How is ActivityStreams's "to" field on Activities different from the "audience" field? - json-ld

The ActivityStreams specification explains the difference between to, cc, bto, and bcc in section 5.1. But there's also an audience property, defined as:
one or more entities that represent the total population of entities for which the object can considered to be relevant.
How is this different from "to" and "cc"? In particular, what's the different effect on ActivityPub delivery?

The answer can be found in the Issue list of the ActivityPub spec, in this comment by James M Snell:
audience is used for targeting.
For example, suppose I have an activity that everyone in my company should see show up in their activity feeds, but only certain specific people should be notified, I would end up with something like:
"audience": {
"type": "Organization",
"id": "",
"name": "My Organization"
"to": ["", ""],
"cc": [""]
Here, the audience property provides a scoping of the overall audience, while the to and cc fields identify specific individuals within that audience that should be notified more directly of the activity.
After this discussion the specification was updated. See Audience targeting and specifically in par. 5.1.1 there is some more clarification on its use:
Activities are rarely isolated events. Often, multiple individual activities will be performed around a similar context or audience. For instance, a collaborators working on a shared project might perform multiple related activities in the process of achieving some goal. Such activities can be logically grouped together using the context property, and scoped to a particular audience using the audience property.
With the following example supplied (Example 144):
"#context": "",
"summary": "Activities in Project XYZ",
"type": "Collection",
"items": [
"summary": "Sally created a note",
"type": "Create",
"id": "",
"actor": "",
"object": {
"summary": "A note",
"type": "Note",
"id": "",
"content": "A note"
"context": {
"type": "",
"name": "Project XYZ"
"audience": {
"type": "Group",
"name": "Project XYZ Working Group"
"to": ""
"summary": "John liked Sally's note",
"type": "Like",
"id": "",
"actor": "",
"object": "",
"context": {
"type": "",
"name": "Project XYZ"
"audience": {
"type": "Group",
"name": "Project XYZ Working Group"
"to": ""


I am trying to create discord embeds, I do not know why this embed is working

Here is the code
const lib = require('lib')({token: process.env.STDLIB_SECRET_TOKEN});
await lib.discord.channels['#0.3.2'].messages.create({
"channel_id": ${context.params.event.channel_id},
"content": "",
"tts": false,
"embeds": [
"type": "rich",
"title": Staff Guidebook!,
"description": Here you can find the **punishment guide** and the **commands lists** to assist you!,
"color": 0xff0000,
"fields": [
"name": Dyno Commands List,
"inline": true
"name": Staff Punishment Guide,
"inline": true
"name": Staffing Rules,
"value": - Staff cannot moderate other staff, you must create a support ticket instead.\n- You mut be as helpful as possible at all times.\n- You do not have to be proffesional at all times however when dealing with a staff \nsituation (aka. tickets) you must remain proffesional and use grammer at all times.\n- Being staff does not stop you from being within our rules. Any staff who break rules \nwill be punished accordingly by our support team.\n- You cannot leak any punishments or staff only information to other people, this can result in your removal from the staff team.\n- Keep calm when dealing with situations.\n- Always have evidence ready if you are going to punish someone.,
"inline": true
When I put it in, it comes out like a normal text message.

How to add child entities without id to parent in state normalized with normalizr

I've recently started using normalizr with zustand in a new React app. It's been a very good experience so far, having solved most of the painful problems I've had in the past.
I've just bumped into an issue I can't think of a clean way of solving for the past few days.
Imagine I have a normalizr-normalized state looking like:
"entities": {
"triggers": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"2": {
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"3": {
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
"campaigns": {
"19": {
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"result": 19
And we have a page that allows a user to add one or more triggers to the campaign and then save them. The problem is that at the time of adding these triggers, they do not have an id until the user clicks the Save button (ids are generated by the database). When the Save button is clicked, the state is being denormalized (via normalizr's denormalize function) and sent as payload to the backend looking like the following:
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
The problem is that if the user adds an entity to the triggers, it does not have an id as ids are generated by the database and I cannot find a proper way to add it to the state (due to the id-based nature of normalized states).
The only workaround I can think of is generating some temporary IDs (e.g. uuid) when a trigger is added on the front-end but is not yet saved and then going over each entity upon denormalization, doing something like if (isUuid( delete, which seems too tedious and workaroundish.
Appreciate your help.
P.S. There is something similar explained here. The problem is that in our case the generateId('comment') logic is happening on the backend.
A simple solution is to split.
The create trigger API call and the add trigger to campaign API call.
Do the first, then save the trigger into the normalized store with the id generated by the backend.
Then add it to the campaign.

How does a predefined slot return a resolution?

