in openfoam, paraview cannot connect to X server - ubuntu-18.04

My background in ubuntu and OpenFOAM: I started to learn to simulate in OpenFoam this week. I have windows 10 on my laptop and downloaded ubuntu 18.04 from the app store. In ubuntu OpenFOAM and paraview are installed by a guy from the ICT-helpdesk (paraview has already worked). Also, the Xming X server is installed.
My question: During the first tutorial (cavity) you must visualize the data with paraview. So after the guy installed everything, I could use paraview. Now I closed ubuntu and started again. If I now call paraFoam into action I get the following lines:
Created temporary 'cavity.foam'
paraview: cannot connect to X server
Does anybody know what to do with this? I checked this forum and I checked google, but could not find anybody with this specific problem.

Make sure that xming is running then run the following on your ubuntu terminal:
export DISPLAY=localhost:0
Now you can run paraview:


Zeppelin notebooks on Windows 7

I have failed to install Apache Zeppelin (v. 0.7.1) on my Windows 7 desktop.
I would like to proceed without having to install Docker, however.
I tried reinstalling the Java runtime etc. but Zeppelin does not start.
Any suggestions?
(I am aware of version 0.7.3 but don't feel like wasting even more time trying it on Windows 7).
Please share the errors your are getting. Confirm you have made all the settings (environmental or otherwise) as required.

Deployd Failing to Start - mongodb issue

Have tried to troubleshoot this issue from previous posts, but no joy so here goes.
I am working through the Apress Pro Angular book and am on a different machine today and have all the content I need to work from but Deployd is failing with the following error:
dpd -p 5500 sportsstore/app.dpd
Failed to start MongoDB (Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref:
I installed Mongodb view homebrew and am just a bit unsure what I need to do. The deployd docs aren't helping.
I am running this on OSX Yosemite and Mongodb was installed via homebrew.
Thanks in advance :)
I have had same problem today, try to open command prompt in Administrator mode. Its working for me like this.

MacPorts: install hangs/remains unusable

I've been trying to install MacPorts on a new Mac Pro with a fresh, fully updated Yosemite OS. The installer hangs on 'Running package scripts'. So I tried to build it from source. That works, with the installer stating:
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the MacPorts system.
However, it seems unusable. When I do sudo port install apache2 I get the message:
Error: Port apache2 not found
Simply trying to do a 'self update' (as root):
sh-3.2# port -d selfupdate
DEBUG: MacPorts sources location: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
---> Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
receiving file list ... done
...and then nothing... I've waited for half an hour, but it won't go any further. I can't find any logs either.
Again: there's nothing special about my setup, it's out-of-the-box Yosemite, only updated through the App store and, of course, I've installed Xcode with command line utilities and formally accepted the license, as is required according to the MacPorts site.
I've also tried uninstalling it, using the instructions from the MacPorts site, and reinstalling. But it does not make a difference.
I've read quite a few forum posts, but I can't find any post relating a problem like this. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
The installer hangs running package scripts because the last statement in these package scripts is exactly this "sudo port selfupdate" that you've been running manually afterwards.
Because this step did never run, your MacPorts installation lacks knowledge about the apache2 port (which is exactly why the installer runs selfupdate to give you a full-featured installation).
Unfortunately Apple's infrastructure ( seems to have connectivity problems at the moment, which is causing problems for quite a few people. You can try using one of the mirrors as outlined at

unable to attach client process to postgresql server using gdb

I am working with PostgreSQL 9.3.4 source using Eclipse IDE in ubuntu 14.04. I am facing a problem in attaching client process to postgresql server using gdb to debug. When I start the postmaster then I connect to it from client on a terminal. It works fine. Queries get responses. When I run debug config from eclipse then select postgres process id from list I get error saying
Can't find a source file at "/build/buildd/eglibc-2.19/socket/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/recv.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
After this when I send any query from client, it just stucks. No response comes. After attaching gdb to client process, client does not get any response from postgres server. One thing to note is that I was able to debug properly till yesterday. But now it is not working. I tried reinstalling but did not help. How could I fix this issue? Kindly help.
solution which worked for me:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/project --enable-depend --enable-cassert --enable-debug
in eclipse: Make Target: install
attach client process to application

can't find where BlackBerry 10 simulator was installed on MacOS, and re-install got "multiple launches of installer not allowed" error

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5(11G63)
After install the upper two dmg files, I can find qde in the launchpad, but I can not find the "BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_n_nn.vmwarevm" file".
I want to re-install ,so I run the app "" in Finder->devices->BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10-1-x, just get the pop-up-box saying
The Installer cannot be run.
Multiple launches of this installer is not allowed. It will now quit
, and then the installer quit.
How can I find the simulator install path, or
How can I re-Install it successfully.
At the first time installing, I did not change anything while installing, just clicked those "next","accept..." buttons.
I think the simulator should be installed in default file path, but I don't know where is it, and can't find it even searching "BlackBerry10Simulator" in Finder.
Maybe there is something wrong while first time installing simulator?
The BB10 simulators are VMware virtual machines. On a Mac, you need to have VMWare Fusion installed in order to run the simulator VM. This is mentioned in the system requirements. All the dmg installer does is uncompress the VMware image and place it on your hard drive. I just installed this myself, and the default location seems to be:
/Users/<your username>/Documents/Virtual Machines
Inside there should be a folder Blackberry10Simulator-BB10_1_X-338 and inside that there should be BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_1_X.vmwarevm which contains the actual virtual machine .vmx and .vmdk files.
There should also be an alias (shortcut) created on your desktop to point to this location, called Blackberry 10 Simulator.
To uninstall, there is a script in Blackberry10Simulator-BB10_1_X-338/install called uninstaller which should remove everything and allow you to install again.
Unfortunately, VMWare Fusion is not free but you can sign up for a 30-day trial in order to be able to run the simulator and test out your app.
I recently encountered this error with a different installer (but also installanywhere based). There seems to be a problem with the mirroring feature in VM Ware Fusion and the multiple install detection in Install anywhere. If you disable mirroring, I suspect the "Multiple launches of this installer is not allowed." error will no longer occur.
