SSIS Deployment Wizard - Select Destination Page - User name and Password controls disabled - sql-server

I'm new to SSIS and am working my way through some tutorials and examples from a book I've purchased, so bear with me if this is a basic question. My test environment - VMWare VM with 24 GB RAM with SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows 10 Pro. SSMS 17.8.1 and Visual Studio 15 Update 3, SSDT 14.0.61712.050 - all running on the same VM.
I've tried running the Deployment Wizard from SSMS and from VS - both give the same result. On the Select Source page, the deployment model is Project Deployment & the .ispac Project deployment file is selected. So far, so good. When I get to the Select Destination page, my local SQL server is selected, Windows Authentication is selected (as it must be, as I understand it), but the User name and Password controls are disabled. Nothing I've tried has affected the enabled setting for these controls.
I've read all the SSIS related questions on this site and have scoured the internet for days, trying to find a solution for this. Based on my lack of success, I'm wondering if this configuration is even supported.
Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
BTW - I don't know if this is related, but I'm also seeing very slow performance connecting to this instance of SQL Server using Windows Authentication from SSMS. Connection is instantaneous using SQL authentication. I spent a couple days chasing that around, too. This is a stand-alone box - not connected to a domain. I work remotely, so I do connect to the corporate network via VPN. It seems to be related to DNS (or reverse DNS), as adding an entry in my HOSTS file (computer-name significantly reduced connection time (still slow, but faster than before) and connection time is slower when VPN is connected (connecting to VPN adds two DNS server addresses).
Image of SSIS Deployment Wizard

"Windows Authentication" means "Windows Integrated Authentication", so you connect to the server "as yourself" without supplying additional credentials. The "User name" and "Password" fields will only get enabled when not using Windows Authentication. I guess that you are wondering how to specify the target location on the server. Well, although "Windows Authentcation" is pre-selected, it isn't "done" yet. You will have to click on "connect" to make it happen.
As for the slow performance while beeing connected via VPN: Yes, it is for sure a DNS problem. While connected to the corporate network, you will use a DNS server from the company network first, and those DNS servers do not know the name of your private computer. An entry in the "hosts" file will help, but I suggest to use just a single dot (.) instead of your hostname when connecting to your local SQL Server.


SSIS/Integration Server Access Issue - No Local Admin rights

I am trying to find a solution to three issues I have encountered recently relating to SQL Server 2014. I am not an expert with this stuff by any means, but I've sort of fallen into needing to learn it in my current role. I went from never using SSMS a few months ago to (Trying) to teach myself how to use SSIS and SSRS. I've made a ton of progress, but now I'm stuck actually getting everything automated the way I want it.
The biggest challenge, and root of all my problems, stems from the fact that I am not a local admin on my machine. It was great to finally get IT to install the programs, but they do not want to give me, or anyone not in IT in my company, local admin access. Apart from asking my director to try to convince them to do so, I'm hoping for some solutions that would mean I don't have to call them every day to run these programs.
My integration server is running, I've got my SSIS packages built, but I can't connect to the Integration Server through SSMS, as I am not a local admin on my machine. I've read about going through dcomcnfg settings for REMOTE access issues, but I'm worried that won't help here since I'm trying to do this from the local machine and it still doesn't work. Any ideas as to how I can change the settings so that it runs for non-admin accounts or just make it work?
SSRS: I've built a report, and want to deploy it, but I don't have access to the reporting services configuration manager either. For whatever reason my reporting server is stopped in the server configuration manager. When I click on it, it says to use reporting services config mgr to tweak settings, so a bit stuck. Appears to be the same issue - not a local admin. Again, are there any settings I can change (getting IT to log in as an admin and walking them through what to change is my only choice, essentially).
SQL Server agent appears to be the same issue...
I could probably run my reports now, but it would be so much nicer to use these programs to the full extent. Any help would be appreciated here. I tried to research as much as possible, but most solutions seem to relate to logging on myself as an admin, running things as admin, etc, and I just can't do that.
You do not need to be local admin on your machine, SSIS and SSAS require Windows Authentication to log on remotely to the server via SSMS and publishing anything to the server from BIDS / SSDT Visual Studio Shell also requires WinAuth, though you can work locally and then swap the package to the server via Ctrl-C, and also instead of deploying SSRS you can login directly to the report manager and upload an RDL file (report). To start and stop SQL Agent services you need Windows Authentication via SSMS (in your setup), but to view the SQL Agent you must be in the SQL Server SysAdmin role (or at a grain level SQL Agent Reader via the MSDB rights.
I recommend you attempt to not get local administrator rights and instead ask 'merely' for rights to read and write to the server drives, and to manage only the aspects of SQL Server and it's services with a domain login on the server. You will require this anyway to check ingress and egress file locations and debug production issues (unless you have FTP to the box).
You do not have access to stop or start SQL Agent from your client SSMS also because I believe you are accessing it via SQL Authentication, which is not ideal or secure. But if you do not see the agent on the bottom left of SSMS it is because you do not have rights. If you see the Agent and it is red then the service is disabled and must be started.
You will need to get direct access to the SQL box (and you do not need local admin to manage SQL Server, just a domain account with some service rights and drive rights). If your system administrators are running SQL Server under Local Admin, then they should not be managing SQL Server in the first place (see my write up hyperlinked below).
The SSRS Team at Microsoft has merged into the SharePoint team, and SharePoint 2013 wraps up all of the BI tools right into it, so that is something you should also consider if you plan on building out a BI shop at your firm, i.e. you may not have to if you already have SharePoint installed.
Good luck, don't get discouraged.
What user account would you recommend running the SQL Server Express 2008 services in a development environment?