I'm building a simple Guess Who skill game for Alexa. I have two intents right now: GenderIntent and HairColorIntent.
GenderIntent has a custom slot to handle gender and related synonyms such as mapping "boy" and "man" to "Male". This is working great. It returns a resolution within the slot. Exactly what I need.
HairColorIntent has a predefined Amazon slot, AMAZON.Color. This is not working great as it never returns a resolution regardless of the color supplied.
Here is my model for GenderIntent and HairColorIntent:
"name": "GenderIntent",
"samples": [
"are you a {Gender}"
"slots": [
"name": "Gender",
"type": "GENDER_TYPES",
"samples": []
"name": "HairColorIntent",
"samples": [
"is your hair {HairColor}",
"do you have {HairColor} hair"
"slots": [
"name": "HairColor",
"type": "AMAZON.Color"
GenderIntent returns the following slot WITH resolutions:
"Gender": {
"name": "Gender",
"value": "male",
"resolutions": {
"resolutionsPerAuthority": [
"authority": "",
"status": {
"values": [
"value": {
"name": "Male",
"id": "63889cfb9d3cbe05d1bd2be5cc9953fd"
"confirmationStatus": "NONE",
"source": "USER"
HairColorIntent returns the following WITHOUT resolutions:
"HairColor": {
"name": "HairColor",
"value": "brown",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE",
"source": "USER"
I'd like HairColorIntent's HairColor slot to return the resolution. What am I doing wrong?
Resolution is only returned if you use synonyms in your slot type.
Not exactly sure how you handle it in your code, for example Node.js would be:
If you do not use synonyms (for example for the HairColor slot), you can get the value simply by handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots.HairColor.value
Working with predefined slot types this should work well with your code. If you want custom slot types to also return resolution whether you actually use synonyms or not, you can always just simply give the value as a synonym and it should return the full resolution tree.
Hope that answered your question.

What JSON-LD structured data to use for a multi-pararaph, multi-image blogpost?

I have created the following JSON-LD for a blogpost in my blog:
"#context": "",
"#type": "BlogPosting",
"mainEntityOfPage": {
"#type": "WebPage",
"#id": ""
"headline": "My Headline",
"articleBody": "blablabla",
"articleSection": "bla",
"description": "Article description",
"inLanguage": "en",
"image": "",
"dateCreated": "2019-01-01T08:00:00+08:00",
"datePublished": "2019-01-01T08:00:00+08:00",
"dateModified": "2019-01-01T08:00:00+08:00",
"author": {
"#type": "Organization",
"name": "My Organization",
"logo": {
"#type": "ImageObject",
"url": ""
"publisher": {
"#type": "Organization",
"name": "Artina Luxury Villa",
"name": "My Organization",
"logo": {
"#type": "ImageObject",
"url": ""
Now, I have some blog posts that contain multiple paragraphs and each paragraph is accompanied by an image. Any ideas how can I depict such a structure with JSON-LD?
I have created a simple blog which uses a JSON file for 2 purposes: (a) feed the blog with posts instead using a DB (by using XMLHttpRequest and JSON.parse) and (b) to add JSON-LD structured data to the code for SEO purposes.
When I read the JSON file I have to know which image belongs to which paragraph of the text in order to display it correctly.
Note: As you seem to need this only for internal purposes, and as there is typically no need to publically provide data about this kind of structure, I think it would be best not to provide public data about it. So you could, for example, use it to build the page, and then remove it again (or whatever works for your case). Then it would also be possible to use a custom vocabulary (under your own domain) for this, if it better fits your needs.
You could use the hasPart property to add a WebPageElement for each paragraph+image block.
Each WebPageElement can have text and image (and, again, hasPart, if you need to nest them).
Note that JSON-LD arrays are unordered by default. You can use #list to make it ordered.
"hasPart": { "#list":
"#type": "WebPageElement",
"text": "plain text",
"image": "image-1.png"
"#type": "WebPageElement",
"text": "plain text",
"image": "image-2.png"
For the blog posting’s header/footer, you could use the more specific WPHeader/WPFooter instead of WebPageElement.

Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot -

I got the error code Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot when I built the model using the new skills console.
The full error message is
Sample utterance "AddBookmarkIntent i am at {pageno} of {mybook}" in intent "AddBookmarkIntent" cannot include both a phrase slot and another intent slot. Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot -
where {pageno} is AMAZON.NUMBER and {mybook} is AMAZON.SearchQuery
What is the error about and how can I solve it?
edit: add the JSON for the intent
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery"
"name": "pageno",
"samples": [
"i am at {pageno} of the book {mybook}",
"save page {pageno} to the book {mybook}",
"save page {pageno} to {mybook}",
"i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
It's not allowed to have a slot of the type AMAZON.SearchQuery in the same Utterance with another slot, in your case AMAZON.NUMBER.
Mark one of the slots as required and ask for them separately.
A little example:
Create the Intent put in the utterances and slots:
"intents": [
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"samples": [
"I am at {pageno}"
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery",
"samples": [
"For {mybook}"
"name": "pageno",
Mark the specific slot as required so Alexa will automatically ask for it:
"dialog": {
"intents": [
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"confirmationRequired": false,
"prompts": {},
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery",
"elicitationRequired": true,
"confirmationRequired": false,
"prompts": {
"elicitation": "Elicit.Intent-AddBookmarkIntent.IntentSlot-mybook"
and create the prompts to ask for the slot:
"prompts": [
"id": "Elicit.Intent-AddBookmarkIntent.IntentSlot-mybook",
"variations": [
"type": "PlainText",
"value": "For which book you like to save the page?"
This is probably much easier with the skill builder BETA and not its editor because it will automatically create the JSON in the background.
The error is telling you that you have an Intent name in your Sample Utterance where it should only have Slots and it looks like you do.
"AddBookmarkIntent i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
"AddBookmarkIntent" shouldn't actually be inside of the utterance. So turn your utterance into:
"i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
I know that some of the documents show an example of the sample utterances with the Intent Name first, such as here. But that has a big warning near the top:
So you have to be careful about which documents you read and follow based on which way you are building your Alexa Skill.
Follow this if you are using the Skill Builder.
It unfortunately seems like an utterance can only reference 1 "Phrase" slot type.
For your specific case, it does look like there is now a non-phrase slot type AMAZON.Book in public beta; if you use that instead of AMAZON.SearchQuery it might work?
