Kendo DataSource reading from Async/await method which uses Axios to fetch data - reactjs

Using React with TypeScript
Please could somebody provide an example of how I might be able to use a Kendo DataSource to read from a method which internally uses Axios to prod an external API for JSON data..? I must have flown through 20 different versions of this code trying different approaches, nothing seems to fit...
All I'm trying to do currently is supply a Kendo ComboBox with an array of {id: number, name: string}
Very basic stuff at the moment, but I do have to use a similar approach to this later on with a Kendo Grid which handles server side sorting and pagination so I'd like to get this working now then that should be somewhat easier later on...
The reason I want to use Axios is because I've written an api.ts file that appends appropriate headers on the gets and posts etc and also handles the errors nicely (i.e. when the auth is declined etc...)
A basic example of what I'm trying, which isn't working is this: -
public dataSource: any;
constructor(props: {}) {
this.dataSource = new{
type: "odata",
transport: {
read: function() {
return [{ id: 1, name: "Blah" }, { id: 2, name: "Thing" }];
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
id: { type: "number" },
name: { type: "string" }
Anybody got any thoughts on this please? :)

Easy fix in the end...
this.dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: function(options: any) {
options.success([{ id: 1, name: "Blah" }, { id: 2, name: "Thing" }]);
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
id: { type: "number" },
name: { type: "string" }
2 things were wrong..
Removed the type: "odata",
Added the usage of options in
All working fine now with the async await function also, just passing the data into the options.success in the .then on the promise. Job done :-)


Formatting data from a database in TypeScript

I am having trouble with writing the following method on an Angular class. I don't know how to add values from arrayId to the data array in the series object.
getChartOptions() {
const arrayId=[];
const arrayTimestamp=[];
const arrayData=[];
const arrayData2=[];
var i=0;
reponse => {
this.sleeps = reponse;
this.sleeps.forEach(element => { arrayId.push(this.sleeps[i]._id),arrayTimestamp.push(this.sleeps[i].timestamp),arrayData.push(this.sleeps[i].data[18]),arrayData2.push(this.sleeps[i].data[39])
return {
series: [{
name: 'Id',
data: [35, 65, 75, 55, 45, 60, 55]
I have two main pieces of advice for you:
Know the types of that data that you are dealing with.
Get familiar with all of the various array methods.
get<any>() is not a helpful type. If you understand what the response is then Typescript can help ensure that you are handling it correctly.
I checked out the URL and it looks like you get an array of objects like this:
"_id": 4,
"device_id": "93debd97-6564-454b-be33-35bd377a2563",
"timestamp": 1612310400000.0,
"data": "{'sleep_quality': 1, 'sleep_duration': 9}"
That data property is not properly encoded as an object or as a parseable JSON string. If you control this backend then you will want to fix that.
At first I thought that the data[18] and data[39] in your code were mistakes. Now I see that it as attempt to extract values from this malformed data. Accessing by index won't work if these numbers can be 10 or more.
The type that you have now is:
interface DataPoint {
_id: number;
device_id: string;
timestamp: number;
data: string;
The type that you want is:
interface DataPoint {
_id: number;
device_id: string;
timestamp: number;
data: {
sleep_quality: number;
sleep_duration: number;
You can type the request as this.httpClient.get<DataPoint[]>( and now you'll get autocomplete on the data.
It looks like what you are trying to do is basically to convert this from one array of rows to a separate array for each column.
You do not need the variable i because the .forEach loop handles the iteration. The element variable in the callback is the row that you want.
this.sleeps.forEach(element => {
The .forEach loop that you have now is efficient because it only loops through the array once. A .map for each column is technically less efficient because we have to loop through separately for each column, but I think it might make the code easier to read and understand. It also allows Typescript to infer the types of the arrays. Whereas with an empty array you would need to annotate it like const arrayId: number[] = [];.
const mapData = (response: DataPoint[]) => {
return [{
name: 'Id',
data: => element._id)
}, {
name: 'Timestamp',
data: => element.timestamp)
}, {
name: 'Sleep Quality',
data: => parseInt([18])) // fix this
}, {
name: 'Sleep Duration',
data: => parseInt([39])) // fix this
The HTTP request is asynchronous. If you access your array outside of the subscribe callback then they are still empty. I'm not an angular person so this part I'm unsure of, but I think that you want to be updating a property on your class instead of returning the value?
Just follow this piece of code:
series: [{
name: 'Id',
data: arrayId

