How could i change my state from getCellActions - reactjs

I am new in react. For my project i want to change my state by clicking an icon from table which will change my state. I am using getCellActions (react-data-grid). How could I pass my custom function alone with column and row object.
Thanks in advance.
NT: I am not using redux
getCellActions(column, row, state) {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => {

You can simply use ES6 and pass an arrow function expression that simply invokes the function you want and binds the function with this automatically..
In react-data-grid, you would have to do something like below:
getCellActions= {(column, row) => this.getCellActions(column, row)}
state = {this.state}
And your getCellActions function can be as it is:
getCellActions(column, row) {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => this.getRoleData(
The thing is that when you write:
getCellActions= {(column,row) => this.getCellActions(column, row)}
you actually pass an anonymous function which will only be executed when triggered.
I would like to add that when you write an arrow function in one line, it automatically returns that statement, except you wrap that line in curly braces and write a normal function. So, the above line works as :
getCellActions= {(column,row) => return this.getCellActions(column, row)}
So, the MANTRA is: return the reference, do not execute it before the trigger.

The problem why this.getRoleData() is not working, is because this inside of your callback is not in the context of your component.
Change your getCellActions function to an arrow function, so you have the component as context (inside a arrow function this keeps its meaning from its original context):
import React from 'react';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedRowId: null
myCallback = (rowId) => {
this.setState({ selectedRowId: rowId });
getCellActions = (column, row, state) => {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => {
render() {
// your render function...
Bind this to getCellActions in the constructor like:
this.getCellActions = this.getCellActions.bind(this);


React: Define ref prop on immediate descendant?

I'd like to create a wrapper component to handle Outside Clicks of components.
There are two things I'm trying to avoid, which may not be possible.
Avoid creating an almost redundant <div /> to handle the ref to my <OutsideClick /> component.
Avoid having to handle this.props.passedInRef each time I want to wrap a component.
The cleanest implementation i can get thusfar is using a HOC as follows. You'll see I also tried to use React.cloneElement() but I've left if commented out.
const onOutsideClick = (Component) => {
class OnOutsideClick extends React.PureComponent {
capturedEvents = ['touchend', 'click'];
componentDidMount() {
this.capturedEvents.forEach((event) => {
document.addEventListener(event, this.handleOutsideClick, true);
componentWillUnmount() {
this.capturedEvents.forEach((event) => {
document.removeEventListener(event, this.handleOutsideClick, true);
handleOutsideClick = (e) => {
if (!this.wrapperRef.contains( {
console.log('handled Outside Click');
setWrapperRef = (node) => {
this.wrapperRef = node;
// render() {
// return React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {
// ref: this.setWrapperRef,
// });
// }
render() {
return <Component ref={this.setWrapperRef} {...this.props} />;
return OnOutsideClick;
This gets the following error on click: _this.wrapperRef.contains is not a function at HTMLDocument.OnOutsideClick._this.handleOutsideClick.
I can get it working if I change the render method to:
render() {
return <Component forwardRef={this.setWrapperRef} {...this.props} />;
and inside Descendant Component render method I must define:
<div ref={this.props.forwardRef}>
This feels like I'm dirtying a descendant. Is it possible to pass the ref to the descendant simply because it's a descendant?
There are multiple ways to handle it.
First: As you suggested, you can pass on the ref as a prop with different name and then attach it to the elements div
Second: you can make use of forwardRef api to forward the ref to the component which would look like
const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<div ref={ref}>{/* content here */}</div>
Third: you can do avoid, forwarding ref altogether by using React.findDOMNode. However, its not a recommended way and you must forward the refs as much as possible
handleOutsideClick = (e) => {
if (!ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.wrapperRef).contains( {
console.log('handled Outside Click');

React call function from another function in a loop

I am writing a React class and trying to call a function form another function but in a for loop, I am getting this error
Uncaught ReferenceError: isValidated is not defined
If I move my function call out of for each loop, it work fine. I am using arrow function, so I believe I don;t need binding in constructor.
class ResourceManagerForm extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<button className="ms-Button ms-Button--primary" onClick={this.onSaveButtonClick}>
<span className="ms-Button-label">Create Account name</span>
isValidated = (control) =>
//some code here
onSaveButtonClick = (e) =>
this.isValidated(null); //works fine here
$("#resource-manager [id]").each(function (index, value)
if(isValidated(value)) //does not work
if(this.isValidated(value)) //also does not work
It's because of how you define the anonymous function in .each()
For this to be bound inside the function, you need to declare it as an "arrow" function i.e. (index, value) => { ... } instead of function(index, value) { ... }:
this.isValidated(null); //works fine here
$("#resource-manager [id]").each((index, value) => {
if(this.isValidated(value)) { // this is bound inside the function now
This blog post explains how arrow functions behave.

Jest: How to test prop that is an anonymous function?

