Host plug-in JavaSE has not been found in RCP application with Java 10 - e4

I moved my RCP application from Eclipse Oxygen to Photon, and also from Java 8 to Java 10.
The code compiles and the application works fine if I start it from Eclipse. However, when I try to build my application, I get an error:
plug-in JavaSE_0.0.0 has not been found
Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-10
Host plug-in JavaSE_0.0.0 has not been found.
I can't find any useful solution on Google. Maybe some of you can help me.
My manifest file contains this header:
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-10

This seems to be an Eclipse bug. Eclipse seems not to able to deal with JavaSE-10 properly.
The simplest solution at the moment is just to use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-9 rather than JavaSE-10 and put up with the warning that this doesn't match the JRE container.

Since OSGi 4.3, the most appropriate way to specify a minimum Java version is using the Required-Capability header, as in:
I have had success fixing the reported error by replacing all occurrences of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment with the above line. In PDE, you may get a warning on the manifest file, but it can be safely ignored. Product validation and product exports seems to work without issue. One thing I'm not sure however is how P2 reacts when fed bundles that do not contains the BREE header.
Alternatively, Eclipse 2018-09 is now out, and seems to provide a JavaSE-10 environment description (just in time for JavaSE 10 deprecation...); I haven't tested yet JavaSE 11 support (available as a plugin for Eclipse 2018-09).


Resource "/projectnamehere/.settings' already exists in Eclipse

I downloaded the newest version of Eclipse on an M1 Macbook Pro.
I downloaded the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace. It's version 6.0
I made a new project, and when I get to the "finish" screen, I get this error:
Then, if I click finish again I get this error, which is the error that keeps showing up no matter how many times I click finish:
Some stuff ends up actually getting built in the project:
My professor doesn't know how to fix it, and there's nothing on Google. How can I make this work normally like it's supposed to? Thanks :)
The plugin is no longer supported for newer versions of Eclipse as we migrated to maven a while back.
You have two options
Use an old Intel version of Eclipse that predated the change to work with a legacy project.
Migrate the project to a Maven project which will work with all IDEs and doesn't use the plugin at all.

How can I build a local JavaSE build that uses CEF and not JavaFX?

In the Simulator, CEF is correctly used, but I noticed that local JavaSE builds use JavaFX. Can CEF be used in local JavaSE builds?
My main Stub class already contains the following:
System.setProperty("cn1.javase.implementation", "cef");
But (when running the resulting jar on windows) JavaFX seems to be picked by the build. Do I need to copy the cef folder to the target javaSE output? I tried doing this but it also didn't work
If I run the resulting jar with java -jar, the CEF output that is seen when running the simulator (copied below) isn't printed in the console
Adding CEF to classpath...
Has CEF been excluded from local JavaSE builds explicitly? If so, it would be great if there could be a build hint to force the resulting build to look for cef libs in the /lib directory
Not so much excluded as not added. We need to add some support for that. You would also need to place the right DLLs in the right path for this to ultimately work. We need some bootstrap code similar to what we did in the Codename One Designer tool to support CEF.

How do I migrate an older theme contribution to Qooxdoo 6.0?

I've recently been asked whether it was possible for me to convert my older theme contributions to the new Qooxdoo packaging system. So I installed Qooxdoo 6.0 and got a first test app running - not without problems because the instructions in the official docs are a bit buggy (e.g "npx qx" is an unknown command with my Ubuntu 18.04). I also read about the packaging system and what to do to install one of the existing packages from the Qooxdoo repository.
Then I followed the steps described in section "Create a new package". This procedure resulted in a folder structure which looked familiar at first sight, but a closer look made me wonder: There are two resource folders now, one is under "source" (as I would have expected) and the other one is under "source/class/[mypackage]". I also noticed that there is a "demo" folder in "source/class/[mypackage]", which used to be a top-level folder in previous Qooxdoo versions.
I then copied the theming files of my contribution to "source/class/theme", the demo app files to "source/class/[mypackage]/demo" and the demo resources to "source/class/[mypackage]/resource". After compiling the project I managed to run the demo app, but only without the expected resources (no icons, no fonts, no background images). The theming as such appears to be applied properly, but I keep getting plenty of error messages telling me "404 (Not found)" and "Image could not be loaded".
What am I doing wrong?
I guess you are running into a bug with our template for packages ... please open an issue
As for how to do it. Have a look at an actual theme package for 6.0 there you can see the required structure.
Also, for this kind of question, interactive help is probably best. Visit the qooxdoo chat on

Failed to initialize App Engine SDK 1.8.9

I am using Indigo on a Mac Pro (10.9.1). I updated to Java1.7 in order to run some updated Google Play Service samples. Under Installed JREs, JAVA7 is shown as the only and default choice, which points to the new Java path. But when I start Eclipse, it started complaining that "JRE version is 1.6.0; version 1.7.0 or later is needed to run Google plugin for Eclipse".
I tried to add the vm option in eclipse.ini, i.e. I added
above "-vmargs" as described here:
It doesn't make any difference though. Since then, I have uninstalled GPE from Eclipse and installed them again via "install new software" from Still the same problem. Under Google->App Engine, there is an error message "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK (path)". This points to appengine-java-sdk-1.8.9.
I have checked my Java version using all means I am aware of, i.e. from run Java -version, using Java's control panel, output from code... They all show I am using Java
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: Google has provided a solution that works great. Add this argument in eclipse.ini
Make sure that eclipse Is compiling your project to 1.7 specifications. Even though you have 1.7 selected as your virtual machine, it might be compiling to 1.6. It's in the eclipse project settings

Eclipse Juno 4.2 Google Plugin not installing: Cannot complete install because one or more required items could not be found

This is the error message I get:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42 ( 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42)
I've tried numerous things including manually downloading the file from here and also I snooped around StackOverflow and I tried just moving all the plugins from the manual download into the plugins folder of my Eclipse. That didn't help me though because my perspective did not update with the plugins and I couldn't find the "Create New Web Application" option. I've also read some things about the XML file being wrong but I can't find it and those were for other Eclipse versions so I don't know if it applies to me.
I also tried excluding Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0 but then it just says the next one in the list can't be found.
I'll be more than happy to provide anymore information. I am running Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Java 1.7 (I also have 1.6 installed though). I am using a Windows 7 PC. Thank you guys so much! I just want to code :[
I did not work for me with this URL:
It worked with this one:
I just changed 4.2 to 3.8.
I faced a similar problem I was downloading with 120 kb/s every time the download breaks down
when I moved to another place and downloaded the plugin with highest speed 400 kb/s It successfully downloaded and no problems found
You might think that issue is out of logic but that what I reached so far
Hope that Helps
I know this is a very old question but recently I found a solution to my problem so I am going to personally update the answer. For some reason, Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 Juno does not come with some of the required packages. After talking to some people, they recommended simply downloading Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers which simply comes with most of the packages necessary. From there, it just worked!
My friend also mentioned you could try to manually download the packages on Eclipse Classic but that is far more of a hassle.
Hope this helps!
