ckan local installation, 500 error on solr JSP support not configured - solr

I am trying to install CKAN on my local computer using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
I followed the instructions for installing from source found here and I try to check if solr is running by visiting http://localhost:8983/solr/.
I can see that Jetty is running because when I visit http://localhost:8983 I see that it is up.
I added the jdk as follows:
I am getting a 500 error when i try to open the solr page:
Problem accessing /solr/index.jsp. Reason:
JSP support not configured
Powered by Jetty://
Any ideas? Should I redo the whole thing from the start?
I just couldn't do anything with this installation. The bigger problem was that installation files were meshed up! I tried to install tomcat/solr instead of jetty/solr and things went sour. So I just created a VM and did a fresh install there. For anyone interested I did a tomcat/solr installation following this and a CKAN installation following this (with out of course the solr instructions). Also, for some reason the CKAN installation has commented out the solr URL, so even if it is right, I had to delete the comment.

A fix has been documented by #mstantoncook here [2939] & [1651] How to solr-jetty JSP support
Note the last comment, sudo service jetty restart

It's a Jetty BUG on Ubuntu 14.04!
There is nothing wrong with Ckan itself.
Actually, there is a bug in the libjetty-extra-java package (version 6.1.26 and newer) in Ubuntu 14.04. The bug was introduced after Jetty (in Ubuntu) has changed it's dependences from libtomcat6-java to libtomcat7-java.
You can get more info about this bug in Ubuntu Launchpad: Bug #1508562 "Broken symlinks for JSP support in libjetty-extra-java version 6.1.26-1ubuntu1.1".
The bug is already fixed on Debian, and I'm hope it will be solved in Ubuntu 14.04 soon.
There are workarounds that may work for your case
I proposed some workarounds in this bug report, and since they can be useful for the Ckan users, I'll also replicate them here.
All of them consist on use both jetty and libtomcat7-java, but adding/replacing some classes (code ported from libtomcat6, in put in the jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar file) to the Jetty classpath.
I don't know if they have some problem. Use them at your own risk!
Workaround 1 - Install the fix package proposed by vshn
I found this workaround here:
In short:
dpkg -i solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
service jetty restart
This will install a JSP jar that works (the file will be named jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar, but it contains classes ported from libtomcat6).
Workaround 2 - Manually install the JSP jar
Download the same JAR file that the DEB package above would install.
Now, move it to a proper location inside the Jetty config dir. I did it this way:
mkdir /etc/jetty/extra-jars
mv jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar /etc/jetty/extra-jars
And add a line like this one in the Jetty start.config file:
echo "/etc/jetty/extra-jars/jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar" >> /etc/jetty/start.config
service jetty restart
Correct solution
The correct solution is to wait for the Ubuntu Team solution. However, while waiting for this fix, you can use any of the previous workarounds (I prefer the last one).
I hope they help you!

Try this steps:
sudo mv jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar /usr/share/jetty/lib/.
change own:
sudo chown root:root /usr/share/jetty/lib/jsp-2.1-6.0.2.jar
finally restart jetty:
sudo service jetty restart
I followed this steps and now I can see localhost:8983/solr and localhost/solr/admin

In Ubuntu 14.04 this can be fixed with:
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i solr-jetty-jsp-fix_1.0.2_all.deb
sudo service jetty restart

(this one a bit old, but worked perfect for me )
You will have to edit /etc/profile and add this line to the end such as this to the end (adjusting the path for your machine’s jdk install:
JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/ (or other version)
export JAVA_HOME
sudo service jetty start


no redis function on phpinfo after install php redis with macPorts

i need help. currently i want to use PHP redis on my macOS from this repo
because there are many error when i direct clone from that repository, i decided to choose install the phpredis use MacPorts.
my specification mac is
macOS Cataline v 10.15.7
PHP 7.3.11
i'm using XAMPP 7.4.12
after i install the macPorts i did run this command
sudo port install php73-redis
the installation was good and no error. after that i restart my apache and also restart my mac.. but when i check on phpinfo() no function redis..
i also check on my file /opt/local/var/db/php73/redis.ini also contain
what is missing from my steps? i still not able to set the PHPredis after that. please help

Change mod_wsgi from python3.5 to 3.6

I have a flask app that used to run with python3.5 on apache2.
I am now trying to change it to run on 3.6 (i have sone type hinting in my code that is only supported on 3.6).
I have installed the module for python3.6, but when tried to restart apache and run my app, it fails.
When running
mod_wsgi-express module-location
I have the python3.5 version
The same file also existis on my server in python3.6 dir.
I also changed my $PATH to run python3.6 as a default for python.
How can I tell apache to run on python3.6 and not on 3.5?
WOHA! It's working!
I uninstalled the mod_wsgi (sudo apt get remove libapache2-mod-wsgi).
Then, Installed the module via pip specifically to python3.6 (python3.6 -m pip install mod_wsgi), but at this point the apache still ran python3.5.I added to the apache configuration file (in ubunutu 16.4 the file is located at: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/ for RHEL/CentOS 7) the followings:
LoadModule wsgi_module "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mod_wsgi/server/"
WSGIPythonHome "/usr" and that did the trick.
I weeped a lot of tears over this issue, finding the apache2.conf file etc, so hopefully this will be helpful to anyone.
The LoadModule solution worked for me. However, I found it easiest to first ensure
a2dismod wsgi as provided by the default apache2 module. I spent 3 days looking at various solutions and answers and reviewing Graham's WSGI guide.
What I did in my case is was to remove python 3.6 from Django env and re-install python 3.5 and it worked.

