React + axios + redux interceptors - reactjs

I have an React + redux + axios app, white jwt authentication. So, i need to intercept every request to server and set header with token. The question is where I have to set this headers, or implement interceptors. (also, i need redux store in scope, to get tokens from store). My idea - implement it in the Index component. Is it right way?

I suggest you to set the header axios.defaults.headers.common.authorization. Take a look here Global axios defaults. If you need a working example, this public repo can help you out.

Why do you have to manually set the header. Can't you just store the JWT in a cookie and then the browser will forward it automatically for you. Just make sure you pass credentials: 'include' in your HTTP options.

create a redux-middleware to do these things.
Apart from acting like interceptor to add header token,
you also do request/response transformation.
Also,you can mention the next action to which you want to dispatch the result if you don't want to return the promise and result.
Middleware gives you a chance to get the store state and also fetch & dispatch other action
const apiInterceptor = store => next => action => {
if(action.type !== 'ajax') return next(action)
const state = store.getState();
state.token // get token here
//add this api check part in some other module.
method = 'post';
url = 'some url';
method = 'get';
url = 'other url';
fetch(url, {
method: method,
headers : 'add token here',
body: JSON.stringify(action.body())
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json)//either return result
//OR dispatch the result
.then(json => {
dispatch({type:action.next_action,payload : json})
Integrate the middleware with store.
import customMiddleware from './customMiddleware'
const store = createStore(

I offer you to refer redux-thunk.
You must create api-wrapper-helper to inject to redux-thunk as extra argument, then access to api-wrapper-helper from redux actions.
api-wrapper-helper is a function that get url and method as argument and send request to api-server then return result. (you can set headers in this file)
For example you can see ApiClient.js of react-redux-universal-hot-example boilerplate.

This is an old post but its getting a few views, so something like this would work nicely and is easily testable.
import axios from 'axios';
import { setRequestHeadersInterceptor } from './interceptors';
const apiClient = axios.create(
baseUrl: '',
timeout: 3000
export default apiClient;
export const setRequestHeadersInterceptor = config =>
// have each interceptor do one thing - Single Responsibility Principle
you should store your auth details in a httpOnly secure cookie, the transmission to/from the server will be automatic then

// Interceptor
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
// success case here
return response
}, function (error) {
// Global Error Handling here
// showErrorToaster(error['message']);
return Promise.reject(


Should I store a Axios instance configured with interceptors that use a state value in a state or ref or useMemo?

Similiar to Should we use axios inside both components and store?
I have a state called authorization which contains the Bearer token value that would be used in Axios calls. The state is available in a context and accessible using the useContext hook.
I create the AxiosInstance where I add a interceptors.request.use to add the Authorization header.
What I've done so far was useMemo with the authorization value a a dependency. But since Axios operation is asynchronous it seems that I may get the wrong axios instance.
I did a bit of refactoring using useRef and I still had a bit of an issue.
What I then did was implement the Observer pattern and send a notification to the component that provides the Axios client that the authorization header was changed and update the ref. However, again there's still some cases where the old client is being invoked.
What I am wondering is should I store it in useState or is there a fundamental problem with the approach of storing the Axios client and instead should I just bite the bullet and create a new axios client per request which takes the authorization header that's presently in the state?
The way I typically do it is to save the authentication information in a React context or to redux, and create axios instances as needed to access the authorization token.
Maybe something like:
const getBearerToken() => { ... [your implementation to retrieve from context here] ... };
const webserviceRequest = (url) => () => axios.create({
baseURL: url,
... [AxiosRequestConfig options here] ...
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${getBearerToken()}`,
Then, you can define your webservice requests by invoking this function, e.g.:
const sampleGetRequest = () => webserviceRequest(SAMPLE_URL)().get('');
const samplePostRequest = (postData) => webserviceRequest(SAMPLE_URL)().post('', postData);
These return a Promise<AxiosResponse> which you can call as normal, e.g.
sampleGetRequest().then((response) => { ... }).catch((error) => { ... })
and so on.
The key point is that the webserviceRequest returns a function which creates an asynchronous webservice request with the current authorization token. You don't ever save the webserviceRequest function because that authorization token can become stale.
With the dependency on React context, I'd avoid using interceptors for this (I'd avoid using Axios all together but that's just my opinion).
Instead, try creating a custom hook
import axios from "axios";
import { useContext } from "react";
const api = axios.create({ /* baseURL, etc */ });
const useApi = () => {
const authorization = useContext(AuthContext); // guessing
if (authorization) {
api.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${authorization}`;
} else {
delete api.defaults.headers.common.Authorization;
return api;

