returning components following setState - reactjs

I have the following code :
getModal = e => {
game: e.packers
() => {
return (<Modal name={} game={} />);
data = {
name: "jack sparrow",
game: "packer wins"
setModal = () => {
var a =;
I am unable to return the Modal component. I don't know if its syntactically correct or not. When I click a button the setModal gets activated . I am able to get console results but returning a component has not been possible. What am i doing wrong here?

You cannot return components from setState for multiple reasons, the biggest being that is an async function and running setState does not instantly change the content of the state. with that stated
lets look at your code below
game: e.packers
() => {
return (<Modal name={} game={} />);
the function provided to the setState is just a callback method. basically it is a function that setState runs after it has successfully updated the state.
if you are simply trying to return the modal, I suggest structuring it like this instead
getModal = e => {
game: e.packers
return (<Modal name={} game={e.packers} />);
doing so will ensure that getModal does indeed return your modal component. however, if you wish for modal's name and game props to change with the state of this component, then I would suggest moving this to the render method instead.


Render an array as list with onClick buttons

I'm new at ReactJs development, and I'm trying to render a list below the buttons I created with mapping my BE of graphQl query. I don't know what I'm doing wrong (the code has a lot of testing on it that I tried to solve the issue, but no success.)
The buttons rendered at getCategories() need to do the render below them using their ID as filter, which I use another function to filter buildFilteredCategoryProducts(categoryParam).
I tried to look on some others questions to solve this but no success. Code below, if need some more info, please let me know!
FYK: I need to do using Class component.
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { getProductsId } from "../services/product";
import { getCategoriesList } from "../services/categories";
//import styled from "styled-components";
class ProductListing extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
category: { data: { categories: [] } },
product: { data: { categories: [] } },
filteredProduct: { data: { categories: [] } },
this.handleEvent = this.handleEvent.bind(this);
async handleEvent(event) {
var prodArr = [];
const testName =;
const testTwo = this.buildFilteredCategoryProducts(testName);
await this.setState({ filteredProduct: { data: testTwo } }); => {
return prodArr;
async componentDidMount() {
const categoriesResponse = await getCategoriesList();
const productsResponse = await getProductsId();
this.setState({ category: { data: categoriesResponse } });
this.setState({ product: { data: productsResponse } });
getCategories() {
return => {
const elName =;
return (
<button id={elName} key={elName} onClick={this.handleEvent}>
buildFilteredCategoryProducts(categoryParam) {
const filteredCategories =
(fil) => === categoryParam
let categoryProducts = [];
filteredCategories.forEach((category) => {
category.products.forEach((product) => {
const categoryProduct = (
<div key={}>{`${} ${}`}</div>
return categoryProducts;
buildCategoryProducts() {
const filteredCategories =;
let categoryProducts = [];
filteredCategories.forEach((category) => {
category.products.forEach((product) => {
const categoryProduct = (
<div key={}>{`${} ${}`}</div>
return categoryProducts;
buildProductArr() {
for (let i = 0; i <=; i++) {
render() {
return (
export default ProductListing;
Ok, so this won't necessarily directly solve your problem,
but I will give you some pointers that would definitely improve some of your code and hopefully will strengthen your knowledge regarding how state works in React.
So first of all, I see that you tried to use await before a certain setState.
I understand the confusion, as setting the state in React works like an async function, but it operates differently and using await won't really do anything here.
So basically, what we want to do in-order to act upon a change of a certain piece of state, is to use the componentDidUpdate function, which automatically runs every time the component re-renders (i.e. - whenever there is a change in the value of the state or props of the component).
Note: this is different for function components, but that's a different topic.
It should look like this:
componentDidUpdate() {
// Whatever we want to happen when the component re-renders.
Secondly, and this is implied from the previous point.
Since setState acts like an async function, doing setState and console.log(this.state) right after it, will likely print the value of the previous state snapshot, as the state actually hasn't finished setting by the time the console.log runs.
Next up, and this is an important one.
Whenever you set the state, you should spread the current state value into it.
Becuase what you're doing right now, is overwriting the value of the state everytime you set it.
...this.state, // adds the entire current value of the state.
filteredProduct: { // changes only filteredProduct.
...filteredProduct, // adds the current value of filteredProduct.
data: testTwo
Now obviously if filteredProduct doesn't contain any more keys besides data then you don't really have to spread it, as the result would be the same.
But IMO it's a good practice to spread it anyway, in-case you add more keys to that object structure at some point, because then you would have to refactor your entire code and fix it accordingly.
Final tip, and this one is purely aesthetic becuase React implements a technique called "batching", in-which it tries to combine multiple setState calls into one.
But still, instead of this:
this.setState({ category: { data: categoriesResponse } });
this.setState({ product: { data: productsResponse } });
You can do this:
category: {
data: categoriesResponse,
product: {
data: productsResponse,
Forgot to mention two important things.
The first is that componentDidUpdate actually has built-in params, which could be useful in many cases.
The params are prevProps (props before re-render) and prevState (state before re-render).
Can be used like so:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevState.text !== this.state.text) {
// Write logic here.
Secondly, you don't actually have to use componentDidUpdate in cases like these, because setState actually accepts a second param that is a callback that runs specifically after the state finished updating.
filteredProduct: {
data: testTwo
}, () => {
// Whatever we want to do after this setState has finished.