MacPorts: install hangs/remains unusable

I've been trying to install MacPorts on a new Mac Pro with a fresh, fully updated Yosemite OS. The installer hangs on 'Running package scripts'. So I tried to build it from source. That works, with the installer stating:
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the MacPorts system.
However, it seems unusable. When I do sudo port install apache2 I get the message:
Error: Port apache2 not found
Simply trying to do a 'self update' (as root):
sh-3.2# port -d selfupdate
DEBUG: MacPorts sources location: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
---> Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
receiving file list ... done
...and then nothing... I've waited for half an hour, but it won't go any further. I can't find any logs either.
Again: there's nothing special about my setup, it's out-of-the-box Yosemite, only updated through the App store and, of course, I've installed Xcode with command line utilities and formally accepted the license, as is required according to the MacPorts site.
I've also tried uninstalling it, using the instructions from the MacPorts site, and reinstalling. But it does not make a difference.
I've read quite a few forum posts, but I can't find any post relating a problem like this. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
The installer hangs running package scripts because the last statement in these package scripts is exactly this "sudo port selfupdate" that you've been running manually afterwards.
Because this step did never run, your MacPorts installation lacks knowledge about the apache2 port (which is exactly why the installer runs selfupdate to give you a full-featured installation).
Unfortunately Apple's infrastructure ( seems to have connectivity problems at the moment, which is causing problems for quite a few people. You can try using one of the mirrors as outlined at

installing mod_perl with centos and plesk

I'm trying to install mod_perl on Centos 5.5 with Plesk. Does this already come with mod_perl? I'm not showing anything in the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable.
I tried installing it via cpan (install mod_perl2) with this:
Please provide a full path to 'apxs' executable
which I don't know. So I skip it and then I am asked:
Please provide the location of the Apache directory:
Searched though I have, I can't seem to find it. No apache folder with ap_release.h.
Where would I find this or is there a better way to install it via plesk?
I was able to get mod_perl2 installed by:
>> yum install perl-devel
>> cpan
>> install YAML
>> install mod_perl2
Then, I configured it thanks to this:
I added a new <Directory> for my web site in case there would be a conflict with plesk.
/cgi-bin runs regular perl scripts
/mod-perl runs my scripts using mod_perl2... the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable does exist here!
#oleg - thanks for your help, a2enmod perl does not work in CentOS
The Perl Support check box in Plesk doesn't seem to have any effect what-so-ever.
Does this already come with mod_perl?
Yes. Check any domain's hosting settings.
also you can check:
rpm -qa | grep perl
and I'm definitely recommend you use Plesk on Centos 6, because most things will be easier.

Help installing static binary for wkhtmltopdf

I am trying to use the static binary of wkhtmltopdf on Ubuntu server 10.0.4. The reason for is that it apparently has a built in modified QT that will allow me to run wkhtmltopdf without an X Server.
Once installed (see steps below), when I execute wkhtmltopdf in the terminal, it does not fire up... just returns me to the prompt - like it ran and did something, no error but no output:
:/usr/bin$ wkhtmltopdf
Same behavior if I put args:
:/usr/bin$ wkhtmltopdf test.pdf
Am I doing something wrong --- my understanding that the static binary should just fire up. Perhaps missing some dependency? Is there a way to get some verbose output?
These are the steps I have followed:
In /usr/bin:
1) Confirmed that the existing (non-static) wkhtmltopdf resides there and that it executes. When I execute it with no args I get the help/about output from the app.
2) Moved the existing wkhtmltopdf out of the directory (renamed it)
3) Get the static binary: sudo curl -C - -O http:
4) Untar: tar xvjf wkhtmltopdf-0.9.9-static-i386.tar.bz2
5) Rename: mv wkhtmltopdf-i386 wkthtmltopdf
6) Get (apparently) necessary packages: sudo apt-get install openssl build-essential xorg libssl-dev
I was having the same problem. I removed the existing wkhtmltopdf and followed the steps below and the installation worked.
First, installing dependencies
sudo aptitude install openssl build-essential xorg libssl-dev
for 64-bit OS
tar xvjf wkhtmltopdf-0.9.2-static-amd64.tar.bz2
chown root:root wkhtmltopdf-amd64
mv wkhtmltopdf-amd64 /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf
The only difference is that I put it in /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf.
I hope this helps!
Following deb's answer got it working for me on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit - thanks!
Although rather than downloading 0.9.2 as per deb's instructions, I would suggest people download the latest version by:
Go to
Download the latest version of wkhtmltopdf-[version number]-static-amd64.tar.bz2
At this time, the latest 64bit is
In my debian server trying to run wkhtmltopdf-i386 lead to same blank prompt.
Non-static (with non-patched QT) version of wkhtmltopdf installed with "aptitude install wkhtmltopdf" is worked.
Problem solved by switching to wkhtmltopdf-amd64, server was a 64 bit and i missed it.
After that, wkhtmltopdf-amd64 says 'libxrender shared library not found', this problem was solved by "aptitude install xorg"
0.11.0_rc1 seems to be buggy.
It keeps throwing the error "Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used".
Reverting to 0.9.9 worked for me.