Axios - New Instance overrides Global Defaults

quick question on implementation of multiple axios instances.
I call my own API as needed inside my mobile app. Certain API endpoints are protected by checking that the token issued by Google Signin or Facebook Signin is authenticated and matches the expected user. Other endpoints do not require a token and actually require the frontend to not send a token at all to proceed down the proper logic path on the backend.
I set the global axios instance when I fetch the user token on frontend. I am hoping that all axios calls include the token by default. To achieve this, I set the default Authorization header as such:
import axios from 'axios'
axios.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${fbUserInfo.accessToken}`
This code runs on the initial page of the app that is loaded, so everytime I use axios somewhere else in the app, the token is now included. It works as expected until I proceed to the following step.
In order to create some recurring API calls where a token should not be included, I create a "tokenless" instance inside one of my redux action creators.
const axiosTokenlessInstance = axios.create()
axiosTokenlessInstance.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = false
This does indeed override the default axios settings when I call it directly, however, I've realized that it also has overridden my default settings when I just call axios directly again.
I expected the behavior to be that I could still call or axios.get elsewhere and it would still include the token. Was I mistaken and do I have to create a "tokened" instance? I'd prefer not to do this as I'd have to go through and replaced tokened instance explicitly everywhere rather than just using axios default. Thanks!
Try creating a file called setAuthToken.js that handles the auth instance separately. This way any time you need to use the auth, you can just call this function ( I would even suggest limiting to calling this auth only once and having the token saved in the users localStorage):
import axios from 'axios';
const setAuthToken = token => {
axios.defaults.headers.common['x-auth-token'] = token;
delete axios.defaults.headers.common['x-auth-token'];
export default setAuthToken;
Now let's say you have a backend function call that needs auth verification, you can do it like so:
import setAuthToken from "../utils/setAuthToken";
export const loginUser = (token) => async (dispatch) => {
if (localStorage.token) {
try {
const res = await axios.get("/api/auth");
} catch (err) {
Specifying the blank header Authorization inside axios.create() fixes the issue and doesn't override the global axios headers.
So this works as expected:
const axiosTokenlessInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: Config.API_HOST,
headers: { Authorization: '' },
While this overrides global axios settings, not just affecting the specified instance:
const axiosTokenlessInstance = axios.create()
axiosTokenlessInstance.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = false

Make store values available outside React Redux components

I'm currently building a react-native application that uses react-redux to manage state. I'm attempting to dedup some authentication related logic by putting it into a service that isn't an extension of React's Component class. When a user logs in to the app, they are returned a user_token to validate subsequent API calls to the server. This token is stored in the auth reducer, so it would be available in a call of mapStateToProps via state.auth.user_token. I've defined a function in src/utils/fetch.js that performs API calls for me:
export function fetchAPI(endpoint, method = 'GET', data) {
let url = 'http:localhost:3000/api/' + endpoint;
let headers = { 'User-Token': 'XXXXXX' };
if (method === 'POST') {
headers['content-type'] = 'application/json';
let options = {
method: method,
headers: headers,
mode: 'cors' // no-cors, cors, *same-origin
if (data) {
options.body = JSON.stringify(data);
return fetch(url, options).then((response) => {
I'm wondering if there is a graceful / normal way of making this utility service aware of the values inside of state. I don't want to explicitly extract that property in every component that makes authenticated API calls - I'd basically have to do it everywhere and it feels redundant and verbose. Changing the method signature to accept this parameter feels bad:
export function fetchAPI(user_token, endpoint, method = 'GET', data) {
^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't change while someone is logged in
But something like this feels better:
import storeProvider from './storeProvider';
export function fetchAPI(user_token, endpoint, method = 'GET', data) {
const user_token = storeProvider.getUserToken();
... (go do great stuff with user_token)
Is there a conventional way to do this? Has anyone seen this sort of extracting of state into something that isn't a Container?
After you create the store export it. Import the store to the fetchAPI. Then use store.getState(), and extract the user token from the state.
// you'll to export the store after you use create store
import store from './store';
// this selector can be used across the app
const getUserToken = ({ auth }) => auth.user_token;
export function fetchAPI(user_token, endpoint, method = 'GET', data) {
const user_token = getUserToken(store.getState());
... (go do great stuff with user_token)

