How to calculate and store item property when rendering that item? - reactjs

I need to calculate and store values from items, what been filtered earlier by some criteria and rendered:
items ?
item =>
someCriteria &&
<ItemComponent details={item}>
<ItemsList />
I need something like let someVar += item.value somewhere to use it after map ends and before criteria changes.
I cant store it on-fly in local state, because of re-rendering while map runs
I see the only way to do this, for now, is to store it in localStorage, but it is even more stupid, I think.
Because of app architecture there is no redux store, only one state in main file.

Though I don't quite understand what exactly you want to create. Here is something I think might be useful for you
var someVar = '';
const renderable =
{ items ? item => {
someVar += item.value;
return <ItemComponent details={item} key={a-must-key}>;
after the map end you can extract the value from the someVar


Is this a React prevState issue and how can I solve it?

This is kind of complicated to explain. I'm trying to make a toggle function that adds and deletes items on a different page with useContext. Everything adds and deletes fine until I tab to the other page, and that's where the error begins. Once I do that the function ignores what's in the array and will duplicate items in the array. What's odd about it is if I console.log or manually check the new item with the current array items it shows me everything. For example in order to add the new item to the array it checks if the index of new item is -1. If it is it will add the item and if not it will delete the item. However once I leave the page it doesn't see the item anymore and adds it anyway. If I console.log the item name and new item name, I can see both, and if I use === to check it also works fine until I switch tabs and then even though it's still console logging both names somehow it's still adding the item and ignoring that it already contains the item.
The code directory in my sandbox is src/Helpers/MyPicsContext. Here is the link to my sandbox codesandbox
The tabs on the website are Picks and the search page which you can access on Picks before any items are added or by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right of page.
And here is the actual code for the context page.
export const MyPicksContextProvider = props => {
const [picksList, setPicksList] = useState(
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem("picksList", JSON.stringify(picksList));
}, [picksList]);
const deleteCoin = coin => {
if (picksList.length === 1) {
} else {
setPicksList(picksList.filter(list => {
return list !== coin;
const toggleCoin = (coin) => {
if (picksList.length === 0) {
setPicksList([...picksList, coin]);
} else {
if (picksList.indexOf(coin) === -1 ) {
setPicksList([...picksList, coin]);
console.log('added 1')
} else {
Perhaps I just don't understand useState and prevState, but I can't seem to find any examples that apply to what I'm trying to do here. It makes total sense in creating a counter or something simple like that.
The issue is that .indexOf checks for referential equality of items, same as using ===. This means that const a = {id: 'x'}; const b = a; console.log(a === b); will output true, but const a = {id: 'x'}; const b = {id: 'x'}; console.log(a === b); will output false.
In your situation, upon changing pages / refreshing, the state is reset and loaded from local storage. However, this creates new objects which are not referentially equal. Instead of using .indexOf you want to use .find, something like array.find((element) => === to find the index of the item. You could also do your own deep equality check (confirming every field matches), but I suspect the ID alone is sufficient.
In fact, I would also recommend only keeping the array of "picks" as an array of string ID's. Then you can lookup the full data from your table for each of these ID's. Otherwise the current price will be stored in localStorage, and could be out of date.

React array state update

I am getting a book list from database and is stored in a state variable Book list also has book price field
const [books, setBooks]=useState([])
Each books object in the array has properties like BookName, Author , Price, Discount
I have rendered a html table like follows
return ( <div>
{,i) => ( <tr>
<td><MyCustomTextInput onChange={e => handleChange(e,} value={}></MyCustomTextInput></td>
the sample code for MyCustomTextInput is as follows
function MyCustomTextInput(props)
{ return (<div><TextInput></TextInput> </div>)
} exports default MyCustomTextInput
The code where I update the price for corresponding object in "books" array is as follows
function handleChange(x,id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -; //I am correctly getting discount in
Every thing works properly except the price after discount is not reflecting on the UI. though its getting updated properly in the array but not reflecting on the UI.
any help....
Experts -
This is setting a value:
function handleChange(x, id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -;
But it's not updating state. The main rule to follow here is to never mutate state directly. The result of bending that rule here is that this update never tells React to re-render the component. And any re-render triggered anywhere else is going to clobber the value you updated here since state was never updated.
You need to call setBooks to update the state. For example:
function handleChange(x, id){
setBooks( => === id ? { ...b, price: b.price - parseFloat( } : b
What's essentially happening here is that you take the existing array in state and use .map() to project it to a new array. In that projection you look for the record with the matching id and create the new version of that record, all other records are projected as-is. This new array (the result of .map()) is then set as the new updated state.
There are of course other ways to construct the new array. You could grab the array element and update it the way you already are and then combine it with a spread of the result of a .filter to build the new array. Any construction which makes sense to you would work fine. The main point is that you need to construct a new array and set that as the new state value.
This will trigger React to re-render the component and the newly updated state will be reflected in the render.
You need to setBooks to update state books.
function handleChange(x, id) {
setBooks( => === id ? { ...item, price: item.price - parseFloat( } : item,
To achieve that, you need to call setBooks after changing the price within handleChange method to re-render the component with the newly updated state.
It's simply like the following:
function handleChange(x,id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -; //I am correctly getting discount in

