features:uninstall -v or features:uninstall --verbose is not showing what is being done in Karaf 2.4.0.redhat-630310 - apache-camel

I am using Jboss fuse 6.3 and one of my features file when trying to uninstall throwing TimeoutException (below mentioned is detail). This features has one bundle which is communicate with service cloud using camel steaming API.
I wanted to see what Karaf is uninstalling when ran features:uninstall -v . But Karaf is showing only
Uninstalling feature . Any suggestion, how can we see what Karaf is trying to uninstall and where it is stuck to get timeout exception.
Any idea suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.doInvokeAny(AbstractExecutorService.java:184)[:1.8.0_144]
at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.invokeAny(AbstractExecutorService.java:225)[:1.8.0_144]
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils.threading.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper$4.call(ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.java:184)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils.threading.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper$15.call(ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.java:452)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils.threading.RWLock.runReadOperation(RWLock.java:35)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils.threading.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.runUnlessShutdown(ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.java:447)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils.threading.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.invokeAny(ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper.java:178)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintEventDispatcher.callListener(BlueprintEventDispatcher.java:199)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintEventDispatcher.callListeners(BlueprintEventDispatcher.java:189)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintEventDispatcher.blueprintEvent(BlueprintEventDispatcher.java:140)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainerImpl.destroy(BlueprintContainerImpl.java:897)
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender$3.run(BlueprintExtender.java:325)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)[:1.8.0_144]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)[:1.8.0_144]


apache-camel 3.4.0 - Error executing command: No matching features for camel-catalog/0

Expected behaviour with camel version 2.15.2/2.24.1
Below url has feature as "camel-catalog" 
<feature name="camel-catalog" version="2.15.2" resolver="(obr)" start-level="50">
<feature version="2.15.2">camel-core
Exception while deploying feature ="camel-catalog" on Karaf Container with camel 3.x-
karaf#root()> feature:install camel-catalog
Error executing command: No matching features for camel-catalog/0
Query -
Upgraded camel version 3.4.0 now feature ="camel-catalog" is not there and but it require to install in Karaf container So what we can do to resolve this.
Any help/suggestion is most welcome.
The camel-catalog feature is not available as a feature in Camel 3, you dont need to install it, you get catalog installed via installing camel - features:install camel.
See the migration 2.x to 3.x guides: https://camel.apache.org/manual/latest/camel-3x-upgrade-guide.html

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.remote.RemoteInterpreterServer when trying to run spark job in zeppelin

1.Summarizing the problem
I have build zeppelin from the source code by running the below command.
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pspark-2.3 -Pscala-2.11
The build was successful.
Launched apache zeppelin on kubernetes cluster and could see zeppelin-server starts perfectly fine.
but when trying to run a spark notebook the spark interpreter pod goes into completed/succeded state with below errors in the logs from spark-interpreter.log
WARN [2020-03-06 00:42:37,683] ({main} Logging.scala[logWarning]:87) - Failed to load org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.remote.RemoteInterpreterServer.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.remote.RemoteInterpreterServer
2.Describe what you’ve tried
I did not find any resolution so could not try any solution to this problem yet.
any suggestions or ideas would be highly appreciated.
I figured out the issue and was able to resolve by adding --jars with interpreter and spark jars in the zeppelin-env.sh script but later stuck into different issue.
Now that interpreter is starting but unable to launch executors.
Below is the error message, if anybody would like to provide any inputs, would appreciate it.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonatype/aether/resolution/DependencyResolutionException
Thank you.

Opendaylight Nitrogen: Unable to Install features

I am getting an error while installing the features.
error executing command: error restarting bundles
Initially, it worked fine for some of the features but then it suddenly started throwing this error.
Any suggestion on this would be appreciated.
if you clean karaf, you can resolve the issue, by running the following command, you can clean the karaf.
./karaf clean
When OpenDaylight moved to karaf 4 there were problems identified with
installing features in the karaf shell one after the other. I think
you are hitting that problem.
you can try listing out all the features you want in the featuresBoot
variable of the etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file.
You may also have some success trying to install on the karaf shell with
the following flag --no-auto-refresh, like this:
feature:install --no-auto-refresh odl-l2switch-switch
Also, as sridhar reddy noted, if you use "karaf clean" to start karaf it will
wipe the data/ folder (and more) so that old loaded features will not come
back in on startup and you will start "clean".