What could cause latency between two VMs on the same physical server?

I have a web VM and a database VM on the same physical server (Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V). The web site is a classic ASP site on a Windows 2012 server, and the database is on SQL Server 2012, also on Windows Server 2012.
My colo has a DNS server (not used for these VMs), and when it goes down, the site experiences Script Timeout errors -- the pages take 180+ seconds to process. When inspecting the site profiling, many of the database calls are taking several seconds each.
However, the SQL profile shows no performance issues -- all queries take only a few milliseconds to process. Putting a filter of 1,000+ milliseconds shows no matching results. So this leads me to believe the latency is between the web and database VMs.
However, this makes no sense for several reasons:
The DNS server does not host and entries related to this site or database.
All connections use IPs, not domain/machine names.
The latency is between the two VMs, but these are on the same server, so network issues should not impact the communication between the VMs. I verified this by running Wireshark, no web-to-DB traffic hits the NIC.
What could be causing this?
Forgot that the DNS server does have a reverse DNS for the IP and site domain. But still can't imagine how this would result in the latency between the web and DB VMs.
Additional details in response to comments:
The MDAC version, according to this article, is 6.2.9200.16384. I don't remember installing MDAC separately, so I'm assuming it's what comes installed w/ Windows Server 2012.
They are on the same subnet. A tracert shows a direct route from the web server to the DB server.
Here is the connection string:
Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=[DbServerIp];Integrated Security=SSPI;Network=DBMSSOCN
This is not running VMWare, but instead is Windows Hyper-V. Thought I mentioned that before, but I see now that I didn't (have now added it above).
I think the following link may resolve your very issue:
Read thread to the bottom to disable the NETBIOS Helper
Essentially, as odd as it sounds, try disabling NETBIOS on your network adapter(s):

SQL Server 2012 can't start because of a login failure

I recently installed Microsoft SQL Server 2012 on a fresh Windows 7 installation, but whenever I want to run the server, I get the following error:
Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.
The following user is configured to start the service: NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
How can I fix this problem?
The answer to this may be identical to the problem with full blown SQL Server (NTService\MSSQLSERVER) and this is to reset the password. The ironic thing is, there is no password.
Steps are:
Right click on the Service in the Services mmc
Click Properties
Click on the Log On tab
The password fields will appear to have entries in them...
Blank out both Password fields
Click "OK"
This should re-grant access to the service and it should start up again. Weird?
NOTE: if the problem comes back after a few hours or days, then you probably have a group policy which is overriding your settings and it's coming and taking the right away again.
This happened to me. A policy on the domain was taking away the SQL Server user account's "Log on as a service" rights. You can work around this using JLo's solution, but does not address the group policy problem specifically and it will return next time the group policies are refreshed on the machine.
The specific policy causing the issue for me was:
Under, Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignments: Log on as a service
You can see which policies are being applied to your machine by running the command "rsop" from the command line. Follow the path to the policy listed above and you will see its current value as well as which GPO set the value.
While ("run as SYSTEM") works, people should be advised this means going from a minimum-permissions type account to an account which has all permissions in the world. Which is very much not a recommended setup best practices or security-wise.
If you know what you are doing and know your SQL Server will always be run in an isolated environment (i.e. not on hotel or airport wifi) it's probably fine, but this creates a very real attack vector which can completely compromise a machine if on open internets.
This seems to be an error on Microsoft's part and people should be aware of the implications of the workaround posted.
Short answer:
install Remote Server Administration tools on your SQL Server (it's an optional feature of Windows Server), reboot, then run SQL Server configuration manager, access the service settings for each of the services whose logon account starts with "NT Service...", clear out the password fields and restart the service. Under the covers, SQL Server Config manager will assign these virtual accounts the Log On as a Service right, and you'll be on your way.
There is a catch-22 between default settings for a windows domain and default install of SQL Server 2012.
As mentioned above, default Windows domain setup will indeed prevent you from defining the "log on as a service" right via Group Policy Edit at the local machine (via GUI at least; if you install Powershell ActiveDirectory module (via Remote Server Administration tools download) you can do it by scripting.
And, by default, SQL Server 2012 setup runs services in "virtual accounts" (NT Service\ prefix, e.g, NT Service\MSSQLServer. These are like local machine accounts, not domain accounts, but you still can't assign them log on as service rights if your server is joined to a domain. SQL Server setup attempts to assign the right at install, and the SQL Server Config Management tool likewise attempts to assign the right when you change logon account.
And the beautiful catch-22 is this: SQL Server tools depend on (some component of) RSAT to assign the logon as service right. If you don't happen to have RSAT installed on your member server, SQL Server Config Manager fails silently trying to apply the setting (despite all the gaudy pre-installation verification it runs) and you end up with services that won't start.
The one hint of this requirement that I was able to find in the blizzard of SQL Server and Virtual Account doc was this:, search for RSAT.
I had a similar issue that was resolved with the following:
In Services.MSC click on the Log On tab and add the user with minimum privileges and password (on the service that is throwing the login error)
By Starting Sql Server to run as Administrator
If the user is a domain user use Domain username and password
One possibility is when installed sql server data tools Bi,
while sql server was already set up.
1.Just Repair the sql server with the set up instance
if solution does not work ,
than its worth your time meddling with services.msc
I don't know how good of a solution this is it, but after following some of the other answer to this question without success, i resolved setting the connection user of the service MSSQLSERVER to "Local Service".
N.B: i'm using SQL Server 2017.

