How to display the report icon in Firefox for the SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer control - sql-server

It seems that due to ActiveX that Firefox can't display the print icon/button on the Report Viewer control in SQL Server Reporting services. Has anybody figured out a way to work around this or gotten this to work?
If it's not possible, does anybody know of a way to add a standard button that would trigger the print behavior on the report viewer control?

As you state, the print functionality is ActiveX, so it will not work in Firefox.
You could place a button in the "msrs-buttonHeaderBackground" div using a javascript button.
I found the div using the firebug firefox extension - it's great.
You could possibly find the other divs you'd like to hide and put them in a print style sheet, so they don't show up when going to print.
I agree with the author that ctrl-p could simply be pressed for a similar result instead of adding a button - but the print style would still help in that.
You know what...I just realized something. You will not be able to print a page that is more than one page! Ouch.

I know this is a very old questions, but we came across this and chose the following solution.
We downloaded an IE Tab extension(this is one there are several more) for FireFox and then configured that extension to use IE to render the report server URL by default.
You could easily create a how-to web page,pdf, or maybe even create a dummy report that shows the instructions on how to do this to your end users and then you're all set.
So now every time the report server website is accessed it's being rendered in IE so the print button shows up. Every windows machine already has IE so no compatibility issue there, unless you're not using windows. :)

My best suggestion would be from within Firefox export it to PDF and then print it from your PDF viewer. In my experience this is a better way to print the reports anyway.
Hope that helps!


Windows form has disappeared in Visual Studio form designer

Yesterday I edited a form in Visual Studio's form designer. When I returned to it today, the designer shows nothing. I can open the properties window, select all the different constituent components and edit their properties, but they do not show up. The application builds fine and the form can be run as usual.
I've tried a couple of different solutions, such as checking the .csproj file has the form.Designer.cs included, but nothing has worked.
Strangely, I did see this problem earlier in the week, but it fixed itself when I unlocked my computer after returning from a coffee break.
Any suggestions?
I face a similar problem in Visual Studio 2019.
To help others who may have this issue.
The problem is due to the class declaration in the Form1.cs file.
Please ensure public partial class Form1: Form class is the first-class declared in the file. No other class declaration should be on top of this.
As described in this answer:
I had similar issues in VS2019. I resolved it by using:
Window > Reset Window Layout.
Then double clicked on the Form in the Solution Explorer.
Prior to this, double clicking the form was having no effect.
Weird, after trying for an hour I ended up solving the issue 30 seconds after posting this!
I edited the size property of an item on the form using the properties tab, saved the form, and then reverted the form.cs, form.designer.cs, and form.resx files to the latest source control version.
At this point the form jollily re-appeared.
Edit: FWIW, this didn't work with another form which was exhibiting the same problem.
Edit 2: That other form has now fixed itself after coming back from lunch and unlocking my PC... Might be something to do with how that affects the display - everything shifts over to my right hand monitor when I do that.
Edit 3: OK, now it seems that modifying my display DPI fixes it. On Windows 10 go to System Settings -> Display, and then move the "Change the size of text: 100%" option to say 200%. Once this changes on screen, move it back to 100%.
This seems quite foolproof, although you sometimes have to jimmy it around a lot before it finally works. I know it has worked when I get both a vertical and horizontal scrollbar; the form is then further down the page.
Just go to Form1.cs (Form1 is the name of your form), if you are able to see your source code then press Shift + F7. The form will show up.
I also had a similar issue in VS2019.
My form [Design] was listed in the solution explorer but the code was not listed as a sub-item of that form.
I could access the code by right-clicking on the form in the solution explorer and choosing view code.
What seemed to solve the problem was to close down VS2019 and simply re-open it up.
A Message appeared (with Errors and Warnings) for me which said that the first mentioned class in a cs code file must be the form class. I shifted my form class to the top of the files and everything was fine.
There are actually a few reasons that one might encounter this issue.
At times, it can be due a problem within the VS IDE and the way it incorrectly manages file types and subtypes. It normally does a great job with this "automagically", but it can also make painful and unexpected mistakes.
If you right-mouse-click (RMC) your Project, and unload it (not your solution) you will be able to RMC it again and choose "Edit Project File". Once there, search for your Form name. In my case, I will search for Form1.cs, note the incorrect icon I saw in the Solution Explorer View, and the code describing my form, within the project file:
<Compile Include="Form1.cs"/>
Change this declarative statement to the following, adding the "Form" subtype:
<Compile Include="Form1.cs">
Save your project file, then RMC on your project name in the Solution Explorer, choose "Reload Project", and you will see the correct icon as expected, and once again be able to use the form in Design mode:
*Note: This issue shouldn't occur with default forms (named Form1, Form2, etc) and even in my case, it happened with a form I named other than the default form name. I used that name in this example, purely for illustrative purposes.
Hopefully, this helps someone.
Wishing you all the best!
I hadn't changed anything that would have broken my form, yet it still wouldn't load when I tried view designer. Restarted VS2019 and it worked after that. Give that a go before you try anything else!
I had the same problem.
My solution was to remove and add again the System.Windows.Forms reference.
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Preview Features and select the Use the preview Windows Forms designer ...
Then restart

