Can I use AngularJS 'ng-view' in TideSDK 1.3.1beta? - angularjs

I've got a simple TideSDK application going, using AngularJS. Works nicely.
Recently as I started adding features, I replaced my single ng-include with ng-view and Angular routing. It works great in Chrome, but errors galore in TideSDK.
Is it possible to use ng-view in an application built with TideSDK 1.3.1beta?

This is due to the age of the embedded webkit within TideSDK. TideKit is on its way to release quite soon and includes latest webkit for much greater HTML5 compliance. You will be able to migrate your existing code once it is available.


AngularJS1.2 & Angular using Microfrontend

I am working in a project which is developed using AngularJS1.2, since it is older I am thinking to write feature modules in separate app using Angular and then with the help of Microfrontend thinking to combine with older app. To achieve this, I am not able to get a good source/guide. Can anyone please help me.
I see 3 ways but haven't tried any of them though. So, I don't have any working solution.
Have a route from angularjs that points to angular app(full page load) and everything from there onwards, angular handles everything. There is no angularjs involved. This may not be the best option.
Let angular code load on demand when the feature is required and provide placeholders for the angular features inside angularjs project. This way you can share custom scope to nested child angular project.
Use web components developed in angular(angular elements) and use them in your angularjs application. They work independent of technology/framework/library.

Alternative to Single-spa

We have huge enterprise application written in angularjs.
Now we have to migrate to angular, so we have ruled out an option of hybrid approach angular suggests using "ngUpgrade".
So now we are creating a new application in angular, which means we have 2 applications "angularjs(old)" and angular(new).
So to switch between these two applications can be done without refresh using angular-spa.
I was trying to find if there is another framework, where navigating between two apps happens without refreshing(without refreshing entire page by navigating to new html).
Possible solution:
Use a new Angular application as a wrapper, then just use iframe to show the application you want depends on the context - old or new. The issue you might face is changing the iframe, but I guess you can use postMessage to communicate between the apps.
A bit more sophisticated:
Use Angular Elements to create your hybrid app.
I really recommend you to watch Erin talks from the last Angular connect about how Google made the migration from js to Angular.
I've recently tried the micro-frontend architecture described here:
Each app on different code repository, runtime build and quite easy to implement. Take a look :)

Can I develop AngularJS application without html5?

I have developed an AngularJS application, it works fine with the modern browsers. But I have some devices which have old browsers and these browsers don't support html5. I can not upgrade the browsers. So is there any way to run AngularJS application on plain HTML or old browsers. Otherwise, I am planning on converting the entire AngularJS app to JQuery, I don't think that this is a good solution at all.
I searched on the internet but didn't find any good resource.
You can use an older version of AngularJS if you want to support older browsers. You wont be able to use the newer features of AngularJS like components. AngularJS 1.2 will support older browsers like IE8. There will be a bit of work involved if you have used components by it will be a lot less work that porting over to jQuery.

Integrating angular js with existing javaScript code

We are working on pure javaScript project, which could really benefit by using angular js but it's a huge project and re-writing the whole project in angular is not an option . Does anyone have any idea or advice about integrating angular with an existing project
Angular is a framework. It's all or are going to rewrite everything just due to the nature of how Angular works. You can't really just 'sprinkle' some Angular on top of it because Angular controls the entire view.
It may be possible to just use Angular in a certain area of the page, but this would be a huge waste of resources (Angular minified is 143K) and make for terrible code.

Using Onsen UI with an ember app

I have built an app with Ember.js and Cordova which runs perfectly on newer devices, but is laggy on older devices.
Onsen UI works perfectly for my needs, however it is designed around Angular and I am not sure if it is even possible to implement it with Ember. (I have tried to no avail).
I have looked for using Ember and Angular together, however all I found was Angular vs. Ember debates.
The forum page of Onsen UI asks visitors to post on Stack Overflow.
I am looking for guidance on how to implement Onsen UI with Ember/Handlebars.
This is the particular demo I want to utilize
Ember and Angular are mutually exclusive and should not (and probably cannot) be used together. There are parts of OnsenUI that can be reused like the stylesheets but it'll be a lot of work since Angular uses directives that can be styled too.