Best practice to handle redux + axios API request actions

So my scenario is like this:
I have 2 types of requests: "public" requests which don't require authorization information, and "authorized" requests which do.
For authorized requests, before actually sending every request I must put auth info into the header. After the request finishes, the new access token returned from the server should be saved into the state.
So a lot of my actions currently looks like this:
export const asyncAction = (id) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
const { auth } = getState()
const config = {
headers: {
"access-token": auth["access-token"],
"client": auth.client,
"uid": auth.uid
const request = await axios.get(`${API_URL}`, config)
dispatch({ type: UPDATE_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN, payload: request})
dispatch({ type: ANOTHER_ACTION, payload: })
I did some research and there are 2 possible ways to do this: Axios interceptor, or write a Redux middleware.
I feel like Axios interceptor, at least for the response part, is not the best solution here as it is intended to just do something with the response data, while I need to dispatch another action after I complete updating the new access-token, and I don't want to export the store to manually dispatch my actions, which is an anti-pattern. (as I mentioned the flow is: putting auth info into headers => send request => if it succeeds, then save the new access-token to Redux store for later use, then dispatch other actions; if it fails, do some error handlings).
Then I found this lib but I think I'm too dumb to understand the documentation:
Can someone please give me an example of how to do this? Both using that lib and writing custom middleware from scratch are fine for me. Thanks!

How do I make an HTTP request in react-redux?

I am just getting started with react and I'm a bit lost. I'm trying to make a login page and make a http post request. Right now I'm just trying to get any type of HTTP request working, so I'm using request bin and I found this basic action in the docs for an npm package (
export function updateTicket(ticketId, type, value){
return {
type: 'updateArticle',
url: ``,
body: {
article_id: ticketId,
title: 'New Title'
then: 'updateTicketFinished'
So, after writing an action, what do I do? How do I actually get my app to call on and use that action? The docs for the npm package mention something about setting a state in my store, is that something I need to set up first?
You can try any of the following. I have used both fetch and axios they work amazingly well. Yet to try superagent.
For making requests you can either use fetch with
fetch-polyfill for compatibility across all browsers (link)
Axios library. (link)
Superagent with promises.(link)
If you use fetch you would need to use polyfill since it is not supported in IE and safari yet. But with polyfill it works pretty well. You can check out the links for how you can use them.
So what you would doing is in your action creator you can call an API using any of the above.
function fetchData(){
const url = '//you url'
.then((response) => {//next actions})
.catch((error) => {//throw error})
.then(function (response) {
//dispatch action
.catch(function (error) {
// throw error
So that was for the API call, now coming to the state. In redux there is one state which handles your app. I would suggest you should go through redux basics which you can find here . So once your api call succeeds you need to update your state with the data.
Action to fetch data
function fetchData(){
return(dispatch,getState) =>{ //using redux-thunk here... do check it out
const url = '//you url'
.then (response ) => {dispatch(receiveData(} //data being your api response object/array
.catch( error) => {//throw error}
Action to update state
function receiveData(data) {
function app(state = {},action) {
return state
