SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, preview differs from deployed report - sql-server

I created a Subreport in SSRS 2005 with a bar chart and a textbox above, just as a simple progress bar. I'll use it in a report to show a percentage.
In the Report preview it works fine and the progressbar looks like this:
But when I the deploy the report on the report server I get this:
Deployed Report
It's not really new to me, that sometimes the output in the preview differs from the server, but unfortunately I just can't find a solution for this issue.
Thx in advance

I think what you are seeing is a browser issue.
The default css that SSRS outputs is very biased towards IE. (It doesn't play well with IE9 either)
This causes a lot of issues on browsers like firefox and safari.
If you really must get it to display that way, remember that SSRS does allow you to create custom rendering extensions(Would be too much effort to fix a small bug though).


SSRS Report Builder: Get rid of strange gray squares rendered under lines in Chrome?

I recently used the work around in this post to get my SSRS reports to render in Chrome. However, now that my reports are working in Chrome, I'm noticing a strange rendering issue.
I use horizontal lines in my reports that I draw using the "line" feature in SSRS. When I run the report in Chrome, there is a gray square that appears below each line which causes my report not to look so great. I've attached a screenshot containing an example.
Does anybody know how to get the gray squares to go away?
I've identified a work around that is working for my purposes. I replaced my lines with rectangles, and resized the rectangles to look like lines. My report now looks great.
Here are a few solutions if you are familiar with CSS or have access to edit the \Styles folder within your SSRS Server.
a.) Tiny boxes appear when rendering SSRS reports in HTML viewed from Chrome
b.) How to apply customized css to SSRS report
c.) ReportViewer showing broken images in Chrome
After researching these solutions above, either of them will solve the issue and make those nasty empty boxes go away. ~ The most effective solution I found was editing the CSS inside the \Styles folder, because it then applies that fix server wide.

ActiveX Ms Chart Control Not Rendered Under IE 7

We're using Visual C++ 6.0 to develop a web-application, which uses ActiveX controls.
One of them is this Microsoft Chart Control(6.0), to show some statistics or something.
Well, it works and shows up fine when the .ocx is run under a PC that has Internet Explorer 6.0.
But under an IE 7 machine, that chart isn't displayed; there is a blank image instead. It doesn't show up. No errors or exceptions thrown.
When I run the application from Eclipse in hosted mode though, it works fine again. Only when opened in IE 7, that chart disappears.
This MS Chart Control apparently uses MSCHART20.ocx
Thanks in advance for any advice towards a fix, or a workaround, or a needed upgrade.
I don't like upgrades though. But I need to figure out what kind of upgrade can be done to make this work.

Reporting Services: Subscription PDF generated Dundas Chart looks different from Preview Chart

Running a report on SQL Server Reporting Services
When I do a Preview of the Report all my charts look fine. No problems.
When I run a subscription for the report, the chart look different. Like completely different legends are gone etc.
Any ideas what the cause would be?
BTW the charts are Dundas Charts.
The format you are returning for the subscription is not the same as the preview (which is html). Try exporting from your preview to the format you are returning in your subscription. This should start to give you an idea what is going on.
do you have code in your dundas objects that controls legends, etc?
if so, there is a bug with the dundas components that will prevent any of that code from executing when a report is run from an execution snapshot or subscription

Microsoft Report Viewer Control not displaying report

I have built a simple report and run it successfully in test winform apps but when I try to run the same report in my production winforms application, the report just doesn't show up in the viewer. I look at the ReportViewer control after InitializeComponent and everything looks fine.
Are there debugging techniques or gotcha's that might be able to point me to why the report is not showing. It feels like there should be an error of some sort but it just displays a blank form.
This was a simple mistake.
In implementing the report viewer in a MVP environment, I managed to not notice/implement the RefreshReport in the Form Load. Once I called Refresh Report, the report showed up.

How to display the report icon in Firefox for the SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer control

It seems that due to ActiveX that Firefox can't display the print icon/button on the Report Viewer control in SQL Server Reporting services. Has anybody figured out a way to work around this or gotten this to work?
If it's not possible, does anybody know of a way to add a standard button that would trigger the print behavior on the report viewer control?
As you state, the print functionality is ActiveX, so it will not work in Firefox.
You could place a button in the "msrs-buttonHeaderBackground" div using a javascript button.
I found the div using the firebug firefox extension - it's great.
You could possibly find the other divs you'd like to hide and put them in a print style sheet, so they don't show up when going to print.
I agree with the author that ctrl-p could simply be pressed for a similar result instead of adding a button - but the print style would still help in that.
You know what...I just realized something. You will not be able to print a page that is more than one page! Ouch.
I know this is a very old questions, but we came across this and chose the following solution.
We downloaded an IE Tab extension(this is one there are several more) for FireFox and then configured that extension to use IE to render the report server URL by default.
You could easily create a how-to web page,pdf, or maybe even create a dummy report that shows the instructions on how to do this to your end users and then you're all set.
So now every time the report server website is accessed it's being rendered in IE so the print button shows up. Every windows machine already has IE so no compatibility issue there, unless you're not using windows. :)
My best suggestion would be from within Firefox export it to PDF and then print it from your PDF viewer. In my experience this is a better way to print the reports anyway.
Hope that helps!
