I have an array of English words that is about 275,000 elements long that I need to use for my iOS app written in Swift. However, Xcode doesn't seem to be able to handle such a large (3+ MB) file. The file will not open in Xcode, and when I attempt to compile the app, it seems to compile indefinitely and never build.
How should I handle this large amount of data?
Don't put a huge literal array in your swift source code.
Instead, create a text file, drag that into your project as a resource, then open that and convert it into an array at runtime using components(separatedBy:).
For speed and storage efficiency you could instead write a conversion utility that reads your text file and uses components(separatedBy:) to convert it to an Array of Strings. Then you could write the array of Strings to a binary plist.
You could then drag the plist file into your project as a resource, and write code that reads the plist file into an Array at launch.
How about put it in a file and read it at runtime? For example, put the elements in the a JSON array and store the array in a text file. Drag the file into your Xcode project, then it will be copied into the app bundle during compilation. Read the JSON array from the file and parse it at runtime.
There are many Tutorial on the internet about reading files in bundle and parse JSON data.
i m using java zlib package for extracting txt from a pdf file. But when i input first compressed stream found in this file to inflate(), it returns z_need_dict error. On getting this error i tried giving an arbitrary dictionary array to set_inflate_dictionary() followed by another inflate() call but same error appears "dictionary needed".I hv found in zlib manual that decompression application should provide the same dictionary that was used for compressing data. How can one know exactly what dictionary bytes were used while formulating this pdf file by the author? Or can one extract the same dictionary from pdf file?
You did not correctly locate or extract the zlib stream. PDF does not use zlib streams that require dictionaries.
I have a really large txt file (80MB) that contains about 700 png files and I want to find a way to extract them.
All I know is that png files start with ‰PNG characters and end with IEND®B`‚ if they open in a text editor and I believe if I find a way to store all strings between those characters in seperate files (including the start and end chars of course) I will achieve my goal.
But I have no idea how to do this considering the giant size of txt file. I tried Notepad++ to open the large file and it crashes due to its tremendous size.
I have a huge 1.9 GB data file without extension I need to open and get some data from, the problem is this data file is extension-less and I need to know what extension it should be and what software I can open it with to view the data in a table.
here is the picture :
Its only 2 lines file, I already tried csv on excel but it did not work, any help ?
I have never use it but you could try this:
explained here:
The third "column" of that line looks 99% chance to be from php's print_r function (with newlines imploded to be able to stored on a single line).
There may not be a "format" or program to open it with if its just some app's custom debug/output log.
A quick google found a few programs to split large files into smaller units. THat may make it easier to load into something (may or may not be n++) for reading.
It shouldnt be too hard to mash out a script to read the lines and reconstitute the session "array" into a more readable format (read: vertical, not inline), but it would to be a one-off custom job, since noone other than the holder of your file would have a use for it.
How to store Array of Strings in Isolated Storage?
You have two options:
1. To store it in a file.
2. To store it as a dictionary
For your purposes, I think you should store it in a file. What you need to do is
1. Create a new file.
2. Open the file. (The createFile function opens the file for you and returns the pointer. So, you won't need to open the file if you are going to write it immediately after creation.)
3. Iterate through the array and write the strings to the file.
4. Close the file.
For more information on file IO, visit this link:
This explains it pretty well.
I'm trying to read only the strings from an image file. I was able to successfully read all the strings in the image file using java. I wrapped the inputstream into a filereaderstream which is again wrapped inside of a bufferereader. so now i can extract all the strings from the image file (like xmp tags and exif, tiff tags etc) ..
how do i accomplish the same thing using c.
If you are using unix based OS, you can use the (unix, not C) command strings.