCallback;
request.onerror = onErrorCallback;
dbHelper.deleteItemFromStore = function(itemId, storename,
onCompleteCallback, onErrorCallback) {
var db = dbHelper.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction([storename], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore(storename);
var request = store.delete(itemId);
trans.oncomplete = onCompleteCallback;
request.onerror = onErrorCallback;
dbHelper.updateItem = function(item, storename, onCompleteCallback, onErrorCallback) {
var db = dbHelper.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction([storename], "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore(storename);
var request = store.put(item);
trans.oncomplete = onCompleteCallback;
request.onerror = onErrorCallback;
Finally, the code from the controller where the transactions are invoked.
The strategy here, is that the item is added to the db using the addItemToStore function the first time it is persisted, and then afterwards the updateItem function.
After adding the first time, the object is immediately fetched in order to keep working on it with the assigned id from the db.
$scope.updateTemplate = function() {
var onCompleteCallback = {};
if(!$scope.formTemplate.firstSave) {
onCompleteCallback = $scope.updateModel;
} else {
$scope.formTemplate.firstSave = false;
onCompleteCallback = $scope.setId;
$db.updateItem($scope.formTemplate, $,
onCompleteCallback, $scope.dbError);
$scope.newItem = function() {
$db.addItemToStore($scope.formTemplate, $,
$scope.setId, $scope.dbError);
$scope.setId = function() {
{key: 'title',
value: $scope.formTemplate.title},
function(result) {
$scope.formTemplate = result;
function(error) {
It's here everything goes to hell.
I add an object, go back to another view and find it in the list with id=1.
I add another object, go back to the list view, and there it is with id=2.
And so forth and so forth..
Then, after updating either of the objects with the $scope.updateTemplate function, which also works like a charm, things get interesting:
The next object added gets id=1 and totally erases good old numero uno from earlier.
The next objects also get id's that cause them to replace the already existing objects.
What could cause this?
For testing I'm using Safari 8 in OS 10.10 and I'm deploying to an LGG2 with KitKat 4.4.2.
To be honest, I skimmed, but I saw this, "Safari 8" - the latest iOS and Safari have serious bugs with IndexedDB:
In iOS9, many of the IndexedDb bugs are fixed, but not all. We are currently testing on iOS9 Beta 2 and this particular bug that you found is not fixed.
We were able to work around this problem by not using autoincrement on our object stores. We just manually find the max key value and increment that.
Inserting an object looks something like this:
var store = db.transaction([entity], "readwrite").objectStore(entity);
store.openCursor(null, "prev").onsuccess = function (event) {
var maxKey = || 0; = maxKey + 1;

Pattern for executing Breeze Queries in angularjs project

I am attempting to come up with a generic function to execute a breeze query. The objectives of this function are:
To first check if the query has been previously executed. If so, execute the query locally.
To work in environments such as Sharepoint 2013 where the max number of records returned are limited to 100 (in most cases).
I have been able to write the function below (in typescript) and it is generally working. I am storing a variable on the rootscope to indicate if a query has been executed. The main issue I am facing is, I need a generic way of uniquely identifying a query (something like getHashcode in .Net) to store in the rootscope. I am currently using query.resourceName which is not unique enough. Also, do you have any suggestions to improve this function?
execQuery(query: breeze.EntityQuery): ng.IPromise<breeze.Entity[]>
var self = this;
var pageNumber = 1;
var pageSize = 100;
var retVal: breeze.Entity[] = [];
var deferred = this.$q.defer();
if (self.$rootScope.queriesExecuted[query.resourceName] == null)
query.queryOptions = new breeze.QueryOptions({
fetchStrategy: breeze.FetchStrategy.FromServer,
mergeStrategy: breeze.MergeStrategy.PreserveChanges
query.queryOptions = new breeze.QueryOptions({ fetchStrategy: breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache });
function __execQuery(query: breeze.EntityQuery)
var pagedQuery = query.skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize);
.then(function (data)
self.$rootScope.queriesExecuted[query.resourceName] = true;
$.merge(retVal, data.results);
if (data.results.length == pageSize)
return deferred.promise;
EntityQuery has a "protected" (undocumented and not future-proof) function, _toUri(metadataStore), which returns the URI serialization of the resource name and all the query parameters. That will be the unique identifier that you seek. It requires the MetadataStore, which you can get from the EntityManager.