ckan local installation, 500 error on solr JSP support not configured

I am trying to install CKAN on my local computer using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
I followed the instructions for installing from source found here and I try to check if solr is running by visiting http://localhost:8983/solr/.
I can see that Jetty is running because when I visit http://localhost:8983 I see that it is up.
I added the jdk as follows:
I am getting a 500 error when i try to open the solr page:
Problem accessing /solr/index.jsp. Reason:
JSP support not configured
Powered by Jetty://
Any ideas? Should I redo the whole thing from the start?
I just couldn't do anything with this installation. The bigger problem was that installation files were meshed up! I tried to install tomcat/solr instead of jetty/solr and things went sour. So I just created a VM and did a fresh install there. For anyone interested I did a tomcat/solr installation following this and a CKAN installation following this (with out of course the solr instructions). Also, for some reason the CKAN installation has commented out the solr URL, so even if it is right, I had to delete the comment.
A fix has been documented by #mstantoncook here [2939] & [1651] How to solr-jetty JSP support
Note the last comment, sudo service jetty restart
It's a Jetty BUG on Ubuntu 14.04!
There is nothing wrong with Ckan itself.
Actually, there is a bug in the libjetty-extra-java package (version 6.1.26 and newer) in Ubuntu 14.04. The bug was introduced after Jetty (in Ubuntu) has changed it's dependences from libtomcat6-java to libtomcat7-java.
You can get more info about this bug in Ubuntu Launchpad: Bug #1508562 "Broken symlinks for JSP support in libjetty-extra-java version 6.1.26-1ubuntu1.1".
The bug is already fixed on Debian, and I'm hope it will be solved in Ubuntu 14.04 soon.
There are workarounds that may work for your case
I proposed some workarounds in this bug report, and since they can be useful for the Ckan users, I'll also replicate them here.
All of them consist on use both jetty and libtomcat7-java, but adding/replacing some classes (code ported from libtomcat6, in put in the jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar file) to the Jetty classpath.
I don't know if they have some problem. Use them at your own risk!
Workaround 1 - Install the fix package proposed by vshn
I found this workaround here: https://github.com/ckan/ckan/pull/2966
In short:
wget https://launchpad.net/~vshn/+archive/ubuntu/solr/+files/solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
dpkg -i solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
service jetty restart
This will install a JSP jar that works (the file will be named jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar, but it contains classes ported from libtomcat6).
Workaround 2 - Manually install the JSP jar
Download the same JAR file that the DEB package above would install.
wget https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jetty/+bug/1508562/+attachment/4785985/+files/jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar
Now, move it to a proper location inside the Jetty config dir. I did it this way:
mkdir /etc/jetty/extra-jars
mv jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar /etc/jetty/extra-jars
And add a line like this one in the Jetty start.config file:
echo "/etc/jetty/extra-jars/jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar" >> /etc/jetty/start.config
service jetty restart
Correct solution
The correct solution is to wait for the Ubuntu Team solution. However, while waiting for this fix, you can use any of the previous workarounds (I prefer the last one).
I hope they help you!
Try this steps:
sudo mv jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar /usr/share/jetty/lib/.
change own:
sudo chown root:root /usr/share/jetty/lib/jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar
finally restart jetty:
sudo service jetty restart
I followed this steps and now I can see localhost:8983/solr and localhost/solr/admin
In Ubuntu 14.04 this can be fixed with:
cd /tmp
wget https://launchpad.net/~vshn/+archive/ubuntu/solr/+files/solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
sudo service jetty restart
Following http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.6/solr-setup.html#single-solr-instance
(this one a bit old, but worked perfect for me )
You will have to edit /etc/profile and add this line to the end such as this to the end (adjusting the path for your machine’s jdk install:
JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/ (or other version)
export JAVA_HOME
sudo service jetty start

Fedora Commons starting problems

I've been installing Fedora Commons on a Fedora 17 system. Everything has just gone like a charm and I followed this guide:
However, whatever I do the service "Fedora Commons" won't start. There is nothing showing up in /var/log/messages
Running "service fedora start" ends with an OK, but when I afterwards run "service fedora status" it shows "Fedora Commons service is stopped".
Any ideas?
Fedora Commons can be somewhat picky about having an environment set up correctly. In general I prefer to install a new Tomcat servlet container and then choosing the "existingTomcat" custom install rather than having the Fedora Commons installer create a servlet container for you. By doing this you can more easily separate the servlet container install/config issues (lots of documentation on the web for this) from the Fedora Commons install/config issues (not so much information on this).
Also, when doing a new Fedora install I find it helps to download and deploy a servlet called "psi-probe" into the Tomcat container. It helps debugging environment issues as well as giving you an easy way to view log files for all your servlets from a common web interface.
Further update: I forgot to mention one thing that also would prevent Fedora Commons from running and that is Fedora Commons does not seem to work well with the OpenJDK installed by default on many OS distributions. This can cause Fedora Commons to quietly fail with no log information even if the install was successful and correctly configured. Switching the environment variables to point to another version of JDK (other than OpenJDK) will resolve this problem.