How to get the array object from a specific history.location.pathname

My issue is that when i call the function getAllFlashCardsFromQuest(), its call all flash cards ever created in all the pages, i wanna only the objects that comes from a specific pathname, or a way to filter the cards array.
async function getCards() {
let cardsValues = await getAllFlashCardsFromQuest() as FlashCard[]
let cardsFiltered = cardsValues.filter(()=>{
return history.location.pathname === 'CriarAlternativaQuest'
the object look like this:
There's not much context with your code, so I can only help so much, but one thing's for sure, and that is history.location.pathname isn't changing and you're comparing it with another constant. So cardsFiltered will be either a list of true or a list of false.
Whenever you're filtering a list, you need to take each item or a property of each item and use that in your comparison.
async function getCards() {
let cardsValues = await getAllFlashCardsFromQuest() as FlashCard[]
let cardsFiltered = cardsValues.filter((cardValueItem) => {
return cardValueItem.pathname === 'CriarAlternativaQuest'
The thing is that you need to figure out what value or property inside of your cardsValues list that you need to compare it with 'CriarAlternativaQuest'

How to update object in vuex store array?

I'm pretty new to vue/vuex/vuetify but starting to get the hang of it.
I have a problem though I haven't been able to solve properly.
I have an array of "projects" in my store. When deleting and adding items to the store via mutations the changes reflect properly in subcomponents referencing the array as a property.
However, changes to items in the array does not reflect even though I can see that the array in the store is updated.
The only way I got it to "work" with an update action was to either :
remove the project from the array in the store and then add it
use code that sort of does exactly the same as described above but like so:
state.categories = [
...state.categories.filter(element => !== id),
But the problem with the above two methods is that the order of the array gets changed and I would really like to avoid that..
So basically, how would I rewrite my mutation method below to make the state reflect to subcomponents and keep the order of the array?
updateProject(state, project) {
var index = state.projects.findIndex(function (item, i) {
return ===;
state.projects[index] = project;
You can use slice to inject edited project in correct position:
updateProject(state, project) {
var index = state.projects.findIndex(function(item, i) {
return ===;
state.projects = [
...state.projects.slice(0, index),
...state.projects.slice(index + 1)
or you can use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) to make a deep copy of object
updateProject(state, project) {
var index = state.projects.findIndex(function(item, i) {
return ===;
state.projects[index] = project;
state.projects = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.projects))

Filter React Native Data

I searched all day but I didn't find the solution to my problem.
I'm new to React Native so I'm stucked ...
Here's my problem :
I fetch an api to the get data, I'm doing it with axios and it's ok I can render my component !
Then I don't want to display ALL ITEMS of my Array but I want to display some items according to different values with 2 buttons :
<Button onPress={Get ALL ITEMS with this value}/>
<Button onPress={Get ALL ITEMS with ANOTHER VALUE} />
My issue is that I'm modifying the state of my array 'products' with new information but that's not what I want. I always want that I'm displaying information according to a particular VALUE in the Array and still get my Full Array...
Here's some piece of code of what I'm doing :
onPressFirstButton() {
let newArray = [...this.state.products];
products: newArray.filter(function(product){
return product.value == 32;
onPressSecondButton() {
let otherArray = [...this.state.products];
products: otherArray.filter(function(product){
return product.other_value == 389;
I'm sure it's not the best way because it's not working.. I hope you will understand what I'm trying to say..
Thank you
Since you seem to be using the products property to populate your template, consider using a separate variable for that instead, that way you don’t have to mess with your state when doing your filtering. Maybe this will help:
displayProducts = []
onPressFirstButton () {
this.displayProducts = this.state.products.filter(product => /* logic */)
