Hide text lines/text patterns from a generated logfile - file

As my role as tester (among all the things), I need to review log files for errors. Unfortunatly, the generated output file (file-YYYY-MM-DD.log) displays all kinds of information, not just the errors (or "things that go bad").
My question is; how do I hide the lines I don't want and generate an output file (log) containing the deviations (errors, warnings etc)?
For example, I want to hide:
| I | variable text I do not want, location: /path/to/foo/bar
| W | service X stopped
| W | service X started
The most ideal outcome with the script I want is:
-> Ask question: "Do you want to hide information and warning messages? |
-> Answer: yes --> hide all | I | message (like: no new foo's found in: /location/to/foo.
-> Answer: no --> do nothing (closes script)
The data is from an Unix environment, however the script is going to run in an Windows environment.


Missing type property on running https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/places

I need to get all the conference rooms and reservable spaces in a tenant.
I believe List Places API is what I need to use (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/place-list?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http). How do I differentiate between conference rooms and reservable spaces?
I don't see a property in the response that indicates:  '"Type": "Room" or "Space"
In my demo tenant, I created a reservable space by running PowerShell command:  
New-Mailbox xxx -Room | Set-Mailbox -Type Workspace  
On running
Get-Place xxx | fl
I see Type as 'Space'  
I created a room by running PowerShell command: 
New-Mailbox yyy -Room
On running
Get-Place yyy | fl
I see Type as 'Room'
However I don't see Type property on running
on Graph Explorer. What am I missing?
I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below:
Alternatively, you can use microsoft graph as below
AFAIK, there will be no type in output, but if you want to get types such as rooms and spaces you can use below queries:
If you want get the spaces available you can below query:
To find rooms use below request and I followed Microsoft-Document :
To get room list you can also use below request and I followed Microsoft-Document:

Combining multiple external datasets with cucumber/selenium test environments

When developing automated tests using cucumber and selenium webdriver in java, I use excel spreadsheets as datasets for the gherkin scenarios instead of the traditional Examples tables, using a simple table with only the row numbers in my feature files. This works very well when doing tests that only make use of data from one spreadsheet at a time, but when implementing tests that make use of multiple spreadsheets, how does one ensure the it iterates over every combination.
For example, when testing multiple configurations and their impact on the main interface, I provide the configuration data, let's say 3 combinations of different configurations, using the first spreadsheet, and in my gherkin feature I only enter the row numbers and use the code to handle the actual reading of data.
When the user uses configuration from row <ExcelRow>
| ExcelRow |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
The problem arises when I want to test such configurations with different combinations of inputs in the main interface, also provided via a separate excel spreadsheet. I want configuration from row 1 to be run with all rows from the second spreadsheet, before moving on to row 2's configuration and so on.
Manually using the examples table to do the combinations does the job when working with smaller data sets
| ConfigRow | InputRow |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
The problem arises when using very large datasets, where the examples table starts to clutter the feature file despite only containing the row numbers.
I tried implementing the actual input testing as a single step that loops over the entire excel spreadsheet for each configuration, but that forced me to do my assertions in the same loop and not in the Then step.
If you want to mention only config row in feature file and you want that some other rows to be executed for each config row then you may want to utilize cucumber-guice and make it #ScenarioScoped . Cucumber-guice can initialize same classes for each scenario independently. You would need these dependencies in your pom
Then , in a global class you can do
import io.cucumber.guice.ScenarioScoped;
public class Global {
public Helpers help;
public Global() {
//helper class would contain code that does all the second excel sheet work
help = new Helpers();
In step def you can do
//import Global and guice dependencies
import yourPackage.Global;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
public class stepDef {
Global global;
#When ("the user uses configuration from row {int}")
public void useConfigs(){
#Then ("I assert from excel sheet")
public void doAssertions(){
//do assertions here. These
Your helper class could be something like this
public class Helper {
public void doSomeExcelWork(){
//do excel work
public void doAssertion(){
//return values for your assertions
Your feature file would look like
When the user uses configuration from row <ExcelRow>
| ExcelRow |
| 1 |
| 2 |
Then I assert from excel sheet
Now , for all your examples (scenarios) global would be injected independently and the then statement also would be called for each example row
I am not sure if that is possible to do via Cucumber. You may try searching for Cucumber Java dynamic examples generation like here.
I just would like to question if Cucumber/Gherkin are the right tools for what you wanted to achieve. The primary goal of Gherkin / Cucumber / Specflow scenarios is demonstrate the behavior of the system to anyone reading the feature file. So hiding the data in "linked" files can be accepted if they hold a complex piece of data which is as a single unit, provided the file name demonstrates what is special about the data inside.
What you might be looking for are Parameterized Tests and Data Providers that are available in JUnit 5 and TestNG 2, 3. If you write automation framework in the way that Cucumber, or other test framework becomes only a thin wrapper around it which "assembles" the test, you can generate tests on the fly.
For example your step: "When the user uses configuration from row", becomes
public void whenUserUsesConfiguration(SutConfiguration configuration) {
// your configuration setup goes here
// but you do not read configuration from file in this method
Method above can be used in both Cucumber steps and JUnit/TestNG test without loosing any readability, or understandability.
By splitting your tests into two parts, one for understanding general system behavior and accessible to all stakeholders, and the one that check lots of small nuances, but both using the same framework will allow you to have greater flexibility, and more pleasant development experience.