I have a component that loads another component, sending it an anonymous function as a prop:
export class Header extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { activeTab: TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW }
filterByNeedsReview() {
const { filterByNeedsReviewFn } = this.props
this.setState({ activeTab: TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW })
render() {
return (
active={this.state.activeTab === TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW}
onClick={() => this.filterByNeedsReview()}
I have this failing test:
it('renders a filter tab with the right props for needs review', () => {
const filterByNeedsReviewFn = jest.fn()
shallowRender({ filterByNeedsReviewFn })
.findWhere(node =>
_.isMatch(node.props(), {
active: true,
name: 'Needs Review',
count: 40,
onClick: filterByNeedsReviewFn, //<-------------- THIS DOESN'T WORK
How would I test that onClick is the right thing?
I believe you don't need to check how internal event handlers look like. You might be interested in different things: if triggering event handler changes component as you expect(.toMatchSnapshot() is much better here instead of testing structure manually with .toHaveLength) and if callback you've passed through props is called when it should to(.toHaveBeenCalled). What if component is changed some day not to just call .props.filterByNeedsReviewFn() but also do some stuff like calling anything else? should your test fail just because there is named method passed somewhere inside? I believe it is not.
So I see your test to be
it('renders a filter tab with expected props after clicking', () => {
const comp = shallowRender({});
it('calls callback passed after clicking on filter tab', () => {
const filterByNeedsReviewFn = jest.fn()
const comp = shallowRender({ filterByNeedsReviewFn });
// let's ensure callback has been called without any unexpected arguments
expect(filterByNeedsReviewFn ).toHaveBeenCalledWith();
I don't think you actually needed this code but I wanted to illustrate how clear such approach could be. Your component have API: props callback it calls and render output. So we can skip testing internals without any pitfalls

returning components following setState

I have the following code :
getModal = e => {
game: e.packers
() => {
return (<Modal name={} game={} />);
data = {
name: "jack sparrow",
game: "packer wins"
setModal = () => {
var a =;
I am unable to return the Modal component. I don't know if its syntactically correct or not. When I click a button the setModal gets activated . I am able to get console results but returning a component has not been possible. What am i doing wrong here?
You cannot return components from setState for multiple reasons, the biggest being that is an async function and running setState does not instantly change the content of the state. with that stated
lets look at your code below
game: e.packers
() => {
return (<Modal name={} game={} />);
the function provided to the setState is just a callback method. basically it is a function that setState runs after it has successfully updated the state.
if you are simply trying to return the modal, I suggest structuring it like this instead
getModal = e => {
game: e.packers
return (<Modal name={} game={e.packers} />);
doing so will ensure that getModal does indeed return your modal component. however, if you wish for modal's name and game props to change with the state of this component, then I would suggest moving this to the render method instead.