Jest: How to test prop that is an anonymous function?

I have a component that loads another component, sending it an anonymous function as a prop:
export class Header extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { activeTab: TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW }
filterByNeedsReview() {
const { filterByNeedsReviewFn } = this.props
this.setState({ activeTab: TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW })
render() {
return (
active={this.state.activeTab === TAB_NAMES.NEEDS_REVIEW}
onClick={() => this.filterByNeedsReview()}
I have this failing test:
it('renders a filter tab with the right props for needs review', () => {
const filterByNeedsReviewFn = jest.fn()
shallowRender({ filterByNeedsReviewFn })
.findWhere(node =>
_.isMatch(node.props(), {
active: true,
name: 'Needs Review',
count: 40,
onClick: filterByNeedsReviewFn, //<-------------- THIS DOESN'T WORK
How would I test that onClick is the right thing?
I believe you don't need to check how internal event handlers look like. You might be interested in different things: if triggering event handler changes component as you expect(.toMatchSnapshot() is much better here instead of testing structure manually with .toHaveLength) and if callback you've passed through props is called when it should to(.toHaveBeenCalled). What if component is changed some day not to just call .props.filterByNeedsReviewFn() but also do some stuff like calling anything else? should your test fail just because there is named method passed somewhere inside? I believe it is not.
So I see your test to be
it('renders a filter tab with expected props after clicking', () => {
const comp = shallowRender({});
it('calls callback passed after clicking on filter tab', () => {
const filterByNeedsReviewFn = jest.fn()
const comp = shallowRender({ filterByNeedsReviewFn });
// let's ensure callback has been called without any unexpected arguments
expect(filterByNeedsReviewFn ).toHaveBeenCalledWith();
I don't think you actually needed this code but I wanted to illustrate how clear such approach could be. Your component have API: props callback it calls and render output. So we can skip testing internals without any pitfalls

How could i change my state from getCellActions

I am new in react. For my project i want to change my state by clicking an icon from table which will change my state. I am using getCellActions (react-data-grid). How could I pass my custom function alone with column and row object.
Thanks in advance.
NT: I am not using redux
getCellActions(column, row, state) {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => {
You can simply use ES6 and pass an arrow function expression that simply invokes the function you want and binds the function with this automatically..
In react-data-grid, you would have to do something like below:
getCellActions= {(column, row) => this.getCellActions(column, row)}
state = {this.state}
And your getCellActions function can be as it is:
getCellActions(column, row) {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => this.getRoleData(
The thing is that when you write:
getCellActions= {(column,row) => this.getCellActions(column, row)}
you actually pass an anonymous function which will only be executed when triggered.
I would like to add that when you write an arrow function in one line, it automatically returns that statement, except you wrap that line in curly braces and write a normal function. So, the above line works as :
getCellActions= {(column,row) => return this.getCellActions(column, row)}
So, the MANTRA is: return the reference, do not execute it before the trigger.
The problem why this.getRoleData() is not working, is because this inside of your callback is not in the context of your component.
Change your getCellActions function to an arrow function, so you have the component as context (inside a arrow function this keeps its meaning from its original context):
import React from 'react';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedRowId: null
myCallback = (rowId) => {
this.setState({ selectedRowId: rowId });
getCellActions = (column, row, state) => {
if(column.key === 'modify'){
return [
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
callback: () => {
render() {
// your render function...
Bind this to getCellActions in the constructor like:
this.getCellActions = this.getCellActions.bind(this);

Reactjs Select v2 - How to handle Ajax Typing?

