WebExtensions: browser.webRequest.onCompleted never fires - firefox-addon-webextensions

I'm using the Firefox WebExtensions API with the following background script
var log = console.log.bind(console)
log('hello world from browser extension')
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/onCompleted
var filter = { urls: '<all_urls>' }
var extraInfoSpec = ['tlsInfo', 'responseHeaders']
log(`Woo got a request, here's the details!`, details)
}, filter, extraInfoSpec)
log('Added listener')
After loading the script from about:debugging, I see the following output in DevTools:
hello world from browser extension
I do not see any output- there is no data from browser.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener and there is no 'Added listener' message.
How do I make browser.webRequest.onCompleted work?
For completeness, my manifest.json is below:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Test extension.",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/border-48.png"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["content.js"]
"permissions": [

The webRequest API is only available to background scripts. You seem to using it inside a content script.
urls in var filter = { urls: '<all_urls>' } needs to be be an array ['<all_urls>'].
'tlsInfo' in extraInfoSpec doesn't exist, I don't know where it comes from.
You need to specify an additional <all_urls> permission in your manifest.
var filter = { urls: ['<all_urls>'] }
var extraInfoSpec = ['responseHeaders']
console.log(`Woo got a request, here's the details!`, details)
}, filter, extraInfoSpec)
console.log('Added listener')
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Test extension.",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/border-48.png"
"background": {
"scripts": ["script.js"]
"permissions": [


Why does authentication not go through in MS Teams Bot app?

Cannot authenticate user in MS Teams Bot.
Same works in "Test in webchat" properly:
Domain added to Teams manifest properly:
"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/json-schemas/teams/v1.15/MicrosoftTeams.schema.json",
"version": "1.0.0",
"manifestVersion": "1.15",
"id": "a0d93a07-2f63-4569-a651-cf3761859b28",
"packageName": "com.package.name",
"name": {
"short": "NewTest",
"full": ""
"developer": {
"name": "KUKA",
"mpnId": "",
"websiteUrl": "https://supportbotkuka.z6.web.core.windows.net/teams_ITSupport_about.html",
"privacyUrl": "https://supportbotkuka.z6.web.core.windows.net/teams_ITSupport_priv.html",
"termsOfUseUrl": "https://supportbotkuka.z6.web.core.windows.net/teams_ITSupport_terms.html"
"description": {
"short": "CS Logistics TEST app",
"full": "test app for CS Logistics"
"icons": {
"outline": "outline.png",
"color": "color.png"
"accentColor": "#FFFFFF",
"staticTabs": [
"entityId": "conversations",
"scopes": [
"entityId": "about",
"scopes": [
"bots": [
"botId": "99e82921-96c9-4ec1-83ab-bd05382abc96",
"scopes": [
"isNotificationOnly": false,
"supportsCalling": false,
"supportsVideo": false,
"supportsFiles": true
"validDomains": [
"webApplicationInfo": {
"id": "1e04e5cd-88e1-4522-984d-2bba5e2d37eb",
"resource": "https://graph.microsoft.com/"
Also recreated AppService, AzureBot in Azure, and setup new Teams app with new manifest version via Developer Portal.
Installed the Teams app directly just form myself, as a personal app.
App registration redirect URIs:
Also the app registration works fine for other chatbots in our domain. Why not for this one?
Actually the only thing that needed to be changed was to add this line of code to the error handler adapter to the bot code: base.Use(new TeamsSSOTokenExchangeMiddleware(storage, configuration["ConnectionName"]));Add code to handle an access token.
And also to add method OnTeamsSigninVerifyStateAsync to Bot like in sso-quickstart sample.