API for getting contact info about College or University?

There are lots of resources for getting name, website, accreditation info, etc for higher education institutions such as the College Scorecard API or IPEDS. What I need for this project is to find a general contact information email address for my set of a few hundred colleges and universities. I plan on using Google Sheets and Apps Script to collect this data.
I have a spreadsheet such as
| Name | URL | City | State | Email |
| Prairie State College | www.prairiestate.edu | Chicago Heights | IL | |
| Langston University | www.langston.edu | Langston | OK | |
where I need to fill in the "email" column. Does anyone know any APIs that could help with that? A quick Google search tells me that ldickerson#prairiestate.edu is the contact at Prairie State College, whereas the admissions page of Langston University has luadmissions#langston.edu right on it. Does anyone have any ideas on where I can pull this data from automatically?
There is no direct API that can help you achieve that.
What you can do instead is to use UrlFetchApp from Apps Script and retrieve the page text from the admission/contact pages wanted. Afterwards you can retrieve the email address from the page text retrieved using regex.
The below code does the mentioned above but depending on the page, it may retrieve more than one email address. If you know exactly that the first email in the list is the email address you actually need, you can call email[0] instead.
function findMail() {
var pageText = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var email = pageText.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/gi);
UrlFetchApp Class Apps Script;
Regex Tester.

How to use java #repeatable with cucumber

I have different string for same businesses logic in cucumber.
So I trying to get a way to tag a multiple Gherkins string with one function.
I am trying with below but I m not able understand to formulate it with cucumber
Using #Repeatable while mainaining support for Java 7
Scenario Outline: Looking up the definition of fruits
the user is on the Wikionary home page for fruits
When the user looks up the definition of the word <name>
Then they should see the definition 'An edible fruit produced by the pear tree, similar to an apple but elongated towards the stem.'
| name |
| pear |
Scenario Outline: Looking up the definition of orange
Given the user is on the Wikionary home page for orange
When the user looks up the definition of the word <name>
Then they should see the definition 'An edible fruit produced by the pear tree, similar to an apple but elongated towards the stem.'
| name |
| pear |
In above statement Given is different but the business function is same.
How I can tag this with repeatable with java.
Or any other way except concatenate string with |
Any work around will be helpful!!!
Have a step definition like this - It should match any similar step and also non-capturing
#Given("^the user is on the Wikionary home page for (?:\\w+)$")
public void given() {
#Given("^should go to given (?:,*) $")
#Given("^should go to given - (.*?) - (?:,*) $")
#Given("^should go to given - (.*?) - (.*?) - (?:,*) $")
This will take in different parameters. But this will completely ruin the gherkin step text, make it total gibberish. Would be very uncomfortable using this.
You can write the Step Definition Java code only once for above both scenario it will automatically run the same step definition code for the two different scenarios:
Scenario Outline: Looking up the definition of fruits
Given the user is on the Wikionary home page for "fruits"
Scenario Outline: Looking up the definition of orange
Given the user is on the Wikionary home page for "orange"
For above #Given statement you can write only one step defination method it will automatically execute for both scenario as per the different parameters configuration:
#Given("the user is on the Wikionary home page for (.*))
public void given(String fruitName)

How to store an array returned by javascript function split in Selenium IDE

Not a developer, new to Selenium IDE, and yes, limited to sticking with IDE only. Appreciate any and all help.
Trying to grab a password from an email generated upon Password Reset so the script can then log in with the new password.
Thought I'd do a split on a delimiter in the email content, Trim as necessary to grab the password. Running into problems with how to store the returned array. In order to do what I'm thinking, I need to store it back into an array that Selenium can traverse.
storeText | css=body | emailText
getEval | storeResults = javascript{storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")}
The getEval throws an "missing ; before statement" exception. Using method store instead of getEval works (and moving storeResults to a target), but then the results are typecast as a string. I feel I'm missing something very basic here.
I think the keyword javascript must be omitted
For me the following code works:
storeText | //*[#id="_currentProduct"] | myText
getEval | alert(storedVars['myText'])
When run the alertbox has the value of myText.
Thanks for the response. I came to the same conclusion. Here's the working code:
getEval | storeResults = storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")
Was able to access the stored value this way:
