How do I force my charts onto one page in SQL Server Report Builder? - sql-server

I have a report with 5 charts on it in SQL Server Report Builder 2016. In the "Design" window, the 5 charts appear to be on the same page. In the "Print Layout" window, the charts are now on three different pages. I would like all the charts to be on the same page when printed.
How do I fix this?

Make sure your design surface isn't expanded too far to the right. Make the ruler visible in combination with looking at the margins to make sure the graphs don't spill over to the next page because they are too far to the right. This is a common problem and I wish the designer had some way to indicate this is the case.


SSRS Report Builder: Get rid of strange gray squares rendered under lines in Chrome?

I recently used the work around in this post to get my SSRS reports to render in Chrome. However, now that my reports are working in Chrome, I'm noticing a strange rendering issue.
I use horizontal lines in my reports that I draw using the "line" feature in SSRS. When I run the report in Chrome, there is a gray square that appears below each line which causes my report not to look so great. I've attached a screenshot containing an example.
Does anybody know how to get the gray squares to go away?
I've identified a work around that is working for my purposes. I replaced my lines with rectangles, and resized the rectangles to look like lines. My report now looks great.
Here are a few solutions if you are familiar with CSS or have access to edit the \Styles folder within your SSRS Server.
a.) Tiny boxes appear when rendering SSRS reports in HTML viewed from Chrome
b.) How to apply customized css to SSRS report
c.) ReportViewer showing broken images in Chrome
After researching these solutions above, either of them will solve the issue and make those nasty empty boxes go away. ~ The most effective solution I found was editing the CSS inside the \Styles folder, because it then applies that fix server wide.

Aligning subreports in SSRS

I have a report that looks nicely aligned in the Visual Studio design screen, but when I check it in the preview screen or deployed on the report server, there are large gaps between each subreport and text box.
Is there any way to ensure that these are aligned in the actual report? Particularly in PDF form, which this will ultimately end up as.

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, preview differs from deployed report

I created a Subreport in SSRS 2005 with a bar chart and a textbox above, just as a simple progress bar. I'll use it in a report to show a percentage.
In the Report preview it works fine and the progressbar looks like this:
But when I the deploy the report on the report server I get this:
Deployed Report
It's not really new to me, that sometimes the output in the preview differs from the server, but unfortunately I just can't find a solution for this issue.
Thx in advance
I think what you are seeing is a browser issue.
The default css that SSRS outputs is very biased towards IE. (It doesn't play well with IE9 either)
This causes a lot of issues on browsers like firefox and safari.
If you really must get it to display that way, remember that SSRS does allow you to create custom rendering extensions(Would be too much effort to fix a small bug though).

SSRS: Is it possible for an action to load a subreport?

I want to have users click on a column of a histogram and have that action load a subreport contained based on an attribute of that column.
This would make SSRS reports a bit more interactive and a lot more useful.
I noticed that when specifying actions, we get the following dialog which has "go to report" but not "load subreport".
Maybe there's hope in "Go to URL" and javascript?
Well, sort of. You could set the Go To Report function to go to the Parent Report (back to itself), and pass a parameter that updates the subreport. Not elegant, but it works. I've used it to create a tabbed "form" and use the "tabs" to switch out the subreport below.
I have used "Go to Bookmark" and instead of loading a subreport, it simply jumps to another page in the report that shows the details of the chart item selected. Good luck.
The answer is no, it is not possible to re-load a subreport based on a click using SSRS.
Several people mentioned this to me in different places:
#cadrell0 says:
SSRS posts when ever you click on anything, such as sorting tables or
toggling hidden items. This leads me to believe you cannot use
javascript to interact with it
On twitter, I get the simple, straightforward advice:
Subreports in SSRS don't work that way. See Summary of Characteristics
here -
In general, If you want a more interactive experience, you need to do web development or find another solution that is not SSRS. A Microsoft solution that looks promising is Power View. It comes out soon and it may provide a better way to explore data.

ReportViewer - LocalReport - Merge reports?

I'm using ReportViewer WinForms, and since it is no easy way to create an coversheet, then I wonder, is it possible to render two reports and have them concatenated?, so they appear as one report?
If I was to print only, then I could execute two reports after each other, but since the user want to see the report before printing (you know, no environment waste here) then they have to appear in the same viewer.
OR, is there other ways of creating coversheets?
Today I use an subreport, but there are some issues with margins etc. which is not easy to fix.
To clarify, we are talking about
ReportViewer using RDLC files, no
Crystal Reports involved.
Do you need to display the 2 reports as 1 in the reportViewer control or would having them both exported to PDF and showing a single PDF containing both reports be satisfactory?
I was looking for that but using the Web ReportViewer and found examples exporting the reports to several PDFs, then concatenating the PDFs into 1 using PDFtk (free)
Blog post about using PDFtk and Reporting Services
Multiple RDLC reports displayed at the same time
PDFtk web site
I've created a report that sounds like what you are attempting to do...first to clarify, I'm going to guess your using Crystal Reports within VS2005/2008.
If that's the case, all you need to do in the main report is create an additional section after your section that contains the "Cover Sheet" layout/data. In the section expert for the "Cover Sheet" section (in layout view, right click on section header bar, pick section expert in pop up menu..), check off the "New Page After" option.
Edit: After your update, I see you are using RDLC reports, and from my limited exposure to those, I can't recall an easy way to get to where you want to be. Though I'm pretty sure you may be able to pass multiple reports to the same report viewer in code.
