How do I make an HTTP request in react-redux? - reactjs

I am just getting started with react and I'm a bit lost. I'm trying to make a login page and make a http post request. Right now I'm just trying to get any type of HTTP request working, so I'm using request bin and I found this basic action in the docs for an npm package (
export function updateTicket(ticketId, type, value){
return {
type: 'updateArticle',
url: ``,
body: {
article_id: ticketId,
title: 'New Title'
then: 'updateTicketFinished'
So, after writing an action, what do I do? How do I actually get my app to call on and use that action? The docs for the npm package mention something about setting a state in my store, is that something I need to set up first?

You can try any of the following. I have used both fetch and axios they work amazingly well. Yet to try superagent.
For making requests you can either use fetch with
fetch-polyfill for compatibility across all browsers (link)
Axios library. (link)
Superagent with promises.(link)
If you use fetch you would need to use polyfill since it is not supported in IE and safari yet. But with polyfill it works pretty well. You can check out the links for how you can use them.
So what you would doing is in your action creator you can call an API using any of the above.
function fetchData(){
const url = '//you url'
.then((response) => {//next actions})
.catch((error) => {//throw error})
.then(function (response) {
//dispatch action
.catch(function (error) {
// throw error
So that was for the API call, now coming to the state. In redux there is one state which handles your app. I would suggest you should go through redux basics which you can find here . So once your api call succeeds you need to update your state with the data.
Action to fetch data
function fetchData(){
return(dispatch,getState) =>{ //using redux-thunk here... do check it out
const url = '//you url'
.then (response ) => {dispatch(receiveData(} //data being your api response object/array
.catch( error) => {//throw error}
Action to update state
function receiveData(data) {
function app(state = {},action) {
return state


How to retrieve Shopify's 'extensions' object in GraphQL response for query cost data

I have a React app that I have cloned from the shopify-app-node repo (the latest version using Express). I'm making GraphQL calls to Shopify's Admin API and I would like to also return cost information. I understand that there is an extensions object that contains this information but it is not returned in a typical GraphQL call. I have attempted to read and understand the documentation of Shopify/shopify-node-api but Shopify's current version of their React app doesn't reflect what the documentation states. Not in a way I can understand anyway.
This is the route defined when the server is initiated:"/graphql", verifyRequest(app), async (req, res) => {
try {
const response = await Shopify.Utils.graphqlProxy(req, res);
} catch (error) {
And then I make the query with the following: (apolloClient is being passed down from the parent component as this is a helper function and useQuery won't work due to it being a hook.
const apolloClient = useApolloClient();
query: GqlProducts,
variables: {
count: 10
.then( response => {
.catch( error => console.log(error) )
Obviously I get an undefined on response.extensions.
Along with any hints or suggestions on how to get this working, I'm also curious to know why it's not returned in a typical response.

Axios promise resolving on pre-flight request response which makes associated GET execute out of order with rest of app

Good day,
I am working on a React app that makes use of React-Redux (with Thunk) and Axios.
I have an action that I dispatch which makes an authenticated API call. Due to the fact that I have Authorization headers on a cross-origin request, there is a pre-flight request.
The problem that I have is that Axios seems to be running the .then() code once the pre-flight request returns rather than when the associated GET request returns. This results in the Reducer function updating state before the results of the API GET request return.
I have added some console.logs to give more details to illustrate the problem. As you can see the pre-flight request is sent in the first entry. The .then executes one the pre-flight request returns with 200. The action then fires off and the reducer updates the state. My app responds by re-rendering the container that was connected to Redux. The child components also then update. Then the GET request completes and returns with a 200. And at this point nothing further happens because the reducer was already updated in the prior .then() mentioned above.
The action code is shown below. I have not pasted all the other code in as there are a number of files and they are relatively big. If needed I can include those too.
export const updatePlotDataInit = (datasetName, tableName, xFieldName,
yFieldName, chartId, chartType, plotId, newDomainStartDbIndex, newDomainEndDbIndex) => {
console.log('[actions/plot.js.js] - [updatePlotDataInit] - [start of function]');
return dispatch => {
console.log('[actions/plot.js.js] - [updatePlotDataInit] - [just before api request]');
instance.get( // custom axios instance with extra auth header used here
.then(response => {
console.log('[actions/plot.js.js] - [updatePlotDataInit] - [in .then before updatePlotDataSuccess]');
// dispatch redux action for success case
const currentLevel =
const data = //schema is available too
//datasetId, tableId, xFieldId, xField, yFieldId, yField, chartId, plotIdVal, currentLevel, data
dispatch( updatePlotDataSuccess( plotId, currentLevel, data ) );
// console.log(response);
console.log('[actions/plot.js.js] - [updatePlotDataInit] - [in .then after updatePlotDataSuccess]')
.catch(error => {
// dispatch redux action for failure case
I am not entirely sure but it seems that Axios is seeing the successful pre-flight response as suitable to resolve the promsie and hence the .then gets executed.
Does this seem to be the case? And if so how would I force Axios to wait for the GET/POST/PUT/etc to succeed before resolving the promise?
Any help is appreciated.
I know it is for long time ago, but I think it could be useful for others who find this issue similar to their problem, with no answer...
for me it was just because of a careless coding :D,
here is my response inceptor, I missed "return" before Promise.resolve(axios(originalRequest));
I solved it by adding return :
(response) => {
return response;
function (error) {
const originalRequest = error.config;
let refreshToken = localStorage.getItem("refreshToken");
if (
refreshToken &&
error.response.status === 401 &&
) {
originalRequest._retry = true;
return axios
.post(apiUrl + `auth/refreshtoken`, { refreshToken: refreshToken })
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
console.log("Access token refreshed!" +;
originalRequest.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' +;
//*************** I just return promise.resolve *****************//
return Promise.resolve(axios(originalRequest));
}).catch((error) => {
return Promise.reject(error);