I am using reactjs select 2 but I don't know how to make it work so that when a user types something in a ajax request is made and the results are sent back.
I see it has some async options but I don't get how it works and how I would get it to work with axios.
I come up with this but it is kinda laggy when a user types(probably because it is re-rendering it after each type) and when the user selects a choice the value disappears.
export default class TestComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {value: ""};
onInputChange(option) {
getOptionsAsync(newInput) {
var that = this;
console.log("ffd", newInput)
.then(function (response) {
var formatedResults => {
return {value:, label:}
options: formatedResults,
value: newInput
.catch(function (error) {
render() {
console.log(this.state.value, "value")
return (
<div className="test">
options={this.state.options }
You're going to be doing an api call every single time that you type a letter with the current way you're doing things. I would recommend just loading the states once at the beginning, perhaps in your ComponentDidMount() method.
If you pass the isSearchable prop to React-Select it will automatically work as a filter anyways.
Another thing I've had to do in this case which I believe will fix your change problem is to make sure it calls the handler on change not just on input change.
Pass this prop:
options={this.state.options }
onChange={value => {
if (value) this.onInputChange(value)
else this.onInputChange('')
Due to the way this is automatically bound to arrow functions, you won't have to bind to this if you change your onInputChange to the following:
onInputChange = (value) => {
Finally, you should be setting the state in the above function so the value is stored.
onInputChange = (value) => {

How to know if all the setState updates have been applied to the state in a React component?

I was reading the documentation about React setState, which says:
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.
Now I have a component like this:
class NoteScreenComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { note: Note.newNote() }
componentWillMount() {
this.setState({ note: this.props.note });
noteComponent_change = (propName, propValue) => {
this.setState((prevState, props) => {
let note = Object.assign({}, prevState.note);
note[propName] = propValue;
return { note: note }
title_changeText = (text) => {
this.noteComponent_change('title', text);
body_changeText = (text) => {
this.noteComponent_change('body', text);
saveNoteButton_press = () => {
// Save note to SQL database
render() {
return (
<TextInput value={this.state.note.title} onChangeText={this.title_changeText} />
<TextInput value={this.state.note.body} onChangeText={this.body_changeText} />
<Button title="Save note" onPress={this.saveNoteButton_press} />
What I'm wondering is, since setState does not update the state immediately, how can I know if the note I'm saving in saveNoteButton_press is the current version of the state? Is there some callback or something that I could poll to know if state has been fully updated?
What they are warning against is trying to do something in the same event loop.
method = () => {
this.setState({ note: 'A' })
saveNote(this.state.note) // <-- this.state.note will not have been updated yet.
or to setState using previous state:
method = () => {
let note = this.state.note // possible that `this.state.note` is scheduled to change
this.setState({ note: note + 'B' })
Since your user is going to be pushing the button after the setState scheduling, the state will have already been updated.
..but for theory's sake, let's imagine that somehow the input event and button happen in the exact same moment.. what would be the correct solution? If it was a single function call you probably wouldn't be using the new state since you already have the new note and the previous state.
method = (text) => {
let noteToSave = this.state.note + text // old state + new value
saveNote(noteToSave) // maybe this will fail
.then(response => this.setState({ note: noteToSave }))
.catch(err => this.setState({ error: 'something went wrong' }))
// optimistically update the ui
this.setState({ note: noteToSave })
but probably the most likely solution is to just pass what you want as an argument where you use it, rather than trying to access state which might be in a race condition, since render will happen after any state transitions.
method = (note) => {
render() {
return (
<Button onPress={() => this.method(this.state.note)} /> <-- must be up to date here