SSRS Report Builder: Get rid of strange gray squares rendered under lines in Chrome?

I recently used the work around in this post to get my SSRS reports to render in Chrome. However, now that my reports are working in Chrome, I'm noticing a strange rendering issue.
I use horizontal lines in my reports that I draw using the "line" feature in SSRS. When I run the report in Chrome, there is a gray square that appears below each line which causes my report not to look so great. I've attached a screenshot containing an example.
Does anybody know how to get the gray squares to go away?
I've identified a work around that is working for my purposes. I replaced my lines with rectangles, and resized the rectangles to look like lines. My report now looks great.
Here are a few solutions if you are familiar with CSS or have access to edit the \Styles folder within your SSRS Server.
a.) Tiny boxes appear when rendering SSRS reports in HTML viewed from Chrome
b.) How to apply customized css to SSRS report
c.) ReportViewer showing broken images in Chrome
After researching these solutions above, either of them will solve the issue and make those nasty empty boxes go away. ~ The most effective solution I found was editing the CSS inside the \Styles folder, because it then applies that fix server wide.

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, preview differs from deployed report

I created a Subreport in SSRS 2005 with a bar chart and a textbox above, just as a simple progress bar. I'll use it in a report to show a percentage.
In the Report preview it works fine and the progressbar looks like this:
But when I the deploy the report on the report server I get this:
Deployed Report
It's not really new to me, that sometimes the output in the preview differs from the server, but unfortunately I just can't find a solution for this issue.
Thx in advance
I think what you are seeing is a browser issue.
The default css that SSRS outputs is very biased towards IE. (It doesn't play well with IE9 either)
This causes a lot of issues on browsers like firefox and safari.
If you really must get it to display that way, remember that SSRS does allow you to create custom rendering extensions(Would be too much effort to fix a small bug though).

How can I make a Windows Explorer file preview screen in WPF?

I'm working on an application that will have attachments, and I would like to create a type of display like in windows Explorer, where you choose a "Details" view, and also show the preview pane.
I would like to be able to show a thumbnail view of the attached file currently selected, based on the file extension.
Does anyone know where I can start to look for examples on how to pull this off?
I know Outlook 2007 can also do something similar using preview handlers. I think that’s going to be the direction I want to go in, but I'm not sure where to start.
Many thanks.
All Hail the Glory of the Hypnotoad!
While you could do it in WPF, you should not do it.
Seriously: don't do it! - you would break many apps (including one of mine).
To do this without .NET, see here for a nice guide.
I think you can start here
(the code is partially black on black, at least for me, but you can disable the styles or just copy it)

Where can I find an AutoComplete TextBox code sample for Silverlight?

I've searched around for a while today, but I haven't been able to come up with an AutoComplete TextBox code sample for Silverlight 2 Beta 2. The most promising reference was found on but the online demo doesn't currently render and after downloading a getting the code to compile with Beta 2, I couldn't get the Silverlight plugin it to render either. I think it is fair to say it is a compatibility issue, but I'm not sure. Does anyone have any alternate sample code or implementation suggestions?
You may want to take a look at my blog:
You simply write in your XAML:
and then in the class file, you need to implement that method, which report suggestions to a delegate. The options can be hardcoded, requested to a web service, or whaterver.
Take a look at the combobox(very close to a autocomplete text box) at worksight's blog Silverlight ComboBox
There is also another good example here:
This is a Silverlight based mail client that looks a little like Outlook. When I go to send mail and start typing in the "To" text box, an auto-complete pops up and populates the control for me based on values in a list... I think it automatically stores the addresses in isolated storage, but that's just a guess.
This is a really handy tool for checking mail while away from my home PC... at work for example... and it is loaded with impressive Silverlight functionality.
