FFmpeg: building example C codes - c

I have configured and compiled the FFmpeg library using this link:
Now, I am trying to build example C codes provided by FFmpeg from here:
However, when I run make install-examples or make install (suggested by /example/README), I receive this kind of message:
make: *** No rule to make target '/doc/examples/README', needed by
'install-examples'. Stop.
I thought this may be due to the rules not being in the correct MakeFile format (I am not sure why they refers to README). How should I go about in fixing this and compiling the example codes? I have tried to find solutions about this, but there doesn't seem to be much information online.
Thank you.

Run ./configure && make -j4 examples in the FFmpeg source directory, then look in doc/examples for the compiled examples.
Requires make and pkg-config.
To remove the compiled examples use make examplesclean in the FFmpeg source directory.

nasm/yasm not found or too old. Use --disable-x86asm for a crippled build. If you think to configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to theffmpeg-user#ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.freenode.net.Include the log file "ffbuild/config.log" produced by configure as this will help solve the problem.
If you see this when you execute the above command then do this
brew install yasm
sudo apt-get install yasm


Bluetooth C compiling

I am reposting this again in case missed out.
i have installed
sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
and tried to compile btgatt-client.c from Blue5.54/tools/ with
gcc -o btgatt-client btgatt-client.c -lbluetooth
but get '#include "lib/bluetooth.h":no such file or directory'
What could be missing.I have tried move the files from '/usr/include/bluetooth'
the compilation folder but seems doesn't work. I am also curious where does this "src/shared/mainloop" from?
I am able to run the example and connect to nrf app but unable to compile the .c file.
The source files in BlueZ are not designed to be compiled singularly. Instead, you are supposed to build and install the entire BlueZ source, which in turn will compile btgatt-client.c for you. Please see the link below for instructions on how to build the entire BlueZ source:-
How to rebuild bluez
You will probably find that you need to install a lot of dependencies along the way, but you can either install these using sudo apt-get install <dependency> or try and not include it in the build. For example, to build BlueZ without systemd, you can do the following:-
./configure --disable-systemd
I hope this helps.
#Youssif Saeed. Thanks for the replies.
The good news is i have found out the cause.It seems the BlueZ bluetooth stack has an issue running in Raspbian Buster. I have downgrade the OS to Stretch and all seems up and running.
However i am trying gatt-client example and seems like not working when i set nrf app to advertising mode with exact UUID as in example. Or maybe i missed out certain part.Going to give a try with a simpler device like ESP32.
Thanks again guys.DBus gatt-client able to connect to BLMCU's. They key of operation is it needs to be paired > connected and read the BLE Server

Can't find simgrid/msg.h of simgrid

I installed simgrid according to instruction in INSTALL file:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/SimGrid -Denable_maintainer_mode=off -Denable_java=on -Denable_scala=off -Denable_lua=off -Denable_smpi=on -Denable_model-checking=off
sudo make install
But I can't find msg.h file in include directory:
What did I make incorrectly?
you are definitely not using a 3.13 version of SimGrid but at most a 3.11. I'm certain because the file you are using (msg/msg.h) does not work anymore since then. Plus, 3.13 introduces many files that should appear on that screenshot.
Could you please fix your question, or close it ?

bsd-finger won't Make correctly

I ran across an interesting issue. My system is Arch Linux (latest) on an ASUS laptop. Now, the really weird issue:
finger is not automatically installed with Arch. I attempted to use pacman to install it, and it's not in the repositories. It IS in the AUR.
I downloaded the AUR file, un-tarred the tar with tar -xvf bsd-finger0.17.tar.gz. This created the directory folder with the same name. I ran ./configure which gave the expected output:
` /usr/man
Looking for a C compiler... gcc
Checking if gcc accepts gcc warnings... yes
Checking if gcc accepts -O2... yes
Checking for socklen_t... yes
Checking for snprintf declaration... ok
Checking for snprintf implementation... ok
Generating MCONFIG...`
Then I tried to make, and got this weird tidbit: http://pastebin.com/0qACttCu
So, it looks like it's having weird compiling issues. Any ideas on what's up here?
I have no idea what AUR is, but it seems you are not using it the way it is supposed to be used.
That wiki says that you should build an AUR package with "makepkg"
But anyway looking at
It seems you just need to add time.h as include to two files and it should compile.