TFS Reporting Services Configuration Error - The RPC Server is Unavailable

I'm trying to configure Team Foundation Reporting but without any success.
The App Tier and the Data Tier are in separate servers.
I guess it's not a port/firewall problem, because I opened port 135, and I can see the established connection by using TCPView (from Sysinternals) whenever I click "Populate URLs" in the Reports tab in TFS Administration Console. I can also telnet servername 135 without any problems.
I also checked if WMI service is started in the Data-Tier. And for SQL Server Reporting Services. Also checked for RPC and RPC Locator in both servers. They're all started and automatic.
I also set tfs app user as admin in sql reporting services. Added all kinds of permissions to the tfs user in the Data-Tier server.
I set all user permissions in dcomcnfg.
Allowed all WMI namespaces permissions to the user. (Computer Management -> WMI Control)
Deactivated Windows Firewall in both servers temporarily.
No luck.
However, in the app-tier, when I click Computer Management -> Connect to another computer, and type the data-tier IP, i can't connect. I get the message "Computer xxx cannot be managed. The network path was not found". How is that ? Tried IP, name, and FQDN. I also tried browsing and selecting the computer. Nothing changed.
I'm lost, what could possibly be happening ?
Thanks in Advance!
i'm betting that you're having the double-hop issue. try having your system admin set an spn for the website on the sql server.
you also need the AD permission 'trust for delegation' on the AD Service Account, right?
do that and SetSpn with the service account, that should help I think that the SPN option was spot on
See this answer:
IIS to SQL Server kerberos auth issues
which links to an old but user-friendly troubleshooting web app called DelegConfig. It can try to run the SetSpn commands for you, at least giving you an idea of what they need to be.
I ran into SPN issues when using an externally-accessible URL (+SSL) everywhere.

Why is Windows authentication using wrong username?

We have an ASP site using Windows authentication to connect to a SQLServer database. There are three instances of the web site, a Dev environment (located on my Workstation), an UAT environment and a production environment, which are on separate servers.
When I access the Dev site (which uses the same DB as the UAT site) I have no issues, the site connects to the database using my Windows account. However when I connect to the UAT site, it uses a different account (one which belongs to me but is not connected to my default Windows login) which is not permissioned on the DB, so the site returns the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL
Server error '80004005'
Cannot open database requested in login 'ANAML'. Login fails.
/inc/dbconnect.asp, line 4
The ASP files on the Dev and UAT sites are identical, so can anyone explain why the UAT site might be using the incorrect Windows account? This only affects me, from all workstations, and no other users.
Have rebooted the server and my workstation, and cleared my internet files locally.
I found the answer at this page on ServerFault. Seems the login details for the UAT server had been stored in the Users control panel at some point. Deleting the relevant entry in the control panel restored the correct login when connecting to the website.
Well, my ASP knowledge has mostly faded but I'll see what comes out of my brain. My first thought would be that the Virtual Directory security is configured differently on the server where it is failing. It sounds like you would need it to be set to "Integrated Windows Authentication" only.
If that is set correctly then I'd ask about your connection string. Does your connection string specify Trusted Connection (e.g. it does not specify a username and password)?
Where does the ANAML account come from? Is it a SQL only login or is it a windows account?