React + axios + redux interceptors

I have an React + redux + axios app, white jwt authentication. So, i need to intercept every request to server and set header with token. The question is where I have to set this headers, or implement interceptors. (also, i need redux store in scope, to get tokens from store). My idea - implement it in the Index component. Is it right way?
I suggest you to set the header axios.defaults.headers.common.authorization. Take a look here Global axios defaults. If you need a working example, this public repo can help you out.
Why do you have to manually set the header. Can't you just store the JWT in a cookie and then the browser will forward it automatically for you. Just make sure you pass credentials: 'include' in your HTTP options.
create a redux-middleware to do these things.
Apart from acting like interceptor to add header token,
you also do request/response transformation.
Also,you can mention the next action to which you want to dispatch the result if you don't want to return the promise and result.
Middleware gives you a chance to get the store state and also fetch & dispatch other action
const apiInterceptor = store => next => action => {
if(action.type !== 'ajax') return next(action)
const state = store.getState();
state.token // get token here
//add this api check part in some other module.
method = 'post';
url = 'some url';
method = 'get';
url = 'other url';
fetch(url, {
method: method,
headers : 'add token here',
body: JSON.stringify(action.body())
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json)//either return result
//OR dispatch the result
.then(json => {
dispatch({type:action.next_action,payload : json})
Integrate the middleware with store.
import customMiddleware from './customMiddleware'
const store = createStore(
I offer you to refer redux-thunk.
You must create api-wrapper-helper to inject to redux-thunk as extra argument, then access to api-wrapper-helper from redux actions.
api-wrapper-helper is a function that get url and method as argument and send request to api-server then return result. (you can set headers in this file)
For example you can see ApiClient.js of react-redux-universal-hot-example boilerplate.
This is an old post but its getting a few views, so something like this would work nicely and is easily testable.
import axios from 'axios';
import { setRequestHeadersInterceptor } from './interceptors';
const apiClient = axios.create(
baseUrl: '',
timeout: 3000
export default apiClient;
export const setRequestHeadersInterceptor = config =>
// have each interceptor do one thing - Single Responsibility Principle
you should store your auth details in a httpOnly secure cookie, the transmission to/from the server will be automatic then
// Interceptor
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
// success case here
return response
}, function (error) {
// Global Error Handling here
// showErrorToaster(error['message']);
return Promise.reject(

Automatic handle 401 response with redux-saga and fetch

I'm building a "secured" application and using redux-saga together with fetchjs for doing the async calls to the backend.
My backend returns a 401 status code when the user is not authorized, i want to catch this "exception" globally and dispatch a action so my react application goes to the login screen.
I found the following solution:, but in this case the handling for the 401 should be explicit in every saga that we build.
By adding code to every saga it becomes more complex. It also increases the chances a developer forgets to add the code for handling the 401 code.
Is there a nice way to handle this 401 response globally?
I would not use redux-saga since it does not have ability to do what you require.
Instead, when setting up store, API layer and other things configure API layer do invoke handler on every error occurred.
Sample of API layer that reports invokes error handler.
const conf = {
onError: () => {},
api.onError = (cb) => {
conf.onError = cb;
api.get = (url) => {
.then(response => {
if (response.ok === false) {
return conf.onError(response);
return response;
// Network error
Configure application.
import store from './store';
// Configure your API wrapper and set error callback which will be called on every API error.
api.onError((error) => {
type: 'API_ERROR',
payload: error,
// In you reducers...
isAuthorized(state, action) {
if (action.type === 'API_ERROR' && action.payload.statusCode === 401) {
return false;
return state;
Then, call API as usually, If error occurs, action is dispatched to store and you may or may not react to this actions.

Data fetching with React Native + Redux not working

I am building my first React Native app and use Redux for the data flow inside my app.
I want to load some data from my Parse backend and display it on a ListView. My only issues at the moment is that for some reason, the request that I create using fetch() for some reason isn't actually fired. I went through the documentation and examples in the Redux docs and also read this really nice blog post. They essentially do what I am trying to achieve, but I don't know where my implementation differs from their code samples.
Here is what I have setup at the moment (shortened to show only relevant parts):
class OverviewRootComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props
dispatch( fetchOrganizations() )
export const fetchOrganizations = () => {
console.log('Actions - fetchOrganizations');
return (dispatch) => {
console.log('Actions - return promise');
fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-Parse-Application-Id': 'xxx',
'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': 'xxx',
.then( (response) => {
console.log('fetchOrganizations - did receive response: ', response)
.then( (responseText) => {
console.log('fetchOrganizations - received response, now dispatch: ', responseText);
dispatch( receiveOrganizations(responseText) )
.catch( (error) => {
When I am calling dispatch( fetchOrganizations() ) like this, I do see the logs until Actions - return promise, but it doesn't seem to actually to fire off the request. I'm not really sure how how I can further debug this or what resources to consult that help me solve this issue.
I'm assuming that Redux is expecting a Promise rather than a function.. Is that true?
If so, I think your return function may not be working.
You have a new line after your return, and it's possible JavaScript is (helpfully) inserting a semicolon there.
See here: Why doesn't a Javascript return statement work when the return value is on a new line?
