Plesk, incoming email not received - plesk

Here is the scenario,
I have plesk server running on a public IP.
I have have a domain pointing to that IP.
I used which told, my mail.domain is pointing to my plesk server's IP.
The problem is that I am not able to receive mail in roundcube mail client.
Instead after 1 day I am getting mail from ''

All mail transfer protocol ports are closed, so it is not possible to receive mail:
# nmap -p 25,465,587
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2018-08-20 21:39 +07
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.17s latency).
25/tcp filtered smtp
465/tcp filtered smtps
587/tcp filtered submission
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.01 seconds
You need to allow incoming connections on the firewall.
Take a look at this article too - Which Ports Need To Be Opened for all Plesk Services to Work with a Firewall?
And this - Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Linux Instances


How to send latest extent reports through mail without using Jenkins, I am always getting the previous mail instead of latest generated mail?

I have tried sending reports through mail extent report and emailable report but it's always sending the previous report. I have to send mail through my local system.
You can use SMTP protocol, to send mail from Local System . You can use Google SMTP IP and Port.
The SMTP password is the same as your web password, unless you are using 2SV.
Use, port 465, SSL or port 587/STARTTLS.

ipmiutil is not able to discover server on lan connection

My goal is to get some IPMI based data from a HP Server through a local pc. I am using ipmiutil. I have installed the ipmiutil on local pc. I tried the following command to discover the server from local pc.
ipmiutil discover -b XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
But it says 1 ping sent 0 responses.
I have also tried the following command:
ipmiutil.exe fru -N XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -U username -P mypassword
But I got the following error:
ipmiutil fru version 3.12
Connecting to node XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
ipmilan_open_session error, rv = -3
ipmilan receive from BMC failed
ipmi_open error = -3 receive from BMC failed
ipmiutil fru, receive from BMC failed
I think it may be connection problem. I have checked the lan connection, the server is connected to the lan. Even through putty i can access that particular server. So What may be the reason to not able to connect the server through ipmiutil???
There must be something wrong with the IPMI LAN configuration on the HP server.
My guess is that the IPMI LAN configuration was only partially complete.
So perhaps the IPMI LAN gateway IP/MAC is not set, or the LAN Access Mode is incorrect.
Another possibility is that the IPMI LAN IP address is not set to something unique.
Its IP must be different from the OS IP address, and from other systems on that LAN.
You can see all of the relevant parameters by running 'ipmiutil lan' from the HP server, and comparing the IP and Gateway with that of the HP OS (If Linux: 'ip addr', 'ip route').

How to find SQL Server running port when you don't own the server?

In our enterprise I don't have access to MSSQL Server, so I can'r access the system tables.
What works for me is:
capture the network traffic Wireshark (run as Administrator, select Network Interface),while opening connection to server.
Find the ip address with ping
filter with ip.dst == x.x.x.x
The port is shown in the column info in the format src.port -> dst.port
If you have elevated rights to SQL but not the OS, you can query the log.
If you don't have access to the OS but can run queries, perhaps try:
USE master
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Server is listening on'
If you don't have elevated rights to SQL, from the client-side windows machine with an active connection, you could run a netstat command and see on which ports you are connected to the target. Filter on IP address of the host.
netstat -an | find ""
You'll see that I have connections to the host on 3389 and 1433. Maybe this helps narrow it down.

SQL Azure VM (Resource Manager) can't send DBMail (Port 587 blocked)

I created a new VM for SQL Server and trying to setup the dbmail. The smtp server settings are all valid but I can't send emails out. I keep on getting following error:
The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure.
(Sending Mail using Account 1 (2016-07-20T09:19:34).
Exception Message: Could not connect to mail server. (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I tried doing a telnet check on the IP and port no. from my my local machine and SQL Server VM. While the local machine just works fine, the SQL Server VM can't connect to the port.
I also tried to open a port 587 using the link but even after allowing a port 587, I still can't send emails. Any help will be much appreciated.
NOTE: The IP address belongs to sendgrid.
What E-mail (SMTP) server are you using?
Make sure that you're configuring connectivity to it correctly and that the E-mail server is

Google CloudSQL unable to connect to Informatica behind proxy

I am trying to connect to CloudSQL DB from Informatica server which is inside a corporate proxy. I have got the Public IP of the server and added to authorized networks.
But unable to connect to server still and tried CIDR notation to add whole all IP's ..*.0/24.
Is there anyway in CloudSQL to get connections which are getting refused, so that it can be added to Authorized networks.
Did you assign an public IP to your instance? This is necessary to be able to connect over the internet.
Can you create a new GCE VM to connect?
create VM with ubuntu image
run sudo apt-get install mysql-client
whitelist the VM's IP address in Cloud SQL
use the mysql client on VM to connect
To answer your question, "Is there anyway in Cloud SQL to get connections which are getting refused, so that it can be added to Authorized networks."
You can whitelist everything with "" and "::/0" (IPv6).
There is no way to see a log of the IP addresses of rejected connections. The IP address you should whitelist is usually what you see at
If whitelisting is the problem the error message should be "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet'". If you get a different error message you may be connecting to the wrong IP address, may not have an IP address assigned to your instance, or might have a corporate firewall stopping outbound MySQL connections (port 3306).