Properties not changing on the DOM after a GET request

I am working on a component to render user details. The details are fetched from an API request and properties are updated but these changes are not reflected on the DOM.
The company I work for is still using Polymer 1.2 and I am having difficulty finding and understanding the documentation. Do I need to make the get request from the parent component or is it possible to do this directly inside the component? There is something fundamental I am not grasping about this and wondering if someone could shed some light on it for me.
Thank you.
Snippet from the template:
<p>{{i18n.GLOBAL_USERNAME}} - [[username]]</p>
<p>{{i18n.GLOBAL_FIRSTNAME}} - [[firstname]]</p>
<p>{{i18n.GLOBAL_LASTNAME}} - [[lastname]]</p>
<p>{{i18n.GLOBAL_EMAIL}} - [[email]]</p>
<p>{{i18n.GLOBAL_NUMBER}} - [[number]]</p>
Snippet from the polymer functions:
is: 'my-component',
properties: {
username: {
type: String,
value: "n/a",
firstname: {
type: String,
value: "n/a"
lastname: {
type: String,
value: "n/a"
email: {
type: String,
value: "n/a"
number: {
type: String,
value: "n/a"
ready: function () {
var user = app.auth.hasSession()
if (user !== null) {
app.getUserInfo(user.user_id, this._getUserSuccessful, this._getUserFail);
_getUserSuccessful: function (res) {
this.username = res.user.user_id
this.firstname = res.user.firstname
this.lastname = res.user.lastname =
this.number = res.user.phone_number
console.log("got user details")
_getUserFail: function () {
console.log("failed to get user details")
You need to use Polymer setter methods instead of plain assignment.
Here's an example:
_getUserSuccessful: function (res) {
this.set('username', res.user.user_id)
this.set('firstname', res.user.firstname)
this.set('lastname', res.user.lastname)
this.set('number', res.user.number)
console.log("got user details")
Using setter and/or array mutator methods is required for data-bound properties otherwise Polymer can't know that something has changed in order to update the bindings.
I'd really suggest you read the whole Data system concepts article before moving forward with doing any kind of work with Polymer 1.x.

Angular - Filtering a list where { : something }

I have a list of "Savings" in an ng-repeat. The model for savings is
var SavingSchema = new Schema({
title: {
type: String,
link: {
type: String,
user: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
Therefore i need to get to saving.user._id
Im trying something like
<div ng-repeat="saving in savings|filter:{ 'user._id': 'otherid' }">
but it doesnt like the user._id
Works fine with ._id if i want to filter by the top level _id but not the embedded user._id
How do i filter by the embedded user._id as the left side parameter

Exclude items from first-level filter when children-levels are empty at Loopback find()

When using Strongloop Loopback, we can make a data request (with relations) to the database these ways:
(1) Using lb-service (at front-end)
filter: {
where: {id: 1},
include: {
relation: 'relationship',
scope: {where: {id: 2}}
}, function (instances) {
}, function (err) {
(2) Using node.js (at server-side)
where: {id: 1},
include: {
relation: 'relationship',
scope: {where: {id: 2}}
}, function (err, instances) {
What I need: Exclude items from first filter whether another filter fails.
There is one obvious solution: filtering the response, this way:
instances = instances.filter(function(instance){
return typeof(instance.relationship) !== "undefined";
But... Using filter() to eliminate is not a good scalable solution, because it will always iterate over the array. Using this solution at the front-end is not good, because the size of the array will slow down the performance. Bringing it to the server-side could be a solution. But... each model will have a particular set of relations... and it is not scalable again!
Main question: Is there some way to overcome this situation, excluding items from the first filter whether second (third, or more) fails simultaneously (or not)?
Something like, defining it on filter object:
var filter = {
where: {id: 1},
include: {
relation: {name: 'relationship', required: true}, // required means this filter *needs* to be satisfied
scope: {where: {id: 2}}
(1) SQL query is not an option ;)
(2) I am using MySQL as database. So things like
{ where: { id: 1, 2 } }
will not work as desired.
I don't know of a way to do this within the filter syntax itself. I think you would have to write a custom remote method to do the filtering yourself after the initial query was complete. Here's what that might look like:
// in /common/models/model.js
Model.filterResults = function filterResults(filter, next) {
Model.find(filter, function doFilter(err, data) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
var filteredData = data.filter(function(model) {
return model.otherThings && model.otherThings().length;
next(null, filteredData);
accepts: { arg: 'filter', type: 'object', http: { source: 'query' } },
returns: { arg: 'results', type: 'array' },
http: { verb: 'get', path: '/no-empties' }
Now you can hit: .../api/Models/no-empies?filter={"include":"otherThings"} and you will only get back Models that have a related OtherThing. Note that this is for a one-to-many relationship, but hopefully you can see how to change it to fit your needs.

Error When Ext.create(model with parameters)

When i try to compute this line
var project = Ext.create(CarboZero.model.Project,{strTitle: title ,strType: type ,strVersion: "1.0.0" ,dateEventDate: new Date() , arrCategory: "Energy"});
with this model definition
Ext.define('CarboZero.model.Project', {
extend: '',
singleton: true,
config: {
fields: [
name: 'arrCategory'
name: 'strTitle'
name: 'dateEventDate'
name: 'strVersion'
name: 'strType'
It does not work and give me the error
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'substring'
Not quite sure what i do wrong, but im pretty sure its in the parameters has i normally write it that way and it works fine (without parameters).
You will get this kind of error if you had chose to make your model a Singleton.
Because Singleton are initialized at app startup and that you don't ever need to do it your self.
