React Lazy Load Image Component not working in safari - reactjs

I am developing a website in React.js which has a bunch of image calls.
So it was mandatory to implement lazy loading of the images so that images present in the viewport will be only called on the initial loading of the website,
I am currently using to implement lazy loading.
It is working fine in desktop browsers, android browsers but the image is not loading at all on the safari even after the scrolling.
I have also tried using 'react-lazy-load', but then also the image is not rendering in safari..
This is how i use the component in my JS file,
<LazyLoadImage alt="" src="someimage.png" />
Can anyone help me to solve this issue?

This was fixed in version 1.3.0:


Why my navbar is not working for small devices?

I'm doing a small project using react, where I needed navbar, so I copied the navbar code from flowbite(that uses Tailwind CSS), I've changed all necessary things need to change for react but still it's not working for small devices. The link is given below:
Tailwind Navbar
I think it's your browser issue. If you are using Google Chrome, then change your browser to Firefox. Unfortunately, the JS script file of Flowbite is not working on Google Chrome. Checking that navbar on other browsers may solve the problem.

Why does my React App only look fine in a fresh tab?

I am working with React and Ionic: "#ionic/react": "^5.5.0". The app looks fine in a fresh tab:
As soon I hit refresh on the browser the inputs get broken/look different:
Do you know why?
It depends from variables scss on preferred dark mode that usually Ionic put automatically. You can look for "#dark" on your scss files and edit it!

Is there a way to render HTML with react native expo for web?

I know the web view works well for Android and IOS Although it is not available for web build of the expo as of now.
My use case is that I want to integrate a complete HTML based template in my expo web build for a specific screen with internal CSS and scripts.
I am open to other solutions and workarounds.
Thanks in Advance
Render conditionally like Platform.os === 'android', show webview else render direct HTML. Simple..
In reality react native web uses react to render things. So
if(Platform.OS === "web"){
<div></div> //etc or call a function that returns html
---- //Normal rendering

Make react electron app draggable with transparent frame

I am trying to implement this in a React Electron app. I've tried using the CSS properties as listed above, but it is not working yet. The other solution with the browser window doesn't quite work either as my application is in React with the App wrapped in a Context.Provider. Here is the code I have:
In app.tsx
<ApplicationContext.Provider value={{
<div id="app" className={appTheme}>
<header className="title-bar">
{/* more code */}
And this in App.scss
.title-bar {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-webkit-app-region: drag;
Anyone know if there is a better strategy for solving this in a React Electron app?
llamacorn -webkit-app-region: drag is known to have problems while the developer tools are open. See this GitHub issue for more information including a workaround.
Ok, I'm not sure why I am getting this behavior, but in case this helps others I'll just post what I did to resolve my issue.
I was running Electron 5, I upgraded to the latest version v7 on the project, and globally on my machine. Additionally, the Electron window would launch with a Chrome dev tools window docked to the right of the app. When I closed that, I was able to drag the window. I was able able to undock the dev tools, and that also allowed the window to be draggable.

React Native webview won't load ReactJS site

Unfortunately I can't share the website in question, I just hope someone can steer me in the right direction without seeing either it or too much of the code.
The React Native(iOS only) app is built with;
react 16.0.0-alpha.12
react-native 0.47.1
The website is built with;
React 16.0.0
Babel is set up correctly, and babel-polyfill is baked in too.
The use-case is that we need to load, say, the FAQs page from the company ReactJS-based site in the mobile phone app's webview component.
However, the webview does not load the bundle.js for the website. CSS, HTML ect loads, but not the React bundle. Running JS inline in a script tag as a test works, but only if I remove the bundle.js file from src.
So something about the ReactJS build does not play nicely when loaded in a RN Webview. The site loads just fine via the mobile phone browsers however.