google chrome extension not injecting html to the page

I am creating a chrome extension. It injects a chat to the page of the user choice.
It works on all websites I checked but does not on a specific one.
I have a component called , when I click the button to inject the chat in the Popup.html it sends console.log to the page, from that component, but the component is not being rendered for some reason.
That's the page https://p.priority-connect.online/webui/P3A3E/
I tried to render it on another websites and it worked well.
Created console.log inside the component and received result inside the website console but not a rendered component.
that's my manifest file
"manifest_version": 3,
"name": "WhatsApp Chat",
"description": "A chrome extension boilerplate built with React 17, Webpack 5, and Webpack Dev Server 4",
"options_page": "options.html",
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.bundle.js"
"action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html",
"default_icon": "icon-34.png"
"icons": {
"128": "icon-128.png"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"css": [
"devtools_page": "devtools.html",
"web_accessible_resources": [
"resources": [
"matches": [

You do not have permission to use blocking webRequest listeners. Be sure to declare the webRequestBlocking permission in your manifest

I try to develop my first chrome extension with react js. when I try to blocking a URL in the chrome extension using chrome.webRequest API In error page shows two errors.
'webRequestBlocking' requires manifest version of 2 or lower.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: You do not have permission to use blocking webRequest listeners. Be sure to declare the webRequestBlocking permission in your manifest.
and I'm declaring the "webRequestBlocking" permission in the manifest file. here is my manifest.json
"manifest_version": 3,
"name": "Chrome Extension",
"description": "First Extension",
"options_page": "options.html",
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.bundle.js",
"matches": [
"action": {
"default_title": "Open Extension",
"default_icon": "icon-34.png"
"icons": {
"128": "icon-128.png"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"css": [
"devtools_page": "devtools.html",
"web_accessible_resources": [
"resources": [
"matches": []
"permissions": [
"host_permissions": [
here is my background.js
function(details) {
return {cancel: true};
{urls: ["https://reactjs.org/"]},
and I have tried removing webRequestBlocking but also the same. can anyone help me is there a way to fix this?
the error explains it self 'webRequestBlocking' requires manifest version of 2 or lower. so you can't use webRequestBlocking in manifest version 3 .
but chrome is giving an alternative by using declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess API witch is used to block or modify network requests by specifying declarative rules
you can check here for more details .
You can change manifest_version to 2 and webRequestBlocking to permissions.

Alexa skills events not firing when hosted in web service

I have custom skill that calls web service i created. I am able to launch and get other intent, but i am not getting notification when permission for notification is changed by user of my skill. I need he notification event to get user id for sending push notifications later by other service.
Below is my json file:
"manifest": {
"apis": {
"custom": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"interfaces": []
"events": {
"publications": [
{ "eventName": "AMAZON.TrashCollectionAlert.Activated" },
{ "eventName": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated" }
"subscriptions": [
{ "eventName": "SKILL_ENABLED" },
{ "eventName": "SKILL_DISABLED" },
"regions": {
"NA": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"manifestVersion": "1.0",
"permissions": [
{ "name": "alexa::devices:all:notifications:write" }
"publishingInformation": {
"locales": {
"en-US": { "name": "Test Events" }
Below is the Launch request: I have truncated applicatioId, userID, consentToken, deviceId, apiAccessToken
I resolved the issue: When I updated by skill.json file using
ask api update-skill -s amzn1.ask.skill.59d6 -f Test.json
it didn't update properly. I noticed today when I got latest
ask api get-skill -s amzn1.ask.skill.59d6 >Test2.json
the event section was missing. I added back and reapplied and it's working now.

Cannot Access WebExtension APIs

I have the following manifest.json:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Application Name",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "blah blah blah",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/icon-48.png",
"96": "icons/icon-96.png"
"permissions": [
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icons/icon-32.png",
"default_title": "Title",
"default_popup": "popup/popup.html"
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": [
"js": [
I have access to the the storage API (browser.storage is defined) in my content scripts, but both the history and tabs APIs (browser.tabs and browser.history) are undefined. Am I missing something in the manifest to get access to these permissions?
One of the few WebExtensions APIs that is available for content scripts is browser.storage. Most WebExtensions APIs can only be accessed when using a background script. Using message passing you can still call those APIs (what you do is basically calling a function in the background script from within the content script). Please see the example on this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/sendMessage
See also Firefox WebExtention API: TypeError: browser.browserAction is undefined for a similar problem.
