Can I develop AngularJS application without html5? - angularjs

I have developed an AngularJS application, it works fine with the modern browsers. But I have some devices which have old browsers and these browsers don't support html5. I can not upgrade the browsers. So is there any way to run AngularJS application on plain HTML or old browsers. Otherwise, I am planning on converting the entire AngularJS app to JQuery, I don't think that this is a good solution at all.
I searched on the internet but didn't find any good resource.

You can use an older version of AngularJS if you want to support older browsers. You wont be able to use the newer features of AngularJS like components. AngularJS 1.2 will support older browsers like IE8. There will be a bit of work involved if you have used components by it will be a lot less work that porting over to jQuery.


Is AngularJS a good choice if I want my website to be also used on phones?

I have to create a small/medium web application which require quite a lot of JavaScript use.
I was planning on using AngularJS mostly because I'm familiar with it.
My question is: How well will my application work on a phone web browser if it's using AngularJS?
As long as you are using one of the responsive web CSS frameworks like Bootstrap for your HTML you are good to go. There are many great web sites with bootstrap and angularjs that look awesome on mobile devices too.

Hints on migrating GWT to AngularJS

With the end of the development plugin, the fun has gone out of GWT development. Every small change triggers endless recompilation and then I'm still debugging half Java half Javascript in the browser.
I'm thinking about migrating to AngularJS. Any hints on how to approach this?
Should I first switch my RPC Servlets to webservices returning JSON?
I'm also using GXT grids. How to best replace these?
Are you using Super Dev mode? This makes development a lot better as you use the browser dev tools to debug and it makes use of source maps. In my opinion, it has made GWT relevant again.
Do your backend first by converting your RPC servlets to an equivalent REST interface. Then you can use any front-end MVC framework - Angular, native mobile, or whatever.
For GXT grids, AngularUI has a grid component. You could also use ExtJS grids.

Using Onsen UI with an ember app

I have built an app with Ember.js and Cordova which runs perfectly on newer devices, but is laggy on older devices.
Onsen UI works perfectly for my needs, however it is designed around Angular and I am not sure if it is even possible to implement it with Ember. (I have tried to no avail).
I have looked for using Ember and Angular together, however all I found was Angular vs. Ember debates.
The forum page of Onsen UI asks visitors to post on Stack Overflow.
I am looking for guidance on how to implement Onsen UI with Ember/Handlebars.
This is the particular demo I want to utilize
Ember and Angular are mutually exclusive and should not (and probably cannot) be used together. There are parts of OnsenUI that can be reused like the stylesheets but it'll be a lot of work since Angular uses directives that can be styled too.

Can I use AngularJS 'ng-view' in TideSDK 1.3.1beta?

I've got a simple TideSDK application going, using AngularJS. Works nicely.
Recently as I started adding features, I replaced my single ng-include with ng-view and Angular routing. It works great in Chrome, but errors galore in TideSDK.
Is it possible to use ng-view in an application built with TideSDK 1.3.1beta?
This is due to the age of the embedded webkit within TideSDK. TideKit is on its way to release quite soon and includes latest webkit for much greater HTML5 compliance. You will be able to migrate your existing code once it is available.

Cross platform mobile app / server architecture

I work on a team that supports a mobile web site. It's a typical web app in that it's pages of forms that submit and retrieve data from a server. Back end currently JSF.
It's working fine but there's a strong want to start leveraging more of the native device's components and features (namely messaging/alerts and UI widgets). Given the number of platforms we're trying to support (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian [yuck] and potentially Windows 7) PhoneGap seems to be the first thing I should spend some time looking at.
I think I have a good grasp on how it works (broadly speaking) in that it allows you to use HTML CSS and JS then builds a native app that 'wraps' around your code and offers up a JS API into the device's native widgets and features as needed.
What I'm not so clear on is how one would use it in a client/server type of interaction. Could we use PhoneGap to create a front end UI that would still talk live to our servers? If so, could we leverage standard AJAX/JSON/XML type technologies to send and receive the data or are there hidden hurdles I'm not aware of in doing that with a solution like PhoneGap? In otherwords, does the webview within the PhoneGap app work just as WebKit would in that we can make an AJAX call, get some data, and update the DOM?
Or is there a different type of framework I should be looking at?
A example summary explanation of what we're looking for would be: We'd like our current web application to be able to launch a native date picker on the device and receive alerts but still interact with our servers as our current mobile web site does.
As user731077 says, yes, PhoneGap can do all of that. There's a number of potential methods you could use to do so in the Javascript code of your PhoneGap app. Here's a few to check out.
XMLHttpRequest object, but I'd suggest one of the below choices that handles cross browser inconsistencies
jQuery ajax()
xui.js xhr() (my choice)
zepto.js ajax()
xui.js and zepto.js are my suggestions as they are basically stripped down versions of jQuery optimized for mobile web development. I'm partial to xui.js because its the framework commonly used by the PhoneGap guys themselves.
your every question has a YES answer :)