Struggling to get PortAudio to Work with MinGW

I have the MinGW install previously working fine with MSYS. They are installed properly and functioning just well.
I installed the PortAudio library and did the install and got the success message after:
make install
When I try to compile samples:
c:\c>gcc patest_mono.c -o pa.exe
patest_mono.c:50:23: fatal error: portaudio.h: No such file or directory
#include "portaudio.h"
compilation terminated.
I'm new. I have a feeling I might be doing something fundamentally wrong with the way I'm trying to create the exe from compiling. It's been somewhat of a puzzle quest so far, but I've tried to figure it out and think I am close but completely missing something.
PATH variable ?
In the PortAudio MinGW build instructions I noticed
"The above should create a working version though you might want to
provide '–prefix=<path-to-install-dir>' to configure. "
I've tried adding C:\MingW\PortAudio into the user path. Doesn't work.
I've also tried running the commands in Bash and they come back with an error message "No Rule to make target 'paexpink'" either with the make command, and with gcc .c -o .exe I just get the same error message as compiling straight from the cmd prompt.
I found another source on stack overflow thread with no answers, but the user had commented that http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyaudio provided them a solution but I tried installing the 5 cpython binaries and under the assumption I did it right, it didn't work either.
Thanks for your help,
To build and install portaudio, you need to add -prefix=/c/<"path to base of the MinGW directory"> to the ./configure line.
For example: ./configure -prefix=/c/MinGW/
then continue the installation by doing
After that, do the
make install
and that should install the portaudio files into MinGW.
After it has finished installing, you need to add -lportaudio to the compile command whenever you compile any programs that you want to use PortAudio in.
For example: gcc -o test test.c -lportaudio
I just figured out how to do this today, so I may have accidentally forgotten a few steps.

(Mac OSX) Adding libraries to C -specifically gnuplot

I am a begineer trying to get code in C. I am working on a Mac and using xcode. My only past experience has been with java using eclipse and everything was pretty straight forward. I have almost no experience with terminal.
I am required to learn a bit of C for a project I will be working on and the learning of syntax is coming along okay, but I am at a point where I need to include some libraries in my c program. Specifically I am attempting to make plots with gnuplots.
I have downloaded gnuplot-4.6.3 from their repository and I do not even know how to install the files. I have been looking around and have tried using terminal to use the ./configure command when I am in the gnuplot-4.6.3 directory. But I really don't know what I am doing so I don't even know where to go next or what to do next.
Sorry if this is so trivial, I honestly just have never done this before and I cannot find a good tutorial on what to do.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
I would recommend using MacPorts for installing third-party tools and libraries. It knows the dependencies required and will install them as part of the installation.
Download it from macports.org.
Install it, and allow it to modify your ~/.profile so that /opt/local/bin is in your $PATH (any issue then just do export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH from the command line).
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gnuplot
Now that will install the library into /opt/local/lib with the include files in /opt/local/include, so now just add that library to your Xcode project. Select the target and in the Build Phases tab open up the Link Binary With Libraries and press the + button and select Add Other. Now find /opt/local/lib/libgnuplot.a (I am assuming that's what it's called; I don't have it installed my self):
Now add /opt/local/include to your Header Search Paths so the compiler can find the gnuplot header files. Select the target and in Build Setting type in "header search" in the search box. Now double-click on the Header Search Path in the target column (or the project column to the right) and add /opt/local/include:
It's fine! You're learning then! Keep up! When I hit this kind of problem you may want to learn about the basis for linux gcc/g++ compilation and linking processes. Then you should learn Cmake and Automake, which are basically packages to configure projects before compiling building.
A typical (good) project in Unix systems build with commands
sudo make install
cmake CMakelists.txt
make all
sudo make install
That's what you need to do after downloading a source tarball online to install unix programs.
Now since you are using Mac, there are so-called package installers, one which is macports and homebrew. I personally suggest homebrew than macports here (I've tried both, although macports still outnumber homebrew with the number of repos, homebrew has the newest support, especially when upgrading to a new OS). So to install homebrew you can do
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Execute that in your terminal (see http://brew.sh/) for more information.
Then you could simply install GNUplot by
brew install gnuplot