Breeze 1-m-1 in HotTowel Angular with local storage

I've had a requirement recently to implement a UI for managing a many-many relationship. Ward Bell kindly provided this plunker showing how to implement using 1-m-1 with Angular and Breeze.
My app's design is based largely (especially the datacontext and the local storage) is based largely on John Papa's recent Pluralsight courses.
In my app, BusUnit = Hero and Dimension = Power (in reference to Ward's example.
Everything seems to be working well when I force the app to fetch data from the server, in that my updates to a business unit's dimensions reflect correctly. The problem I'm facing now is when I navigate away from the page and back again (which gets data from local storage). In this case:
if I previously added a new dimension to a business unit, everything is ok, but
if i previously marked a business unit's dimension for deletion and the save, the dimension still appears for the business unit in question.
this is the controller code that initially gets business units and their dimensions:
function getdboardStructure() {
var busUnitsPromise = datacontextSvc.busUnits.getByDboardConfigId(;
var dimensionsPromise = datacontextSvc.dimensions.getByDboardConfigId(;
$q.all([busUnitsPromise, dimensionsPromise])
.then(function (values) {
vm.busUnits = values[0];
vm.dims = values[1];
//vm.currentBusUnitVm = vm.busUnitVms[0]; // not required as using accordion instead of drop-down
vm.hasChanges = false;
this is the code in my controller that prepares for the save:
function applyBusUnitDimensionSelections(busUnitVm) {
var busUnit = busUnitVm.busUnit;
var mapVms = busUnitVm.dimensionMapVms;
var dimensionHash = createBusUnitDimensionHash(busUnit);
mapVms.forEach(function (mapVm) {
var map = dimensionHash[];
if (mapVm.selected) {
if (!map) {
datacontextSvc.busUnits.addBusUnitDimension(busUnit, mapVm.dimension)
.then(function () {
} else {
if (map) {
this is the code in my controller that executes the save:
function save() {
if (!canSave()) {
return $q.when(null);
vm.isSaving = true;
return (saveResult) {
vm.isSaving = false;
trapSavedDboardConfigId(saveResult); // not relevant to use case
}, function (error) {
vm.isSaving = false;
this is the code in my repository that add a new busUnitDimension entity:
function addBusUnitDimension(busUnit, dimension) {
var newBusUnitDimension = this.em.createEntity(busUnitDimension);
newBusUnitDimension.busUnitId =;
newBusUnitDimension.dimensionId =;
return this.$q.when(newBusUnitDimension);
this is my datacontext code for marking an item deleted:
function markDeleted(entity) {
return entity.entityAspect.setDeleted();
and finally this is the repository code to get business units and their join table entities:
function getByDboardConfigId(dboardConfigId, forceRefresh) {
var self = this;
var predicate = pred.create('dboardConfigId', '==', dboardConfigId);
var busUnits;
if (self.zStorage.areItemsLoaded('busUnits') && !forceRefresh) {
busUnits = self._getAllLocal(entityName, orderBy, predicate);
return self.$q.when(busUnits);
return eq.from('BusUnits')
.to$q(succeeded, self._failed);
function succeeded(data) {
busUnits = data.results;
self.zStorage.areItemsLoaded('busUnits', true);;
//self.logSuccess('Retrieved ' + busUnits.length + ' business units from server', busUnits.length, true);
return busUnits;
My departure from John's course examples is that I'm using expand in the function I use to get Business Units from the server, and my hypothesis is that this has something to do with the fact that breeze is going to the server everytime I refresh the page (without clearing cache) instead, and that this also has something to do with the error i'm receiving if I navigate away and then back to the page.
Can anyone offer and suggestions?
Appreciate this was a long time ago and you have probably solved it or moved on but I came up against the same problem recently that took me ages to resolve.
The answer I found is that you have to edit JP's angular.breeze.storagewip.js file.
I contains the names of the entities hard-coded into the file and you will need to change these to match your own entities.
There are two functions where you need to do this, examples below show the changes with the four entities I am using:
function zStorageCore($rootScope, zStorageConfig) {
var storeConfig = zStorageConfig.config;
var storeMeta = {
breezeVersion: breeze.version,
appVersion: storeConfig.version,
isLoaded: {
elementAssets : false,
surveyors : false,
elements : false,
assets : false
function checkStoreImportVersionAndParseData(importedData) {
if (!importedData) {
return importedData;
try {
var data = JSON.parse(importedData);
var importMeta = data[0];
if (importMeta.breezeVersion === storeMeta.breezeVersion &&
importMeta.appVersion === storeMeta.appVersion) {
if (importMeta.isLoaded) {
storeMeta.isLoaded.assets = storeMeta.isLoaded.assets || importMeta.isLoaded.assets;
storeMeta.isLoaded.elements = storeMeta.isLoaded.elements || importMeta.isLoaded.elements;
storeMeta.isLoaded.surveyors = storeMeta.isLoaded.surveyors || importMeta.isLoaded.surveyors;
storeMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets = storeMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets || importMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets;
return data[1];
} else {
'Did not load from storage because mismatched versions',
{ current: storeMeta, storage: importMeta });
} catch (ex) {
_broadcast(, 'Exception during load from storage: ' + ex.message, ex);
return null; // failed
I solved this by comparing JP's Style Guide course files with his SPA/Angular/Breeze course.