Call a React component method from outside

I want to call a method exposed by a React component from the instance of a React Element.
For example, in this jsfiddle. I want to call the alertMessage method from the HelloElement reference.
Is there a way to achieve this without having to write additional wrappers?
Edit (copied code from JSFiddle)
<div id="container"></div>
<button onclick="onButtonClick()">Click me!</button>
var onButtonClick = function () {
//call alertMessage method from the reference of a React Element! Something like HelloElement.alertMessage()
var Hello = React.createClass({displayName: 'Hello',
alertMessage: function() {
render: function() {
return React.createElement("div", null, "Hello ",;
var HelloElement = React.createElement(Hello, {name: "World"});
There are two ways to access an inner function. One, instance-level, like you want, another, static level.
You need to call the function on the return from React.render. See below.
Take a look at ReactJS Statics. Note, however, that a static function cannot access instance-level data, so this would be undefined.
var onButtonClick = function () {
//call alertMessage method from the reference of a React Element!
//call static alertMessage method from the reference of a React Class!
var Hello = React.createClass({
displayName: 'Hello',
statics: {
alertMessage: function () {
alert('static message');
alertMessage: function () {
render: function () {
return React.createElement("div", null, "Hello ",;
var HelloElement = React.createElement(Hello, {
name: "World"
var HelloRendered = React.render(HelloElement, document.getElementById('container'));
Then do HelloRendered.alertMessage().
You can do like
import React from 'react';
class Header extends React.Component{
window.helloComponent = this;
console.log("Called from outside");
return (
<AppBar style={{background:'#000'}}>
export default Header;
Now from outside of this component you can called like this below
1. With React hooks - useImperativeHandle + useRef
const MyComponent = ({myRef}) => {
const handleClick = () => alert('hello world')
useImperativeHandle(myRef, () => ({
}), [/* dependencies (if any) */])
return (<button onClick={handleClick}>Original Button</button>)
MyComponent.defaultProps = {
myRef: {current: {}}
const MyParentComponent = () => {
const myRef = React.useRef({})
return (
<button onClick={myRef.current.handleClick}>
Additional Button
2. With only React hook - useRef
const MyComponent = ({myRef}) => {
const handleClick = () => alert('hello world')
myRef.current.handleClick = handleClick
return (<button onClick={handleClick}>Original Button</button>)
MyComponent.defaultProps = {
myRef: {current: {}}
const MyParentComponent = () => {
const myRef = React.useRef({})
return (
<button onClick={myRef.current.handleClick}>
Additional Button
Good Luck...
I've done something like this:
class Cow extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {text: 'hello'};
componentDidMount () {
if (this.props.onMounted) {
say: text => this.say(text)
render () {
return (
< {this.state.text} >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
say (text) {
this.setState({text: text});
And then somewhere else:
class Pasture extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<Cow onMounted={callbacks => this.cowMounted(callbacks)} />
<button onClick={() => this.changeCow()} />
cowMounted (callbacks) {
this.cowCallbacks = callbacks;
changeCow () {
I haven't tested this exact code, but this is along the lines of what I did in a project of mine and it works nicely :). Of course this is a bad example, you should just use props for this, but in my case the sub-component did an API call which I wanted to keep inside that component. In such a case this is a nice solution.
With the render method potentially deprecating the returned value, the recommended approach is now to attach a callback ref to the root element. Like this:
ReactDOM.render( <Hello name="World" ref={(element) => {window.helloComponent = element}}/>, document.getElementById('container'));
which we can then access using window.helloComponent, and any of its methods can be accessed with window.helloComponent.METHOD.
Here's a full example:
var onButtonClick = function() {
class Hello extends React.Component {
alertMessage() {
render() {
return React.createElement("div", null, "Hello ",;
ReactDOM.render( <Hello name="World" ref={(element) => {window.helloComponent = element}}/>, document.getElementById('container'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>
<button onclick="onButtonClick()">Click me!</button>
You can just add an onClick handler to the div with the function (onClick is React's own implementation of onClick) and you can access the property within { } curly braces, and your alert message will appear.
In case you wish to define static methods that can be called on the component class - you should use statics. Although:
"Methods defined within this block are static, meaning that you can run them before any component instances are created, and the methods do not have access to the props or state of your components. If you want to check the value of props in a static method, have the caller pass in the props as an argument to the static method." (source)
Some example code:
const Hello = React.createClass({
The statics object allows you to define static methods that can be called on the component class. For example:
statics: {
customMethod: function(foo) {
return foo === 'bar';
alertMessage: function() {
render: function () {
return (
<div onClick={this.alertMessage}>
Hello {}
React.render(<Hello name={'aworld'} />, document.body);
Hope this helps you a bit, because i don't know if I understood your question correctly, so correct me if i interpreted it wrong:)
It appears statics are deprecated, and the other methods of exposing some functions with render seem convoluted. Meanwhile, this Stack Overflow answer about debugging React, while seeming hack-y, did the job for me.
If you are in ES6 just use the "static" keyword on your method from your example would be the following: static alertMessage: function() {
Hope can help anyone out there :)
I use this helper method to render components and return an component instance.
Methods can be called on that instance.
static async renderComponentAt(componentClass, props, parentElementId){
let componentId =;
throw Error('Component has no id property. Please include id:"" to component properties.');
let parentElement = document.getElementById(parentElementId);
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
props.ref = (component)=>{
let element = React.createElement(componentClass, props, null);
ReactDOM.render(element, parentElement);
class AppProvider extends Component {
constructor() {
window.alertMessage = this.alertMessage.bind(this);
alertMessage() {
console.log('Hello World');
You can call this method from the window by using window.alertMessage().
method 1 using ChildRef:
public childRef: any = React.createRef<Hello>();
public onButtonClick= () => {
console.log(this.childRef.current); // this will have your child reference
<Hello ref = { this.childRef }/>
<button onclick="onButtonClick()">Click me!</button>
Method 2: using window register
public onButtonClick= () => {
console.log(window.yourRef); // this will have your child reference
<Hello ref = { (ref) => {window.yourRef = ref} }/>`
<button onclick="onButtonClick()">Click me!</button>
With React17 you can use useImperativeHandle hook.
useImperativeHandle customizes the instance value that is exposed to parent components when using ref. As always, imperative code using refs should be avoided in most cases. useImperativeHandle should be used with forwardRef:
function FancyInput(props, ref) {
const inputRef = useRef();
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
focus: () => {
return <input ref={inputRef} ... />;
FancyInput = forwardRef(FancyInput);
In this example, a parent component that renders would be able to call inputRef.current.focus().
Though this question is closed, I would like to share another approach.
Here's what worked for me:
Child Component
Child component accepts a prop, let's call it onExportedMethods, the aim is to return the set of instance methods that this component wants to give to consumers.
The decision of what needs to be exposed is done at constructor level.
Consumer Component
pass method for prop onExportedMethods & in the handler keep copy of the set of methods Child component exposes.
Whenever required, parent component can call the exposed method
Checkout the sample here
For dynamic components I used the getDerivedStateFromProps method with props.
You can create function that update the props of the child component, The getDerivedStateFromProps in the child component will handle the update of the props for you.
For example:
class Parent extends React.Component
this.state = { selectMachine: '1' };
this.setComponent = null;
handleMachineChange = (e) =>{
class Child extends React.Component
state = {
programForm: {
machine_id: '1',
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
if(props.selectMachine !== state.programForm.machine_id){
//Change in props
programForm: { ...state.programForm, machine_id: props.selectMachine }
return null; // No change to state
