Filter React Native Data - arrays

I searched all day but I didn't find the solution to my problem.
I'm new to React Native so I'm stucked ...
Here's my problem :
I fetch an api to the get data, I'm doing it with axios and it's ok I can render my component !
Then I don't want to display ALL ITEMS of my Array but I want to display some items according to different values with 2 buttons :
<Button onPress={Get ALL ITEMS with this value}/>
<Button onPress={Get ALL ITEMS with ANOTHER VALUE} />
My issue is that I'm modifying the state of my array 'products' with new information but that's not what I want. I always want that I'm displaying information according to a particular VALUE in the Array and still get my Full Array...
Here's some piece of code of what I'm doing :
onPressFirstButton() {
let newArray = [...this.state.products];
products: newArray.filter(function(product){
return product.value == 32;
onPressSecondButton() {
let otherArray = [...this.state.products];
products: otherArray.filter(function(product){
return product.other_value == 389;
I'm sure it's not the best way because it's not working.. I hope you will understand what I'm trying to say..
Thank you

Since you seem to be using the products property to populate your template, consider using a separate variable for that instead, that way you don’t have to mess with your state when doing your filtering. Maybe this will help:
displayProducts = []
onPressFirstButton () {
this.displayProducts = this.state.products.filter(product => /* logic */)


How to keep the check box checked , when navigating to other page of react pagination

I want to ask , how to keep save the id's of the check boxes in a state , and whenever i switched back to first page it automatically search the element with id and mark check boxes automatically.
and if i unmark the checkbox , it deletes the id from the state.
i am able to think about the logic , but cant able to code,it
Small help ,will leads to solve this problem
While switching to other pages, i am succesfully saving the data ,by updating the state
// push all the unique objects (combination of previous state of selectedPayments and data from list)
setSelectedPayments((prevState) => {
var arr = [...prevState, ...list];
var newState = [ Map( => [, item])).values(),
return newState;
console.log('Selected payments are', selectedPayments);
Also , removing the objects , if again the checkbox is unchecked ,and updating the state
// pull all the objects , which got unChecked
setSelectedPayments((prevState) => {
var newState = prevState.filter(function (objFromA) {
return !list.find(function (objFromB) {
return ===;
return newState;
Only facing issue with keeping track of the checked boxes, i have implimented this, this is keeping track of main(parent checkbox).
How to extract the ids saved and check the checkboxes when we naviagete from one page to another
let elementId =;
if (selectedBoxes.includes(elementId)) {
const newArray = selectedBoxes.filter((e) => e !== elementId);
} else {
setSelectedBoxes((prevState) => {
return [...prevState, elementId];
First i modified the Res Json , so that it set's a property isSelected = true,
by comparing the element from the selectedPayments
inAll check handler , i set the selectedPayments like this
And render using this
This is how ,i solved this problem.
** Better and improved answers are always welcome, please share your views.

How can I make an update in array of objects in firebase?

I am having a questions collection inside which I am having an array answersContent.answersContent array will consist ans objects.Now here I want to make change in this ans objects.
I want to push user.uid in upvotes when user clicks a button.I have that answerObject as well as whole questions Collection in my component.Can anyone please tell any way to achieve this?
This is the image containing firebase structure
I tried it using this code but this is giving wrong results:
const handleDownvote = ()=>{
updateDoc(doc(db, "questions", questionData?.quesId),{
downvotes : arrayUnion(user?.uid)
updateDoc(doc(db, "questions", questionData?.quesId),{
downvotes: arrayRemove(user?.uid)

React, dynamically add text to ref span

I'm trying to render a message to a span tag specific to an item in a list. I've read a lot about React 'refs', but can't figure out how to populate the span with the message after it's been referenced.
So there's a list of items and each item row has their own button which triggers an API with the id associated with that item. Depending on the API response, i want to update the span tag with the response message, but only for that item
When the list is created the items are looped thru and each item includes this
<span ref={'msg' +}></span><Button onClick={() => this.handleResend(}>Resend Email</Button>
After the API call, I want to reference the specific span and render the correct message inside of it. But I can't figure out how to render to the span at this point of the code. I know this doesn't work, but it's essentially what I am trying to do. Any ideas?
if (response.status === 200) {
this.refs['msg' + id] = "Email sent";
I recommand using state. because string refs legacy (
const msgs = [
{ id:1, send:false },
{ id:2, send:false },
{ id:3, send:false },
this.state = {
return, index) => {
const status = msg.send ? "Email Sent" : "";
<span>{ status }</span><Button onClick={() => this.handleResend(index)}>Resend Email</Button>
async handleResend (index) {
const response = await callAPI(...);
if(reponse.status !== 200) return;
const newMsgs = _.cloneDeep(this.state.msgs);
newMsgs[index].send = true;
msgs: newMsgs
The workaround is set innerText
this.refs['msg' + id].innerText = "Email sent";
But rather than using ref try to use state to update elements inside render.
i was facing with this issue right now and i figured it out this way:
// currentQuestion is a dynamic Object that comes from somewhere and type is a value
const _target = `${currentQuestion.type}_01`
const _val = this[`${_target}`].current.clientHeight // here is the magic
please note that we don't use . after this to call the ref and not using refs to achieve what we want.
i just guessed that this should be an Object that would hold inner variables of the current object. then since ref is inside of that object then we should be able to call it using dynamic values like above...
i can say that it worked automagically!

How to calculate and store item property when rendering that item?

I need to calculate and store values from items, what been filtered earlier by some criteria and rendered:
items ?
item =>
someCriteria &&
<ItemComponent details={item}>
<ItemsList />
I need something like let someVar += item.value somewhere to use it after map ends and before criteria changes.
I cant store it on-fly in local state, because of re-rendering while map runs
I see the only way to do this, for now, is to store it in localStorage, but it is even more stupid, I think.
Because of app architecture there is no redux store, only one state in main file.
Though I don't quite understand what exactly you want to create. Here is something I think might be useful for you
var someVar = '';
const renderable =
{ items ? item => {
someVar += item.value;
return <ItemComponent details={item} key={a-must-key}>;
after the map end you can extract the value from the someVar

Displaying data from Firebase in React without arrays

I am new to both React and Firebase. I struggled a bit to get data from the database, even though the instructions on the Firebase website were pretty straightforward.
I managed to print data in the view by using this code:
Get data from DB and save it in state:
INSTRUMENTS_DB.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
instruments: this.state.instruments
From Firebase, I receive and Object containing several objects, which correspond to the differen instruments, like shown in the following snippet:
Object {
Object {
name: "Electric guitar",
image: "img/guitar.svg"
Object {
name: "Bass guitar",
image: "img/bass.svg"
// and so on..
Currently, I print data by populating an array like this:
var rows = [];
for (var obj in this.state.instruments[0]) {
rows.push(<Instrument name={this.state.instruments[0][obj].name}
I feel like there's a better way to do it, can somedody give a hint? Thanks
I user firebase a lot and mu solution is little ES6 helper function
const toArray = function (firebaseObj) {
return Object.keys(firebaseObj).map((key)=> {
return Object.assign(firebaseObj[key], {key});
I also assign the firebase key to object key property, so later I can work with the keys.
The native map function only works for arrays, so using directly it on this object won't work.
What you can do instead is:
Call the map function on the keys of your object using Object.keys():
getInstrumentRows() {
const instruments = this.state.instruments;
Object.keys(instruments).map((key, index) => {
let instrument = instruments[key];
// You can now use and instrument.image
return <Instrument name={} image={instrument.image}/>
Alternatively, you can also import the lodash library and use its map method which would allow you to refactor the above code into:
getInstrumentRowsUsingLodash() {
const instruments = this.state.instruments;, (key, index) => {
let instrument = instruments[key];
// You can now use and instrument.image
return <Instrument name={} image={instrument.image}/>
Side note:
When you retrieve you data from Firebase you attempt to update the state directly with a call on this.state.instruments. The state in React should be treated as Immutable and should not be mutated with direct calls to it like push.
I would use map function:
_getInstrumentRows() {
const instruments = this.state.instruments[0];
if (instruments) {
return =>
<Instrument name={}
In your render() method you just use {_getInstrumentRows()} wherever you need it.
